Index talk:Marlowe-Faustus-1628.djvu

As the text is in black-letter, the original OCR was effectively useless. Consequently, I started from a transcription of the play (the 'B' text) on the 'Perseus Digital Library' website, and then proofread against the scan. The 'Perseus' transcription is from a different printed source: the main differences are around spelling, punctuation and capitalisation.



Spelling has been preserved as printed (E&OE) except where u is used as v. In these instances, v has been substituted. Likewise i for j.



The scanned text is almost all in black-letter script, apart from character names, which are rendered in normal font, both where the speaker is indicated and when mentioned in the text; and stage directions. As black-letter this is rather difficult to read, the transcription has been rendered as follows.

  • Character names - Bold italic
  • Stage directions - italic
  • Character names within character speeches - italic
  • Speech - normal



All pages are set up as {{center block}}, which since the work is continuous, {{center block/s}} and {{center block/e}} are in the header and footer respectively. Within each page all text is wrapped in <poem> </poem> Where speech is in rhyme/blank verse, the layout is as printed; where it isn't, the text is continuous and wraps automatically. Be guided by whether the first word of a line is capitalised or not.