Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world/Index
- Abbott, Mr., on spiders, 35
- Aborigines banished from Van Diemen's Land, 447
- of Australia, 433 to 450
- Abrolhos, 14
- Absence of trees in Pampas, 46
- Aconcagua, volcano of, 253, 291
- Actinia, stinging species, 464
- Africa, Southern part desert, yet supports large animals, 85
- Agouti, habits of, 69
- Ague common in Peru, 365
- Albemarle Island, 376
- Allan, Dr., on Diodon, 14
- on Holuthuriæ, 465
- Allurium, saliferous, in Peru, 364
- , stratified, in Andes, 315
- Amblyrhynchus, 385, 394
- Anas, species of, 199
- Animalculæ. see Infusoria
- Antarctic islands, 248
- Antipodes, 417
- Ants at Keeling island, 456
- in Brazil, 34
- Apires, or miners, 340
- Aplysia, 6
- Apple-trees, 297
- Aptenodytes demersa, 199
- Areas of alternate movements in the Pacific and Indian oceans, 480
- Armadilloes, habits of, 95
- , fossil animals allied to, 130, 155
- Arrow-heads, ancient, 105, 357
- Ascension, 491
- Aspalax, blindness of, 52
- Athene, 70, 125
- Atolls, 465
- Attagis, 94
- Atwater, Mr., on the prairies, 118
- Audubon, M., on smelling-power of carrion-hawks, 184
- Australia, 431
- Australian barrier, 474
- Azara on spiders, 36, 38
- on rain in La Plata, 47
- Azara on range of carrion-hawks, 59
- on habits of carrion-hawks, 57
- on a thunder-storm, 61
- on ostrich-eggs, 91
- on bows and arrows, 105
- on new plants springing up, 119
- on great droughts, 1 33
- on hydrophobia, 353
- Bachman, Mr., on carrion-hawks, 185
- Bahia Blanca, 76 to 105
- Bahia, Brazil, 11
- , scenery of, 495
- Balbi on coral reefs, 470
- Bald Head, Australia, 450
- Ballenar, Chile, 349
- Banda Oriental. 39, 142
- Banks's Hill, 210
- Barking-bird, 288
- Basaltic platform of Santa Cruz, 180
- Bathurst, Australia, 442
- Bats, vampire, 22
- Bay of Islands, New Zealand, 417
- Beads', hill of, 149
- Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, 217
- Beech-trees, 235, 281
- Beetles alive in sea, 159
- , dung-feeders, 490
- at St. Julian, 170
- in brackish water, 22
- on a fungus, 32
- Behring's Straits, fossils of, 132
- Bell of Quillota, 255
- Benchuca, 330
- Berkeley Sound, 188
- , Rev. J., on Confervæ, 14
- , on Cyttaria, 236
- Bibron, M., 381, 385
- Bien-te-veo, 54
- Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago, 378, 394
- Birds, tameness of, 398
- Birgos latro, 462
- Bizcacha, habits of, 70, 124
- Blackwall, Mr., on spiders, 161
- Blindness of tucutuco, 52
- Body, frozen, 89, 249
- Bolabola, 469, 473
- Bolas, manner of using, 44, 111
- Bombs, volcanic, 493
- Bones of the guanaco collected in certain spots, 167
- , fire made of, 194
- , recent in Pampas, 134
- , fossil, 81, 127, 130, 155, 173
- Bory St. Vincent on frogs, 38 1
- Boulders, 187, 247
- Bramador, El, 361
- Brazil, great area of granite, 12
- Breaches in coral reefs, 478
- Breakwater of sea-weed, 240
- Brewster, Sir D., on a calcareous deposit, 10
- Bridge of hide, 262
- of Incas, 334, 356
- Buckland, Dr., on fossils, 132
- Buenos Ayres, 121
- Buffon on American animals, 173
- Bug of Pampas, 330
- Buildings, Indian, 356 to 359, 368
- Bulimus on desert places, 347
- Burchell, Mr., on food of quadrupeds, 87
- on ostrich-eggs, 91
- on perforated stones, 267
- Butterflies, flocks of, 158
- Butterfly producing clicking sound, 33
- Button, Jemmy, 207
- Byron's account of fox of Falklands, 194
- on an Indian killing his child, 216
- Cacti, 165, 261, 374
- Cactornis, 379, 394
- Calasoma on wing out at sea, 158
- Calcareous casts of branches and roots of trees at King George's Sound, 450
- Calcareous incrustations on rocks of Ascension, 9
- Callao, 365
- Calodera, 1-25
- Calomys bizcacha, 124
- Camarhynchus, 379, 394
- Camelidæ, fossil animal allied to, 172
- Cauis antarcticus, 193
- Canis fulvipes, 280
- Capybara, or carpincho, 49, 287
- , fossil allied to, 82
- Cape Horn, 211
- Cape of Good Hope, 85
- Caracara, or Carrancha, 55
- Cardoou, beds of, 119, 148
- Carmichael, Capt., 392
- Carrion -hawks, 55, 120, 184
- Casarita, 95
- Castro, Chiloe, 278, 294
