Kashf ul Asrar English Translation with Persian Text/Glossary

Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamat The section of Muslims who follow the Sunnahs of The Holy Prophet completely. All the four schools of thought are included in this section i.e. Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii and Hanbali Alif- Alif- is the first letter of Arabic alphabets and it refers to Ism-e-Allah Arif The Knower of Allah Arif Billah Knower of Allah who has become One with Him Arifeen Plural of Arif Ashiq Divine Lover Auliya Plural of Wali-Perfect Friends of Allah, Saints Autad and Abdal Spiritual ranks of special mystics.

Baqa Billah Immortal with Allah.

ana-Fi-Hoo Annihilated in Hoo Fana-Fillah Annihilated in Allah Fana-Fi-Shaikh Annihilation in Murshid Faqeer One who walks the Path of Faqr and reaches closest to Allah by renouncing everything other than Allah. Faqeer-e-Kamil The accomplished Saint who has become One with Allah Faqr The Divine way to have Vision and Closeness of Allah Fuqara Plural of Faqeer.

Ghaus The Saint of highest level.

Habs Practice of holding the breath Hadith Saying of The Holy Prophet Haqeeqat The Reality.

Ibr /> Ilm-e-Dawat The knowledge of communicating with the souls of shrines Ism Name Ism-e-Allah Zaat The Personal Name of Allah which represents The Divine Essence. Ism-e-Azam The Greatest Divine Word by saying which, with pure and perfect heart, all the problems are solved and wishes are fulfilled. Mystics say that Ism-e-Azam is Ism-e-Allah Zaat because no word is greater or more powerful than. Ism-e-Faqr The Sacred Name of Faqr Ism-e-Mohammad The Sacred Name of Mohammad.

Jabrut The connecting world or the world of All Powerful Jamiat Accumulation of all spiritual levels in the inward of a Seeker through which he had passed during his spiritual journey, then he gets ultimate contentment of heart.

Kalma Tayyaba The Holy creed meaning: There is no one to be worshipped but Allah and Mohammad is His Messenger Kamil Perfect, accomplished Kun FaYakun Allah gives the order of Kun (Be) and it is FaYakun(Done).

Majlis-e-Mohammadi The Holy Assembly of Prophet Mohammad Malakut The world of non-physical or symbolic forms Marifat The Divine Knowledge Mashooq The Divine Beloved Meraj Ascension to Allah Momin True believers Murshid The Divine Spiritual Guide.

Nafs Inner baser self Nafs-e-Ammarah The ill commanding self Nafs-e-Lawama The repenting self Nafs-e-Mulhima The inspiring self Nafs-e-Mutmaina The satisfied self Naqsh Impression Nasut The material world of physical bodies Noor Light of Allah.

Qutb The pivot of all Saints.

Rehman Attributive Name of Allah-The Most Compassionate.

Salat Prayer which is obligatory upon Muslims to be performed five times a day in a particular manner. Shaikh The Divine Guide, synonym for Murshid Shariah Islamic Law Sufi Mystic Sunnah Inward and outward ways of The Holy Prophet.

Tareeqat Mystic way to Allah, Mysticism Tasawur Contemplation Tauheed Divine Oneness.

Ummah Nation of a Prophet.

Zaat The Divine Essence.