Indian Palmistry/Signs on the Body Parts

2002300Indian Palmistry — Signs on the Body PartsMrs. J. B. Dale

The Fingers. The Thumb.

Riches and honours shown by overthwart lines clear and red underneath the nail and joint of the thumb.

A violent death or danger through a married woman, etc.: a line passing from the upper joint of the thumb to the line of Life.

A contentious nature: confused lines on the lower joint of the thumb; one always brawling and scolding.

Death by hanging, etc.: a line surrounding the thumb at the middle joint.

Riches and possessions—to be worked for: equal furrows under the lower joint.

Idleness and lack of energy: if the first and second joints are void of incisures.

The Forefinger or Index Finger.

Inheritance: denoted by many overthwart lines in the top joint; these in the second joint show envious and evil-disposed persons.

Issue, bad tongue: right lines running between the top and second joints declare in a woman a numerous issue; in a man bitterness of tongue.

A jovial disposition: right lines in the joint near the mount of Jupiter.

Unchaste and lascivious: in a female hand a star being placed in the joint near the mount of Jupiter.

The Middle Finger.

An unhappy, melancholy and depraved mind: denoted by small gridirons or confused marks in the joints of this finger.

Success with metals: manifested by equal lines.

Drowning or violent death: this is denoted by a star in the joints of this finger.

Folly and madness: a crossed line, extending from the root of this finger upwards through the whole length of the finger.

The Ring Finger.

Great and noble fame denoted by a line ascending unbroken from the mount of the Sun through the joints of this finger to the end.

Honour and riches: this is shown by equal lines in the first joint (near the mount).

Enmity of great men: denoted by overthwart lines here; it is made late in life when these lines are intersected.

The Little Finger.

The planet Mars has dominion over this finger. A strong and valorous person when strong and well fed.

Note.—From the joints of this finger as from the mount itself are judgments passed concerning merchandise and favours.

Ingenuity and eloquence: a star in the first joint (near the mount of Mercury) shows this; it is also shown by a right line extending from the mount of Mercury to the end of finger, also a great speaker.

Foolishness, etc.: denoted by obtuse and confused marks placed here.

A thief and deceitful person: this is shown by confused and unfortunate marks appearing in the first and second joints of this finger.

Perpetual inconstancy: this is shown by adverse lines in the last or top joint of the finger.

Note.—The number of wives and husbands are frequently indicated from the small lines passing from the outermost part of the hand to the mount of Mercury, but I consider the proper place is from the mount of Venus.

If the end of the little finger does not reach so far as to touch the last joint of the ring finger, it signifies that the partner in marriage will be imperious in all things.

The mounts marked with good figures and characters show good and happy omens, being vitiated with confused or broken characters, etc., or lines, they always denote the contrary, unless they are restrained by other lines that be good.

Chiromancers generally teach that the first joints near the mount of the finger indicate the early age, the second, the flourishing state of manhood, and the last old age. But our opinion is that the planets shown by the nativity of the persons do, in their proper order, manifest their marks and characters whether for good or bad.


Note.—A knowledge of astrology will prove an acquisition to the study of palmistry or any science.

Signs on the Head. How to Read The Forehead.

If a person has a broad forehead and takes the form of  (  , a crescent, he was born of poor parents but is sure to be rich.

If a prominent single vein or mark extends from the nose to the top of the forehead the person is born to immense wealth.

If there are many similarly placed the person is very vicious.

If the forehead is depressed in the middle he is very jealous and a lascivious or sinful man.

If the forehead is narrow he is a great miser.

If there be three furrows going across the head he is likely to live a long life, especially if they go over the eyes.

If there be four such lines the person will be a commander or great potentate and live a very long time.

Many indistinct lines on the forehead denote lewd persons.

If there be any marks in the middle of the forehead and they take the form of a crescent  (  , the person will be very prosperous and fortunate.

Signs on the Feet.

If a crescent or elongated horseshoe mark appear on sole of the foot and the toes separated well from each other, the person will have a harsh temper and remain poor.

If a female's toes are well set together and close, and has a wheel or flower mark on either or both feet, she will become a lady of rank and position.

If there be an ear-shaped figure on the foot and without hair, or a little tuft, the person may expect to be successful in the world.

The Arms.

If her arms are very long she will be renowned and well-to-do. Short-armed persons generally remain poor.

Women's Printing Society, Ltd., 66, Whitcomb St., W.C.