- Casts of trees, 450
- Casuchas, 335
- Cathartes, 58, 184,284
- Cats run wild, 120, 493
- good to eat, 117
- scratch trees, 136
- , cruelty to mice, 199
- Cattle, effects of their grazing on the vegetation, 118
- killed by great droughts, 134, 146
- know each other, 145
- curious breed of, 145
- , waste of, 149
- wild at the Falkland Islands, 190, 192
- Cauquenes, hot springs of, 263
- Causes of extinction of species among mammalia, 173
- of discoloured sea, 14
- Cavia Patagonica, 69
- Cervus campestris, 48
- Ceryle Americana, 138
- Chacao, Chiloe, 274
- Chagos atolls, 478
- Chalk-like mud, 465
- Chamisso on drifted seeds and trees, 454, 461
- on coral reefs, 467
- Changes in vegetation of Pampas, 120
- in vegetation of St. Helena, 489
- Charles Island, Galapagos Archipelago, 375
- Cheese, salt required for, 66
- Cheucau, 278, 288
- Chile, 252, 337
- , features of country, 254
- Chiloe, 273
- , forests of, and climate, 243
- Chiloe, roads of. 274, 292
- , inhabitauts of, 273, 276
- Chionis, 94
- Chonos Archipelago, 281
- , climate of, 243
- , ornithology of, 288
- Chupat, Kio, 107
- Cladonia, 364
- Clearness of atmosphere within Andes, in Chile, 256
- Climate of Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Islands, 242
- Antarctic Islands, 248
- Galapagos, 373, 377
- , change of, in Chile, 357
- Clouds of vapour after rain, 24
- on Corcovado, 28
- hanging low, 367
- at sea, 402
- Coleoptera in Tropics, 34
- out at sea, 159
- of St. Julian, 170
- Colias edusa, flocks of, 158
- Colnett, Capt., on spawn in sea, 17
- , on a marine lizard, 386
- , on transport of seeds, 392
- Colonia del Sacramieuto, 144
- Colorado Eio, 70
- Compound animals, 201
- Concepcion, Chile, 302
- Condor, habits of, 182, 186, 269
- Confervæ, pelagic, 14
- Conglomerate on the Ventana, 109
- in Cordillera, 420
- Conurus, 138
- Convicts of Mauritius, 484
- , condition of, in New South Wales, 445
- Cook, Capt., on Kelp, 239
- Copiapó, river and valley of, 350
- , town of, 354
- Coquimbo, 342
- Coral formations, 402, 452 to 482
- , stinging species of, 464
- , dead, 460, 478
- Corallines, 201
- Corcovado, clouds on, 28
- , volcano, 291
- Cordillera, appearance of, 258, 276, 318
- , different productions on east and west side, 326
- Cordillera, passage of, 314
- , structure of valleys, 315
- , geology of, 319, 332
- , rivers of, 316
- , of Copiapó, 360
- Cormorant catching fish, 199
- Corral, where animals are slaughtered at Buenos Ayres, 121
- Coseguina, eruption of, 291
- Countries, unhealthy, 365
- Couthouy, Mr., on coral-reefs, 475
- Crabs, hermit species of, 457
- at Keeling Island, 462
- at St. Paul's, 10
- Craters, number of at the Galapagos Archipelago, 373
- of Elevation, 485
- Crisia, 202
- Cruelty to animals, 152
- Crustacea, pelagic, 161
- Ctenomys Braziliensis, 50
- , fossil species of, 82
- Cucao, Chiloe, 294
- Cuckoo-like habits of Molothrus, 53
- Cuentas, Sierra de, 149
- Cumbre of Cordillera, 335
- Cuming, Mr., on shells, 391, 490
- Cuttle-fish, habits of, 7, 288
- Cuvier on Diodon, 13
- Cynara, 119
- Cyttaria Darwinii, 236
- Dacelo Jagoensis, 2
- Dasypus, three species of, 95
- Deer, 49, 133
- Degradation of tertiary formations, 344
- Deinornis, 427
- Deserts, 349, 363
- Desmodus, 22
- Despoblado, valley of, 355
- Dietfenbach on Auckland Island,244, 435
- Diodon, habits of, 13
- Discoloured sea, 14
- Diseases from miasma, 365, 435
- Distribution of mammalia in America, 131
- of animals on opposite sides of Cordillera, 326
- of frogs, 381
- of Fauna of Galapagos, 393
Dobrizhoffer on ostriches, 93
- Dobrizhoffer on a hail-storm, 116
- Docks, imported, 428
- Dogs, shepherd, 149
- D'Orbigny, Travels in South America, 78, 93, 120, 130, 149, 167
- Doris, eggs of, 201
- Doubleday, Mr., on a noise made by a butterfly, 33
- Drigg, lightning tubes at, 59
- Droughts, great, in Pampas, 133
- Dryness of St. Jago, 4
- of winds in Tierra del Fuego, 231
- of air in Cordillera, 325
- Du Bois, 382, 399
- Dung-feeding beetles, 490
- Dust, falling from atmosphere, 5
- Earthenware fossil, 370
