Index:Richard Cumberland (1919).djvu

Title Richard Cumberland
Author Louis I. Newman, Richard Cumberland
Editor Ernestine P. Franklin
Year 1919
Publisher Bloch Publishing Company
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


Part I.

1. The Anti-Jewish Tradition on the English Stage.

2. The Pro-Jewish Stage Tradition.

3. Richard Cumberland as Old Testament Student; the “Exodiad.”

4. Cumberland as Critic of the Jews. a. His Controversy with David Levi; b. Napthali in “The Fashionable Lover.”

5. Cumberland as Friend of the Jews—a. “Nicholas Pedrosa”; b. “The Jew of Mogadore”; c. “Mr. Abraham Abrahams”; d. “The Jew.”—1) The original of Sheva; 2) The background of “The Jew”; 3) The influence of “The Jew.”

of “The Jew”; 3) The influence of “The Jew.”

6. Cumberland’s Recognition by Modern Jewry.

Part II.

An Abridged Version of Cumberland’s “The Jew.”