Index to Short Stories/Index to Short Stories/M

1384062Index to Short Stories — Index to Short Stories, [M, Me)1923Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
M. H. W.'s bowl of broth. Jordan, E. G.
"Ma Bowlin'." Thanet, O.
"Ma'am.' Morris, G.
Maartens, Maarten, pseud. (Jozua Marius Willem Vander Poorten Schwartz) 1856-1915
All my story
In Brothers all
Liv Age 220:445
Annette de Virofley
In Some women I have known
In Brothers all
Lippinc 78:598
In Woman's victory
Author's story
In Woman's victory
Scrib M 26:685
In My poor relations
In Woman's victory
Bit of to-day
In My poor relations
In Woman's victory
Comedy of crime
In My poor relations
Cosmopol 30:185
In Brothers all
Leslie's M 55:499
In Brothers all
In Woman's victory
Cosmopol 36:161
Diane de Bragade
In Some women I have known
Fortn 75:378
Dream knight
In Woman's victorv
Cosmopol 32:668
Cur Lit 42:695
Drop of blood
In Woman's victory
Duchess Eleanor
In Some women I have known
Temple Bar 118:305
Emperor's ball
In Pall Mall M 42:71
In My poor relations
Cosmopolis 8:1
Fire of love
In Putnam's 6:187
Fool and the idiot
In Metropol 29:46 O '08
Maartens, MaartenContinued
From the memoirs of Madame Junot
In Harp W 50:1093
Gallic victory
In Scrib M 54:300
In Woman's victory
Her father's wife
In Woman's victory
Cosmopol 32:334
Her last word
In Woman's victory
In Woman's victory
In extremis
In My poor relations
Israels; a bit of biography
In Brothers all
Atlan 97:167
Jan Hunkum's money
In My poor relations
Temple Bar 121:291, 450, 629
In Some women I have known
Lady Mary's mistake
In Woman's victory
Cosmopol 27:595
In Brothers all
In Woman's victory
Cosmopol 27:473
Little Christian
In Woman's victory
Lippinc 65:418
Little Mary
In Some women I have known
Lord Venctia
In Woman's victory
Cosmopol 25:709
Love of a fool
In Putnam's 6:479
Love song
In Woman's victory
Madame de Liancourt
In Some women I have known
Madame de Mersy
In Some women I have known
Cosmopol 28:234
Madame de Parfondrieu
In Some women I have known
In Woman's victory
In Some women I have known
Temple Bar 118:190
Ministers dog
In My poor relations
Good Works 35: Christmas no 1
Mister Brother Jonas
In Brothers all
Mrs. Marsham
In Lippinc 83:603
Mrs. Russell
In Some women I have known
In My poor relations
God words 39:51 126, 195
Nobody's child
In Scrib M 45:198
In Brothers all
Notary's love story
In My poor relations
Cosmopolis 2:305
Our cousin Sonia
In Some women I have known
Our lady of lies
In Woman's victory
In Woman's victory
Harper 109:106
In Brothers all
In Brothers all
In Some women I have known
In Brothers all
Cent 67:305
Question of taste
In Question of taste
In Woman's victory
In Brothers all
In My poor relations
Sir Geoffrey's theory
In Woman's victory
Story of the great hail-gamble
In Brothers all
Pall Mall M 36:721
Summer Christmas
In My poor relations
Chaut 53:93
Eng Illust 20:261
In Brothers all
Ten million a year
In Putnam's 7:321
Their honor
Collier's 51:7 Ag 16 '13
Tom Potter's pilgrimage
In My poor relations
In My poor relations
In Brothers all
Venetia's child
In Scrib M 37:165
Why he loved her
In My poor relations
Sat Eve Post 173:8 D 29 '00
Woman's victory
In Woman's victory
Harper 107:841
Mabel and I (a philosophical fairy tale). Boyesen, H. H.
Mabel Blossom's pearl pin. Jordan, E. G.
Mac dilates on the human side. Smith, F. H.
McAllister's Christmas. Train, A. C.
McAllister's data of ethics. Train, A. C.
McAllister's marriage. Train, A. C.
Macbeth. Lamb, C.
"Macbeth" and "Banquo" on the blasted heath. Jacks, L. P.
McCulloughs of the bluff. Peattie, E. W.
Macdonald, George, 1824-1905
Butcher's bills
In Stephen Archer
In Light princess
Cross purposes
In Light princess
Giant's heart
In Light princess
Gifts of the child Christ
In Stephen Archer
Golden key
In Light princess
History of Photogen and Nycteris
In Stephen Archer
If I had a father
In Stephen Archer
Light princess
In Light princess
Little Daylight
In Light princess
Post in a storm
In Stephen Archer
In Light princess
Stephen Archer
In Stephen Archer
Every Sat 7:140
Warlock o' Glenwarlock
In Warlock o' Glenwarlock
Mace Bowman, sheriff. Lewis, A. H.
Macedonia. Wright, M. T.
McEwen of the shining slave makers. Dreiser, T.
MacFall, Mrs. Haldane. See Grand, Sarah, pseud.
Mclntyre's false face. Bishop, W. H.
McGill. Beach, R. E.
McGrath's homecoming. Harraden, B.
McCutcheon, George Barr (Richard Greaves, pseud.), 1866-
Advocate's first plea
In McClure 20:75
In Alternative
Anderson Crow, detective
In Sat Eve Post 176:1 Ap 16; 9 Ap 23 '04
Astonishing acts of Anna
In Anderson Crow, detective
Best man wins
In Anderson Crow, detective
Black is white
In Munsey 50:505
Butterfly man
In Butterfly man
Cowardice court
In Cowardice court
Day of the dog
In McClure 21:407, 520
In Flyers
Gloaming ghosts
In Her weight in gold
Green ruby
In Her weight in gold
Reader 7:648
Her weight in gold
In Her weight in gold
Husbands of Edith
In Husbands of Edith
Jack Miller hangs himself
In Anderson Crow, detective
Late Mr. Taylor
In Her weight in gold
Light that lies
In Light that lies
McClure 66:9 Mr; 27 Ap '16
Maid and the blade
In Her weight in gold
Mr. Hamshaw's love affair
In Her weight in gold
Sat Eve Post 177:6 Ap 1 '05
Night to be remembered
In Anderson Crow, detective
No questions asked
In Anderson Crow, detective
Perfect end of a day
In Anderson Crow, detective
Purple parasol
In Purple parasol
Quiddlers three
In Her weight in gold
Shades of the Garden of Eden!
In Anderson Crow, detective
Shot with crimson
In Shot with crimson
Sat Eve Post 190:3 Ap 6; 21 Ap 13 '18
Ten dollar bill
In Her weight in gold
Veiled lady and the shadow
In Anderson Crow, detective
Vicious Lucius
In Anderson Crow, detective
When girl meets girl
In Her weight in gold
Good H 54:750
In Yollop
"You are invited to be present"
In Anderson Crow, detective
Machen, Arthur, 1863-
Angels of Mons. See Machen, A. Bowmen
Bowmen (Angels o' Mons)
In Angels of Mons
Scarborough, D. ed. Famous modern ghost stories
Dazzling light
In Angels of Mons
Little nations
In Angels of Mons
Men from Troy
In Angels of Mons
In Angels of Mons
Soldier's rest
In Angels of Mons
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 1469-1527
Belphagor; or, The marriage of the devil
In Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Maciej the Mazur. Szymanski, A.
Mclntyre's false face. Bishop, W. H.
McKay, J. T.
Stella Grayland
In Storien by American authors v 7
Scrib M o s 13:694
Mackenzie, Henry, 1745-1831
Story of La Roche
In Johnson, R. Little classics v 3
Mackinac and lake stories. Catherwood, M. H.
Mackintosh. Maugham, W. S.
Maclaren, Ian. See Watson, John
Macleod, Fiona. See Sharp, William
MacManus, Seumas, 1870-
Adventures of Ciad, son of the king of Norway
In Donegal fairy stories
All on the brown knowe
In Top o' the mornin'
Amadan of the dough
In Donegal fairy stories
Aunt Calista's way
In Our Day 16:49
In Yourself and the neighbors
Bachelors of Braggy
In Yourself and the neighbors
Atlan 93:597
Barney Briar's monument
In Top o' the mornin'
Harp W 44:826
Barney Roddy's penance
In Through the turf smoke
Bee, the harp, the mouse and the bumclock
In Donegal fairy stories
Bellman of Carrick
In Top o' the mornin'
Bewitched fiddle
In Bewitched fiddle
Billy Baxter
In Through the turf smoke
Lippinc 69:474
Billy Baxter's holiday
In Top o' the mornin'
Lippinc 69:474
Billy Lappin's search for a fortune
In Bewitched fiddle
Cent 59:601
Bodach and the boy
In Lo, and behold ye!
Boyne water
In Through the turf smoke
But when Greek meets Tartar
In Yourself and the neighbors
Cadger-boy's last journey
In Bewitched fiddle
Top o' the mornin'
Outlook 63:46
Caitlin Dhu
In Lippinc 71:706
Capture of Nelly Carribin
In Top o' the mornin'
Cent 75:537
Carney's sealskin
In Top o' the mornin'
Case of Kitty Kildea
In Top o' the mornin'
Celtic beauty
In Lippinc 65:586
Come-home Yankee
In Yourself and the neighbors
Conal and Donal and Taig
In Donegal fairy stories
Conaleen and Doiialeen
In Pict R 21:15 S '20
Condy Sheeran's courtin'
In Bewitched fiddle
Chambers's J 75:780
Conquest of Killymard
In Yourself and the neighbors
Corney Clery's balance
In Bewitched fiddle
In Through the turf smoke
Counsellor MacCarty's first scalp
In Good Words 44:335
County Clare angel
In Cosmopol 33:96
Cronaraidh ghost
In Lippinc 75:74
Curiosity of Carney
In Delin 65:92 Ja '05
Curse of the heretic
In McClure 34:670
Dark Patrick's blood-horse
In Lo, and behold ye!