- Earthquake, accompanied by an elevation of the coast, 310
- accompanied by rain, 351
- at Callao, 369
- at Concepcion, 302
- at Coquimbo, 342
- at Keeling and Vanikoro, and Society Islands, 475
- at Valdivia, 301
- , causes of, 311
- , effect of, on springs, 264
- on bottom of sea, 306
- , effects of, on rocks, 257, 303
- , effects of, on sea, 302, 304, 305
- , effects of, on a river-bed, 358
- , line of vibration of, 307
- on S. W. coast, 246
- , tossing fragments from the ground, 198
- twisting movement of, 308
- Eggs of Doris, 201
- Ehrenberg, Prof., on Atlantic dust, 5
- on infusoria in Pampas, 82, 130
- in the open sea, 162
- in Patagonia, 171
- in Fuegian paint, 221
- Ehrenberg, Prof., on infusoria in coral mud, 465
- in tuff at Ascension, 494
- on phosphorescence of the sea, 163
- on noises from a hill, 361
- Eimeo, view of, 406
- Elater, springing powers of, 31
- Electricity of atmosphere within Andes, 326
- Elephant, weight of, 87
- Elevated shells, 85, 130, 171, 254, 297, 310, 344, 362, 369
- Elevation of coasts of Chile, 254, 297, 307, 310, 338, 344, 357
- B. Blanca, 83
- Patagonia, 171, 371
- Pampas, 130
- mountain-chains, 312
- Cordillera, 316, 321, 332
- fringing-reefs, 476
- Peru, 369
- within human period, 371
- Entomology of the Galapagos Archipelago, 381, 392, 394
- Brazil, 34
- Patagonia, 170, 327
- Tierra del Fuego, 238
- Keeling Island, 456
- St. Helena, 490
- Entre Rios, geology of, 129
- Epeira, habits of, 36, 38
- Erratic blocks, how transported, 247
- absent in intertropical countries, 248
- on plains of Santa Cruz, 187
- of Tierra del Fuego, 247
- Estaucia, value of, 145
- Extermination of species and races, 174, 434, 441, 448
- Extinction of shells at St. Helena, 488
- of species, causes of, 174
- of man in New South Wales, 434, 448
- Eyes of tucutuco and mole, 52
- Falconer, Dr., on the Sivatherium, 146
- , Jesuit, on the Indians, 104
- , on rivers in Pampas, 106
- Falconer, Jesuit, on natural enclosures. 116
- Falkland Islands, 188
- , birds tame at, 398
- , absence of trees at, 48
- , carrion-hawks of, 57
- , wild cattle and horses of, 190
- , climate of, 242
- , peat of, 287
- Fat, quantity eaten, 117
- Fear, an acquired instinct, 399
- Februa, 33
- Fennel, run wild, 119
- Ferguson, Dr., on miasma, 366
- Fern-trees, 244, 448
- Fernando Noronha, 11, 374
- Fields of dead coral, 460
- Fire, art of making, 194, 409
- Fish, eating coral, 464
- of Galapagos, 390
- emitting harsh sound, 136
- Flamingoes, 66
- Fleas, 346
- Floods after droughts, 134
- clear after snow, 319
- Flora of the Galapagos, 374, 392, 395
- of Keeling island, 454
- of St. Helena, 487
- Flustraceæ, 201
- Forests, absence of, in La Plata, 47
- , of Tierra del Fuego, 210,
- , 286
- of Chiloe, 243, 280, 286, 293
- of Valdivia, 298, 301
- of New Zealand, 427
- of Australia, 433
- Fossil Mammalia, 81, 127, 130, 155, 173
- earthenware, 369
- Fox of the Falkland Islands, 193
- of Chiloe, 280
- Friendly Archipelago, 481
- Frogs, noises of, 29
- , bladders of, 383
- and toads, not found on oceanic islands, 381
- Frozen soil, 88, 248
- Fruit-trees, southern limit of, 243
- Fucus giganteus, 239
- Fuegians, 204 to 234
- Fulgurites, 59
- Fungus, edible, 236
- Furnarius, 95
- Galapagos Archipelago, 372; natural history of, 377
- belongs to American Zoology, 377, 393
- Gale of wind, 217,281
- Gallegos River, fossil bones at, 171
- Galliuazo, 55
- Gauchos, 42. 155
- , character of, 156
- live on meat, 117
- Gay, M., on floating islands, 265
- , on shells in brackish water, 21
- Geese at the Falkland Islands, 199
- Geographical distribution of American animals, 131, 326
- of frogs, 381
- of fauna
- of Galapagos, 393
- Geology of Cordillera, 319, 332
- of Patagonia, 170, 181
- of St. J ago, 6
- of St. Paul, 8
- of B. Blanca, 81
- of Pampas, 129
- of Brazil, 12
- Georgia, climate of, 248
- Geospiza, 379, 395
- Gill, Mr., on an upheaved river-bed, 358
- Gillies, Dr., on the Cordillera, 323
- Glaciers in Tierra del Fuego, 224, 245
- in Cordillera, 324
- in lat. 46° 40', 246
- Glow-worms, 30
