Index to Short Stories/Index to Short Stories/Co

1381714Index to Short Stories — Index to Short Stories, [Co, Cu)1923Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
Coal from the embers. Fuller, H. B.
Coal oil Johnny. Osbourne, L.
Coals of fire. Andrews, M. R. S.
Coals of fire. Bland, E. N.
Coast-guards. See Daudet, A. Custom-house people
Coat of alpaca. Loomis, C. B.
Coat of red lead. Smith, F. H.
Cobbler in the devil's kitchen. Gatherwood, M. H.
Cobb, Irvin Shrewsbury, 1876-
Boys will be boys
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1917
Great auk
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1916
Cobweb. Gale, Z.
Coccaro the clown. Davis, C. B.
Cock crowed. Maupassant, G. de
Cock of the walk. Freeman, M. E. W.
Cocked hat. Alarçón, P. A. de
Cockroaches. See France, A. Merry-hearted Buffalmacca
Coco. Maupassant, G. de
Cocoon. Stuart, R. M.
Cocotte. Maupassant, G. de
Code of the corps. King, C.
Codex E. Marshall, A.
Codger. Galsworthy, J.
Coffin, R. T.
How old Wiggins wore ship
In Stories by American authors v 9
Coffin-maker. Pushkin, A. S.
Cogan Capeador. Connolly, J. B.
Cold greeting. Bierce, A.
Cold heart. Hauff, W.
Cold iron. Kipling, R.
Cold shoulder. Gale, Z.
Cold snap. Bellamy, E.
Collaboration. James, H.
Collaboration. Jordan, E. G.
Collaborators. Hichens, R. S.
Collaborators. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Collector. Sinclair, M.
Collector of the port. Chambers, R. W.
Collector's inconsistency. Watson, J.
College men. Williams, J. L.
College friends. Amicis, E. de
College girl. Bacon, J. D.
College Lorelei. Hughes, R.
College men. Williams, J. L.
Colleging of Simeon Gleg. Crockett, S. R.
Collins, Wilkie, i.e. William Wilkie, 1824-1889
After dark
In After dark
Anne Rod way
In Queen of hearts
Biter bit
In Queen of hearts
Black cottage
In Queen of hearts
"Blow up with the brig!"
In After dark
Miss or Mrs.?
Caldron of oil
In Patten, W. International short stories v 2
Dead alive
In After dark
Canad M 5:16, 128
Dead hand
In Queen of hearts
In Queen of hearts
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Scotch-English
Temple Bar 42:547; 43:125
Events in the lives of a lady and her lovers
In "I say no"
Family secret
In Queen of hearts
Fatal cradle; otherwise, The heart-rending story of Mr. Heavyside
In After dark
Miss or Mrs.?
Fatal fortune
In After dark
All the year 33:13, 37
In Queen of hearts
Frozen deep
In After dark
Temple Bar 1:145, 289
Ghost's touch
In Ghost's touch
"I say no"
Heart-rending story of Mr. Heavyside. See Collins, W. Fatal cradle
How I married him
In Belgravia 46:295
Eclectic M 98:383
"I say no"; or, The love-letter answered
In "I say no"
Love-letter answered. See Collins, W. "I say no"
Mad Monckton
In Queen of hearts
Miss or Mrs.?
In After dark
Miss or Mrs.?
Mr. Lismore and the widow
In Stories by English authors, England
My lady's money
In Ghost's touch
"I say no"
Mysterious cash-box. See Collins, W. Stolen mask
Mystery of Marmeduke
In Temple Bar 55:53
Old maid s husband
In Belgravia 61:278
Our last walk
In Ghost's touch [Lovell]
Parson's scruple
In Queen of hearts
Percy and the prophet
In Ghost's touch
"I say no"
All the year 38 supp
Harper 55:440
Plot in private life
In Queen of hearts
Sailor's story
In After dark
She loves and lies
In Belgravia 52:285
Shocking story
In Shocking story
Belgravia 37: supp 1
Internat R 5:847
Stolen mask; or The mysterious cash-box. A story for a Christmas fireside
In Stolen mask
Terribly strange bed
In Stories by English authors, France
Household words 5:129
Yellow mask
In Yellow mask
Household words 11:529
Colognizing of Kansas. Beach, R. E.
Colonel Ammon and the Franklin syndicate. Train, A. C.
Colonel and the horse-thief. Beach, R. E.
Colonel Baigent's Christmas. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Colonel Brereton's aunty. Bunner, H. C.
Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith, F. H.
Colonel Carter welcomes a friend. Smith, F. H.
Colonel Carter's Christmas. Smith, F. H.
Colonel Chabert. Balzac, H. de
Colonel Clipsham's calendar. Hale, E. E.
Colonel Coyote Chubbs. Lewis, A. H.
Colonel Crockett's cooperative Christmas. Hughes, R.
Colonel Eph's shoe-buckles. Stowe, H. B.
Colonel Ingham's journey. Hale, E. E.
Colonel Myles' adventures in Africa and India. Stockton, F. R.
Colonel Odminton. A sequel to A republic without a president. Ward, W. D.
Colonel Shays. Fisher, D. C.
Colonel Spaight's prejudices. Hawthorne, J.
Colonel Starbottle for the plaintiff. Harte, B.
Colonel Starbottle's client. Harte, B.
Colonel Sterett's marvels. Lewis, A. H.
Colonel Sterett's panther hunt. Lewis, A. H.
Colonel Sterett's war record. Lewis, A. H.
Colonel von Sieboldt. Daudet, A.
Colonel Withersby's "strike." Janvier, T. A.
Colonel's awakening. Dunbar, P. L.
Colonel's boy. Weyman, S. J.
Colonel's Christmas. Spofford, H. P.
Colonel's idea. Maupassant, G. de
Colonel's idea. See Maupassant, G. de.Colonel's idea
Colonel's "nigger dog." Harris, J. C.
Colonel's organization. Bacheller, I.
Colonel's venture. Davis, Rebecca H.
Colonial dame. Thanet, O.
Colonial stories. Hawthorne, N.
Colonna, Luis
First mass
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
Colonna necklace. Stnnger, A. J.
Color bearer. Pratt, L.
Color line. Pratt, L.
Color sergeant. Daudet, A.
Color studies. Janvier, T. A.
Colors. Andrews, M. R. S.
Colors! Connolly, J. B.
Columbine of Cripple creek. Warman, C.
Colum, Padraic, 1881-
Sad sequel to Puss-in-boots
In Dial 71:28
Come and find me. Robins, E.
Come-home Yankee. MacManus, S.
Come in, New Year." Stockton, F. R.
"Come-on." Loomis, C. B.
Comeback. Hurst, F.
Comedies played gratis. See Balzac, H. de. Gaudissart II
Comedy in crape. Bates, A.
Comedy in rubber. Henry, O.
Comedy of a playwright. Williams, J. L.
Comedy of Candlestick cove. Duncan, N.
Comedy of conscience. Mitchell, S. W.
Comedy of crime. Maartens, M.
Comedy of error. Sienkiewicz, H.
Comedy of errors. Lamb, C.
Comedy of the war. Harris, J. C.
Comer, Cornelia Atwood Pratt
At the end of the world
In Book of martyrs
Breaking in of Bob Herries
In Putnam's 6:349
Clarissa's own child
In Preliminaries
Atlan 109:739
Consuming fire
In Book of martyrs
Drawing the color line
In Harp W 52:22 O 17 '08
Folly o' the wise
In Putnam's 7:441
Hardesty's cowardice
In Book of martyrs
Honor of a gentleman
In Book of martyrs
Indian gift
In Scrib M 31:625
Instance of chivalry
In Book of martyrs
Kinzer portraits
In Atlan 105:77
Land of youth
In Putnam's 7:582
Little gray ghost
In Atlan 109:311
Long inheritance
In Preliminaries
Atlan 108:145
Making of a doctor
In Putnam's 5:610
Man in front of Mannering's ;
In Harper 127:41
Massey money
In Atlan 111:320
Obsequies of Peter Schwarz
In Harper 127:894
In Preliminaries
Atlan 106:669
In Book of martyrs
Serene's religious experience
In Book of martyrs
Cent 45:285
Soul of William Jones
In Cent 59:832
Unearned increment
In Book of martyrs
Witherle's freedom
In Book of martyrs
Cent 26:98
Comer. Train, A. C.
Comet. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A.
Comfort, Will Levington, 1878-
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1915
Comfort, Will Levington, 1878- and Sturtzel, H. A.
Back o' the yards
In Greene, F. S. ed. Grim thirteen
Comfort. Galsworthy, J.
Comfort Pease and her gold ring. Freeman, M. E. W.
Comforter. Bremer, F.
Comforter. Jordan, E. G.
Coming Aphrodite! Gather, W. S.
Coming back to Christmas. Gale, Z.
Coming home. Wharton, E.
Coming of night. Davis, Rebecca H.
Coming of the Huns. Doyle, A. C.
Coming of the prince. Field, E.
Coming of the sea. Dunsany, E.
Coming-out of Maggie. Henry, O.
Coming sneeze. Edwards, H. S.
Commandeering of the Lucy Foster. Connolly, J. B. f
Commendable crime. Coppee, b.
Commission in lunacy. Balzac, H. de
Committee man of "the terror." Hardy, T.
Committee on matrimony. Lewis, M. C.
Commodore Vandebilt and the hand-made gentleman. Bacheller, I.
Commanding officer. Conrad, J.
Common honesty. Herrick, R.
Common man's story. Hutten zum Stolzenberg, B.
Common sense. Hearn, L.
Common story. Balestier, W.
Commonest possible story. Perry, B.
Commonplace Carrie. White, E. O.
Communist's wife. Thanet, O.
Community's sunbeam. Jordan, E. G.
Compact of Christopher. Fox, J., jr.
Compair Lapin's godchild. Fortier, A.
Company dinner. Lewis, M. C. and Rector, Compartment number 4, Cologne to Paris. Smith, F. H.
Compassion. Blasco Ibáñez, V.
Compelled to. Strindberg, J. A.
Compelling passion. Vorse, M. H.
Compensation. Galsworthy, J.
Compensation. Strindberg, J. A.
Competitor. Galsworthy, J.
Complete life of John H9pkins. Henry, O.
Complete misunderstanding. Crosby, M.
Compliments of the season. Henry, O.
Composite wife. Spofford, H. P.
Comprehension of private Copper. Kipling, R.
Compulsory assistant. Wyatt, E. F.
Compulsory diversion. Jókai, M.
Compulsory marriage. Strindberg, J. A.
Comrade! See Gorky, M. Comrades
Comrades. Gorky, M.
Comrades. Ward, E. S. P.
Comrades in arms. Bacon, J. D.
Comrades in arms. Gissmg, G.
Conal and Donal and Taig. MacManus, S.
Conaleen and Donaleen. MacManus, S.
Concealed weapons. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Concentrated polyandry. Janvier, T. A.
Concerning an horrible picture. France, A.
Concerning bad men. Wister, O.
Concerning Billy Luff and Master Goodkind. Duncan, N.
Concerning Corinna. Cabell, J. B.
Concerning Corkey Minimus. Phillpotts, E.
Concerning David Jogram. Cabell, J. B.
Concerning my Aunt Ellen. Morris, G.
Concerning Papadacky. Phillpotts, E.
Concerning sacrifice. Gale, Z.
Concerning St. John of Jerusalem. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Concerning tribal warfare. Vorse, M. H.
Concert of company eight. Daudet, A.
Conciliator of Christendom. Zangwill, I.
Conclusion likewise Mr. Billy Jones. Bangs, J. K.
Il conde. Conrad, J.
Condy Shearan's courtin'. MacManus, S.
Cone. Wells, H. G.
Conference of the powers. Kipling, R.
Confession. Blackwood, A.
Confession. Bourget, P.
Confession. Brown, A.
Confession. Harris, J. C.
Confession. Maupassant, G. de
La confession. See Maupassant, G. de. Peculiar case
Confession of a house-breaker. Jewett, S. O.
Confession of Charles Linkworth. Benson, E. F.
Confession of Countess Anne. Hardy, A. S.
Confessional. Wharton, E.
Confessions. Brown, A.
Confessions of a cruel mistress. Robins, E.
Confessions of a husband. Bacon, J. D.
Confessions of a humorist. Henry, O.
Confessions of an engaged couple. Hibbard, G. A.
Confidante. Harland, H.
Confidence. Hale, E. E.
Confidence men abroad. Train, A. C.
Confidential postscript. Matthews, J. B.
Conflagration at Ghargarov. Bierce, A.
Conflict ended. Freeman, M. E. W.
Confronting life. Gorky, M.
Confusion of idols. Stetson, G. E. C.
Confusion of Talky Jones. Lewis, A. H.
Conjured kitchen. Thanet, O.
Conjurer's confessions. Houdin, R.
Conjurer's revenge. Chesnutt, C. W.
Conjuring contest. Dunbar, P. L.
Connie's event of being converted. Bacon, J. D.
Connie's event of the little girl that played. Bacon, J. D.
Connoisseur. Gibbon, P.