Day of the scholars
In Lo, and behold ye!
McClure 38:146
In Yourself and the neighbors
Dick Decker's most glorious Christmas party
In Ladies' H J 33:13 D '16
Dinny Moneghan's last keg
In Through the turf smoke
Dinny O'Neill
In Lippinc 80:59
Dog in the bog
In Yourself and the neighbors
Donal O'DonnelFs standing army
In Lo, and behold ye!
Donal that was rich and Jack that was poor
In Donegal fairy stories
Far adventures of Billy Burns
In Lo, and behold ye!
Magnificat 24:186
Cosmopol 36:459
Father Dan and fiddlers four
In Through the turf smoke
Father Matt's next
In Ind 51:3279
Five minutes a millionaire
In Top o' the mornin'
Fluttering wisp
In Delin 91:15 D '17
Gentle and something besides
In Yourself and the neighbors
Gentle people
In Yourself and the neighbors
Heart-break of Norah O'Hara
In Top o' the mornin'
Pict R 21:8 Mr '20
In Donegal fairy stories
How Condy Dhu raised the devil
In Lippinc 76:722
How Dark Patrick saved the bank of Ireland
In Leslie's M 56:332
How Miss Turkington did not see Queen Victoria
In Lippinc 72:361
Irish courtship
In Lippinc 82:739
Jack and the lord high mayor
In Lo, and behold ye!
Through the turf smoke
Jack who was the ashypet
In Through the turf smoke
Jerry MacFaddyeen's supper
In Harp W 44:9 Ja 6 '00
King's curing
In Lo, and behold ye!
Strand M 31:657
Knife in the crooked thorn
In Ladies' H J 21:8 O '02
Lad from Largymore
In Pict R 21:21 Jl '20
Larry Devenny's leg of goose
In Harper 102:325
Last serpent
In Cosmppol 37:63
Lazy Jaynius
In Woman's H C 31:7 My '04
Leadin' road to Donegal
In Through the turf smoke
Logic of a pike
In Ind 52:362
Long Cromachy of the Crows
In Lo, and behold ye!
Strand M 30:393
Lord mayor o' Buffalo
In Top o' the mornin'
Delin 91:8 O '17
Lord Thorny's eldest son
In Lo, and behold ye!
Cosmopol 35:651
Lore you loved
In Yourself and the neighbors
Mad man, the dead man, and the devil
In Lo, and behold ye!
Man who would dream
In Lo, and behold ye!
Pict R 16:4 Ap '15
Manis the miller
In Donegal fairy stories
Masther and the bocca fadh
In Through the turf smoke
Yourself and the neighbors
In Delin 65:833
Minister's race-horse
In Top o' the mornin'
Mr. Devereaux's twist
In Ladies' H J 33:23 Ag '16
Misther McCran of Belfast
In Harper 99:738
Mrs. Carney's sealskin
In Top o' the mornin'
Ladies' H J 21:12 N '04
Mrs. McCafferty's mistake
In Cent 62:430
Mrs. M'Groarty's inheritance
In Cent 70:757
Mistress of magic
In Pict R 16:20 Mr '15
Old hag's long leather bag
In Donegal fairy stories
Once upon a time
In Delin 88:13 F '16
Parvarted bachelor
In Lo, and behold ye!
Pathrick's proxy
In Bewitched fiddle
Cosmopol 28:343
Penalty of greatness
In Lippinc 73:456
Philip Slevin's queer courting
In Ind 55:2688
In Donegal fairy stories
Postmistress of Knockagar
In Outlook 74:860
Prestige of the universe
In Leslie's M 55:596
Priest's boy
In Yourself and the neighbors
Prince of Wales' own Donegal militia
In Through the turf smoke
In Through the turf smoke
Quare birds
In Lo, and behold ye!
Queen's conquest
In Lo, and behold ye!
Everybody's 22:448
Rake-maker's race
In Everybody's 10:303
Red poocher
In Red poocher
Resurrection of Dinny Muldoon
In Lo, and behold ye!
Richard Foster
In Harper 101:451
Romance of Phelim Ruadh
In Sat Eve Post 172:588
Sacrifice of Nabla
In Lippinc 74:216
Snow, the crow and the blood
In Donegal fairy stories
Son of strength
In Lo, and behold ye!
Staff of the "Universe"
In Bewitched fiddle
Station in Nancy Maguires
In Harper 100:209
Steed of bells
In McClure 24:250
Story of Donacha Laidir
In Lippinc 89:235
Strategy of Liza Jane Bohunnan
In Woman's H C 32:10 Ag '03
Strong weakness of Oiney Kittach
In Cent 58:955
Sword of light
In Lippinc 80:756
Tales you told
In Yourself and the neighbors
Three master tradesmen
In Bewitched fiddle
Outlook 64:317
Tinker of Tamlacht
In Lo, and behold ye!
Magnificat 24:92
Cosmopol 34:673
Tune that came out of a fiddle
In Ladies' H J 33:25 S '16
Two brothers
In Harper 101:793
Two cockneys and a conspirator
In Lippinc 66:270
Unto the least of these
Collier's 53:12 Ag 29 '14
Wee Paidin
In Top o' the mornin'
When Barney's trunk comes home
In Top o' the mornin'
MacManus, SeumasContinued
When God sent Sunday
In Yourself and the neighbors
When Greek meets Greek
In Yourself and the neighbors
When Myles Maguire melted
In Bewitched fiddle
When the tinkers came
In Yourself and the neighbors
Widow Meehan's Cassimeer shawl
In Top o' the mornin'
Wife for Jack Dempsey
In Leslie's M 55:172
Wisdom of dark Pathrick
In Bewitched fiddle
Cent 59:41
Wonderful story of Terry MacGowan
In Lippinc 76:71 Jl '05
Wonders of the three Donals
In Harp W 59:17 Je 28 '13
Your postmistress
In Yourself and the neighbors
Yourself and the neighbors
In Yourself and herself
McNeill's parole. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Mac's enteric fever. Crockett, S. R.
McTavish. Morris, G.
McVickar, Harry Whitney
In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M.
Shapes that haunt the dusk
Harper 97:925
Mad. Maupassant, G. de
Mad Englishman. Crosby, M.
Mad lady. Spofford, H. P.
Mad man, the dead man, and the devil. MacManus, S.
Mad Medlicott. Allen, G.
Mad Monckton. Collins, W.
Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. Crockett, S. R.
Mad virgins. Blasco-Ibanez, V.
Mad woman. Maupassant, G. de
"Mad world, my master." Hibbard, G. A.
Madam Lucifer. Garnett, R.
Madame Amalena. Perry, B.
Madame Baptiste. Maupassant, G. de
Madame Bo-peep, of the ranches. Henry, O.
Madame Butterfly. Long, J. L.
Madame Chabre. Zola, E.
Madame de Beauseant. See Balzac, H. de. Deserted woman
Madame de Chateaubrun's series of three. Halévy, L.
Madame de Dey's last reception. See Balzac, H. de. Conscript
Madame de Fleury. Edgeworth, M.
Madame de Liancourt. Maartens, M.
Madame de Luzy. France, A.
Madame de Mauves. James, H.
Madame de Mersy. Maartens, M.
Madame de Parfondrieu. Maartens, M.
Madame de Treymes. Wharton, E.
Madame Delicieuse. Cable, G. W.
Madame Delphine. Cable, G. W.
Madame Firmiani. Balzac, H. de
Madame Husson's "Rosier." Maupassant, G. de
Madame Jeanette's papers. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A.
Madame Jolicoeur's cat. Janvier, T. A.
Madame Lucrezia. See Mérimée, P. "Viccolo" of Madame Lucrezia
Madame Neigeon. See Zola, E. Jolly Parisians
Madame Parisse. Maupassant, G. de
Madame Robin. Gibbon, P.
Madame Sauvage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage
Madame Simon. Maupassant, G. de
Madame Tellier's establishment. Maupassant, G. de
Madame Therese. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A.
Madame's battle. French, A. W.
Made in heaven. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Made in heaven. Kelly, M.
Made in Mazooma. Nicholson, M.
Made out of nothing. Jacks, L. P.
Made to measure. Jacobs, W. W.
Madeira party. Mitchell, S. W.
Madeline; or, The deed in the wood. Bland, E. N.
Madeline Tristram. Sedgwick, A. D.
Madelon Viera. Vorse, M. H.
Mademoiselle. Maupassant, G. de
Mademoiselle Cocotte. See Maupassant, G. de. Cocotte
Mademoiselle de Doucine's New Year's present. France, A.
Mademoiselle de Scuderi. Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Mademoiselle Fifi. Maupassant, G. de
Mademoiselle Flavie, Zola, E.
Mademoiselle Joan. Davis, Rebecca H.
Mademoiselle l'Anglaise. Bottome, P.
Mademoiselle ma mere. Merrick, L.
Mademoiselle Miss. Harland, H.
Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriskie. Aldrich, T. B.
Mademoiselle Panache. Edgeworth, M.
Mademoiselle Pearl. Maupassant, G. de
Mademoiselle Perle. See Maupassant, G. de. Mademoiselle Pearl
Mademoiselle Roxane. France, A.
Mademoiselle Zephyr. Corelli, M.
Mademoiselle's event at midnight. Bacon, J. D.
Madge o' the pool. Sharp, W.
Madison Square Arabian night. Henry, O.
Madman. See Maupassant, G. de. Madness
Madman's luck. Duncan, N.
Madness. Maupassant, G. de
Madness of Andelsprutz. Dunsany, E.
Madness of Barry. Futrelle, J.
Madness of Henrietta Havisham. Singmaster, E.
Madness of John Harned. London, J.
Madness of Lord Harry Culverhouse. Hawkins, A. H.
Madness of May. Nicholson, M.
