Index:Vegetarian Messenger (vol. 4 of 7) (1849).djvu

Title The Vegetarian Messenger, Volume 1
Author The Vegetarian Messenger
Year 1854
Publisher Fred Pitman
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
To Our Readers 1
Vegetarian Association in New York 2
Co-operation of the English and American Societies 2
Vegetarianism and Mental Development 3
Social Vegetarian Meetings 5
The American Vegetarian Periodical 5
Opposition to Vegetarianism 6
Instinct the Guide to Man's Food 7
Do you Eat Flesh? 11
The Distribution of Tracts 13
Vegetarian Progress in America 13
"What are We to Eat ?” 14
Old Battles Fought over Again 15
The Life of Plants 20
Liverpool Vegetarian Association 23
Social Advocacy 23
The Vegetarian and Temperance Principles 25
Dialogue on Vegetarianism 26
Vegetarian Intelligence 29
Soirees in Liverpool and Manchester 29
The Mechanics' Home 29
Vegetarian Progress 33
General Agency 33
The Annual Vegetarian Festival 35
Reports of Meetings and Local Operations 35
The Vaccination Extension Bill 35
Vegetarian Information on the Continent 36
Vegetarian Advocacy 37
The Early Practice of Vegetarian Diet 38