- Goats, destructive to vegetation at St. Helena, 489
- , bones of, 168
- Goitre, 314
- Gold-washing, 266
- Good Success Bay, 204
- Gossamer spider, 159
- Gould, Mr., on the Calodera, 125
- , on birds of Galapagos, 379
- Granite mountains, Tres Montes, 283
- of Cordillera, 320
- Graspus, 10
- Gravel, how far transported, 108
- of Patagonia, 75, 171
- Greenstone, fragments of, 257
- Gryllus migratorius, 329
- Guanaco, habits of, 166
- , fossil allied genus, 172
- Guantajaya, mines of, 363
- Guardiadei Monte, 118
- Guasco, 348
- Guasos of Chile, 258
- Guava, imported into Tahiti, 403
- Guinea-fowl, 5, 493
- Gunnera scabra, 278
- Gypsum, great beds of, 319
- in salt-lake, 66
- in Patagonian tertiary-beds, 171
- at Iquique with salt, 364
- at Lima with shells, 369
- Hachette, M., on lightning-tubes, 60
- Hailstorm, 115
- Hall, Capt. Basil, on terraces of Coquimbo, 343
- Hare, Varying, 45
- Head, Capt, on thistle-beds, 119, 124
- Height of snow-line on Cordillera, 244
- Henslow, Prof., on potatoes, 285
- , on plants of Keeling Island, 454
- Hermit crabs, 457
- Hill, emitting a noise, 361
- Himantopus, 114
- Hogoleu barrier-reef, 469
- Holes made by a bird, 95
- Holman on drifted seeds, 454
- Holuthuriæ feeding on coral, 465
- Hooker, Sir J., on the Cardoon, 119
- , Dr. J. D., on the Kelp, 239
- , on Galapageian plants, 392, 395
- Horn, Cape, 211
- Horner, Mr., on a calcareous deposit, 10
- Horse-fly, 170
- Horses difficult to drive, 110
- drop excrement on paths, 119
- killed by great droughts, 134
- , multiplication of, 233
- broken in, 151
- Horse, powers of swimming of, 143
- wild at the Falkland Islands, 191
- Horse, fossil, 82, 130
- Horsemanship of the Gauchos, 153, 195
- Hot springs of Cauquenes, 263
- Huacas, 368, 370
- Humboldt on burnished rocks, 12
- on the atmosphere in
- tropics, 32
- on frozen soil, 88
- on hybernation, 98
- on potatoes, 285
- on earthquakes and rain, 351
- on miasma, 366, 435
- Humming-birds of Rio de Janeiro, 32
- of Chile, 271
- Hybernation of animals, 98
- Hydrochærus capybara, 49
- Hydrophobia, 353
- Hyla, 29
- Hymenophallus, 32
- Jackson, Col., on frozen snow, 325
- Jaguar, habits of, 135
- Jajuel, mines of, 259
- James Island, Galapagos Archipelago, 376
- Juan Fernandez, volcano of, 310
- , flora of, 392
- Ibis melanops, 165
- Ice, prismatic structure of, 325
- Icebergs, 187, 224, 246 to 251
- Incas' bridge, 334, 356
- Incrustations on coast rocks, 9, 12
- Indian fossil remains, 370
- Indians, attacks of, 64, 77, 129
- , Patagoniaus, 231
- , Araucarians, 299
- of the Pampas, 100
- of Valdivia, 299
- , perforated stones used by, 267
- , powers of tracking, 328
- , grave of, 169, 187
- , ruins of houses of, in Cordillera, 356, 368
- , antiquities of, in La Plata, 46, 105
- decrease in numbers, 104
- Infection, 435
- Infusoria in dust in the Atlantic, 5
- in the sea, 15, 162
- in Pampas, 82, 130
- in Patagonia, 170
- Infusoria in white paint, 221
- in coral mud, 465
- at Ascension, 494
- Insects, first colonists of St. Paul's rocks, 10
- blown out to sea, 159
- of Patagonia, 170, 327
- of Tierra del Fuego, 238
- of Galapagos, 381, 392, 394
- of Keeling Island, 456
- of St. Helena, 490
- Instincts of birds, 95, 398
- Iodine with salt at Iquique, 365
- Iquique, 362
- Iron, oxide of on rocks, 12
- Islands, oceanic, volcanic, 8
- , floating, 265
- , Antarctic, 248
- , low, 402, 467
- Kater's peak, 212
- Kauri pine, 427
- Keeling Island, 452
- , subsidence of, 475
- , birds of, 456
- , entomology of, 456
- , flora of, 454
- Kelp, or sea-weed, 239
- Kendall, Lieut., on a frozen body, 249
- Kingfishers, 2, 138
- King George's Sound, 449
- Labourers, condition of, in Chile, 267
- Lagoon-islands, 402, 453, 465
- Lagostomus, 124
- Lake, brackish, near Rio, 21
- with floating islands, 265
- formed during earthquake, 371
- Lamarck on acquired blindness, 52
- Lampyris, 30
- Lancaster, Capt., on a sea-tree, 100
- Land-shells, 347, 488, 490
- Lazo, 44, 153, 189
- Leaves, fall of, 235
- , fossil, 448
- Leeks in New Zealand, imported, 428
- Lepus Magellanicus, 193
- Lesson, M., on the scissor-beak, 138
- , on rabbit of the Falklands, 193
- Lichen on loose sand, 364
- Lichtenstein on ostriches, 92
- Lightning storms, 62
- tubes, 59
- Lima, 365, 368
- , elevation of a river near, 358
- Lime, changed by lava into crystalline rock, 6
- Limnæa in brackish water, 21
- Lion-ant, 442
- Lizard, 97
- , marine species of, 385
- Lizards, transport of, 382
- Llama or Guauaco, habits of, 166
- Locusts, 329
- Longevity of species in Mollusca, 83
- Lorenzo, San, island of, 369
- Low archipelago, 402
- Lund, M., on antiquity of man, 358
- Lund and Clausen on fossils of Brazil, 131, 173
- Luxan, 329
- Luxuriant vegetation not necessary to support large animals, 85
- Lycosa, 35
- Lyell, Mr., on terraces of Coquimbo, 343
- , on longevity of Mollusca, 83
- , on subsidence in the Pacific, 468
- , on change in vegetation, 120
- , on fossil horses' teeth, 130
- , on distribution of animals, 327
- , on frozen snow, 325
- , on extinct mammals and ice-period, 172
- , on flocks of butterflies, 158
- , on stones twisted by earthquakes, 308
- MacCulloch on infection, 435
- Macquarie river, 442
- Macrauchenia, 82, 173
- Macrocystis, 239
- Madrina, or godmother of a troop of mules, 315
- Magdalen channel, 241
- Magellan, Strait of 231
- Malcolmson, Dr., on hail, 116
- Maldiva atolls, 467, 476, 478
- Maldonado, 39
- Mammalia, fossil, 81, 127, 130, 155, 173, 371
- Man, antiquity of, 358
- , fossil remains of, 370
- , body frozen, 249
- , fear of, an acquired instinct, 400
- , extinction of races, 435, 448
- Mares killed for their hides, 154
- Mare's flesh eaten by troops, 101
- Mastodon, 127, 130
- Matter, granular, movements in, 100
- Mauritius, 483
- Maypu river, 316
- Megalouyx, 81, 131
- Megatherium, 81, 83, 131
- Mendoza, climate of, 323
- , 330
- Mexico, elevation of, 132
- Miasmata, 365, 435
- Mice inhabit sterile places, 360
- , number of, in America, 49
- , how transported, 288, 378
- different on opposite sides of Andes, 326
- of the Galapagos, 378
- of Ascension, 492
- Millepora, 464
- Mills for grinding ores, 266
- Mimosæ, 25
- Mimus, 54, 394, 399
- Miners, condition of, 260, 265, 339, 346
- Mines, 260, 340, 346
- , how discovered, 317
- Missionaries at New Zealand, 425
- Mitchell, Sir T., on valleys of Australia, 438
- Mocking-bird, 54, 394, 399
- Molina, omits description of certain birds, 271
- Molothrus, habits of, 52
- Monkeys with prehensile tails, 28
- Monte Video, 40, 142
- Moresby, Capt., on a great crab, 463
- on coral-reefs, 479
- Mount Sarmiento, 233, 241
- Tarn, 234
- Mountains, elevation of, 312
- Movements in granular matter, 100
- Mud, chalk-like, 465
- disturbed by earthquake, 306
- Mules, 315
- Muniz, Sig., on niata cattle, 145
- Murray, Mr., on spiders, 161
- Mylodon, 81, 131, 155
- Myopotamus Coipus, 287
- Negress with goitre, 314
- Negro, Rio, 63, 149
- lieutenant, 76
- New Caledonia, reef of, 469, 471, 477
- Zealand, 417
- Niata cattle, 145
- Noises from a hill, 361
- Noses, ceremony of pressing, 423
- Nothura, 45
- Notopod, crustacean, 161
- Nulliporæ, incrustations like, 9
- protecting reefs, 498
- Octopus, habits of, 7
- Oily coating on sea, 17
- Olfersia, 10
- Opetiorhynchus, 289
- Opuntia Galapageia, 374
- Darwinii, 165
- , 261
- Orange-trees self-sown, 120
- Ores, gold, 266
- Ornithorhynchus, 441
- Ornithology of Galapagos, 378, 394
- Osorno, volcano of, 273, 275, 291
- Ostrich, habits of, 43, 89
- Ostrich's eggs, 113
- Otaheite, 403
- Otter, 287
- Ova in sea, 17
- Oven-bird, 95
- Owen, Capt., on a drought in Africa, 133
- , Professor, on the Capybara, 50
- fossil quadrupeds, 81 to 84, 1.30, 155
- nostrils of the Gallinazo, 185
- Owl of Pampas, 70, 125
- Oxyurus, 237, 289
- Oysters, gigantic, 170
- Paint, white, 221
- Pallas on Siberia, 67
- Palm-trees in La Plata, 46
- in Chile, 256
- , south limit of, 244
- Palms absent at Galapagos, 375
- Pampas, number of embedded remains in, 155
- , S. limit of, 75
- , changes in, 120
- not quite level, 124, 127, 143
- , geology of, 129, 155
- , view of, from the Andes, 327
- Papilio feronia, 33
- Parana, Kio, 12(;, 139, 147
- , islands in, 134
- Parish, Sir W., on the great drought, 133
- Park, Mungo, on eating salt, 110
- Parrots, 138, 244
- Partridges, 45
- Pas, fortresses of New Zealand, 418
- Passes in Cordillera, 334
- Pasture, altered from grazing of cattle, 118
- Patagones, 64
- Patagonia, geology of, 170, 329
- , zoology of, 165, 170, 179
- Patagonian Indians, 231
- Peach-trees self-sown, 120
- Peat, formation of, 286
- Pebbles perforated, 149, 267
- transported in roots of trees, 461
- Pelagic animals in southern ocean, 161
- Penas, Gulf of, 246
- Penguin, habits of, 199
- Pepsis, habits of, 35
- Pernambuco, reef of, 498
- Pernety on hill of ruins, 196
- on tame birds, 398
- Peru, 362 to 371
- , dry valleys of, 358, 362
- Petrels, habits of, 289
- Peuquenes, pass of, 319
- Phenolite at F. Noronha, 11
- Phosphorescence of the sea, 162
- of a coralline, 202
- of land insects and sea animals, 30
- Phryniscus, 97
- Pine of New Zealand, 427
- Plains at foot of Andes in Chile, 262, 316
- almost horizontal near St. Fé, 127
- Planariæ, terrestrial species of, 26
- Plants of the Galapagos, 374, 392, 395
- of Keeling island, 454
- of St. Helena, 487
- fossil in Australia, 443
- Plata, R., 39
- , thunderstorms of, 62
- Plover, long-legged, 114
- Polished rocks, Brazil, 12
- Polyborus chimaugo, 57
- Novæ Zelandiæ, 58
- Braziliensis, 55
- Ponsonby Sound, 221
- Porpoises, 39
- Port Desire, 1 64
- , river of, 107, 1G8
- St. Julian, 170
- Famine, 233
- Portillo pass, 319, 325
- Porto Praya, 1
- Potato, wild, 285
- Potrero Seco, 350
- Prairies, vegetation of, 118
- Prevost, M., on cuckoos, 53
- Priestley, Dr., on lightning-tubes, 59
- Procellaria gigantea, habits of, 289
- Proctotretus, 97
- Proteus, blindness of, 52
- Protococcus nivalis, 322
- Pteroptochos, two species of, 270
- , species of, 278, 288
- Pueute del Inca, 334, 356
- Puffinus cinercus, 290
- Puffinuria Berardii, 291
- Puma, habits of, 136, 183, 269
- , flesh of, 117
- Puna, or short respiration, 322
- Punta Alta, Bahia Blauca, 81
- Gorda, 129, 356
- Pyrophorus luminosiis, 31
- Quadrupeds, fossil, 81, 127, 130, 155, 173
- , large, do not require luxuriant vegetation, 85
- , weight of, 87
- Quartz of the Ventana, 109
- of Tapalguen, 116
- of Falkland Island, 196
- Quedius, 10
- Quillota, valley of, 254
- Quintero, 254
- Quiriquina Island, 302
- Quoy and Gaimard on stinging corals, 464
- on coral-reefs, 476
- Rabbit, wild, at the Falkland Islands, 193
- Rain at Coquimbo, 338, 347, 348
- at Rio, 29
- and earthquakes, 351
- in Peru, 364, 365
- in Chile, formerly more abundant, 357
- , effects on vegetation, 338
- Rana Mascariensis, 382
- Rat, only aboriginal animal of New Zealand, 427
- Rats at Galapagos, 378
- at Ascension, 492
- at Keeling Island, 456
- Rattle-snake, species with allied habit, 97
- Red snow, 322
- Reduvius, 330
- Reef at Pernambuco of sandstone, 498
Reefs of coral, 465 to 482
- , Barrier, 469, 476
- , Fringing, 472
Reeks, Mr., analysis of salt, 66
- bones, 155
- salt and shells, 370
- Remains, human elevated, 370
- Remedies of the Gauchos, 128
- Rengger on the horse, 233
- Reptiles absent in Tierra del Fuego, 237
- at Galapagos, 381
- Respiration difficult in Andes, 322
- Retrospect, 50
- Revolutions at Buenos Ayres, 140
- Rhinoceroses live in desert countries, 86
- , frozen, 89, 250
- Rhynchops nigra, 137
- Richardson, Dr., on mice of North America, 378
- , on polished rocks, 251
- , on frozen soil, 88, 248
- , on eating fat, 117
- Richardson, Dr., on geographical distribution, 131
- Rimsky atoll, 466
- Rio de Janeiro, 19
- Plata, 39
- Negro, 63, 149
- Colorado, 70
- S. Cruz, 177
- Sauce, 106
- Salado, 118
- Rivers, power of, in wearing channels, 180, 320
- River-bed, arched, 358
- River-courses dry in America, 107
- Rocks burnished with ferruginous matter, 12
- Rodents, number of in America, 49, 179
- , fossil species of, 82
- Rosas, General, 71, 103, 140
- Ruins of Callao, 369
- of Indian buildings in Cordillera, 356, 368
- S. Cruz, 177
- Salado, Rio, 118
