Acceleration of respiration in Bangarus-poisoning, 96.

Acceleration of respiration in cobra-poisoning, 33.

Acceleration of respiration in daboia-poisoning, 73.

Acids, effect of, on cobra-poison, 131.

Acute poisoning by Bungarus, 92.

Additional poison-gland in Daboia, 118.

Aëration of blood and daboia-convulsions, 68.

Albuminoid nature of snake-poison, 135.

Albuminuria in Bnngarus-poisoning, 99.

Albuminuria in daboia-poisoning, 63.

Alcohol, effect of, on cobra-poison, 130.

Alcohol, in treatment, 150.

Alkalies, effect of, on cobra-poison, 132.

American snake-poisoning, 108.

Amphibia under cobra-poisoning, 15.

Amphibia under daboia-poisoning, 63.

Amputation in snake-bite, 144.

Analysis of cobra-poison, 119.

Antiseptic agents, effect of, on cobra-poison, 126.

Appearances, microscopical, of snake-poison, 119.

Appearances, post-mortem, in cobra-poisoning, 15.

Artificial respiration in treatment, 152.

Australian snake-poisoning, 106.


Birds, effect of cobra-poison on, 9, 15.

Birds, effect of crotalus-poison on, 109.

Birds, effect of daboia-poison on, 58, 62.

Bite, pain after cobra, 11.

Blood, effect of cobra-poison on, 42.

Blood, effect of daboia-poison on, 76.

Bungarus cœrulens, effects of poison of, 100.

Bungarus fasciatus, chronic poisoning by, 93.

Bungarus fasciatus, effect of poison of, on nervous system, 96.

Bungarus fasciatus, effect of poison of, on respiration, 97.


Carbolic acid, effect of, on cobra-poison, 127, 131.

Chlorine, effect of, on cobra-poison, 127.

Chronic poisoning by Bungarus, 93.

Chronic poisoning by daboia, 76.

Chemistry of snake-poison, 117.

Circulation, effect of cobra-poison on, 38.

Circulation, effect of daboia-poison on, 74.

Cobra-bite, description of, 136.

Cobra-bite, pain after, 11.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on amphibia, 9, 15.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on birds, 9, 15.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on blood, 42.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on secretion, 41.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on the circulation, 38.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on the nervous system, 22.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on the respiration, 33.

Cobra-poison, effect of, on the temperature, 39.

Convulsions in cobra-poisoning, 36.

Convulsions iu daboia-poisoning, 68.

Compulsory destruction of snakes, 160. Conservancy of towns, 160.

Crotalus poisoning, 108.


Daboia, additional poison-gland of, 113.

Daboia-bite, local effects of, 64.

Daboia-poison, effect of, on ampbibia, 63.

Daboia-poison, effect of, on birds, 58, 62.

Daboia-poison, effect of, on lacertilia, 62.

Daboia-poison, effect of, on nervous system, 65.

Daboia-poison, effect of, on respiration, 72.

Daboia-poison, effect of, on secretion, 76.

Description of cobra-poison, 118.

Description of cobra-wound, 136.

Destroying snakes, reward for, 155.

Destructiveness, order of, of snakes, 159.

Differences of symptoms of cobra and daboia poisoning, 81.

Distribution of Bungarus fasciatus, 84.

Dried cobra-poison, 118.


Echis carinata, effects of poison of, 103.

Efficacy of ligature, 147.

Excision of poison deposit, 143.

Excursus, respiratory, lessened by cobra-poison, 34.


Failing respiration, treatment of, 151.

Fang of cobra, 115.

Fang of daboia, 115.

Ferrous sulphate, effect of, on cobra-poison, 127.

Food of cobra, 114.

Food of daboia, 114.


Gland, poison-, additional, in daboia, 113.

Glosso-laryngeal paralysis in cobra-poisoning, 31,

Gold chloride, effect of, on cobra-poison, 130.


Hæmorrhage in daboia-poisoning, 77, 80.

Hæmorrhage, treatment of, 154.

Heart, tetanus of, in cobra-poisoning, 39.

Heat, effect of, on cobra-poison, 123.

Heat, effect of, on daboia-poiaon, 70, 125.

Hydrate potaasio and cobra-poison, 132.


Incision, necessity for, in snake-bite, 142.

Incubation in poisoning by Bungarus fasciatus, 94.