Connolly, James Brendan, 1868-
Aboard the house-boat
In Hiker joy
About the Weeping Annie and what followed
In Collier's 56:11 O 23 '15
In Head winds
Amazing fraud
In McClure's 47:155 Jl '16
Americanization of Roll-Down Joe
In Crested seas
Scrib M 41:575
In Sat Eve Post 176:8 F 27 '04
Bale of blankets
In Running free
Battle-cruise of the "Svend Foyn"
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Scrib M 54:330
Beejum's progress
In Tide rips
Between shipmates
In Crested seas
Bill Green puts out to sea
In Scrib M 64:474
Bill Jackson's Adeline
In Collier's 66:5 N 20 '20
In Crested seas
Scrib M 39:701
Breath o' dawn
In Running free
Scrib M 62:306
In Running free
Collier's 58:16 F 10 '17
Camera man
In Head winds
Sat Eve Post 188:10 Ja 1 '16
Captain Blaise
In Wide courses
Scrib M 50:129
Captain Joe Gurley
In Collier's 67:5 F 26 '21
Chase overnight
In Out of Glocester
Scrib M 29:496
In Head winds
Scrib M 60:146
Christmas handicap
In Open water
Scrib M 44:683
In Out of Gloucester
Cogan Capeador
In Wide courses
Harper 123:682
In Head winds
Collier's 56:7 Ja 15 '16
Commandeering of the Lucy Foster
In Crested seas
Scrib M 42:152
Consuming flame
In Open water
Hampton 24:177
Cross courses
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Sat Eve Post 185:9 Je 28 '13
Cruise of the "Bounding Boy"
In Open water
Sat Eve Post 181:6 Je 19 '09
Cruise of the Waterloo
In Collier's 50:22 N 2 '12
Dan Magee: white hope
In Running free
Collier's 48:22 Mr 2 '12
In Crested seas
Collier's 38:20 Ja 26 '07
Don Quixote Kiernan, pump-man
In Wide courses
In Deep sea's toll
Scrib M 37:530
Down river
In Head winds
Scrib M 60:307
Drawn shutters
In Crested seas
Scrib M 40:460
Each to his lights
In Harper 112:953
In Open water
Fiery sea
In Collier's 65:13+ F 21 '20
Fisherman of Costla
In Out of Gloucester
Scrib M 32:344
Flying Colleen Bawn
In Scrib M 34:25
Flying sailor
In Hiker joy
Collier's 64:12 Ag 9 '19
From Reykjavik to Gloucester
In Out of Gloucester
Gloucester fisherman
In Scrib M 31:387
Good-bye the house boat
In Hiker joy
Collier's 64:11 Jl 26 '19
Gree Gree Bush
In Open water
Hampton 24:618
Harsh word
In Crested seas
Scrib M 42:294
In Open water
Collier's 45:13 Jl 30 '10
His three fair wishes
In Tide rips
Red Book 37:5 Jl '21
How Cronan went to Athens
In Everybody's 22:466
How it started
In Hiker joy
How they got the "Hattie Rennish"
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Collier's 49:16 Ag 17 '12
In Crested seas
Harper 115:605
Illimitable senses
In Crested seas
Harper 115:701
In the anchor watch
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Harper 127:624
In the anchor watch
In Harper 127:624
In the matter of a bale of blankets
In Scrib M 54:744
In Hiker joy
Collier's 63:7 Je 28 '19
Jan Tingloff
In Wide courses
Sat Eve Post 184:11 F 3 '12
Joy of a Christmas passage
In Crested seas
Killorin's Carribbean days
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Last passenger
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Laying of the hose-pipe ghost
In Wide courses
Harper 122:860
Leary of the "Ligonier"
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Light-ship 67
In Wide courses
Connolly, James BrendanContinued
Little fighting whales
In Harper 110:431
London lights
In Hiker joy
Collier's 64:10 Ag 16 '19
Lottery of the sea
In Harper 124:512
Lumber schooner (Lumber boat)
In Hiker joy
Collier's 64:7 Jl 5 '19
Magnetic hearth
In Crested seas
Harper 114:99
Medicine ship
In Running free
Scrib M 58:653
Mother Machree
In Head winds
Scrib M 58:164
Munition ship
In Tide rips
North sea men
In Hiker joy
Not down in the log
In Tide rips
Collier's 67:7 Ja 22 '21
Olympic victor
In Olympic victor
Scrib 44:18
On a Baltic sea sloop
In Scrib M 31:663
On a North Sea smack
In Scrib M 31:513
On being out of season
In Sat Eve Post 185:6 Ag 3 '12
On George's shoals
In Deep sea's toll
Scrib M 38:63
On the bottom of the dory
In Crested seas
Collier's 37:18 Je 30 '06
Strand M 32:30
On the echo o' the morn
In Out of Gloucester
Scrib M 20:659
One wireless night
In Running free
Patsie Oddie's black night
In Deep sea's toll
Scrib M 38:165
Peter stops ashore
In Running free
Sat Eve Post 189:8 N 18 '16
Port in France
In Tide rips
In Head winds
Rakish brigantine
In Tide rips
Scrib M 56:214
Revolutions of the Evelyn
In Metropol 39:9 N '13
Reykjavik to Gloucester
In Scrib M 30:216
Rolling on to Athens
In Tide rips
Running to harbor
In Scrib M 33:142
In Deep sea's toll
Salving of the bark Fuller
In Deep sea's toll
Scrib M 38:462
School we lost
In Outlook 77:84
Sea babies
In Collier's 57:8 Ag 12 '16
In Running free
In Open water
Seizure of the "Aurora Borealis"
In Wide courses
Collier's 48:20 D 16 '11
In Crested seas
Scrib M 41:402
Sonnie-Boy's people
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Scrib M 54:145
In Running free
Scrib M 62:74
Strategy and seamanship
In Deep sea's toll
Scrib M 37:309
Sugar ship
In Tide rips
Tim Riley's touch
In Sonnie-Boy's people
Sat Eve Post 184:5 My 4 '12
Tom Rockett's boy
In Everybody's 32:171
Tommy Ohlsen's western passage
In Out of Gloucester
Scrib M 32:432
In Head winds
Collier's 54:5 O 31 '14
Truth of the "Oliver Cromwell"
In Deep sea's toll
Scrib M 37:83
Tshushima straits
In Open water
Hampton 25:710
In Collier's 64:7 Jl 19 '19
Undersea men
In Hiker joy
Collier's 64:7 Je 12 '19
Venture of the "Flying Hind"
In Open water
Collier's 42:20 S 26 '08
Weeping Annie
In Running free
What price for fish?
