Jersey Journal/1932/Platts - Lindauer

Platts - Lindauer (1932)

John Howard Lindauer I (1904-1954) and Louise Horton Platts (1910-2004) wedding in the The Jersey Journal on May 18, 1932.

3190975Platts - Lindauer1932

Platts - Lindauer. Miss Louise H. Platts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Platts of Rutherford, became the bride of John Howard Lindauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Lindauer, of Jewett Avenue, last Saturday. The ceremony was performed by the Reverend Charles A. Rose of Rutherford at the home of the bride's parents. Members of the immediate families and a few friends were present. A color scheme of green and white was carried out in the decorations which were of ferns, sweet peas, and hydrangeas. The bride wore a gown of white lace with a tulle veil caught with orange blossoms, with shower bouquet of bride roses and sweet peas. Miss Natalie Lindauer, sister of the groom, was the bride's only attendant. She wore a gown of pale green point d'esprit and carried talisman roses. Howard Platts, brother of the bride, acted as best man. After a short wedding trip, the young couple will be at home at Fairview Towers, Rutherford. Mrs. Lindauer is a graduate of Rutherford High School and Simmons College class of 1931. Mr. Lindauer is connected with the Radio Corporation of America.


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