Insolubility of cobra-poiaon in alcohol, 131.

Interval without symptoms in cobra-poisoning, 43.

Intestinal tract, effect of cobra-poison on, 41.

Iron sulphate, effect of, on cobra-poison, 127.

Irregularity of respiration in daboia-poisoning, 73.

Irritability of nerve, effect of cobra-poison on, 28.


Kidneys, effect of Bungarus-poison on, 99.

Kidneys, effect of cobra-poison on, 41.

Kidneys, effect of daboia-poison on, 78.


Lacertilia, effect of daboia-poison on, 62.

Ligature, efficacy of, in snake-bite, 147.

Ligature in snake-bite, 139.

Local effect of Bungarus cœruleus poison, 103.

Local effect of Bungarus fasciatus poison, 95.

Local effect of cobra-poison, 17.

Local effect of daboia-poison, 64.

Loss of life by snakes, 162.


Mercuric chloride, action of, on cobra-poison, 130.

Metallic salts, effect of, on cobra-poison, 129.

Microscopic appearance of snake-poison, 119.

Mongoose and cobra, 114.

Motor nerves paralysed by cobra-poison, 23.


Nature of snake-poisons, 117.

Nervous system, effect of Bungarus-poison on, 96.

Nervous system, effect of cobra-poison on, 22.

Nervous system, effect of daboia-poison on, 65.

Nitrate of silver and cobra-poison, 130.

Nitric acid and cobra-poison, 131.

Nitric acid and daboia-poison, 125.


Order of destructiveness of snakes, 159.

Pain after cobra-bite, 11.

Paralysis of motor nerves in cobra-poisoning, 23.

Paralysis of respiratory centre in cobra-poisoning, 32.

Paraplegia in cobra-poisoning, 29.

Paraplegia in daboia-poisoning, 71.

Period of incubation in Bungarus-poisoning, 94.

Post mortem appearances after cobra-bite, 15.

Potassa and cobra-poison, 132.

Potassium permanganate and cobra-poison, 128.

Potassium permanganate, treatment by, 129.

Primary convulsions in daboia-poisoning, 68.


Rattlesnake poison, effect of, 108.

Recovery after cobra-poisoning, 44.

Resemblance between cobra-poisoning and glosso-laryngeal paralysis, 31.

Respiration, artificial, treatment by, 152.

Respiration, effect on, of Bungarus-poison, 97.

Respiration, effect on, of cobra-poison, 44.

Respiration, effect on, of daboia-poison, 72.

Respiratory centre paralysed by cobra-poison, 32.

Respiratory irregularity in daboia-poisoning, 73.

Rewards for destruction of snakes, 155.


Salivation in Bungarus-poisoning, 99.

Salivation in cobra-poisoning, 41.

Salts, metallic, effect on cobra-poison of, 129.

Season for destroying snakes, 161.

Secretion, effect of cobra-poison on, 41.

Secretion, effect of daboia-poison on, 75.

Silver nitrate and cobra-poison, 130.

Sites of snake-bites, 138.

Sodium hyposulphite and cobra-poison, 127.

Special senses, effect of cobra-poison on, 40.

Specific gravity of cobra-poison, 118.

Structures in snake-poison, 119.

Strychnia, effects of, 28.

Suction of wounds, 150.

Symptoms of Bungarus-poisoning, 92.

Symptoms of cobra-poisoning, 11.

Symptoms of daboia-poisoning, 59.


Tannic acid and cobra-poison, 130.

Taste of cobra-poison, 118.

Temperature, effect of cobra-poison on, 39. Temperature, effect of daboia-poison on, 75.

Tetanus of heart in cobra-poisoning, 39.

Treatment by alcohol, 150.

Treatment by potassium permanganate, 129.

Treatment, local, 148.

Treatment of chronic colubrine-polsoning, 155.

Treatment of hæmorrhage, 154.

Treatment of symptoms, 150.

Time, changes produced in cobra-poison by, 119.

Time required to kill by snake-poison, 112.

Toleration of snakes, 157.


Use of rewards for snakes, 155.

Uses of poison apparatus, 113.


Weakness, moscular, in daboia-poisoning, 80.

Women frequently bitten by snakes, 157.

Wound inflicted by cobra, 136.

Wound inflicted by daboia, 80.


Zinc chloride, effect on cobra-poison of, 128.