In Tide rips
Wicked "Celestine"
In Deep sea's toll
Scrib M 37:677
Wimmin'n' girls
In Hiker joy
Collier's 65:12 My 22 '20
Wireless night at Hai-Po bay
In Hampton 24:469
In Wide courses
Harper 120:548
Connor charge. Singmaster, E.
Conquering corps badge. King, C.
Conquering hero and fool. Strindberg, J. A.
Conquering of Caroline. Porter, E. H.
Conqueror. (Studies in blindness). Locke, W. J.
Conqueror. Fisher, D. C.
Conquerors. Davis, C. B.
Conquerors of New York. Ralph, J.
Conquest of Alaska. Warman, C.
Conquest of Dona Jacoba. Atherton, G.
Conquest of humility. Freeman, M. E. W.
Conquest of Killymard. MacManus, S.
Conquest of Mexico. Janvier, T. A.
Conrad, Joseph (Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski) 1857-
Amy Foster
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 3
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 9
Set of six
Harper 113:406
Aristocrat. [Prince Roman]
In Metropol 35:19 Ja '12
Oxford and Cambridge Review Ja '12
Because of the dollars
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 14
Within the tides
Big Brierly
In Liv Age 229:331
Black mate
In London M Ap '08
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v g
Set of six
McClure 30:72
Commanding officer
In Metropol 47:24 F '18
Il conde
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 9
Set of six
Duel. See Conrad, J. Point of honor
End of the tether
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 15
Blackw 172:1, 202, 395, 520, 685, 794
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 15
Freya of the Seven Isles
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 12
'Twixt land and sea
Metropol 35:20 Ap '12
Gasper Ruiz
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 9
Set of six
Heart of darkness
In Works (Sun-Dail ed) v 5
Blackw 165:193, 479, 634
Liv Age 225:665; 226:21
Her captivity
In Blackw 178:325
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 1
Tales of unrest
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 9
Set of six
Harper 114:131
Inn of the two witches
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 14
Within the tides
Metropol 38:24 My '13
Pall Mall M 51:335
Karain: a memory
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 1
Tales of unrest
Blackw 162:630
Liv Age 215:796
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 1
Tales of unrest
Cornhill 75:59
Laughing Anne
In Metropol 40:19 S '14
Mirror of the sea
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 11
Nigger of the Narcissus
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 3
Outpost of progress
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 1
Tales of unrest
Cosmopolis 6:607, 7:1
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 14
Within the tides
Harper 123:850
Planter of Malata
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 14
Within the tides
Metropol 40:25 Je; 32 Jl '14
Point of honor [Duel]
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 9
Point of honor
Set of six
Forum 40:89, 142, 229, 348
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 1
Tales of unrest
Secret sharer
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 12
'Twixt land and sea
Harper 121:349, 530
Set of six
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 9
Set of six
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 14
Shadow line
Metropol 44:25 S; 26 O '16
Smile of fortune
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 12
'Twixt land and sea
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 3
Pall Mall M 27:533
'Twixt land and sea
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 12
'Twixt land and sea
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 3
Warrior's soul
In Metropol 48:26 D '17
Conrad, JosephContinued
Youth: a narrative
In Works (Sun-Dial ed) v 5
Blackw 164:309
Conrad Weickhoff. Simms, W. G.
Conscience and the gondola. Vorse, M. H.
Conscience in art. Henry, O.
Conscience of a business man. Thanet, U.
Conscientious burglar. Allen, G.
Conscious Amanda. Stockton, . K.
Conscript. Balzac, H. de
Conscript mother. Herrick, R.
Conscript's Christmas. Harris, J. C.
Conscript's hollow. Craddock, C. h.
Consegues. Bourget, P.
Consequences. Cather, W. S.
Consequences. Kipling, R.
Conservatory. Maupassant, G. de
Consider the lilies. Norris, K.
Consideration. See Maupassant, G. de Bombard
Consistency of Constance Croyden. Hibbard, G. A.
Consolate giantess. Janvier, 1. A.
Consolation. Curie, R.
Conspiracy aboard the "Midas." Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Conspiracy of Arnaye. See Cabell, J. B. Episode called The conspiracy of Arnaye
Conspiracy of Claudine. Merrick, L.
Conspiracy of Mrs. Bunker. Harte, B.
Conspirators. Mérimée, P.
Constable's move. Jacobs, W. W.
Constance Weatherell and Bridget Brady. Trask, K. N.
Constant lover. Hutten zum Stolzenberg, B. von
Constant post-boy. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Constant tin soldier. Anderson, H. C.
Consuelo. Konyoumdjian, K.
Consul. Davis, Richard H.
Consultation. Mitchell, S. W.
Consuming fire. Comer, C. A. P.
Consuming flame. Connolly, J. B.
Consummation. Galsworthy, J.
"Contact." Hart, F. N.
Containing Mr. Alexander MacWhirter's views on Lord Ponsonby, Major Yancey and their kind. Smith, R. H.
Containing several experiences and adventures showing wide contrasts in life. Smith, F. H.
Contemporaries. Beresford, J. D.
Contempt of court. Train, A. C.
Contented man. Irving, W.
Contest. Doyle, A. C.
Contest. Henry's ghost, O.
Contraband of war. Jacobs, W. W.
Contract Bacon, J. D.
Contract Maartens, M.
Contrast. Edgeworth, M.
Convalescence of Gerald. Pangborn, G. W.
Convalescence of Jack Hamlin. Harte, B.
Convalescing home. Vorse, M. H.
Conversation. Turgenev, I. S.
Conversion. Gissing, G.
Conversion. Mitchell, S. W.
Conversion. Morrison, A.
Conversion of a classicist. See Gautier, T. Daniel Jovard.
Conversion of Aunt Sarah. Marshall, A.
Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin. Kipling, R.
Conversion of Constantia. Bacon, J. D.
Conversion of Hetherington. Bangs, J. K.
Conversion of Johnny Harrington. Jordan, E. G.
Conversion of St. Wilfrid. Kipling, R.
Convert. Beresford, J. D.
Convert. Jacobs, W. W.
Convert of the mission. Harte, B.
Converts. Zangwill, I.
Convict. Staniukovitch, C. M.
Conviction of sin. Fisher, D. C.
Convict's return. Harben, W. N.
Cook, Grace M.
In Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous short stories
Cook. Morris, G.
Cook and the captain. Robertson, M.
Cook-book diary. Donnell, A. H.
Cook of the "Gannet." Jacobs, W. W.
Cooke, Rose (Terry) 1827-1892
Miss Beulah's bonnet
*[In Somebody's neighbors]
Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 10:383
Harper 60:570
Cooking-class. Alcott, L. M.
