Index talk:Browne - The Plain Sailing Cook Book.djvu

The following guidelines exist to ensure a consistent appearance throughout the book.



General guidelines

  • If a recipe references a page number, eg "Cheese Crackers (page 20)", then link the "page 20" to the page anchor. Eg. in this example: "Cheese Crackers ([[#20|page 20]])".
  • Font sizes are generally as follows:
  • Chapter headings (these have a fancy border around them that you can ignore) are xx-larger, all caps
  • Recipe title are larger, all caps, bold
  • Subtitles within the recipe (eg "REMARKS") are normal font size, all caps, italicized if they appear so in the text
  • Add a {{dhr}} between recipes.

Recipe formatting

  • If the list continues over a page break, use HTML markup as seen on scan pages 160 and 161.