- Salinas at the Galapagos Archipelago, 377
- in Patagonia, 65, 170
- Saline efflorescences, 78
- Salt with vegetable food, 110
- , superficial crust of, 364
- , with elevated shells, 369
- Salt-lakes, 65, 170, 377
- Sandwich Archipelago, no frogs at, 382
- Land, 248
- San Pedro, forests of, 281
- Sand-dunes, 75
- Sand, hot from sun's rays, at Galapagos Archipelago, 377
- , noise from friction of, 361
- Sandstone of New South Wales, 437
- , reef of, 498
- Santa Cruz, river of, 177
- Santiago, Chile, 262
- Sarmiento, Mount, 233, 241
- Sauce, Rio, 106
- Saurophagus sulphureus, 54
- Scarus eating corals, 464
- Scelidotherium, 82
- Scenery of Andes, 318
- Scissor-tail, 138
- Scissor-beak, habits of, 137
- Scorpions, cannibals, 165
- Scoresby, Mr., on effects of snow on rocks, 318
- Scrope, Mr., on earthquakes, 352
- Scytalopus fuscus, 237, 289
- Sea, open, inhabitants of, 162
- , phosphorescence of, 162
- , distant noise of, 29.5
- Sea-pen. habits of, 99, 202
- Sea-weed, growth of, 239
- Seals, number of, 284
- Seeds transported by sea, 392, 454
- Serpulæ, protecting reef, 498
- Shark killed by Diodon, 14
- Shaw, Dr., on lion's flesh, 116
- Sheep, infected, 436
- Shelley, lines on Mont Blanc, 168
- Shells, land, in great numbers, 347
- , at St. Helena, 488
- Shells, fossil, of Cordillera, 321
- of Galapagos, 390
- elevated, 83, 130, 171, 254, 344, 369
- , tropical forms of, far south, 243
- , decomposition of, with salt, 369
- Shepherd's dogs, 149
- Shingle-bed of Patagonia, 75, 171
- Siberia compared with Patagonia, 67
- , zoology of, related to North America, 132
- Siberian animals, how preserved in ice, 250
- , food necessary during their existence, 89
- Silicified trees, 333, 353
- Silurian formations at Falkland Islands, 196
- Silurus, habits of, 136
- Skunks, 80
- Slavery, 20, 24, 499
- Smelling power of carrion-hawks, 184
- Smith, Dr. Andrew, on the support of large quadrupeds, 85
- , on perforated pebbles, 149
- Snake, venomous, 96
- Snow-line on Cordillera, 244, 322, 325
- Snow, effects of on rocks, 318
- , prismatic structure of, 325
- , red, 322
- Society, state of in La Plata, 41, 157
- Society, state of, in Australia, 443
- Archipelago, 402
- , volcanic phenomena at, 475, 481
- Soda, nitrate of, 362
- , sulphate of, 78
- Soil, frozen, 88, 248
- Spawn on surface of sea, 17
- Species, distribution of, 131, 363
- , extinction of, 174
- Spiders, habits of, 35–38
- , gossamer, 159
- killed by and killing wasps, 35 to 37
- on Keeling Island, 456
- on St. Paul's, 10
- Springs, hot, 263
- Stevenson, Mr., on growth of seaweed, 239
- Stinging animals, 464
- St. Helena, 486
- , introduction of spirits into, 412
- Fé, 129
- Jago, C. Verds, 1
- , unhealthiness of, 366
- Jago, Chile, 262
- Maria, elevated, 307, 310
- Paul's rocks, 8
- Stones perforated, 149, 267
- transported in roots, 461
- Storm, 217, 281
- in Cordillera, 324, 360
- Streams of stones at Falkland Islands, 197
- Strongylus, 32
- Struthio Rhea. 4.3, 89
- Darwinii, 92
- Strzelecki, Count, 448
- Suadiva atoll, 466
- Subsidence of coral reefs, 467 to 482
- of Keeling Island, 475
- of Patagonia, 172
- of coast of Peru, 369
- of Cordillera, 321, 333
- of Coasts of Chile, 344
- of Vanikoro, 475
- of coral reefs great in amount, 479
- , cause of distinctness in Tertiary epochs, 344
- Sulphate of lime, 66, 171, 369
- soda incrusting the ground, 78
- Sulphate of soda with common salt, 66, 369
- Swainson, Mr., on cuckoos, 53
- Sydney, 431
- Tabanus, 170
- Tahiti (Otaheite), 403
- , three zones of fertility, 406
- Talcahuano, 302
- Tambillos, Ruinas de, 356
- Tameness of birds, 398
- Tapacolo and Turco, 270
- Tapalguen, Sierra, flat hills of quartz, 116
- Tarn, Mount, 234
- Tasmania, 446
- Tattooing, 404, 426
- Temperance of the Tahitians, 411
- Temperature of Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Islands, 242
- of Galapagos, 373, 377
- Tercero, Rio, fossils in banks of, 127
- Terraces in valleys of Cordillera, 315
- of Coquimbo, 343
- of Patagonia, 172, 181
- Tertiary formations of the Pampas, 81, 129, 155