Madness of Mr. Lister. Jacobs, W. W.
Madness of Philip. Bacon, J. D.
Madness of Poler Stacy. Williams, J. L.
Madness of Private Ortheris. Kipling, R.
Madness of the rector. Stetson, G. E. C.
Madonna of the Blackbird. Train, A. C.
Madonna of the desert. Peattie, E. W.
Madonna of the future. James, H.
Madonna of the peach-tree. Hewlett, M. H.
Madonna of the toys. Cutting, M. S.
Madonna of the tubs. Ward, E. S. P.
Madonna of Tinkle Tackle. Duncan, N.
Madrilène; or, The festival of the dead. King, G. E.
Maecenas of the Pacific slope. Harte, B.
Maese Pérez, the organist. Becquer, G. A.
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 1862-
Massacre of the innocents
In Stories by foreign authors, Polish, etc.
Mag Haggerty's knight. Michelson, M.
Magepa the buck. Haggard, H. R.
Maggie, a girl of the streets. Crane, S.
Maghar's leap. Stockton, F. R.
Magherini-Graziani, Giovanni
In Continental classics v 15
Maupassant, G. de., and others. Modern ghosts
Magic cape. Kelly, M.
Magic casements. Bacon, J. D.
Magic cigar. Hornung, E. W.
Magic egg. Stockton, F. R.
Magic forest; a modern fairy story. White, S. E.
Magic formula. Jacks, L. P.
Magic ink. Black, W.
Magic lantern. Huneker, J. G.
Magic of a voice. Howells, W. D.
Magic of orchards. Gale, Z.
Magic ring. Graharne, K.
Magic ring. Harris, J. C.
Magic shadow. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Magic shop. Wells, H. G.
Magic sled. Bangs, J. K.
Magician's daughter and the high-born boy. Stockton, F. R.
Magnetic attraction. Barr, R.
Magnetic hearth. Connolly, J. B.
Magnetism. Maupassant, G. de
Magnetized man. Robertson, M.
Magnie's dangerous ride. Boyesen, H. H.
Magnificent Suarez. Vorse, M. H.
Magpie over the hill. Galsworthy, J.
Magruder, Julia, 1854-1907
At anchor
In Lippinc 40:1
Bartered birthright
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
Dead selves
In Lippinc 59:289
Feud and flood
In Collier's 52:17 F 7 '14
First love
In Collier's 53:13 Jl jg '14
Harry of England
In Scrib M 32:528
Heaven-kissing hill
In Heaven-kissing hill
His heart's desire
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
Honoréd in the breach
In Lippinc 41:287
Johnny Watt's money
In Harp B 33:781
Labor of love
In Labor of love
Masked singer
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
Miss Ayr of Virginia
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
New thing under the sun
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
Once more
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
Realized ideal
In Realized ideal
Story of an old soul
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
Sunny Southerner
In Sunny Southerner
Their story's end
In Collier's 52:7 D 6 '13
Thirst and the draught
In Miss Ayr of Virginia
Thousandth woman
In Lippinc 75:1
Mahala Joe. Austin, M. H.
Mahatma and the hare; a dream story. Haggard, H. R.
Mahaushadha (Tibetan)
In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental
Mahommed Selim. See Parker, G. Desertion of Mahommed Selim
Maid and the blade. McCutcheon, G. B.
Maid Marian. Seawell, M. E.
Maid of Killeena. Black, W.
Maid of Malines. Lytton, E. B.
Maid of Oyas, Lewald-Stahr, F.
Maid of the mill. Bacon, J. D.
Maid of Unai (Japanese)
In Warner library
Maiden bell. Phillpotts, E.
Maiden meditation. See Hibbard, G. A. In maiden meditation
Maid's progress. Foote, M. H.
Maimon the fool and Nathan the wise. Zangwill, I.
Main street. Hawthorne, N.
Maistre, Xavier de, 1764-1852
Prisoners of the Caucasus
In Dorchain, A. Twelve best short stories in the French language
Maitre Belhomme's beast. Maupassant, G. de
Maitre Cornelius. See Balzac, H. de. Master Cornelius
Maiwa's revenge. Haggard, H. R.
Maize in milk. Simnis, W. G.
Majesty of the law. Andrews, M. R. S.
Majesty of the law. Howard, B. W.
Major Bronquard of the army. Osbourne, L.
Major-general's pepper-pots. Bangs, J. K.
Major Perdue's bargain. Harris, J. C.
Major's tale. Bierce, A.
Major's Waterloo. Porter, E. H.
Major's wife. Green, A. K.
Makar Chudra. Gorki, M.
Makar's dream, Korolenko, V.
"Make believe." Garshin, V. M.
Make-believe man. Davis, Richard H.
"Make the bed for Attila." Thompson, V.
Make way for the young. Fuller, H. B.
Make westing. London, J.
Maker of lenses, Zangwill, I.
Maker of moons. Chambers, R. W.
Maker of rainbows. Le Galienne, R.
Maker of salt. Hopkins, W. J.
Makes the whole world kin, Henry, O.
Making a convert. Maupassant, G. de
Making a night of it. Dickens, C.
Making a superman. Gorky, M.
Making allowances for mamma. Norris, K.
Making an orator. Crane, S.
Making copy out of father. Loomis, C. B.
Making good with mother. Ferber, E.
Making of a doctor. Comer, C. A. P.
Making of a fortune. Spofford, H. P.
Making of a man. Watson, J.
Making of a marchioness. Burnett, F. H.
Making of a match. Martin, E. S.
Making of a New Yorker. Henry, O.
Making of a pilot. Vielé, H. K.
Making of a statesman. Harris, J. C.
Making of Howard Carrnth. Barr, R.
Making port, Hallet, R. M.
Making progress. King, G. E.
Malachi. Parker, G.
Male courtesan. Maupassant, G. de
Malefactor. Chekhov, A. P.
Malemute kid stories. London, J.
Malingerers. Chekhov, A. P.
Maltese cat. Kipling, R.
Malva. Gorky, M.
Malvina of Brittany. Jerome, J. K.
Mam' Lyddy's recognition. Page, T. N.
Mama Stirling. Maupassant, G. de
Mamichee. Austin, M. H.
Mamie's father. Gale, Z.
Mamin-Sibiriak, D. N.
Father elect
In Ragozin, Z. A. Little Russian masterpieces v 2
In Ragozin, Z. A. Little Russian masterpieces v 2
Mammon and the archer. Henry, O.
Mammy Peggy's pride. Dunbar, P. L.
Mammy Tittleback and her family. Jackson, H. H.
Mamsell Brostrom. Lagerlöf, S.
Mamsell Fredrika. Lagerlöf, S.
Mam'selle Delphine; a story of The Christmas. Edwards, H. S.
Man. Bierce, A.
Man, a famine, and a heathen boy. Parker, G.
Man, a maid and a motor. Loomis, C. B.
Man about town. Henry, O.
Man and brute. Watson, E. L. G.
Man and a woman. Mitchell, S. W.
Man and his boots. Harris, T. C.
Man and his friend. Stevenson, R. L.
Man and his model. Hawkins, A. H.
Man and his rose-garden. Brown, A.
Man and some others. Crane, S.
Man and the militant. Brown, A.
Man and the mountain. Harte B
Man and the Simplon. Gorky, M
Man and the snake. Bierce, A,
Man and the wild cattle. Harris, J. C.
Man at Red Barns. Gale, Z.
Man at the next table. Chambers, R. W.
Man at the semaphore. Harte, B.
Man at the wheel. Hornung, E. W.
Man at the wheel. Parker, G.
Man at the wheel. Robertson, M.
Man before the mast. Gibbon, P.
Man behind the curtain. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Man born to be king. Morris, W.
Man fights best in his own township. Barr, R.
Man cater. Vorse, M. H.
Man for a while. Hughes, R.
Man from Archangel. Doyle, A. C.
Man from God's country. Montague, M. P.
Man from Medicine Hat. Stringer, A. J.
Man from Ochee Point, New Jersey. Loomis, C. B.
Man from Red Dog. Lewis, A. H.
Man from Solano. Harte, B.
Man from the front. Stringer, A. J.
Man from the "Gods." Blackwood, A.
Man from the Spanish war. Catherwood, M. H.
Man from Troy. Smith, F. H.
Man from Yellowstone. Lewis, A. H.
Man Haggard. See Stevenson, R. L., and others. Object of pity
Man-hating maiden (Sanskrit)
In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental
Man higher up. Train, A. C.
Man hunt. Train, A. C.
Man-hunting in the pound. Fox, J., jr.
Man in a case. Chekhov, A. P.
Man in Boston. Jordan, E. G.
Man in front of Mannerings, Comer, C. A. P.
Man in the bottle. Meyrink, G.
Man in the cloister. Brown, A.
Man in the high-water boots. Smith, F. H.
Man in the machine. Beresford, J. D.
Man in the red sweater. Loomis, C. B.
Man in the road. Lewis, M. C.
Man in the shadow. Gibbon, P.
Man in the tree. Craddock, C. E.
Man in the window. Williams, J. L.
Man of adamant. Hawthorne, N.
Man of business. Balzac, H. de
Man of feeling. Brown, A.
Man of flesh and blood. Glaspell, S.
Man of forty crowns. Voltaire, F. M. de A.
Man of Gloucester. Ward, H. D.
Man of habit. Jerome, J. K.
Man of his word. Miller, A. D.
Man of ideas. Fisher, D. C.
Man of mark. Hawkins, A. H.
Man of mine. See London, J. Kanaka surf; man of mine
Man of Monceau. Weyman, S. J.
Man of no account. Harte, B.
Man of principle. Gibbon, P.
Man of promise. Hichens, R. S.
Man of putty. Loomis, C. B.
Man of the "Chat Noir." Bottome, P.
Man of the crowd. Poe, E. A.
Man of the future. French, A. W.
Man of wheels. Mason, A. E. W.
Man of Zanzibar. Davis, Richard H.
Man on horseback. White, W. A.
Man on the beach. Harte, B.
Man on the hill-top. Bacheller, I. A.
Man on the moor. Sharp, W.
Man out of the nose. Bierce, A.
Man overboard. Bierce, A.
Man overboard! Crawford, F. M.
"Man proposes." Beach, R. E.
Man proposes. Jordan, E. G.
Man that brought the river. Bazin, R.
Man that corrupted Hadleyburg. Clemens, S. L.
Man that died at Alma. Parker, G.
Man that led the class. Williams, J. L.
Man that might have been. Hughes, R.
Man that shot MacTurk. Hornung, E. W.
Man that was used up. Poe, E. A.
Man who. Osbourne, L.
Man who came back. Davis, Rebecca H.
Man who came back. Ferber, E.
Man who committed bigamy. Bates, A.
Man who could have told. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Man who could not die. Gorky, M.
Man who could not lose. Davis, Richard H.
Man who could work miracles, Wells, H. G.
Man who did not believe in luck. Jerome, J. K.
Man who found Kansas. Futrelle, J.
Man who found out. Blackwood, A.
"Man who found the truth." Andreev, L. N.
Man who "hadn't time." Catherwood, M. H.
Man who intervened. Hichens, R. S.
Man who kept his form. Galsworthy, J.
Man who knew. Gibbon, P.
Man who lived for others. Jerome, J. K.
Man who looked back. Pratt, L.
Man who looked up. Morris, G.
Man who lost his head. Fernald, C. B.
Man who lost his name. Boyesen, H. H.
Man who made believe he had failed. Bishop, W. H.
Man who made good. Stringer, A. J.
Man who made the star. White, W. A.
Man who played God. Morris, G.
Man who played upon the leaf. Blackwood, A.
Man who sang. Loomis, C. B.
Man who saw. Gibbon, P.
Man who shot Given. Singmaster, E.
Man who sold himself. Morris, G.
Man who understood women. Merrick, L.
Man who wanted to be safe. Brown, A.
Man who was. Kipling, R.
Man who was like Shakespeare. Black, W.
Man who was nice and common. Singmaster, E.
Man who was not. Pinski, D.
Man who was not on the passenger list. Barr, R.
Man who was obstinate. Brown, A.
Man who went too far. Benson, E. F.
Man who went under. Cutting, M. S.
Man who went wrong. Jerome, J. K.
Man who wins. Herrick, R.
Man who won. Lefèvre, Man who worked for Collister. Earle, M.
Man who would be king. Kipling, R.
Man who would dream. MacManus, S.
Man who would manage, Jerome, J. K.
Man whom the trees loved. Blackwood, A.
Man whose yoke was not easy. Harte, B.
Man with a country. Fisher, D. C.
Man with a national face. Gorky, M.
Man with no money. Le Gallienne, R.
Man with one talent, Davis, Richard H
Man with something in his eye. Le Gallienne, R.
Man with the blue eyes. Maupassant, G. de
Man with the boots. Bland, E. N.
Man with the dogs. Maupassant, G. de
Man with the gash. London, J.
Man with the lantern. Nicholson, M.
Man with the pale eyes. See Maupassant, G. de. Man with the blue eyes
Man with the pink pants. Bunner, H. C.
Man with the red hair. Norris, W. E.
Man with the twisted lip. Doyle, A. C.
Man with the watches. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the man with the watches
Man with two lives. Bierce, A.
Man within him. Ferber, E.
Man without a country. Hale, E. E.
Man without a pension. Yiele, H. K.
Man without a temperament. Mansfield, K.
Manager of Crystal Sulpher Springs. Glaspell, S.
Manasseh, Gibbon, P.
Manchester marriage. Gaskell, E. C.
Manette's manuscript See Dickens, C. Dr. Manette's manuscript
Mangalos. Xenopoulos, G.
Mango-seed. Gerould, K. F.
Mania. Bacheller, I. A.
Manifest destiny. Watson, J.
Manifestation of Henry. Mumford, E. W. G.
Manila wire. King, C.
Manis the miller. MacManus, S.
Manmat'ha. De Kay, C.
Mann, F. O.
Devil in a nunnery
In Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Manna. Galsworthy, J.
"Manners makyth man." Jacobs, W. W.
Manning, Marie (Mrs. Herman E. Gasch)
Prophetess of the land of No-Smoke
In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M.
Under the sunset
Manoeuvring. Edgeworth, M.
Manor house farmer's Vcfela. Auerbach, B.
Man's death. Palamas, K.
Man's life saved by fowls, and woman's by a pig. Reade, C.
Man's son. Vorse, M. H.
Mansfield, Katharine, -d 1923
At the bay
In Garden party and other stories
Bank holiday
In Garden party and other stories
Ath 1920, 2:166
In Blibs and other stories
Daughters of the late colonel
In Garden party and other stories
Dill pickle
In Bliss and other stories
In Bliss and other stories
Ath 1920, 2:38
Feuille d'album
In Bliss and other stories
In Cent 104:743
Garden party
In Garden party and other stories
Mansfield, KatharineContinued
Her first ball
In Garden party and other stories
Ideal family
In Garden party and other stories
Je ne parle pas Francais
In Bliss and other stories
Lady's maid
In Garden party and other stories
Ath 1920, 2:859
Liv Age 308:418
Life of Ma Parker
In Garden party and other stories
Little governess
In Bliss and other stories
Man without a temperament
In Bliss and other stories
Marriage a la mode
In Garden party and other stories
Miss Brill
In Garden party and other stories
Ath 1920, 2:722
Mr. and Mrs. Dove
In Garden party and other stories
Mr. Reginald Peacock's day
In Bliss and other stories
In Bliss and other stories
In Bliss and other stories
In Bliss and other stories
Ath 1920, 1:758
Singing lesson
In Garden party and other stories
In Garden party and other stories
Sun and moon
In Bliss and other stories
Ath 1920, 2:430
Liv Age 307:419
In Garden party and other stories
Wind blows
In Bliss and other stories
Ath 1920, 2:262
Young girl
In Garden party and other stories
Ath 1920, 2:575
Mansion. Van Dyke, H.
Mantel-piece minstrels. Bangs, J. K.
Mantle. Gogol, N. V.
Manufacturers. Edgeworth, M.
Manuscript. Larssen, O.
Ms. found in a bottle. Poe, E. A.
Manuscript of a village doctor. France, A.
Many men of many minds. Wyatt, E. F.
Many waters. Deland, M.
Map of the country. Brown, A.
Maranas. Balzac, H. de
Marble child. Bland, E. N.
Marcel. Bourget, P.
Marcella's intervention. Barr, R.
March of man. Gorky, M.
March of progress. Chesnutt, C. W.
March of the White Guard. Parker, G.
March wind. Brown, A.
Marchioness. See Burnett, F. H. Making of a marchioness
Marchioness of Stonehenge. See Hardy, T. Lady Caroline
Marchioness's lap-dog. Gautier, T.
Marchpane. Gerould, K. F.
Marcia. Davis, Rebecca H.
Marcile. Parker, G.
Mare Morto. Herrick, R.
Margaret. Hopkins, W. J.
Margaret: a pearl. Field, E.
Margery of Lawhibbet Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Margot. Musset, A. de
Margot's gallant. Zola, E.
Margot's tapers. Maupassant, G. de
Marguerite. Zola, E.
Marguerite's carnival. Zangwill, I.
Margueritte, Paul, 1860-
Death of Pierrot
In Merrill, S. Pastels in prose
Mari d'Elle. Chekhov, A. P.
Mari terrible. Wells, H. G.
Maria Annunciata. Jordan, E. G.
Maria Francisca. Heyse, P. J. L.
Maria Howe; or, The effects of witch stories. Lamb, M.
Maria Perrone, murderess and saint. Crockett, S. R.
Mariana overreaches. Vorse, M. H.
Marianson. Catherwood, M. H.
Marie and the talk-trust. Bacheller, I. A.
Marie de Berniere. See Simms, W. G. Ghost of my husband
Marie de France, fl. 12th century
Chatelaine of Vergi
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of Eliduc
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of Equitan
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of Graelent
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of Gugemar
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of Milon
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of Sir Launfal
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of the ash tree
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of the dolorous knight
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of the honeysuckle
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of the nightingale
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of the thorn
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of the two lovers
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of the were-wolf
In French mediaeval romances
Lay of Yonec
In French mediaeval romances
Story of beyond the sea
In French mediaeval romances
Marie twists the key. Cutting, M. S.
Mariette. Halévy, L.
Marigold-Michel. Howard, B. W.
Mariner's signalling under fire at Guantanamo. Crane, S.
Marion Campbell. Mitford, M. R.
Marionettes. Henry, O.
Marjorie Daw. Aldrich, T. B.
Marjorie Fleming. Brown, J.
Marjorie Jones' picnic. Tarkington, B.
Marjorie's three gifts. Alcott, L. M.
Mark Bridgman. Mitford, M. R.
Mark of the beast, Kipling, R.
Marked for the unexpected. Montague, M. P.
Marked down. Hurst, F.
Marked man. Jacobs, W. W.
Market-hunter. Chamber?, R. W.
Markheim. Stevenson, R. L.
Markis and the major. Wright, M. O.
Marklake witches. Kipling, R.
Marks, Jeannette, 1875-
Sun chaser
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1916
Pict R 18:12 N '16
Marlitt's shoes. Chambers, R. W.
Marm Lisa. Wiggin, K. D.
Marny's shadow. Smith, F. H.
Marocca. Maupassant, G. de
Maroon. Simms, W. G.
Marooned. Davis, C. B.
Marquis. Maupassant, G. de
Marquis and Miss Sally. Henry, O.
Marquis de Fumerol. Maupassant, G. de
Marquise. Sand, G.
Marquise of Queensbury. Fox, J., jr.
Marquise's shoulders. Zola, E.
Marriage a la mode. Mansfield, K.
Marriage at a venture. Gaboriau, E.
Marriage by compulsion. Hawkins, A. H.
Marriage by proxy. Herrick, R.
Marriage contract. Balzac, H. de
Marriage for love. Halévy, L.
Marriage of Katinka. Gale, Z.
Marriage of Lit-lit. London, J.
Marriage of Mademoiselle Gimel. Bazin, R.
Marriage of Marie Modeste. King, G. E.
Marriage of Moira Fergus. Black, W.
Marriage of Quidnunc. Hewlett, M. H.
Marriage of Telernachus. Lemaître, J.
Marriage of the brigadier. Doyle, A. C.
Marriage of the devil See Machiavelli, N. Belphagor; or, The marriage of the devil
Marriage of the miller. Parker, G.
Marriage question. Stetson, G. E. C.
Marriage settlement. See Balzac, H. de. Marriage contract
Marriage to the sea. Merhnce, P.
Marriages. James, H.
Married. Dreiser, T.
Married beneath him, Besant, W.
Married beneath him. Payn, J.
Married couple. Prévost, M.
Married daughter, Ward, E. S. P.
Married lovers. Morris, G.
Married son. James, H.
Marry month of May. Henry, O.
Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848
Great triangular duel
In Patten, W. International short stories v 2
Marrying money. Osbourne, L.
Marrying of Susan Clegg. French, A. W.
Marrying willow. Cutting, M. S.
Mars Jecm's nightmare. Chesnutt, C. W.
Marse Chan; a tale of old Virginia. Page, Marseillaise. Andreev, N.
Marseillaise! Maartens, M.
Marsena. Frederic, H.
Marsh rosemary. Jewett, S. O.
Marshall, Archibald, 1866-
Audacious Ann
In Clintons and others
In Clintons and others
In Clintons and others
In Terrors and other stories
Cloud of witnesses
In Terrors and other stories
Codex E
In Terrors and other stories
Conversion of Aunt Sarah
In Terrors and other stories
Strand M 27:24
Elijah P. Jopp and the dragon
In Terrors and other stories
Error of judgment
In Terrors and other stories
Foiling of Mrs. Bellamy-Burton
In Terrors and other stories
General revokes (play)
In Pall Mall M 38:97
"Gentleman Jim"
In Terrors and other stories
In Terrors and other stories
How to treat a woman
In Terrors and other stories
"In that state of life"
In Clintons and others
In Clintons and others
Little squire
In Clintons and others
Terrors and other stories
Llanrhyll mystery
In Terrors and other stories
Minister's daughter
In Terrors and other stories
Miss Henty's May week
In Terrors and other stories
Mrs. Timmins's tea-party
In Terrors and other stories
Moth hunters
In Terrors and other stories
My young brother
In Terrors and other stories
Sevres vase
In Terrors and other stories
Pall Mall M 42:595
Son of service
In Clintons and others
Terrors and other stories
Squire and the war
In Clintons and others
In Clintons and others
Terrors and other stories
Tramp's diary
In Terrors and other stories
Marshall, Edison, 1894-
Elephant remembers
In O. Henry memorial award prize stories of 1919
Marshall's capture. Garland, H.
Marshall's widow. Chekhov, A. P.
Marshes. White, S. E.
Mart Haney's mate. Garland, H.
Marta Riqueline. Hudson, W. H.
Marth' Ann of the evergreens. Stuart, R. M.
Martha. Pangborn, G. W.
Martha's lady. Jewett, S. O.
Martin, Edward Sandford, 1836-
Adventure in philanthropy
In Scrib M 11:230
By the second intention
In Harper 121:120
Court>liip of a careful man
In Couitship of a careful man
Harper 104:191
Disguised providence
In Courtship of a careful man
Harper 105:447
Found: a situation
In Courtship of a careful man
Harp W 48:1775, 1780.
How Uncle Thomas gave himself a first-class notice
In Harper 108:49
In Courtship of a careful man
Harper 108:829
Making of a match
In Courtship of a careful man
Harper 107:89
Party at Madeira's
In Courtship of a careful man
Harper 103:590
Martin Fabcr, the story of a criminal. Simms, W. G.
Martin Franc and the monks of St. Anthony. Longfellow, H. W.
Martine. Maupassant, G. de
Martin's hollow. Gerould, K. F.
Martyr to science. Jacobi, M. P.
Martyrdom lottery, Gibbon, P.
Martyrdom of man. Michelson, M.
Martyrdom of "Mealy Tones." White, W. A.
Martyrs. Chekhov, A. P.
Maruja. Harte, B.
Marvel, Ik, pseud. See Mitchell, D. G.
Marvellous doctor. Hogg, J.
Marvellous invention. Field, E.
Marvels of science. Hibbard, G. A.
Mary. France, A.
Mary. Jacks, L. P.
Mary. Van Renssalaer, M. G.
Mary Amelia Spot. Keats, G.
Mary and Martha. Jewett, S. O.
Mary Ann and the grand duke. Seawell, M.
Mary Bowman, Shipmaster, E.
Mary Burnett. Hogg, J.
Mary Elizabeth. Ward, E. S. P.
Mary Ellen and Evelyn May. Morris, G.
Mary Felicia. Brown, A.
Mary McGillup; a Southern novel. After Belle Boyd. Harte, B.
Mary Marie. Porter, E. H.
Mary May and Miss Phyllis. Morris, G.
Mary Montgomery. Hogg, J.
Mary Musgrave
In Stories by English authors, Africa
Mary Ppstgate. Kipling, R.
Mary Rice. Sigourney, L. H.
Mary Smith. Tarkington, B.
Mary with the high hand. Bennett, E. A.
"—mas has come." Kip, L.
Masaniello; or, The fisherman of Naples. Dumas, A.
Mascot of battery B. Osbourne, L.
Ma's pretties. Buzzell, F.
Masefield, John
Ambitious Jimmy Hicks
In Tarpaulin muster
Anty Bligh
In Tarpaulin muster
Big Jim
In Tarpaulin muster
Bottom of the well
In Tarpaulin muster
Captain John Coxon
In Mainsail haul
Captain John Jennings
In Mainsail haul
Captain John Ward
In Mainsail haul
Captain Robert Knox
In Mainsail haul
Davy Jones's gift
In Tarpaulin muster
Country Life N 11 '05
Deal of cards
In Mainsail haul
Devil and the old man
In Mainsail haul
Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Don Alphonso's treasure hunt
In Mainsail haul
Edward Herries
In Tarpaulin muster
In Tarpaulin muster
From the Spanish
In Mainsail haul
In a castle ruin
In Mainsail haul
In a fo'c'sle
In Tarpaulin muster
On the palisades
In Tarpaulin muster
One Sunday
In Tarpaulin muster
Pirates of Santa Anna
In Tarpaulin muster
Port of many ships
In Mainsail haul
Port Royal twister
In Tarpaulin muster
Raines law arrest
In Tarpaulin muster
Rest-house on the hill
In Tarpaulin muster
Sailor's yarn
In Mainsail haul
Schooner-man's close calls
In Tarpaulin muster
Sea superstition
In Mainsail haul
Seal man
In Mainsail haul
Voyage of the Cygnet
In Mainsail haul
Western islands
In Mainsail haul
Pall Mall M 40:813
White night
In Tarpaulin muster
Yarn of happy Jack
In Tarpaulin muster
Yarn of Lanky Job
In Mainsail haul
Mashi Tagore, R.
Mask. Chambers, R. W.
Mask. Maupassant, G. de
Mask of the lost soul. Earle, M. T.
Masked singer. Magruder, J.
Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley, 1865-
Affair at the Semiramis hotel
In Affair at the Semiramis hotel
Four corners of the world
Brown book
In Four corners of the world
Crystal trench
In Strand M 50:746
In Four corners of the world
In Ensign Knightley
Crossed gloves
In Ensign Knightley
Cruise of the "Willing mind"
In Ensign Knightley
Ebony box
In Four corners of the world
Crystal trench
In Four corners of the world
Metropol 47:26 My '18
In Ensign Knightley
Ebony box
In Strand M 26:283
Ensign Knightley
In Ensign Knightley
Pall Mall M 17:1
Episode of the thermometer
In Episode of the thermometer
Fifth picture
In Ensign Knightley
Great monopoly
In Metropol 24:699
Green paint
In Four corners of the world
In Sat Eve Post 177:14 D 10 '04
In Ensign Knightley
House of terror
In Four corners of the world
Sat Eve Post 181:18 My 22 '09
How Barrington returned to Johannesburg
In Ensign Knightley
Keeper of the bishop
In Ensign Knightley
Liberal education
In Ensign Knightley
Man of wheels
In Ensign Knightley
Mr. Mitchelbourne's last escapade
In Ensign Knightley
Harp W 44:1177
North of the Tropic of Capricorn
In Four corners of the world
Metropol 39:30 Ja '14
One of them
In Four corners of the world
Metropol 43:30
In Four corners of the world
Metropol 47:36 Ja '18
Princess Joceliande
In Ensign Knightley
Raymond Byatt
In Four corners of the world
Metropol 41:32 D '14
Strand M 48:699
In Four corners of the world
Schoolmaster and Felicia
In Harp W 47:19 D 12 '03
Shuttered house
In Ensign Knightley
Eng Illus M 18:323
Silver flask
In Metropol 26:411
Silver ship
In Metropol 45:22 Ja '17
Trouble at Beaulieu
In Lippinc 67:119 Ja '01
Twenty kroner story
In Ensign Knightley
Under Bignor hill
In Four corners of the world
Vicar's conversion
In Strand M 20:710
Violet book
In Metropol 41:32 F '15
Strand M 49:160
Masque of the Red Death. Poe, E. A.
Masquerade. Brown, A.
Masquerade. See Parker, G. Little masquerade
Masquerade island. Pangborn, G.
Masquerading. Pushkin, A. S.
Mass for the dead. Bland, E. N.
Mass for the dead. Chekhov, A. P.
Mass of shadows. See France, A. Mass of the shades
Mass of the shades. France, A.
Massacre of the innocents. Maeterlinck, M.
Massey money. Comer, C. A. P.
Massimilla Doni. Balzac, H. de
Master. See France, A. Merry-hearted
Master. Brown, A.
Master. Gibbon, P.
Master and man. Tolstoi, L. N.
Master cat. Perrault, C.
Master Cornelius. Balzac, H. de
Master Cornille's secret. See Daudet, A. Secret of Maitre Cornille
Mas' Craffud's freedom. Edwards, H. S.
Master Eustace. James, H.
Master-hand at bees. Wynne, M. Y.
Master Huldebrand. Castle, A., and Castle, JtL.
Master Humphrey's clock. Dickens, C.
Master Johannes Wacht. Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Master John Horsleigh, knight. Hardy, T.
Master Martin, the cooper. Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Master minds of history. Brown, A.
Master note. Ward, H. D.
Master of cobwebs. Huneker, J. G.
Master of deceit. Watson, J.
Master of his profession. See Futrelle, J. Missing necklace
Master of logic. See Futrelle, J. Crystal gazer
Master of mystery. London, J.
Master of silence.' Bacheller, I. A.
Master of the "Chrysolite." O'Halloran, G. B.
Master of the inn. Herrick, R.
Master of the Name. Zangwill, I.
Master of the "Styx"; a story of a submarine. Pemberton, M.
Master passion. Chambers, R. W.
Master passion. Vorse, M. H.
Master Richard Smith's tale of The cast of the apple. See Hewlett, M. H. Cast of the apple
Master spirit. Spofford, H. P.
Master thief. Asbjörnsen, P. C. and Moe, J. E.
Master's garden. Slosson, A. T.
Masters of arts. Henry, O.
Masther and the bocca fadh. MacManus, S.
Masterpiece. Phillpotts, E.
Masterman, Milly and the frog. Phillpotts, E.
Mat Millikcn's improvements. Wiggin, K.
Matador of the Five Towns. Bennett, E. A.
Matavulya, S.
In Popovic, P. Jugo-Slav stories
Match: to-day and yesterday. Aumonier, S.
Matchmaker. Fisher, D. C.
Matchmaker. MacManus, S.
Matchmaking. Mitford, M. R.
Mate. Merrick, L.
Mate and the maiden. Robertson, M.
Mate of the "Bunch o' keys." Phillpotts, E.
Mate of the Daylight. Tewett, S. O.
Mate of the Gatwick. Gibbon, P.
Mated. Jacobs, W. W.
Mated by a waiter. Zangwill, I.
Mated by magic: a story with a postscript
Matthews, J. B., and Pollock, W. H.
Mateo Falcone. Mérimée, P.
Materialization of Charles and Mivanway. Jerome, J. K.
Maternal feminine. Ferber, E.
Maternal instinct. Janvier, T. A.
Maternal sacrifice. Stetson, G. E. S.
Mathers arranges it. Phillpotts, E.
Mathilda's address book, Hopkins, M. S. B
Mathurin, Parker, G.
Mathurine's eyes. Bazin, R.
Matinee. Gale, Z.
Matriculation of Courtney. Hopkins, M. S.
Matrimonial ambassador. Gaboriau, E.
Matrimonial episode. Cutting, M. S.
Matrimonial openings. Jacobs, W. W.
Matrimonial tontine benefit. Grant, R.
Matter of a mashie. Gray, D.
Matter of business. Maupassant, G. de
Matter of classics. See Chekhov, A. P. Classical student
Matter of duty. Hawkins, A. H.
Matter of eugenics. Chambers, R. W.
Matter of expediency. Duncan, N.
Matter of fact. Hibbard, G. A.
Matter of fact. Kipling, R.
Matter of fact tale. Loomis, C. B.
Matter of friendship. Rice, A. H.
Matter of gesture. Glaspell, S.
Matter of interest. Chambers, R. W.
Matter of logic. Futrelle, J.
Matter of loyalty. Perry, L.
Matter of loyalty. Porter, E. H.
Matter of McFee. Train, A. C.
Matter of mean elevation. Henry, O.
Matter of motives. Barr, R.
Matter of opinion. Hibbard, G. A.
Matter of principle. Chesnutt, C. W.
Matter of rivalry. Thanet, O.
Matter of system. Porter, E. H.
Matter of taste. Wyatt, E. F.
Matter of two ciphers. Hornung, E. W.
Matthews, James Brandar, 1852-
At a private view
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 88:491
Before the break of day
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 89:222
Brief as woman's love
In Secret of the sea
By telephone
In Family tree
Cent 36:305
Cameo and a pastel
In Story of a story
Harper 86:130
Candle in the plate
In Outlines in local color
Chesterfield's postal-cards to his son
In Family tree [Scherzi & Skizzen]
Confidential postscript
In Tales of fantasy and fact
Decoration day revery
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Cent 40:102
Dream-gown of the Japanese ambassador
In Tales of fantasy and fact
Eng Illust 16:145
Esther Feverel
In Secret of the sea
Harper 72:53
Etelka Talmeyr: a tale of three cities
In Story of a story
Harper 86:857
Family tree
In Family tree
Scrib M 5:226
Frog that played the trombone
In Vistas of New York
Harper 87:911
Glimpse of the underworld
In Outlines in local color
Her letter to his second wife
In Vistas of New York
Cosmopol 25:56
Idle notes of an uneventful voyage
In Family tree
New Princeton R 3:241
Idyl of Central Park
In Vistas of New York
Woman's H C 28:3 Ag '01
In a bob-tail car
In Family tree [Scherzi & Skizzen]
Vistas of New York
In a hansom
In Vistas of New York
Harper 101:360
In search of local color
In Vignettes of Manhattan
In the little church down the street
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 88:462
In the midst of life
In Vignettes of Manhattan
In the small hours
In Vistas of New York
Scrib M 26:502
In the vestibule limited
In In the vestibule limited
Harper 82:572
In the watches of the night
In Outlines in local color
Harper 94:267
Interview with Miss Marlenspuyk
In Outlines in local color
Harper 92:61
Irrepressible conflict
In Outlines in local color
Kinetoscope of time
In Tales of fantasy and fact
Scrib M 18:733
Letter of farewell
In Outlines in local color
Scrib M 19:644
Love at first sight
In Secret of the sea
Cent 30:838
In Family tree
Stories of the army. (Stories from Scribner)
Scrib M 6:168
Men and women and horses
In Outlines in local color
Harper 91:813
Midsummer midnight
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 88:221
New member of the club
In Story of a story
Cent 45:101
On an errand of mercy
In Vistas of New York
On the battlefield [Robert White]
In Family tree
Cent 36:457
On the steps of the city hall
In Vistas of New York
Harper 98:524
Perchance to dream
In Secret of the sea
Gentleman's M n s 36:417
Lippinc 37:300
Perturbed spirits
In Secret of the sea
Cent 32:74
Playing a part
In In partnership
Primer of imaginary geography
In Tales of fantasy and fact
Scrib M 16:729
Rehearsal of a new play
In Outlines in local color
Rival ghosts
In In partnership
Tales of fantasy and fact
Harper 68:905
Robert White. See Matthews, J. E. On the battlefield
Royal marine: an idyl of Narragansett pier
In Royal marine
Harper 89:577, 680
Scherzi & Skizzen
In Family tree
Secret of the sea
In Secret of the sea
Shortest day in the year
In Vistas of New York
Sisters under their skins
In Vistas of New York
Harper 121:773
Sixteen years without a birthday
In Tales of fantasy and fact
Solo orchestra
In Outlines in local color
Harper 94:790
Speech of the evening
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Spring flood in Broadway
In Outlines in local color
Harper 92:696
Spring in a side street
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 88:678
Story of a story
In Story of a story
Cent 42:870
Such stuff as dreams
In Family tree [Scherzi & Skizzen]
Thanksgiving-day dinner
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 88:28
Twenty-ninth of February
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 80:436
Twinkling of an eye
In Tales of fantasy and fact
Two letters
In Story of a story
Harper 81:281
Under an April sky
In Vistas of New York
Venetian glass
In In partnership
Stories by American authors v 3
Vigil of McDowell Sutro
In Outlines in local color
Harper 93:758
Vista in Central Park
In Vignettes of Manhattan
Harper 89:457
In Belgravia 60:176
Wall street wooing
In Outlines in local color
Harper 03:99
Matthews, James BranderContinued
Young man from the country
In Vistas of New York
Cosmopol 25:527
Matthews, J. B., and Anstey, F.
Three wishes
In With my friends
Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C.
Documents in the case
In In partnership
"With my friends
Stories by American authors v 1
Scrib o s 18:755
Seven conversations of dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer
In In partnership
With my friends
Manhattan 3:461
Matthews, J. B., and Jessop, G. H.
Check and counter-check. See Matthews, J. B., and Jessop, G. H. Tale of twenty-five hours
One story is good until another is told
In With my friends
Harper 78:625
Tale of twenty-five hours. [Check and counter-check]
In Tale of twenty-five hours
Lippinc 41:1
Matthews, J. B., and Pollock, W. H.
Edged tools: a tale in two chapters
In With my friends
Longman's M 9:159
Mated by magic; a story with a post-script
In With my friends
Mattina. Dragoumis, J. D.
Maud and Bill. Tarkington, B.
Maud-Evelyn. James, H.
Maugham, William Somerset, 1874-
Bad example
In Orientations
Choice of Amyntas
In Orientations
Cousin Amy
In Pall Mall M 41:306
In Orientations
De amicita
In Orientations
In Trembling of a leaf
In Orientations
Fall of Edward Barnard
In Trembling of a leaf
In Cent 103:713
Foreign devils
In Asia 22:94 F '22
In Trembling of a leaf
Irish gentleman
In Strand M 28:281
In Trembling of a leaf
Cosmopol 69:14 N '20
In Trembling of a leaf
Point of law
In Strand M 26:393
In Trembling of a leaf
Cosmopol 71:58 S '21
Princess and the nightingale
In Good H 75:33 D '22
Punctiliousness of Don Sebastian
In Orientations
In Trembling of a leaf
In Trembling of a leaf
Asia 21:301
Mauki. London, J.
Maupassant, Henri Rene Albert Guy de, 1850-1893
A list of the French titles of the translated stories is given in volume seventeen of the Dunne edition.
The statement is made in the catalog of the Library of Congress that the contents of the Normandy edition are identical with those of the Miromesnil edition.
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 9
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Patten, W. International short stories v 3
Abbe Marignan
In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Accursed bread
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Adieu. See Maupassant, G. de. Farewell
Adopted son
In Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Adventure in Paris
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Adventure of Walter SchnafT. See Maupassant, G. de. Walter Schnaff's adventure
Affair of state
In Works [Dunne] v 1
After [Apres]
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Cosmopol 16:241
After death
In Works [Dunne] v 16
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
All over
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Always lock the door
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Am I insane?
In Works [Dunne] v 17
In Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Apres. See Maupassant, G. de. After
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Artist's wife
In Works (Dunne) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 3
At sea [Selfishness]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Yvette—and ten other stories
Au soleil
In Works [Dunne] v 12
Aunt Rose. See Maupassant, G. de. Our letters
Avenger [His avenger]
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 10
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Bad error. See Maupassant, G. de. Window
Ball of fat. See Maupassant, G. de. Ball of tallow
Ball of tallow [Ball of fat; Tallow ball]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Little French masterpieces v 6
Bandmaster's sister
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Bed 29
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Beggar ["Bell"]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Odd number
Belhomme's beast [Maitre Belhomme's beast]
In Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
"Bell." See Maupassant, G. de. Beggar
Bellflower. See Maupasant, G. de. Clochette
Benoist. See Maupassant, G. de. Martine
Bertha [Story of Bertha]
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Cosmopol 2:381
Beside a dead man. See Maupassant, G. de. Beside Schopenhauer's corpse
Beside Schopenhauer's corpse [Beside a dead man]
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Blind man
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Blue and white
In Works (Brainard) v 10
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Bombard [Consideration]
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Boule de suif
In Works (Brainard) v 1
In Works [Dunne] v 4
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Carnival of love
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Carter's inn [Carter's wench]
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 3
Carter's wench. See Maupassant, G. de Carter's inn
Maupassant, Guy deContinued
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Caught m the very act
In Works (Brainard) v 3
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Works (Sumichrast) v 8
Charm dispelled. See Maupassant, G. de. Discovery
Charm of the stable [On perfumes; Stable perfume]
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Christmas eve
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Clair de lune [In the moonlight]
In Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Odd number
Clochette [Bellflower]
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
In Works (Brainard) v 9
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt r
Cock crowed
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
In Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Cocotte [Francis; Mademoiselle Cocotte]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Colonel's idea [Colonel's ideas]
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Second odd number
Colonel's ideas. See Maupassant, G. de. Colonel's idea
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Odd number
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French
Theatre 32:252
La confession. See Maupassant, G. de. Peculiar case
In Works (Brainard) v 7
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Consideration. See Maupassant, G. de. Bombard
Corsician bandit
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Corsican bandits
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Costly outing
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Countess Satan
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Country excursion
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Coup d'etat
In Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Coward [The duel]
In Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Odd number
Yvette—and ten other stories
Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story
Little French masterpieces v 6
Crash [Lost]
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Dancers. See Maupassant, G. de. Minuet
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Dead woman's secret
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Deaf mute
In Works [Dunne] v 16
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
In Second odd number
Deer park m the provinces
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Diamond necklace. See Maupassant, G. de. Necklace
Diary of a madman
In Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Dimanches d'un bourgeois. See Maupassant, G. de. Sundays of a Parisian
Discovery [Charm dispelled]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Dispenser of the Holy water
In Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Divorce [Fair exchange]
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Divorce case
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Doctor's story
In Strand M 2:150
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Double pins [Rival pins]
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Doubtful happiness
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Dowry [Love's awakening]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Dread. See Maupassant, G. de. Fear
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Drowned man
In Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Drunkard [Victim]
In Works [Dunne] v 13
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 11
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Duel (1)
In Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Yvette—and ten other stories
Duel (2). See Maupassant, G. de. Coward
Englishman of Entretat
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Enthusiast. See Maupassant, G. de. Madame Husson's "Rosier"
In Works (Brainard) v l
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Exotic prince
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Fair exchange. See Maupassant, G. de. Divorce
Fake gems. See Maupassant, G. de. False gems
False alarm
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
False gems [Fake gems]
In Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Second odd number
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Family affair
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 13
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Farewell! [Adieu; Growing old]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichiast) v 1
Farmer's wife
In Works (Brainard) v 7
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Fashionable woman
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Father T
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Father and son
In Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Wright, W. H. ed. Great modern French stories
Father Boniface's crime [Mistake]
In Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Maupassant, Guy deContinued
Father Judas [Old Judas]
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Father Matthew
In Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Father Milon [No quarter]
In Works (Brainard) v 5
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Father's confession
In Works (Miromesnil) v 1O
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Fear (railroad) [Traveler]
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Fear (sea) [Traveler's story]
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French
Second odd number
In Works [Dunne] v 17
First snowfall
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Fishing excursion. See Maupassant, G. de. Two friends
Fishing hole
In Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 16
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
For sale
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Forbidden fruit
In Works [Dunne] v 17
In Works [Dunne] v 9
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Francesca and Carlotta Rondoli. See Maupassant, G. de. Rondoli sisters
Francis. See Maupassant, G. de. Cocotte
French Enoch Arden. See Maupassant G. de. Return
Friend Joseph
In Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Friend Patience
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Game keeper
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Odd number
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French
Scarborough, D. Famous modern ghost stories
Golden braid
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Good match
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Good reasons. See Maupassant, G. de. Mustaches
Grave. See Maupassant, G. de. Tomb
Grave walkers. See Maupassant, G. de Graveyard sirens
Graveyard sirens [Grave walkers]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Second odd number
Great sword
In Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Growing old. See Maupassant, G. de. Farewell!
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 7
Happiness (1)
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Happiness (2)
In Odd number
Happy life
In Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Hautot senior and Hautot junior
In Works (Brainard) v 5
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Heritage [Inheritance]
In Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
His avenger. See Maupassant, G. de. Avenger
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
In Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Second odd number
Honest ideal
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Horla; or, Modern ghosts
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 6
Continental classics v 15
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French
Little French masterpieces v 6
Maupassant, G. de, and others. Modern ghosts
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
How he got the Legion of Honor. See Maupassant, G. de. Legion of Honor
Humble drama
In Works (Sumichrast) v 6
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Husband's confessions
In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Hyppolyte's claim
In Works [Dunne] v 17
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1
Ill-omened groom
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Impolite sex
In Works (Brainard) v 5
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
In Brittany
In Works (Miromesnil) v 10
In flagrante delictu
In Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
In his sweetheart's livery
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In the court room. See Maupassant, G. de. Rustic tribunals
In the frozen sky
In Allouma
In the moonlight. See Maupassant, G. de. Clair de lune
In the spring
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In the sunlight
In Works (Miromesnil) v 10
In the wood
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In various roles
In Works [Dunne] v 3
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Inheritance. See Maupassant, G. de. Heritage
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Booklover's M 2:131
In Works (Miromesnil) v 5
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 17
Jewells. See Maupassant, G. de. False gems
Jolly fellow. See Maupassant, G. de. St. Anthony
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 1
Julie Romain
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Julot's opinion
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2
Kind girls
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
King's son. See Maupassant, G. de. Timbuctoo
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Lancer's wife
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Last step
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Lasting love
In Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Legend of Mont St. Michel
In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Legion of Honor [How he got the Legion of Honor]
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Maupassant, Guy deContinued
Letter found on a corpse [Letter found on a drowned man]
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Letter found on a drowned man. See Maupassant, G. de. Letter found on a corpse
Letter of recommendation
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Lieutenant Lare's marriage
In Works (Miromesnil) v 10
In Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Lilie Lala
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Little cask
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Little Louise Roque
In Works (Brainard) v 5
Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1
Little soldier. See Maupassant, G. de. Two little soldiers
Little walk
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Lively friend
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne) v 14
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Lost See Maupassant, G. de. Crash
Love; pages from a sportsman's book
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Love of long ago
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2
Love's awakening. See Maupassant, G. de. Dowry
Lucky burglar
In Works ([Dunne] v 5
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Mad woman
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Madame Baptiste
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Mme. Husson's "Rosier" [Enthusiast]
In Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 2
Madame Parisse
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Madame Sauvage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage
Madame Simon
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Madame Tellier's establishment
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 2
Mademoiselle Cocotte. See Maupassant, G. de. Cocotte
Mademoiselle Fifi
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Yvette—and ten other stories
Mademoiselle Pearl
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 1
Second odd number
In Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Second odd number
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Maitre Belhomme's beast. See Maupassant, G. de. Belhomme's beast
Making a convert
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Male courtesan
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Mama Stirling
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Man with the blue eyes. [Man with the pale eyes]
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French
Man with the dogs
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Man with the pale eyes. See Maupassant, G. de. Man with the blue eyes
Margot's tapers
