Index talk:Treasure Island 1911.djvu

Conventions for this index


Chapters start with the following format:

{{c|{{x-larger|CHAPTER N}}}}

{{c|{{x-larger|CHAPTER TITLE}}}}

{{dropinitial|L|6em}}{{uc|orem}} ipsum

That is, chapter number and name centred and {{x-larger}}. Number, title and the start of the text separated by double carriage returns/line feeds. The first letter uses {{dropinitial}} at a size of 6em (double normal). The remainder of the first word is in upper case, using the {{uc}} template, per the original scan and so that anyone copying and pasting the text will get normal mixed case output.


  • Common OCR scanos include I '11 instead of I'll and similar errors. (ie. space within the contraction and number 1 for letter L)
  • Some pages have transparent tape. The words are visible but have not been OCR'd correctly.