Index talk:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu

Proofreading guidelines


"Memorandum" pages

  • There are some pages where are blank but for the word "Memorandum" at the top, followed by a horizontal line. These were intended for the reader to take notes. Delete any OCR'd text and mark these pages "Without Text."
  • Example: 14

Chapter heading

  • Chapter titles were written using a "stencil" look. Don't try to copy that. Just make it {{x-larger}}, {{center}}, and bold.
  • Some of the chapters have a brief quote or poem before the chapter title. Use {{center}} and {{fine}} for these; if they span multiple lines, {{center block}} and {{fine block}} are the preferred variants.
  • Include a {{dhr|2em}} at the top of the page, between the quote and title (if applicable), and between the title and the first recipe. Recipe spacing should remain per guidelines below.
  • Example: 15


  • If the page starts with a new recipe, put a {{dhr}} at the top before the name of the recipe. This will preserve the spacing when the recipes are transcluded.
  • The recipe title should be {{center}}, {{larger}} and bold.
  • Ingredients:
  • Include a blank line (not a {{dhr}}) between the title and the ingredients list.
  • Do not preserve the two-column formatting. List ingredients, as written, in a single column using the {{plainlist}} template. The left column should be listed first, followed by the right column. If there is a centered ingredient, it goes last.
  • Ingredients should be bolded.
  • Include a blank line (not a {{dhr}}) between the ingredients list and the recipe instructions.
  • If there are multiple recipes on a page, put a blank line and a {{dhr}} between them.
  • Examples: 12, 13



Here is an example transcription of a page containing two recipes. Note the following:

  • the leading {{dhr}} at the top
  • the newline, followed by a {{dhr}} between recipes
  • the newline between the recipe title and the ingredients list
  • the newline between the ingredients list and the instructions
  • the {{nop}} at the bottom.

The original can be seen here: 70.

{{c|{{larger|'''POTATO BREAD'''}}}}

Boil four or five good-sized mealy potatoes with skins on two days before making bread. Set a dough of three pounds flour, one cake Fleischmann's compressed yeast, grate the potatoes, two tablespoonfuls salt, one-fourth pound unsalted butter, and boiled, cooled-off milk, to make a stiff dough. Cover and keep warm until risen enough. Butter pans, make into loaves, let rise again and bake in hot oven about three-fourths of an hour.

{{c|{{larger|'''RICH MUFFINS'''}}}}

Cream two heaping tablespoonfuls butter with two-thirds cup of sugar; add well-beaten yolks of three eggs, three-fourths cup milk, two cups flour, sifted, with two teaspoonfuls making powder, and, lastly, the well-beaten whites. Bake in hot oven in muffin pans.

{{c|{{larger|'''WHOLE WHEAT NUT BREAD'''}}}}

{{plainlist|*'''2 cups whole wheat flour,'''
*'''2 cups white flour,'''
*'''2 tablespoons sugar,'''
*'''3 teaspoons baking powder,'''
*'''1 lb. dates cut small,'''
*'''1 cup chopped walnuts,'''
*'''⅓ cup molasses,'''
*'''¼ teaspoon soda,'''
*'''1¾ to 2 cups milk,'''
*'''1 teaspoon salt.'''}}

Sift together white flour, sugar, salt and baking powder, and add to whole wheat flour. Add dates, walnuts and milk. Beat molasses and soda; add to former mixture. Bake in one large or two small greased loaf pans about one hour in moderate oven.