Iupiter and Ganimede
The Argument of the Dialogue intituled Iupiter and Ganimede
editIove's Masculine love this Fable reprehends,
And wanton dotage on the Trojan Boy.
Shap'd like an Eagle, he from th'earth ascends,
And beares through th'aire his new Delight and Joy.
- In Ganimed's exprest a simple Swaine
- Who would leave Heaven, to live on Earth againe.
The Dialogue
editIupiter. Now kisse me, lovely Ganimed, for see,
Wee are at length arriv'd where wee would bee:
I have no crooked beak, no tallons keen,
No wings or feathers are about me seen;
I am not such as I but late appear'd.
Ganimed. But were you not that Eagle who late fear'd,
And snatcht me from my flocke? where is become
That shape? you speak now, who but late were dumbe.
Iupit. I am no man, faire Youth, as I appeare,
Nor Eagle, to astonish thee with feare:
But King of all the gods,who for some reason
Have by my power transhap't me for a season.
Ganim. What's that you say? you are not Pan, I know:
Where's then your pipe? or where your horns, should grow
Upon your temples? where your hairy thighes?
Iupiter. Thinks Ganimed that godhood only lies
In rurall Pan?
Gan. Why not? I know him one:
We shepheards sacrifice to him alone.
A spotted Goat into some cave we drive,
And then he seiseth on the beast alive.
Thou art but some Childe-stealer, that's thy best.
Iupit. Hast thou not heard of any man contest
By Iove's great Name? nor his rich Altar view'd
In Gargarus, with plenteous showres bedew'd?
There seen his fire and thunder?
Ganim. Do you then
Affirme your selfe the same who on us men
Of late pour'd haile-stones? he that dwells above us,
And there makes noise; yet some will say doth love us?
To whom my Father did observance yeeld,
And sacrific'd the best Ram in the field.
Why then (if you of all the gods be chiefe)
Have you, by stealing me, thus play'd the thiefe;
When in my abscence the poore sheep may stray,
Or the wilde ravenous Wolves snatch them away?
Iupit. Yet hast thou care of Lambs, of Folds, of sheep;
That now art made immortall, and must keep
Societie with Us.
Ganim. I no way can
Conceive you. Will you play the honest man,
And beare me backe to Ida?
Iup. So in vaine
I shap'd me like an Eagle, if againe
I should returne thee backe.
Ganim. My father, he
By this hath made inquirie after me;
And if the least of all the flocke be eaten
I in his rage am most sure to be beaten.
Iup. Where shall he finde thee?
Ganim. That's the thing I feare,
He never can clime up to meet me here,
But if thou beest a good god, let me passe
Into the mount of Ida where I was:
And then I'le offer, in my thankfull piety,
Another well fed Goat unto thy deity,
(As price of my redemption) three yeares old,
And now the chief and prime in all the fold.
Iup. How simple is this innocent Lad? a meere
Innocuous childe. But Ganimed now heare:
Bury the thoughts of all such terren drosse,
Thinke Ida and thy fathers flocks no losse:
Thou now art heavenly, and much grace mayst do
Unto thy father and thy country too.
No more of cheese and milke from henceforth thinke,
Ambrosia thou shalt eat, and Nectar drinke,
Which thy faire hands in flowing cups shall fill
To me and others, but attend us still;
And (that which most should moove thee) make thy abode
Where thou art now, thou shalt be made a god,
No more be mortall, and thy glorious star
Shine with refulgence, and be seen from far.
Here thou art ever happy.
Ganim. But I pray,
When I would sport me; who is here to play?
For when in Ida I did call for any,
Both of my age and growth it yeelded many.
Iup. Play-fellowes for thee I will likewise finde,
Cupid, with divers others to thy minde,
And such as are of both thy yeares and size,
To sport with thee all what thou canst devise:
Only be bold and pleasant, and then know
Thou shalt have need of nothing that's below.
Ganim. But here no service I can do indeed,
Unlesse in heaven you had some flocks to feed.
Iup. Yes, thou to me shalt fill celestiall wine,
And wait upon me when in state I dine:
Then learne to serve in banquets.
Ganim. That I can
Already, without help of any man:
For I use ever when we dine or sup,
To poure out milke, and crowne the pastorall cup.
Iup. Fie, how thou still remember'st milke and beasts,
As if thou wert to serve at mortall Feasts:
Know, this is heaven, be merry then and laugh;
When thou art thirsty thou shalt Nectar quaffe.
Ganim. Is it so sweet as milke?
Iup. Pris'd far before,
Which tasted once, milke thou wilt aske no more.
Ganim. Where shall I sleep a nights? what, must I ly
With my companion Cupid?
Iup. So then I
In vaine had rap'd thee: but I from thy sheep
Of purpose stole thee, by my side to sleep.
Ganim. Can you not lie alone? but will your rest
Seeme sweeter, if I nuzzle on your brest?
Iup. Yes, being a childe so faire:
Ganim. How can you thinke
Of beauty, whilst you close your eies and winke?
Iup. It is a sweet inticement, to increase
Contented rest, when our desire's at peace.
Ganim. I, but my father every morne would chide,
And say, those nights he lodg'd me by his side
I much disturb'd his rest; tumbling and tossing
Athwart the bed, my little legs still crossing
His: either kicking this way, that way sprawling,
Or if hee but remov'd me, straightwaies yawling:
Then grumbling in my dreams, (for so he sed)
And oft times sent me to my mothers bed:
And then would she complaine upon me worse.
Then if for that you stole me, the best course
Is even to send me backe againe; for I
Am ever so unruly where I lie,
Wallowing and tumbling, and such coile I keep,
That I shall but disturb you in your sleep.
Iupit. In that the greater pleasure I shall take,
Because I love still to be kept awake.
I shall embrace and kisse thee then the ofter,
And by that means my bed seem much the softer.
Ganim. But whilst you wake I'le sleepe.
Iup. Mercury, see
This lad straight taste of immortalitie;
And making him of service capable,
Let him be brought to wait on us at table.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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