Index talk:Abstract of the evidence for the abolition of the slave-trade 1791.djvu

Section headings found in the margins and repeated on continuous pages. Initial heading will be retained and formatted as {{left|{{smaller|''heading text''}}|-1em}}, duplicates on subsequent pages will be added in the header so they are not transcluded using {{Sideheadered-page|''heading text''}}.

Chapter Headings formatted similar to following example: {{ch|{{sp|CHA|1em}}P.{{gap}} I. |7=2em}}

Chapter TOC paragraph immediately following chapter heading to use hanging indent {{hi|''content''}}

Catchwords will be retained in the footer using {{continues|catchword}}

RT764 (talk)

Original contributor replaced OCR embedded in uploaded DJVU with own prior (first pass) transcription which contains a mix of markup (epub, tei, and semantic); these artifacts that will need to be converted to wiki markup and/or removed. RT764 (talk)

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