Cooking of Crazy Butch. Lewis, A. H.
Cook's wedding. Chekhov, A. P.
Coon-dog. Jewett, S. O.
Cooney on the war-path. Edwards, H. S.
Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1857
Corporal Flint's murder
In Patten, W. International short stories v 1
Cooper and the wolves. Boyesen, H. H.
Cooper of Nuremburg. Hoffman, E. T. W.
Cop and the anthem. Henry, O.
Copeland collection. Crosby, M.
Copernican convoy. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Coppee, Francois i.e. Francois Edouard Joachim, 1842-1908
In Ten tales
In Tales for Christmas
Chaut 53:249
At table
In Ten tales
Bachelor's experience
In Outlook 76:229
In Strand M 12:648
Captain's vices
In Ten tales
Christmas betrothal
In Cosmopol 18:323
Cur Lit 45:113
Christmas lovers
In Tales for Christmas
Commendable crime
In Tales for Christmas
Cure for unhappiness
In True riches
Dramatic funeral
In Ten tales
Theatre 32:13
In Tales for Christmas
In Tales for Christmas
Foster sister
In Ten tales
In Tales for Christmas
Holy medal
In Outlook 65:874
Little stationer
In Tales for Christmas
Lost child
In Tales for Christmas
Louis d'or
In Tales for Christmas
My friend Meutrier
In Ten tales
Piece of bread
In Patten, W. International short stories v 3
Pillar of the cafe
In Tales for Christmas
Poet and the courtesan
In Tales for Christmas
In True riches
In Rivals
Harper 85:884
Sabots of little Wolff
In Ten tales
In Ten tales
Esenwein, J. B. Short story masterpieces v 1
Stories by foreign authors, French
Warner library
Wright, W. H. ed. Great modern French stories
Lippinc 88:583
Two clowns
In Ten tales
Voluntary death
In Ten tales
Wonderful Christmas gift
In Liv Age 215:887
Coppelius, the sandman. See Hoffmann, E. T. W. Sandman
Copper charm. Morrison, A.
Copper stove. Grenfell, W. T.
Copperhead. Frederic, H.
Copy; a dialogue. Wharton, E.
Copy-cat. Freeman, M. E. W.
Coral ring. Stowe, H. B.
Corban. Phillpotts, E.
Cordelia's night of romance. Ralph, J.
Cordial relations. Hawkins, A. H.
Cordwainer's daughter. Phillpotts, E.
Corelli, Marie (Minnie Mackay) 1864-
Angel's wickedness
In Angel's wickedness
Song of Miriam
Boy: an episode
In Love of long ago and other stories
Brown Jim's problem
In Love of long ago and other stories
Claudia's business
In Love of long ago and other stories
Distant voice
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Ghost in the sedan-chair
In Christmas greeting
Hired baby
In Stories by English authors, London
Jane. A social incident
In Jane
King Buttercup's wedding
In Christmas greeting
Lady with the carnations
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Temple Bar 79:54
Laurels of the brave
In Christmas greeting
"Lead, kindly light"
In Love of long ago and other stories
Lolita: a love episode
In Love of long ago and other stories
Love of long ago
In Love of long ago and other stories
Mademoiselle Zephyr
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Mystic tune
In Love of long ago and other stories
Nehemiah P. Hoskins, artist
In Cameos
Old bundle
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Idler 7:157
One of the world's wonders
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Temple Bar 74:396
Panther: a conquest of heredity
In Love of long ago and other stories
Rejected! the story of a picture
In Love of long ago and other stories
Sculptor's angel: the story of a love miracle
In Love of long ago and other stories
In Love of long ago and other stories
Silence of the Maharajah
In Cameos
Silence of the Maharajah
Song of Miriam
Song of Miriam
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Soul of the newly-born
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Stepping star
In Love of long ago and other stories
"Sunny" a Red Cross incident
In Love of long ago and other stories
Swimming shoes
In Christmas greeting
Corelli, MarieContinued
Three wise men of Gotham
In Cameos
Three wise men of Gotham
Tiny tramps
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Trench comrade
In Love of long ago and other stories
Why she was glad
In Love of long ago and other stories
Withering of a rose
In Cameos
Song of Miriam
Corinna. Strindberg, J. A.
Corinna's Fiammetta. Van Renssalaer, M. G.
Coriolanus. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Cormorants of Andraer. Lie, J. L. I.
Corner. Hibbard, G. A.
Cornet. Alarçón, P. A. de
Cornwallis. See Page, T. N. True story of the surrender of the Marquis Cornwallis
Cornwallis and me and fate. Phillpotts, E.
Corny Clery's balance. MacManus, S.
Corny's catamount. Alcott, L. M.
Coronation. Freeman, M. E. W.
Coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap. Dunsany, E.
Corovich, S.
Hodja Saleek
In Popovic, P. Jugo-Slav stories
Corporal Flint's murder. Cooper, J. F.
Corporal Sam. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Corpse-rider. Hearn, L.
Corpus delicti. Post, M. D.
Corrected contempt. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Correspondence. Tovote, H.
Correspondence. Turgenev, I. S.
Corridor of time. Huneker, J. G.
Corrupting the press. Bierce, A.
Corsican bandit. Maupassant, G. de
Corsican bandits. Maupassant, G. de
Cortelyou feud. Ford, P. L.
Cosmopolitan. Sinclair, M.
Cosmopolitanism of Mr. Powers. Loomis, C. B.
Cosmopolite in a cafe. Henry, O.
Cossack. Chekhov, A. P.
Cossacks. Tolstoi, L. N.
Cost of kindness. Jerome, J. K.
Costello the proud. See Yeats, W. B. Of Costello the proud
Costly outing. Maupassant, G. de
Costume piece, Hornung, E. W.
Cosy lion, as told by Queen Crosspatch. Burnett, F. H.
Cottage cheese. Gale, Z.
Cottage on the hill. Moulton, L. C.
Cottage on the Viminal. Hale, E. E.
Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. See Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Couleur de rose. Stetson, G. E. C.
Council of state. Dunbar, P. L.
Counsel assigned. Andrews, M. R. S.
Counsellor. MacManus, S.
Counsellor MacCarty's first scalp. Mac-Manus, S.
Count. Watson, J.
Count and the little Gertrud. Crockett, S. R.
Count and the wedding guest. Henry, O.
Count Ernest's home. Heyse, P. J. L.
Count Fitz-Hum. See DeQuincy, T. Incognito
Count Pesaro; sixth story. Mitchell, D. G.
Count Van Horn. Irving, W.
Counterfeit presentment (farce). Howells, W. D.
