Index talk:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu

Style Guidelines


A few formatting guidelines - this book is a compilation of letters, so in order to achieve consistency in formatting these letters, I suggest the following guidelines:

  • Each letter’s addressee ("TO A FRIEND") is listed in the table of contents, so I have been formatting them as chapter headings (but using {{smaller}} to get the right relative font size):
    {{ch|{{smaller|TO A FRIEND}}}}
  • To facilitate the TOC and transclusion, each page with a mid-page chapter heading should use appropriate section tags. The names of these don’t matter much; I have been using
    ## 043a ##
    ## 043b ##
    for a mid-page chapter heading that occurs on the page numbered 43 (rather than the 43rd page of the DjVU file), but as these are not visible to the reader, the actual names don’t matter, as long as the sections are there..
  • Each letter’s dateline (which may happen multiple times in a letter, as Ms Eden was in the habit of composing long letters over many days) should be right-aligned, with one em of space between it and the margin. Additionally, to get the right spacing between a date and any prior text in the letter, use {{dhr}} for intermediate dates (but not the first, as there should be enough spacing after the {{ch}}:
    {{right|{{smaller|May 15, 1836}}|1em}}
  • Each letter's closing should appear right-aligned, with 2ems spacing from the margin for the valedictory, and 1em for the author’s name, as follows:
    {{right|Sincerely yours,|2em}}
    {{right|E. Eden|1em}}
  • The editor of this work chose to elide some names out of concerns for their privacy, and for other reasons. In the source text these appear as extra-long dashes (longer than em-dashes). These should be transcribed with {{bar}} with width 2: