Jewish Encyclopedia/Baer, Issachar ben Solomon

66754Jewish Encyclopedia — Baer, Issachar ben SolomonLouis Ginzberg and Moses Beer

BAER, ISSACHAR BEN SOLOMON: Biblical and rabbinical commentator; died at Wilna in 1807. He was the brother of Elijah b. Solomon, the Wilna gaon, and like him was distinguished for simplicity and lucidity in commenting on Biblical and rabbinical topics. Besides Bible and Talmud, Baer studied mathematics and geography. His commentary on the Pentateuch, the manuscript of which was burned a few years ago, followed a double method: explaining first the simple, literal meaning of the text, like Rashi, Ibn Ezra, and Nahmanides; secondly, giving to it a philosophical and sometimes a mystical interpretation. He left also a commentary on the Talmud and Shulhan 'Aruk.


  • Fuenn, Kiryah Neëmanah, p. 201.
  • I. H. Lewin, 'Aliyot Eliyahu, ed. 1889. p. 40.
  • compare also Keneset Yisrael, i. 46, part Orot Me-Ofel, where a work, Mine Targima (on foreign terms in Talmud), is ascribed to him, the manuscript of which is in possession of Dr. Berliner.