King Alfred's Old English Version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies/Glossary


[The abbreviations used will be readily understood. Unless the number of times a word occurs is given, etc. denotes that it occurs frequently. Words not found in the Boethius are marked with †.]


ā, adv., always, ever: 3.4; 36.5; 48.15; 49.9; 52.7, 12 (2); 56.12; 57.1; 59.5, 6, 27; 63.27, 30(2); 64.6, 9, 17; 65.20; 67.8.
āberan, sv.4, bear, carry: inf. 1.5, 7.
ābysgian, wv., busy, occupy: ābysgað, 33.8; ābysige, 36.4; pp. ābysgod, 66.20.
ac, conj., but: 1.15 (105 times).
ācennan, wv., bear, bring forth: pp. ācende, 59.22; ācenned, 63.12.
ācsian, wv., ask, inquire of: ācsige, 38.4; āhsige, 39.9, 10; ācsast, 15.1; 36.15; pret. ācsode, 56.12; 64.13; 65.3; ācsodde (MS. acsoðde), 65.4; ācsodest, 52.4; 59.5; 60.9; imp. ācsa, 63.10; ǣacsa, 63.13; inf. 23.3; 24.10.
ācsung, f., inquiry, question: ns. 51.11.
†ācucian, wv., quicken, revive: ācucað, 6.22.
adrīfan, sv.1, drive away, expel: imp. adrīf, 11.15; pp. ādrifen, 69.14.
ǣ, f., law: ds. 19.8; ap. 6.16.
ǣac, see ēac.
ǣaca, see ēaca.
æarnian, see earnian.
†ǣfest, adj., righteous, pious: nsm., 61.9.
ǣfre, adv., ever, at any time: 21.2 (11 times); ēfre, 15.9; 62.13.
æfter, prep. w. dat., after: 30.24; 33.16, 17; 36.15; 38.6, 7; 41.19; 43.10; 45.23; 47.17; 55.3; 56.13; 59.6, 8; 63.26; 64.13, 30; 65.4; 66.9, 11; efter, 39.20; 63.15; 67.6; after, 25.10; 48.5 (MS. afwer).
æfter, adv., after, about: 15.1; 26.2; 27.4; 39. 18; 49.16; 56.12; 59.5; 69.32.
æftera, comp. adj., second, following: gsf. æftran, 55.1; 64.34.
ǣg, n., egg: ds. ǣge, 20.14.
ǣgðer, correl. conj., with, both, and: 1.14, etc.
ǣgðer, pron., both, either, all: n. 9.2; g. ǣgþeres, 2.15; d. ǣgðrum, 2.16; ēgþrum, 28.15, 16; ip. ǣgðrum, 21.14; ap. ǣgðer, 21.10, etc.
ǣlc, adj., pron., each, every, all: nsm. 6.19, 20; 27.5; 31, 23; 42.3; 43.9, 11; 44.15; 65.23, 26; 45.3 (MS. æclc); 68.17; ǣalc, 11.1; ns. 50.17; nsn. ēlc, 31.9; ǣlc, 10. 21; 51.10 (MS. æcl); nsf. 9.13, 20; 58.12; gsm. ǣlces, 44.18; 63.30; gsn. 4.8; 9.10; 10.20; 27.11; 29.10; 67.3; gsf. ǣlcre, 41.1; 53.1; ǣlcra, 67.31; ēlcere, 30.3; dsm. ǣlcum, 23.6; 30.13; 41.8, 18 (2); 43.8; 64.29, 30; 67.1; dsn. 1.2, 7; 5.19; 27.9; ǣllcum, 5.7; ēlcum, 60.22; asm. ǣlcne, 1.8; 2.7; 16.17; asn. ǣlc, 5.8; 16.6; 43.1, 5; 68.1 (2); asf. ǣllce, 34.13; ǣlce, 42.16; ism. ǣlc, 68.28; ǣlce, 63.14; ēlcæ, 26.16.
ælenge, adj., tedious: 59.31.
ælmihtig, adj., almighty, all-powerful: nsm. 26.10; ælmihtih, 58.27; wk. almihtiga 61. 15; asf. ælmyhtian, 31.25.
†ælmihtihnes, f., omnipotence: ds. ælmihtihnesse, 59.13.
†ǣmanne, adj., uninhabited, void of: 4.8; ǣmenne, 4.11.
†ǣmettig, adj., empty: npm. ǣmettige, 55.2.
ǣnig, adj. pron., any(one): nsm. 24.12; 42.7; nsf. 25.17; ns. ēnig, 58.22, 23; gsm. ēniges (MS. egniges), 35.11; 35.21; gsn. ǣniges, 13.13; gsf. ǣnigre (MS. ænigne), 36.14; dsm. ǣnegum, 42.8; asm. ǣgne, 22.1; ǣnigne, 30.22; as. ǣnig, 2.8; 18.13; 42.9; 36.13 (MS. ægnig); asf. ǣnigne (!), 32.14; 49.4; ǣni, 34.22; dpm. ǣnigum, 37.8; ǣngum, 54.4; dpn. ēnugum, 53, 11.
ǣnlic, adj. excellent, peerless: asn. 1.12.
æppel, m., apple; ball; ds. æpple, 20.14; np. æpla, 10.3.
ǣr, adv., before: 2.23, etc.; ēr, 60.7; 61.12; sup. ǣrest, first: 4.22, etc.
ǣr, prep. w. dat., before: 2.1, etc.; conj. w. ðām, 12.9; ǣrðām, w. opt., 45.9.
ǣrendgewrit, n., letter: ns. 23.14.
æt, prep. w. dat., at, near: 53.10; 56.2; 60.22, 29; 64.21; 69.5; w. acc, 1.8
†ætan, wv., eat: inf. 17.16; ger. ætanne, 37.5.
ætfastan, wv., fasten: pret. 3. pl. ætfæstnodon, 21.19.
†ætsacan, sv. 6, w. gen., deny: inf. 34.5.
ǣwilm, m., fount: ns. 10.20.
āfastnian, wv., fasten, make firm: inf. 23.1.
āfandian, wv., test by experience, prove: pp. āfandud, 32.7, 8; āfandod, 32. 11.
†afeallan, rv., fall: 3. sg. āfealð (MS. asealð), 6.19.
āgan, anv., own, possess: pret. 3. sg. āhte, 64. 4.
āgen, adj., own: ns. 7.19; 53.14; nsn. 33.18; nsf. āgene (MS. hagene), 33.18; āgenu, 65.20; gsm. āgnes, 53.13; ǣgnes, 68.20; gsf. āgenre, 63.33, 35 (MS. agenne); dsn. āgnum, 31.15; āgenum (MS. geagnum), 33.17; āgnum, 67.20; ds. 65.15; asm. āgene (MS. angene), 12.8; 25.10; asn. āgen, 63.10; asf. āgene, 15.20, etc.
āgiefan, sv. 5, give up: imp. āgyf, 12.9.
†āgȳmian, wv., w. gen., contemplate: 1. sg. āgȳme, 25.16.
āhebban, sv. 6., exalt: 3. sg. āhefð, 7.6; āhæfð, 53.15.
ālǣtan, rv., let go, lose: inf. 59. 1; ālētan, 33. 7; 42. 16; pp. ālētan, 67.3.
†ālesan, sv. 5, cull, gather: pret. 3. sg. ālæs, 70. 4; opt. pret. 2. sg. ālēse, 65. 2.
ālīefan, wv., permit: pp. ālȳfad, 16. 16.
ālīesan, wv., free from, redeem: pret. 2. sg. ālȳsdest, 8. 21; opt. 2. sg. ālȳse, 5. 2; imp. ālȳse, 13. 9.
āmærran, wv., mar, hinder: opt. pret. 3. pl. āmyrdan; inf. 33. 2; āmirran (MS. amirram), 8. 17; pp. āmyrred, 18. 2.
ān, num. and adj., one, alone, only; a, an: nsm. 66.32; 67.20; as. 50. 9; 57. 5; nsm. wk. āna, 9. 3; 11. 12; 13. 7; nsn. ān, 30. 3; 31.6; 33.10; 40.9; gsm. 44.20; gs. ānes, 15. 10; ānnes, 50. 1; dsm. ānum, 20. 13; 43. 7, 12; 44.10; dsf. ānre, 1.5; 20.17; 42.16; 44.21; 63.7; asm. āne, 35.13; ānne, 11.10; 44.4; ān, 44.14; asn. 46.22.
†anbīdian, wv., abide: 1. sg. anbīdie, 30. 27.
ancor, m., anchor: ns. ancer, 22.6; ds. ancre, 22. 5; 30. 1; ap. ancras (MS. amcras), 23. 1; np. anceras, 29. 16; gp. ancra, 23. 7; dp. ancrum, 22. 17; 24. 18.
ancerstreng, m., cable: ns. 22. 4; ds. ancerstrengne, 28. 17.
and, conj., and: in MS. always written ⁊; 1.1, etc.
andefn, f., proportion: ds. andefne, 52.19; 53.1; dp. andefnum, 65.26.
andettan, wv., confess: 1. sg. andette, 25.13; 32.22; 35.22.
†andætta, wm., confessor: bēon andætta, acknowledge, 52. 6.
andgit, n., intellect, reason, mind: ns. andgyt, 29. 7; angyt, 28. 2, 3, 13 (2); 44. 26; andgit, 45. 1; gs. andgytes, 31.24; 32.17; andgyttes, 49. 6; ds. andgytte, 19. 13; angytte, 21. 16; angitte, 4. 19; as. andgyt, 70. 1; angyt, 8. 18; ds. angyttum, 19. 17.
†andgitlic, adj., intelligible: nsn. wk. andgitlice, 6. 12; gsn. wk. angitlican, 6. 1.
andswarian, wv., answer: 2. sg. andswarast, 39. 3; ger. andsweorianne, 32. 17; pret. 3. sg. answarode, 2.21; 3.7; 14.10; answarede, 67. 20.
andweard, adj., present, temporal: gsn. wk. andweardan, 25. 18; 60. 1; dsn. wk. 43. 18, 23; 60. 3; 67. 23; asn. andwearde, 60. 12.
andweorc, n., matter: ds. andweorce, 5.7.
andwyrdan, wv., answer: opt. 2. sg. andwyrde, 47. 4; inf. andweardan, 63. 16.
anlang, prep. w. gen., along: 20. 17.
anlīcness, see onlīcness.
ānmōdness, f., unanimity, (Lat. concordia): ds. ānmōdnesse, 9. 8.
ānness, f., unity: ds. ānnesse, 59. 14.
ansīen, f., face, vision, (Lat. videndo): ds. ansīne, 66. 3; ansȳne, 64. 26.
answarian, see andswarian.
anweald, m., authority: ds. anwealde, 11. 12; as. anweald (MS. anwealð), 59. 21.
†ānȳdan, wv., drive out, banish: pp. ānȳd, 69. 15.
ār, f., honor: ns. 65.20; ds. āre, 2.4; 44.12,20; 67.15; as. 66.1; gp. āra, 46. 21; 47. 2; ap. 46. 8; āre, 65. 13; 68.32,33.
ārǣdan, wv., utter: opt. 1. sg. ārǣdige, 13. 24.
āreccan, wv., tell, count: inf. 66. 13 (MS. areccam).
āredian, wv., find: inf. 2. 3.
ārētan, wv., cheer: pp. ārētne, 32. 2.
†ārfæst, adj., gracious: vsm. ārfæsta, 11. 20.
ārian, wv., honor: w. dat. 68. 18, 20.
†āriht, adv., rightly: 13. 7.
ārīman, wv., enumerate: 62. 6, 13; 69. 25.
†ārīsan, sv. 1, arise: 3. sg. ārīst, 6.20; 3. pl. ārīsað, 10.10; opt. 2. sg. (?) ārīse, 8. 5; opt. 3. pl. 8. 6.
ārlic, adj., honorable: comp. nsm. ārlicor, 69. 17.
āsecgan, wv., tell, say: opt. 3. sg. āsege, 68. 5; pp. āsǣd, 23, 5.
āsmēagan, wv., consider, examine: ger. āsmǣaganne, 65. 10; pp. āsmāead, 54. 4.
†āsprēotan, sv. 2, sprout: inf. āsprētgan, 39. 6.
†āstandan, sv. 6, stand, endure: 3. sg. āstynt, 6. 21.
āstȳfecian, wv., eradicate, extirpate: pp. āstȳfcod, 37. 15.
†āstȳran, wv., govern, rule: 2. sg. āstȳrst, 9. 16.
†ātīefran, wv., paint: pp. ātēfred, 20.14; 21.7.
āþennan, wv., stretch: pp. āþenæd, 22.5.
āðer, pron. , either: 15.21; 37.6; āwðer, 32. 15; w. correl. oððe . . . oððe, 49. 2, etc.
†āþolian, wv., hold: 3. sg. āþolað, 22.9.
