Index:The strange story book.djvu

Title The strange story book
Author Mrs. Andrew Lang
Illustrator H. J. Ford
Year 1913
Publisher Longmans, Green, and co.
Location New York, London [etc.]
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
OCLC 1085327601
Volumes Fairy Books: Blue (1889) • Red (1890) • Green (1892) • Yellow (1894) • Pink (1897) • Grey (1900) • Violet (1901) • Crimson (1903) • Brown (1904) • Orange (1906) • Olive (1907) • Lilac (1910)

Story Books: True (1893) • Red True (1895) • Animal (1896) • Red Animal (1899) • All Sorts (1911) • Strange (1913)

Other Books: Blue Poetry (1891) • Arabian Nights’ Entertainments (1898) • Romance (1902) • Red Romance (1905) • Princes and Princesses (1908) • Red Heroes (1909) • Saints and Heroes (1912)


Preface by Mrs. Andrew Lang vii
The Drowned Buccaneer 1
The Perplexity of Zadig 23
The Return of the Dead Wife 27
Young Amazon Snell 33
The Good Sir James 44
Rip van Winkle 49
The Wonderful Basket 63
The Escape of the Galley-slaves 68
The Beaver and the Porcupine 74
An Old-world Ghost 79
The Gentleman Highwayman 85
The Vision of the Pope 95
Growing-up-like-one-who-has-a-grandmother 97
The Handless Brigade 106
The Son of the Wolf Chief 110
Blind Jack of Knaresborough 116
Blind Jack Again 129
The Story of Djun 139
What Became of Owen Parfitt? 146
Blackskin 151
The Pets of Aurore Dupin 162
The Trials of M. Deschartres 169
Aurore at Play 177
How Aurore learned to Ride 193
Land-Otter the Indian 201
The Disinheriting of a Son 207
The Siege of Rhodes 215
The Princess of Babylon 227
The Adventures of Fire-Drill’s Son 249
The Strange Story of Elizabeth Canning 257
Mrs. Veal’s Ghost 268
The Chiefs Daughter 277
The Boyhood of a Painter 286
The Adventures of a Spanish Nun 295


ANDREW LANG, Rembrandt-gravure from a Photo- graph ........ Frontispiece


Father Redcap found in the Cellar . . To face p. 12

The King and Queen rejoice when their Pets return .......,, 24

How the Girls found Mountain Dweller. .,, 64

How the Boy shot the White Bear . . . 100

Blind Jack plays his Fiddle at the Assembly Balls,,120

Djun’s Magic in the House of the Chief . .,, 142

Besides the White Rabbit Aurore greatly admired General Murat . . .,, 166

Aurore sets free the Captive Birds at the Altar ofCorambe 180

Discovering the. Traitor . . . . ., 221

The Princess of Babylon and the Phoenix . 238

The Girl Bathed him every Morning in the Pool,, 250

Leonardo frightens his Father with the Monster painted on the Shield 290