Index talk:Idalia, by 'Ouida'.djvu

There are alot of scannos from the OCR.

  • Some pages are particularly bad at transposing h and b which is easy to spot when the spell checker underlines them but words such as his/bis and he/be are difficult to spot, especially with my eyes. beard/heard; hand/band; hound/bound; hall/ball; hate/bate; hidden/bidden
  • vowels often have accents, circumflexes, ñ is common

Common scannos: U for ll; 1 for I; eider for elder; tum for turn; yon for you; oíd for old

  • Special characters needed for cafe, chateau, Horae, Dorothea, Caesar, Cote, Lepelletier, Opera, Hotel, prevoyant, rostrae, Ankarstrom, Voila, A propos, Graf, Encyclopedie, moitie, Tannhauser, Orleans, debardeurs, bebes, ruse, verite, ete soufflete, Arlequins, costmes, fetes, entree, Marechale d'Ivore, aerial, a la Regence, Pleiad. This is because there was an update that disabled Special Characters on the tool bar at one stage.

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