āðrēotan, sv. 2, impers., weary: 3. sg. āðrēað, 35. 22.
āweaccan, wv., awake: 3. sg. āweccað, 7. 5; pret. 3. sg. āwehte, 6.2.
āwiht, pron., anything: 14. 21; 32.18; 34.10; 44.1,23; 47.3; 50.2,4; 53.17; 54.5.
āwrītan, sv. 1, write down: imp. āwrīt, 4. 5, 17; inf. 4. 7; pp. āwriten (MS. awritan), 20. 17; 21.9; 30.13.
āwðer, see āðer.
āwyrtwalian, wv., extirpate, root out: pp. āwyrtwalode, 39. 5.


bæaftan, prep. w. dat., after: 69. 2 (MS. bæftam).
bær, adj., bare: asm. bærne, 43. 16; asn. bær, 42.4,10,12; 43.13; dpf. barum, 43. 14.
†bað, n., bath: ds. baðe, 37. 7.
be, prep., by, concerning, about: w. dat., 2. 18 (etc.); w. instr. 1. 17; 37. 17; bi (adverb?), 35. 17; MS. beo for be, 18.3; 20.14; 39. 17; 44.21.
bearn, n., child, son: gp. bearna, 36. 8; dp. bearnum, 62. 33.
bebēodan, sv. 2., command; commend: 1. sg. bebēode, 13. 21; 48. 14; 2. sg. bebēodest, 11. 19; bebēotst, 4. 2; opt. 2. sg. bebēode, 11. 13; ger. bebēodanne, 46. 6.
bebod, n., commandment: gp. beboda, 10. 17 (MS. bebodu); 29. 10; ap. bebodu, 25. 23.
becuman, sv. 4., come, arrive: 3. sg. becymð, 36. 16; 53. 17; opt. 2. sg. becume, 15. 9; 1. pl. becumen, 6.4; inf. 43. 18; 30.21.
befæstan, wv., entrust: 1. sg. befæste, 13.16; befeste, 13.21; 48.14; 3. sg. befæst, 4.4; opt. 2. sg. befæste, 3. 13; imp. befæste, 4.5; 53.12; inf. 3.18.
befōn, rv., include: imp. befōh, 14. 17.
begān, anv., accomplish ; fulfil: inf. 46.12.
bēgen, adj., both: n. bēcgen, 67.32; būtan, 64.27; g. bēgra, 69.14; bēigra, 25.11; d. bām, 32.15.
begitan, sv. 5, get, obtain: inf. 4. 16; begytan, 23. 1; pp. begyte, 23.7.
†behātan, rv., promise: opt. 2. sg. behēte, 31. 1.
behealdan, rv., keep, hold: 3. pl. behealdað, 9. 14.
behōfian, wv., need, require: 3. pl. behōfað, 27. 11.
†bēn, f., prayer: as. bēne, 8. 8.
bēon, anv., be, exist, (bēo as opposed to forms of eom often denotes tbe future as opposed to the present): 1. sg. bēo, 1.18; 18.2; 62.15; eom, 11.11; 12.8 (12 times); æom, 48.10; 49.4; 56.8; 2. sg. byst, 46.13; 47.14,18; 64.6; bist, 59. 2; eart, 4. 21; 5. 21 (8 times); æart, 6. 5, 7 (8 times); ært, 6.2; 3. sg. byð, 5.10; 9.21 (30 times); bið, 44. 14; byt, 27. 4; 31.15; 44.16; MS. byd, 22,7,9 (20 times); is, 2. 20, etc.; ys, 6.11; 1. pl. bēoð, 53.5; 3. pl. 5. 20, etc.; sint, 2. 19, etc.; synt, 6. 11; pret. 1. sg. wæs, 21. 7, etc.; wes, 12. 1, etc.; 3. sg. wæs, 3. 9, etc.; wes, 2. 2, etc.; 3. pl. wēron, 10.2, etc.; wǣron, 62.33; opt. 3. sg. bēo, 30. 14, etc.; sīe, 2. 5, etc.; sī, 1. 9, etc.; sȳ, 14.16; 3. pl. sīen, 30.3, etc.; sīon, 24. 19 ; sīan, 44. 17; pret. 1. sg. wēræ, 62. 17; 2. sg. wēre, 4. 7, etc.; 3. sg. wēre, 3. 4, etc.; wǣre, 3. 3; 3. pl. wǣren, 58. 23; imp. bēo, 64. 26; inf. 34. 10, etc.; bēo, 30. 16; 32. 19; ger. bēonne, 2. 16. Negative: 3. sg. nis, 2. 6, etc.; nys, 7. 16, etc.; pret. 3. sg. næs, 48, 11, etc.; opt. pret. 2. sg. nǣre, 56. 3, etc.; 3. sg. nǣre, 20. 22, etc.; 3. pl. nēron, 68. 24, etc.; nǣran, 62. 24.
