Index:The City of Masks (1918).djvu

Title The City of Masks
Author George Barr McCutcheon
Year 1918
Publisher Dodd, Mead and Company
Location New York (US)
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
I Lady Jane Thorne Comes to Dinner 1
II Out of the Four Corners of the Earth 12
III The City of Masks 24
IV The Scion of a New York House 37
V Mr. Thomas Trotter Hears Something to His Advantage 50
VI The Unfailing Memory 67
VII The Foundation of the Plot 79
VIII Lady Jane Goes About It Promptly 94
IX Mr. Trotter Falls into a New Position 110
X Putting Their Heads—and Hearts—Together 121
XI Winning by a Nose 134
XII In the Fog 155
XIII Not Clouds Alone Have Linings 172
XIV Diplomacy 188
XV One Night at Spangler's 202
XVI Scotland Yard Takes a Hand 219
XVII Friday for Luck 233
XVIII Friday for Bad Luck 250
XIX From Darkness to Light 263
XX An Exchange of Courtesies 279
XXI The Bride-Elect 294
XXII The Beginning 307