Countersign of the cradle. Van Dyke, H.
Countess Alys. See Hewlett, M. Scriverner's tale
Countess Bertha's honey-feast. Dumas, A.
Countess decides. Barr, R.
Countess Felicita's discovery. Hawthorne, J.
Countess Marie of the Angels. Dowson, E.
Countess of Amalfi. Annunzio, G. d'
Countess of Bellarme. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Countess of Lowndes Square. Benson, E. F.
Countess of Picpus. Hewlett, M. H.
Countess Satan. Maupassant, G. de
Counting-house. Turgenev, I. S.
Counting the colors. Gibbon, P.
Counting the cost. Deland, M.
Country Christmas. Alcott, L. M.
Country cottage. Chekhov, A. P.
Country cousin. Bacon, J. D.
Country doctor. Dreiser, T.
Country dreams and apparitions. Hogg, J.
Country excursion. Maupassant, G. de
Country-folk in Paris during the siege. Daudet, A.
Country funeral. Hogg, J.
Country lodgings. Mitford, M. R.
Country of blind. Wells, H. G.
Country of elusion. Henry, O.
Country where the mice eat iron. (Adapted.) Tappan, E. M.
Countryman of Kant. Phillpotts, E.
County Clare angel. MacManus, S.
County seat. Singmaster, E.
Coup de grace. Bierce, A.
Coup d' etat. Maupassant, G. de
Couple of capitalists. Porter, E. H.
Couple of captains. Warman, C.
Coupons of fortune. Cutting, M. S.
Courage. France, A.
Courage. Galsworthy, J.
Courage of Ericson. Harben, W. N.
Courage of the commonplace. Andrews, M. R. S.
Course of true love never did run smooth. Reade, C.
Court. See Page, T. N. He knew what was due the court
Court of last resort. Thanet, O.
Courtesy of Christian, the highwayman. Hawkins, A. H.
CourthV on Cutshin. Fox, J., jr.
Courting of Dinah Shadd. Kipling, R.
Courting of Lady Jane. Bacon, J. D.
Courting of Sister Wisby. Jewett, S. O.
Courting of T'nowhead's Bell. Barrie, J. M.
Courtship. White, S. E.
Courtship of a careful man. Martin, E. S.
Courtship of Allaphair. Fox, J., jr.
Courtship of Mamzelle Rosie. Stringer, A.
Courtship of Susan Bell. Trollope, A.
Courtship of Tammock. Crockett, S. R.
Cousin Amy. Maugham, W. S.
Cousin Anne Crafton. Harris, J. C.
Cousin Maria. See James, H. Mrs. Temperley
Cousin Mary. Mitford, M. R.
Cousin Mattie. See Hogg, J. Country dreams and apparitions
Cousin of the king. Smith, F. H.
Cousin Phillis. Gaskell, E. C.
Cousin Rosalys. Harland, H.
Cousin William. Stowe, H. B.
Cousin's projects. Duhamel, G.
Covered embers. Ward, E. S. P.
Covering end. James, H.
Covers for twelve. Peattie, E. W.
Cow-boss. Garland, H.
Cow-house jirga. See Kipling, R. Smith administration
Cow, two men and a parson. Robertson, M.
Cow with the golden horns. Freeman, M. E. W.
Cow with the golden horns. Harris, J. C.
Coward. Garshm, V. M.
Coward. Gibbon, P.
Coward. Mason, A. E. W.
Coward. Maupassant, G. de
Coward. Sharp, W.
Coward. Wharton, E.
Coward or hero? Slutchefsky, K. Y.
Cowardice court. McCutcheon, G. B.
Cowboy's funeral. Warman, C.
Cox versus Prettyman. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Coxon fund. James, H.
Cox's diary. Thackeray, W. M.
Coyote-spirit and the weaving woman. Austin, M. H.
Cozma Racoare. Sadoveanu, M.
Crab that made the tide. See Kipling, R. Crab that played with the sea
Crab that played with the sea. Kipling, R.
Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud. (Mary Noailles Murfred), 1850-
Among the cliffs
In Young mountaineers
A-playin' of Old Sledge at the settlemint
In In the Tennessee mountains
Baby in the mail-pouch
In Ladies' H J 26:6 D '08
Bewitched ball-sticks
In Frontiersmen
Borrowing a hammer
In Young mountaineers
In Bushwhackers
Captive of the ada-wehi
In Frontiersmen
Casting vote
In Mystery of Witch-face mountain
Cent 47:47, 271
Chilhowee lily
In Raid of the guerilla
Choolah. See Murfree, M. N. Exploit of Choolah
Christmas day on Old Windy mountain
In Young mountaineers
Christmas miracle. See Murfree, M. N. His Christmas miracle
Conscript's hollow
In Young mountaineers
Crucial moment
In Raid of the guerilla
Lippinc 89:535
Dancin' party at Harrison Cove
In In the Tennessee mountains
Warner library
Down the ravine
In Down the ravine
Drifting down Lost Creek
In In the Tennessee mountains
Atlan 53:362, 441
Electioneerin' on Big Injun Mounting
In In the Tennessee mountains
Exploit of Choolah, the Chickasaw
In Bushwhackers
Fate of the cheerataghe
In Frontiersmen
"Harnt" that walks Chilhowee t
In In the Tennessee mountains
Atlan 51:660
His Christmas miracle
In Raid of the guerilla
Atlan 108:767
His day in court
In Phantoms of the foot-bridge
Harper 76:56
His unquiet ghost
In Raid of the guerilla
Cent 83:127
In the "chinking"
In Young mountaineers
In Frontiersmen
Lost guidon
In Raid of the guerilla
Lippinc 88:259
Man in the tree
In Cent 80:429
Moonshiners at Hobo-Hebee Falls
In Phantoms of the foot-bridge
Mountain storm
In Young mountaineers
Mystery of Old Daddy's window
In Young mountaineers
Mystery of Witch-face mountain
In Mystery of Witch-face mountain
Atlan 76:331, 525, 651
On a higher level
In Young mountaineers
In Lippinc 88:769
Over on the t'other mounting
In In the Tennessee mountains
Panther of Jolton's ridge
In Bushwhackers
Phantom of Bogue Holauba
In Raid of the guerilla
Lippinc 89:446
Phantoms of the foot-bridge
In Phantoms of the foot-bridge
Harper 88:81
Raid of the guerilla
In Raid of the guerilla
Harper 119:196
Craddock, Charles EgbertContinued
Riddle of the rocks
In Phantoms of the foot-bridge
Romance of Sunrise Rock
In In the Tennessee mountains
Star in the valley
In In the Tennessee mountains
Atlan 42:532
Taking the blue ribbon at the county fair
In Mystery of Witch-face mountain
Them old moth-eaten lovyers
In Cent 86:120
Una of the hill country
In Raid of the guerilla
Victor at Chungke
In Frontiersmen
Harper 100:508
Visit of the turbulent grandfather
In Frontiersmen
In Young mountaineers
'Way down in Lonesome Cove
In Phantoms of the foot-bridge
Harper 72:128
'Way down in Poor Valley
In Young mountaineers
Who crosses Storm mountain
In Raid of the guerilla
Wolf's head
In Raid of the guerilla
Cradle. French, A. W.