beorht, adj., bright: npn. beorhte, 31.8.
beorhte, adv., brightly: 66. 24.
beorhtness, f ., brightness, light: gs. beorhtnesse, 6. 1; 9. 7.
besēon, sv. 5, reflex., look: inf. 11. 17.
betwēon, prep. w. dat., between: 43. 16; 66. 23, 25; betwēona, 28. 13, 14, 15.
beotwēona, adv., between: 42. 5.
betweuh, adv., between: 42. 8.
beþurfan, swv., need: 1. sg. beþearf, 37.10; 3. sg. 45.7; pret. 1. sg. beþorfte, 1. 8; 2. sg. beþorftest (MS. beþortest), 4.7; opt. pret. 3. pl. beþorften, 20. 1.
bewitan, swv., heed, administer to: 37. 11.
biddan, sv. 5, pray, entreat: 1. sg. bidde, 6. 8; 32. 3; bydde, 6. 5, 6, 13; 11.13; 13.22; 14.1; 46.1; pret. 1. sg. bæd, 20. 4; opt. 1. sg. bydde, 13. 18(2); opt. pret. 3. sg. bede, 67.27; inf. 4.22; byddan, 54.1; 64.27; 69.27; ger. biddanne, 30. 8.
†bisceop, m., bishop: ns. 2. 18.
bīspell, n., saying, example: dp. bīspellum, 62. 22.
blīðe, adj., happy, glad: 34. 10; 48.20.
blōstma, wm., blossom, flower: np. blōstman, 54.6; 64.34; gp. blōstmena, 55. 1.
bōc, f., book: ns. bōc, 64.25; gs. bēc, 49.11; 55.1; 64.34; 70.5; ds. bōcum, 54. 6; bēc, 64. 24, 33; 65. 8; as. bōc, 49. 10, 12; 55. 4; 65. 8, 10; np. bēc, 2. 19; 59. 29; dp. bōcum, 41.8; 62.13; 65.2; 66.13; ap. bēc, 2.18; 68.7.
†bōcland, n., freehold land, land by written title: as. 2. 12.
†bōcstæf, m., letter: dp. bōcstafum, 4.5.
†bōhtimber, n., bough-timber: ap. bōhtimbru, 1. 3.
bolttimber , n., bolt-timber: ap. bolttimbru, 1. 3.
brād, adj., broad, wide: comp. ns. brādre, 66. 30; bradder, 66. 31.
brengan, see bringan.
brīdel, m., bridle, restraint: ds. brīdle, 10. 16.
bringan, wv., bring, carry: 3. sg. bringð, 9. 15; 21. 20; inf. brengan, 1. 6; ger. bringende, 12. 12.
broc, n., misery, affliction: ns. 41.5; as. 12.2.
brōga, wm., terror: ds. brōgan, 29. 17.
brōðor, m., brother: dp. brōðrum, 68.4.
brūcan, sv. 2, use, enjoy: 1. sg. brūce, 35. 16; 2. sg. brīcst, 27. 13; opt. 3. sg. brūce, 43. 11.
bufan, adv., above: 45.21.
†būr, n., cottage: ds. būre, 44. 18.
burh, f., city: only in the compound Romeburh, as. 69. 23, 26.
būtan, prep., without, out of, except: w. dat. 3.19; 5.4,7,18; 9.5,6; 22.1; 23.6; 41. 17; 43. 6; 45.5; 50.4,5; 59.15(2); 64.19, 30; 67.1; būton, 5.20; 9.4; 19.3; 30.7,15; 43.7; 55.13; 56.2; w. acc. būtan, 12.12; 15.22; 24.3; būton, 15.20; 20. 22; 21. 4; 28. 1; w. gen. būtan, 24. 11.
būtan, conj. w. opt., but, unless, except: 3. 9; 7. 2; 12.17; 13.5; 42. 15; būton, 7. 3; 18. 14; 23. 1; 24.2,6; 25.3; 29.15; 42.25; 43.26; 44.14; 46.22; 55.9; 58.11,12; 66.18; 69.28; būte, 49. 15.
būtan, adv., without : 13. 3; 21. 22; 39.19; būton, 23.10; 44.14.
