Index talk:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu

Problems, questions


The publishing style for this book presents problems when translating to more flexible circumstances.

Verse and chapter numbers


The use of verse and chapter numbers in the margins is commonplace. However here when multiple verses can be present on the same line difficulties arise. This work 'solves' verse number collisions by simply printing the numbers smaller, so that they fit together alongside one line. We've even seen three verse numbers on one line in even smaller size.

But when the display width can change these ad hoc type-setting fixes fail. Using our equivalent "float left" constructs verse numbers can end up overlaying each other. Worse, our templates may end up displaying a verse number on the line above, when the template happens to fall at the start of a line.

I'm thinking of changing all the marginal verse numbers into inline verse numbers. This will prevent the numbers overlaying or wandering about.

Even better would be the more definite delineation where a verse actually begins. Currently it can be unclear which text begins a new verse.

Section titles


It would seem the styling varies for section titles. Certainly the first line of a title is centered. While often the second line is also center, it seems occasionally the second line is more left justified. These begin to resemble hanging indents. Study and standardize?

The preponderance of these titles are simply centered. However the title text (the last part) looks like it is subtly letter-spaced, explaining why lines break differently in the original. It looks to be lsp|0.025|text or so.

Revert insertion of <br/> in title text to force line breaks as seen in the original. Using {{lsp}} looks like the better choice.

I'm thinking that the section titles have positive margins on left and right, further explaining the observed line breaks.

It may be that a template could be used. The section title has a leading portion: the chap/verses. An optional portion mentioning related verses in Kings. And the title text itself. The leading and optional portions should have a &ensp; between, and the title text should have a &emsp; before.

Text spacing


There are several different reoccurring motifs that seem to have extra spacing. As currently transcribed the resulting display text just seems to run together. Do we need to go back and insert more &emsp; ?