Index:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu

Title The Wireless Operator—With the U. S. Coast Guard
Author Lewis Edwin Theiss
Year 1924
Publisher W. A. Wilde & Company
Location Boston
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


I. Henry Seeks His Fortune 13
II. A Fight for Life 29
III. The Search for the Derelict 43
IV. The Watch in the Dark 58
V. The Destruction of the Derelict 72
VI. A Call for Help 88
VII. A Tramp of the Seas 102
VIII. In the Cradle of the Deep 115
IX. The City of Paul Revere 127
X. A Ship in Distress 146
XI. Lost in the Sea 162
XII. The Rescue 172
XIII. Henry Finds He Has an Enemy 186
XIV. A Catastrophe 196
XV. Under a Cloud 208
XVI. The Mystery Grows Deeper 218
XVII. A Ship in Distress 228
XVIII. A Clue to the Culprit 248
XIX. The Culprit Discovered 259
XX. Henry’s Exoneration 265
XXI. Among the Icebergs 281
XXII. Victory 294