Cradle. Michelson, M.
Cradle-snatcher. Morris, G.
Craft of the three sharpers (Arabic)
In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental
Craig Kennedy stories. Reeve, Arthur. (not indexed).
Craigie, Mrs. Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards) (John Oliver Hobbes, pseud.), 1867-1906
Bundle of life
In Tales of John Oliver Hobbes
Journeys end in lovers meeting
In Tales about temperaments
Prince Toto
In Tales about temperaments
In Tales about temperaments
Sinner's comedy
In Sinner's comedy
Tales of John Oliver Hobbes
Some emotions and a moral
In Some emotions and a moral
Tales of John Oliver Hobbes
Some good intentions and a blunder
In Some good intentions and a blunder
Study in temptations
In Tales of John Oliver Hobbes
'Tis an ill flight without wings
In Tales about temperaments
Worm that God prepared
In Tales about temperaments
Crainquebille. France, A.
CrandaH's choice. Barr, R.
Crane, Stephen, 1870-1900
Angel child
In Whilomville stories
Blue hotel
In The monster
Bride comes to Yellow Sky
In Open boat
McClure 10:377
Carriage lamps
In Whilomville stories
City urchin and the chaste villagers
In Whilomville stories
Clan of No-name
In Wounds in the rain
Dark brown dog
In Cosmopol 30:481
Death and the child
In Open boat
In Harper 101:938
In Whilomville stories
Five white mice
In Open boat
Flanagan and his short filibustering adventure
In Open boat
McClure 9:1045
George's mother
In George's mother
God rest ye, merry gentlemen
In Wounds in the rain
Cornhill 79:578
Grey sleeve
In Little regiment
Eng Illust 14:437
His new mittens
In The monster
Cornhill 78:630
McClure 12:54
Indiana campaign
In Little regiment
Eng Illust 16:320
Kicking twelfth
In Pall Mall M 20:173
In Whilomville stories
Little pilgrimage
In Whilomville stories
Little regiment
In Little regiment
McClure 7:12
Lone charge of William B. Perkins
In Wounds in the rain
McClure 13:279
Lover and the tell-tale
In Whilomville stories
In Whilomville stories
Maggie, a girl of the streets
In Maggie, a girl of the streets
Making an orator
In Whilomville stories
Man and some others
In Open boat
Cent 53:600
Mariner's signalling under fire at Guantanamo
In Wounds in the rain
In The monster
Harper 97:343
Mystery of heroism
In Little regiment
One dash horses
In Open boat
Open boat
In Open boat
Scrib M 21:728
Price of the harness
In Wounds in the rain
Blackw 164:829
Revenge of the Adolphus
In Wounds in the rain
Strand M 18:724
Second generation
In Wounds in the rain
Cornhill 80:734
Self-made man
In Cornhill 79:324
Sergeant's private mad-house
In Wounds in the rain
In Whilomville stories
"Showin' off"
In Whilomville stories
In Whilomville stories
Tale of mere chance
In Eng Illust 14:570
This majestic lie
In Wounds in the rain
Three miraculous soldiers
In Little regiment
Eng Illust 15:104
Trial, execution and burial of Homer Phelps
In Whilomville stories
Twelve o'clock
In Pall Mall M 19:462
In Little regiment
McClure 7:222
Virtue in war
In Wounds in the rain
War memories
In Wounds in the rain
Wise men
In Open boat
Cranes. Sienkiewicz, H.
Cranford. Gaskell, E. C.
Crapy Cornelia. James, H.
Crash. Maupassant, G. de
Crawfish Jim. Lewis, A. H.
Crazy Abe. Stuart, R. M.
Crawford, Francis Marion, 1854-1909
By the waters of Paradise
In Uncanny tales
Wandering ghosts
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, American
Patten, W. International short stories v 1
Dead smile
In Uncanny tales
Wandering ghosts
Doll's ghost
In Uncanny tales
Wandering ghosts
For the blood is the life
In Uncanny tales
Wandering ghosts
Collier's 36:17 D 16 '05
Handful of carnations
In Ladies' H J 24:11 N '07
King's messenger
In Cosmopol 44:89
Man overboard!
In Man overboard!
Uncanny tales
Wandering ghosts
Strand M 25:664
Screaming skull
In Uncanny tales
Wandering ghosts
Collier's 41:14 Jl 11; 12 Jl 18 '06
Upper berth
In Uncanny tales
Upper berth
Wandering ghosts
Crazy day. Donnell, A. H.
Crazy wife's ship. Bunner, H. C.
Crazywell. Phillpotts, E.
Creamery man of Molasses Gap. Garland, H.
Created he them. London, J.
Creating a vacuum; a Christmas story. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Creanga, I.
Old Nichifor, the importer
In Byng, L. M. Roumanian stories
Creators: a comedy. Sinclair, M.
Creature of circumstance. Robertson, M.
Creature with no claws. Harris, J. C.
Creatures that were men. Gorky, M.
Creditors. Strindberg, J. A.
Cree Queery and Mysy Drolly. Barrie, J. M.
Creeping Jennie. Wiggin, K. D.
Cremona violin. Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Cressy. Harte, B.
Cricket on the hearth. Dickens, C.
Crime. Chambers, R. W.
Crime against beauty. Bates, A.
Crime and punishment. Dostoevskĭĭ, F. M.
Crime of Count Nikolas of Festenburg. See Hawkins, A. H. Sin of the Bishop of Modenstein
Crime of the brigadier. Doyle, A. C.
Criminal. Beresford, J. D.
Criminologist's club. Hornung, E. W.
Crimson flag. Parker, G.
Crimson gardenia. Beach, R. E.
Cripple. Maupassant, G. de
Cripple at the mill. Pemberton, M.
Crippled hope. King, G. E.
Crippled Mercury. Andrews, M. R. S.
Crisis. Hibbard, G. A.
Crisis. Maupassant, G. de
Crisis for the guard. Fox, J., jr.
Criss cross. Freeman, M. E. W.
Crisscross Christmas. Hughes, R.