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Marquis de Fumerol
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Martine [Benoist]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumirhrast) v 4 pt 1
Matter of business
In Works [Dunne] v 16
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
La mere Sauvage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt r
Military honors. See Maupassant, G. de. Prisoners
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Minuet [Dancers]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Miss Harriet
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1
Yvette—and ten other stories
Mistake. See Maupassant, G. de. Father Boniface's crime
In Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Modern ghosts. See Maupassant, G. de. Horla
Mohammed Fripouille [Mohammed the rascal]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Mohammed the rascal. See Maupassant, G. de. Mohammed Fripouille
Moiron [Revenge]
In Works [Dunne] v 9
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Monastery of Corbara a visit to Father Didon
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Monsieur Jocaste
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Monsieur Parent
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Esenwein, J. B. Short story masterpieces v 1
Lippinc 88:272 Ag '11
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
La Morillone
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Mother and daughter
In Works (Brainard) v 5
Mother and son
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Mother of monsters [Strange traffic]
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Mother Sauvage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage
Mother Savage [Madame Sauvage; La mere Sauvage; Mother Sauvage; Old Mother Savage]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Odd number
Yvette—and ten other stories
Mount of Olives
In Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Mustaches [Good reasons]
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
My landlady
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
My twenty-five days
In Works (Brainard) v 7
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
My uncle Jules
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1
My uncle Sosthenes
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
My wife
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Maupassant, Guy deContinued
Necklace [Diamond necklace]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Odd number
Cody, S. Selection from the world's greatest short stories
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French
Little French masterpieces v 6
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 5
Stories by foreign authors, French v 1
Canad M 23:113
New sensation
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
New Year's gift
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Night in spring
In Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Night in Whitechapel
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Night of the wedding
In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
No quarter. See Maupassant, G. de. Father Milon
Noncommissioned officer
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Normandy joke
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Nos Anglais. See Maupassant, G. de. Our English neighbors
Notes of a traveller [Notes on a journey]
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Notes on a journey. See Maupassant, G. de. Notes of a traveller
Odalisque of Senichou
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Odd feast
In Works [Dunne] v 5
Odyssey of an outcast
In Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Old Amable [Old Amiable]
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 11
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Old Amiable. See Maupassant, G. de. Old Amable
Old Judas. See Maupassant, G. de. Father Judas
Old maid (1)
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Old Maid (2), See Maupassant, G. de Queen Hortense
Old Mongilet
In Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Old Mother Savage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage
Olive grove
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Works [Dunne] v 9
On cats
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
On perfumes. See Maupassant, G. de. Charm of the stable
On the journey
In Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Odd number
Canad M 23:311
On the railway
In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
On the river
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Continental classics v 15
Maupassant, G. de, and others. Modern ghosts
Idler 15:376
One evening [Tailor's daughter]
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
One of life's paradoxes
In Harper 109:683
One phase of love
In Works [Dunne] v 16
One way. See Maupassant, G. de. Roger's remedy
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt I
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 14
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Our English neighbors [Nos Anglais]
In Works (Brainard) v 1O
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Our friend Patience
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Our letters [Aunt Rose]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Our peasants
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Page of history
In Works (Brainard) v 10
In Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2
In Works (Miromesnil) v 8
In Works (Brainard) v 5
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Second odd number
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 10
Paul's mistress
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Peculiar case [La confession]
In Works [Dunne] v 16
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Penguin's rock
In Works (Miromesnil) v 6
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Piece of string [String]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Odd number
Yvette—and ten other stories
Cody, S. Selection , from the world's greatest short stories
Little French masterpieces v 6
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 6
Wright, W. H. ed. Great modern French stories
Canad M 23:557
Pierre and Jean
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 4
Pierrot [Watch dog]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Poor Andrew [What was the matter with Andrew]
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Practical joke
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Prisoners [Military honors]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Strand M 4:308
Profitable business
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Prowess. See Maupassant, G. de. Walter SchnafFs adventure
Queen Hortense [Old maid]
In Works [Dunne] v 9
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Yvette—and ten other stories
Queer night in Paris
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Question of diplomacy
In Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Second odd number
Wright, W. H. ed. Great modern French stories
Question of Latin
In Works (Brainard) v 7
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Real one and the other
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Miromesnil) v 6
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Relics of the past
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Second odd number
In Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 4
Return [French Enoch Arden]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Revenge. See Maupassant, G. de. Moiron
Rival pins. See Maupassant, G. de. Double pins
Roger's remedy [One way]
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Works [Dunne] v 16
Rondoli sisters [Francesca and Carlotta Rondoli]
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 3
Maupassant, Guy deContinued
Room number eleven
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Rosalie Prudent
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 Pt 2
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 Pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Rustic tribunals [In the court room]
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Saint Anthony [Jolly fellow]
In Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 Pt 1
In Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Selfishness. See Maupassant, G. de. At sea
Semillante. See Maupassant, G. de. Vendetta
Sentiment. See Maupassant, G. de. Widow
Sequel to a divorce
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Shepherd's leap
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 2
Simon's papa
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Sister's confession
In Works (Miromesnil) v 3
In Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
In Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Miromesnil) v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1
Stable perfume. See Maupassant, G. de. Charm of the stable
Story of a dog
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Story of a farm girl
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Story of Bertha. See Maupassant, G. de. Bertha
Strange fancy
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Strange traffic. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother of monsters
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
String. See Maupassant, G. de. Piece of string
In Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Sunday outing. See Maupassant, G. de. Sundays of a Parisian
Sundays of a bourgeois. See Maupassant, G. de. Sundays of a Parisian
Sundays of a Parisian [Dimanches d'un bourgeois; Sundays of a bourgeois; Sunday outing]
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Sur l'eau
In Works [Dunne] v 13
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 5
Tailor's daughter. See Maupassant, G. de. One evening
Tale. See Maupassant, G. de. Tale of old times
Tale of old times (Tale)
In Works [Dunne] v 13
Yvette—and ten other stories
Tallow ball. See Maupassant, G. de. Ball of tallow
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Test [Unreasonable woman]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
That costly ride
In Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
That pig of a Morin
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Théodule Sabot's confession
In Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Timbuctoo [King's son]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Tobacco shop
In Works [Dunne] v 16
Toine [Tony]
In Works [Dunne] v 10
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Second odd number
Tomb [Grave]
In Works (Brainard) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
In Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Tony. See Maupassant, G. de, Toine
Traveler. See Maupassant, G. de. Fear
Traveler's story. See Maupassant, G. de. Fear
Traveler's tale
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Tress [Tress of hair]
In Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Tress of hair. See Maupassant, G. de. Tress
True story
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Twenty-five francs of the Mother Superior
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Two fishers
In Strand M 1:343
Two friends [Fishing excursion]
In Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Second odd number
Yvette—and ten other stories
Two little soldiers [Little soldier]
In Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Odd number
Little French masterpieces v 6
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Ulrich the guide
In Strand M 11:243
In Works (Brainard) v 1
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Yvette—and ten other stories
Uncomfortable bed
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French
Under the yoke
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Unfortunate likeness
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Unreasonable woman. See Maupassant, G. de. Test
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Useful house
In Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Useless beauty [Vain beauty]
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt I
Little French masterpieces v 6
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Miromesnil) v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Vain beauty. See Maupassant, G. de. Useless beauty
Vendetta [Sernillante]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Venus of Braniza
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
Victim. See Maupassant, G. de. Drunkard
La vie errant
In Works [Dunne] v 12
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 3
Virtue in the ballet
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Visit to Father Didon. See Maupassant G. de. Monastery of Corbara
Waiter, a "Bock"
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunue] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Maupassant, Guy deContinued
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Walter Schnaffs adventure [Prowess]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Idler 2:252
In Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
Warning note
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 1
Was it a dream?
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Watchdog. See Maupassant, G. de. Pierrot
Way to wealth
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Wedding gift
In Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Wedding night
In Works [Dunne] v 16
What was the matter with Andrew? See Maupassant, G. de. Poor Andrew
White lady
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 6
White wolf. See Maupassant, G. de. Wolf
Who can tell? See Maupassant, G. de. Who knows?
Who knows? [Who can tell?] [G. de M.'s last story]
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 2
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
Pall Mall M 3:234
Widow [Sentiment]
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 5
Wife and mistress
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2
Wife's confession
In Works (Brainard) v 8
Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Miromesnil) v 8
Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2
In Works (Brainard) v 3
Works [Dunne] v 3
Works (Miromesnil) v 2
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Window [Bad error]
In Works [Dunne] v 17
Works (Sumichrast) v 1
In Works (Brainard) v 9
Works (Miromesnil) v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2
Odd number
Woman's wiles
In Works (Brainard) v 5
Works [Dunne] v 16
Works (Sumichrast) v 1 pt 2
In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
Wooden shoes
In Works (Brainard) v 2
Works [Dunne] v 1
Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1
Words of love
In Works (Brainard) v 4
Works [Dunne] v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 15
Works (Miromesnil) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 1
Odd number
Canad M 23:17
Wrong house
In Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2
Yveline Samoris
In Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2
In Works [Dunne] v 7
Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2
Yvette—and ten other stories
Maurice Olivier. Bourget, P.
Max Hensig bacteriologist and murderer. Blackwood, A.
Max Keesler's horse-car. Hale, E. E.
Max or his picture. Thanet, O.
Maximilian diamond. Train, A. C.
May be so. Stuart, R. M.
May day eve. Blackwood, A.
May-day idyl of the olden time. Pyle, H.
May evening. See Gogol, N. V. Evening in May
May flowers. Alcott, L. M.
May it not be too late? Averchenko, A.
May Iverson writes a play. See Jordan, E. G. I write a play
May Iverson's career. Jordan, E. G.
May night. See Gogol, N. V. Evening in May
Maymeys from Cuba. Ferber, E.
Mayo, Isabella Fyvie (Mrs. John R. Mayo) (Edward Garrett, pseud.), 1843-1871
Chance child
In Johnson, R. Little classics v 11
Mayor and his people. Dreiser, T.
Mayor of Gantick. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Mayor's dove cot: a cautionary tale. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Mayor's lamps. Bangs, J. K.
Maypole of Merry Mount. Hawthorne, N.
Maytime in Marlow. Tarkington, B.
Mazed election (1768). Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Mazeppa. Hibbard, G. A.
Mazurka. Burke, T.