- of Patagonia,170, 329
- in Chile, epochs of, 344
- Teru-tero, habits of, 114
- Testudo, habits of, 382, 394
- Theory of lagoon-islands, 472
- Theristicus, 165
- Thistle beds, 119, 124, 148
- Thunder-storms, 62
- Tierra del Fuego, 204 to 251
- , climate and vegetation of, 242
- , zoology of, 236
- , entomology of, 238
- Tinamus rufescens, 113
- Tinochorus Eschscholtzii, 94
- Toad, habits of, 97
- not found in oceanic islands, 381
- Torrents in Cordillera, 316, 321
- Tortoise, habits of, 382, 394
- Toxodon, 82, 127, 130, 155
- Transparency of air in Andes, 325
- in St. Jago, 4
- Transport of seeds, 392, 454
- of boulders, 187, 247
- Transport of stones in roots of trees, 461
- of fragments of rock on banks of the St. Cruz river, 180
- Travertin with leaves of trees, Van Diemen's Land, 448
- Tree-ferns, southern limits of, 244
- , 448
- Trees, absence of, in Pampas, 46
- , floating, transport stones, 461
- silicified, vertical, 332
- , size of, 353
- , time required to rot, 301
- Tres Montes, 282
- Trichodesmium, 14
- Trigonocephalus, 96
- Tristan d'Acunha, 399, 456
- Trochilus, 271
- Tropical scenery, 405
- Tschudi, M., on subsidence, 369
- Tubes, siliceous, formed by lightning, 59
- Tucutuco, habits of, 50
- , fossil species of, 82
- Tuff, craters of, 373
- , Infusoria in, 494
- Tupungato, volcano of, 324
- Turco, El, 270
- Turkey buzzard. 58, 184, 284
- Turtle, manner of catching, 459
- Type of organization in Galapagos islands, American, 393
- Types of organization in different countries, constant, 173
- Tyranuus, 138
- Ulloa on hydrophobia, 353
- on Indian buildings, 357
- Unanùe, Dr., on hydrophobia, 353
- Uruguay, Rio, 139, 147
- , not crossed by the Bizcacha, 124
- Uspallata range and pass, 331
- Vacas, Rio, 333
- Valdivia, 297
- , forests of, 298, 301
- Valley of St. Cruz, how excavated, 181
- , dry, at Copiapó, 355
- Valleys, excavation of, in Chile, 315, 355
- of Tahiti, 408, 412
- in Cordillera, 315
- Valleys of New South Wales, 437
- Valparaiso, 252, 313
- Vampire bat, 22
- Vapour from forests, 24
- Van Diemen's Land, 446
- Vanellus Cajanus, 114
- Vanessa, flocks of, 158
- Vanikoro, 469, 471, 475
- Vegetation of St. Helena, changes of, 489
- on opposite sides of Cordillera, 326
- luxuriant, not necessary to support large animals, 85
- Ventana, Sierra, 107
- Verbena melindres, 40
- Villa Vicencio, 331
- Virgularia Patagonica, 99, 202
- Volcanic bombs, 493
- islands, 8
- phenomena, 311
- Volcanos near Chiloe, 273, 275, 291, 310
- , their presence determined by elevation or subsidence, 480
- Vulturaura, 58, 184, 284
- Waders, first colonists of distant islands, 380
- Waimate, New Zealand, 421
- Walckenaer on spiders, 38
- Walleechu tree, 68
- Wasps preying on spiders and killed by, 35—38
- Water-hog, 49
- Water, sold at Iquique, 362
- , fresh, floating on salt, 39, 458
- Waterhouse, Mr., on Rodents, 49, 378
- on the Niata ox. 146
- on the insects of Tierra del Fuego, 238
- of Galalagos, 381, 392
- Waves, caused by fall of ice, 224, 246
- from earthquakes, 305, 309
- Weather, connection with earthquakes, 351
- Weather-board, N.S. Wales, 437
- Weeds in New Zealand, imported, 392, 428
- Weight of large quadrupeds, 87
- Wellington, Mount, 448
- Wells, ebbing and flowing, 458
- at Iquique, 364
- West Indies, banks of, 439
- , coral reefs of, 472, 480
- , zoology of, 132
- Whales, oil from, 17
- leaping out of water, 223
- White, Mr., on spiders, 35
- Wigwams of Fuegians, 212
- Williams, Rev., on infectious disorders, 435
- Winds, dry, in Tierra del Fuego, 231
- at the Cape Verds, 3
- , cold, on Cordillera, 360
- on Cordillera, 323
- Winter's Bark, 235, 281
- Wolf at the Falklands, 193
- Wood, Capt., on the Agouti, 70
- Woollya, 221
- Yaquil, 265
- Yeso, Valle del, 319
- York Minster, 208
- Zonotrichia, 52
- Zoological provinces of N. and S. America, 131
- Zoology of Galapagos, 377
- of Keeling Island, 456
- of Tierra del Fuego, 23G
- of Chonos Islands, 287
- of St. Helena, 490
- Zoophytes, 99
- at Falkland Islands, 201
- Zorillo, or skunk, 80