Critic. Galsworthy, J.
Critic. Walpole, H.
Critical bookstore. Howells, W. D.
Crock of gold. Phillpotts, E.
Crockett, Samuel Rutherford, 1860-1914
Across the March dyke
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Crockett, Samuel RutherfordContinued
Adventure of Dona Isidra
In Adventurer in Spain
Adventure of the Way Thither
In Adventurer in Spain
Back o' beyont
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Beadle and martyr
In Ind 52:1772
In Love idylls
Biography of an "inefficient"
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Blue eyes of Ailie
In Cornhill 81:730
Carnation's morning joy
In Harp B 33:1239
Case of John Arniston's conscience
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Cavin Edward kirk militant
In Bog-myrtle and peat
City of Dream
In Adventurer in Spain
Colleging of Simeon Gleg
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Count and the little Gertrud
In Love idylls
Courtship of Tammock Thackanvraik, Ayrshire man
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Cry across the Black Water
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Pall Mall M 3:23
In Adventurer in Spain
Dominie Grier
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Elsie's dance for her life
In Cosmopol 32:33
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Exercise book of Field-marshall Prince Ilantz
In Love idylls
Feast of the dead and the living
In Adventurer in Spain
Fenwick Major's little 'un
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Finished young lady
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Fitting of the peats
In Love idylls
Glistering beaches
In Bog-myrtle and peat
"God's babe"
In Adventurer in Spain
Golden morning
In Sunday M 28:721
Golden mountain
In Love idylls
Good Samaritan
In Adventurer in Spain
Great right-of-way case
In Bog-myrtle and peat
"Heather lintie"
In Stories by English authors, Scotland
How love came home
In Adventurer in Spain
In a Carlist camp
In Bog-myrtle and peat
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Kit Kennedy, ne'er-do-well
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Lammas preaching
In Patten, W. International short stories v 2
Last Anderson of Deeside
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Last of the smugglers
In Cosmopol 30:93
Little lame angel
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Love among the beech leaves
In Love idylls
Love of enemies. See Crockett, S. R. Vernon the traitor
Mac's enteric fever
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills
In Love idylls
Maria Perrone, murderess and saint
In Cosmopol 5:1
Midnight free-traders
In Adventurer in Spain
Minister emeritus
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Minister of Dour
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Minister's day
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Minister's loon
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Moth to the Arctic
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Old Tory
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Outcast. See Crockett, S. R. Vernon the traitor
Prodigal daughter
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Purple mountains
In Love idylls
Saint Lucy of the eyes
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Scottish Sabbath day
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Some wanderings of Zaida in her garden
In Adventurer in Spain
Stickit minister's love story
In Patten, W. International short stories v 2
Outlook 65:38
Strange thoughts of a beggar man
In Adventurer in Spain
That Polish fellow
In Love idylls
Troubler of Israel
In Lippinc 65:766
Under the Red Terror
In Bog-myrtle and peat
Vernon the traitor [Love of enemies; Outcast]
In Love idylls
What happened after Mary McArthur cut her finger
In Lippinc 68:357
Crocodile. Dostoevskĭĭ, F. M.
Crocodile. Morris, G.
Croesus and Sokm. Tolstoi, L. N.
Croesus of Gingerbread cove. Duncan, N.
Croisilles. Musset, A. de
Croker, Thomas Croft on, 1798-1854
Daniel O'Rourke
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:449
Cromwell's statue. Hale, E. E.
Cronaraidh ghost. MacManus, S.
Crooked branch. Gaskell, E. C.
Crooked fairy. Train, A. C.
Crooked fir. Austin, M. H.
Crooked John. Boyesen, H. H.
Crooksie. Keats, G.
Crop-eared Jacquot. Dumas, A.
Crosby, Margaret
Child of light
In Violin obligate
Scrib M 3:551
Complete misunderstanding
In Violin obligate
Scrib M 2:628
Copeland collection
In Violin obligato
Scrib M 6:82
Don Carlos
In Harper 82:758
In Violin obligato
Scrib M 1:628
Last Chance Gulch
In Violin obligato
Mad Englishman
In Violin obligato
Atlan 60:261
On the south shore
In Violin obligato
Harper 80:564
Passages from the journal of a social wreck
In Violin obligato
Stories by American authors v 7
Violin obligato
In Violin obligato
Scrib M 1:120
Crosby's rest cure. Jordan, E. G.
Cross courses. Connolly, J. B.
Cross lots to fame. Davis, C. B.
Cross of the cree. Warman, C.
Cross on the old church tower. Alcott, L. M.
Cross purposes. Freeman, M. E. W.
Cross purposes. Macdonald, G. E.
Cross roads, New York. Davis, C. B.
Cross-ways. Phillpotts, E.
Crossed gloves. Mason, A. E. W.
Crossed wires. Bacon, J. D.
Croucher hopeless case; a crime doctor story. Hornung, E. W.
Crowe, Mrs. Catherine (Stevens) 1800-1876
Advocate's wedding-day
In Johnson, R. Little classics v 8
Crown of gold. Brown, A.
Crowned with glory and honor. Andrews, M. R. S.
Crowned with one crest. Atherton, G.
Crowninshield's brush. Gray, D.
Crow's nest Harrison, C. C.
Crows' singing lesson. Loomis, C. B.
Croxley master. Doyle, A. C.
Crucial moment. Craddock, C. E.
Crucifixion of the outcast. Yeats, W. B.
Cruel thousand years. Fernald, C. B.
Cruelties. Babcock, E. S.
Cruise of a drifted boat. Bishop, W. H.
Cruise of the Albatross; or, When was Wednesday the tenth? Allen, G.
Cruise of the "Bounding Boy." Connolly, J. B.
Cruise of the Dazzler. London, J.
Cruise of the "Idlewild." Dreiser, T.
Cruise of the Ninety-three. Parker, G.
Cruise of the Quinze Mille Vièrges. Vorse, M. H.
Cruise of the Waterloo. Connolly, J. B.
Cruise of the "Willing Mind." Mason, A. E. W.
Crumbs. Porter, E. H.
Crumbs of culture. Kelly, M.
Crumpled blossoms. Schnitzler, A.
Crusade of the grand master of Alcantara. Irving, W.
Crushed flower. Andreev, L. N.
Crusoe in New York. Hale, E. E.
Cry across the Black Water. Crockett, S.
Cry of the child. Hichens, R. S.
Cry of the pack. Jordan, E. G.
Crying Tommy. Seawell, M. E.
Crystal. Bacon, J. D.
Crystal egg. Wells, H. G.
Crystal gazer. Futrelle, J.
Crystal trench. Mason, A. E. W.