†byre, m., instance, occurence: gp. byra, 62. 13.
†byrðen, f., burden, load: ds. byrðene, 1.5; 63.21.
bȳsen, f., parable, similitude: ds. bīsene, 15. 13; bȳsena, 63. 7; dp. bȳsnum, 62. 7; bȳsinum, 63. 10; ap. bȳsne, 44. 1; bȳsena, 62. 21; 63.8; bȳsna, 66.12.
†bysmor, m., disgrace: ds. bysmore, 12.6.
bȳsnian, wv., draw example: 1. pl. bȳsniað, 6. 18.
bytling, f., building: ds. bytlinge, 2.7.


carcern, n., prison (Lat. carcer): ds. carcerne, 44. 19; 60. 1; 67. 3; as. carcerne, 68. 27.
†cartaina, adj., Carthagenian: nsm. 2.18.
ceorfan, sv. 3, cut, hew down: pret. 1. sg. cearf, 1. 10.
cild, n., child: dp. cildum, 64. 18, 20.
clāð, adj., cloth, garment: ns. 42. 7; as. 43. 16; np. clāðas, 42. 5.
clēne, adv., entirely: clēne, 62. 20, 34; clǣne, 46. 15; 62.35.
clēne, adj., chaste, pure : nsm. 51. 1; ns. 50. 18; clenne, 50. 13, 17.
clēnnes, f., chastity: ns. 22. 16; 50.12; 51.6; clēnnesse, 51.2; ds. 50. 12, 18.
clif, n., cliff, promontory: ds. clife, 45. 19.
clypian, wv., call: 1. sg. clypie, 5. 2, 5; 11. 3; clypige, 5. 6, 8, 9, 16, 21; clipige, 48. 15; 2. sg. clypast, 8. 12; pret. 3. sg. cleopode, 64. 29.
cniht, m., servant; disciple: 17.2; as. 18. 17; 19. 6 (MS. chiht).
†cotlȳf, n. , hamlet, cottage; as. 2. 8.
creft, m., skill, faculty, virtue, science: ns. 30. 23; 41. 13, 18 (MS. crft); gs. creftes (MS. creftest), 4.18; ds. crefte, 4.10; 20.17; creft, 20. 13; cræfte, 46. 7; as. creft, 12.19,20; 20. 12; 22.1; 30.22,23; np. creftas, 22.13; gp. crefta, 30.23; 64.11; dp. creftum, 22. 12; ap. creftas, 52. 13.
creftig, adj., skilful: ns. 4.4; np. creftige, 4. 9.
†Crīst, m., Christ: 50.6; 61.6,16, 34; 62.2; 67.27; g. Crīstes, 61.25; 62.4; d. Crīste, 63.33.
cuman, sv. 4, come, go, approach ; happen: 1. sg. cume, 13. 11; 26. 12; 3. sg. cymð, 21. 21; 23. 14; 33.3,7; 3. pl. cumað, 10.2,5; 44. 5, 10, 11; 62. 31; cumæð, 10. 1; pret. 1. sg. cōm, 1. 5; opt. 1. sg. cume, 27.15; 33.1; 35.15; 62. 35; 68. 10; 69. 16; cym, 25. 17; cumæ, 27. 16; 3. pl. cumen, 44. 4(2); 51.8; 68.6; imp. cum, 7.9; 9.3; inf. 12.16; 13.1,3; 14.3; 44.16; 66.28; 70.2; ger. cumane, 2. 17; cuman, 49. 7.
cunnan, PP., know, be able, can: 1. sg. can, 15.15; 17.7; 18.20; 19.8; 23.8; 24.4; 2. sg. canst, 19. 6; 3. sg. can, 67. 8; pret. 1. sg. cūðe, 1. 3; 25. 14; opt. 1. sg. cunne, 4.22; 2. sg. 53. 19; 3. sg. 3. 13; inf. 15. 15 (MS. cuman); 17.10; 18.18,21; 19.7; 67.8,10.
cūð, adj., known, wise: nsm. 15. 3; 17. 1, 18; 23. 11; nsn. cūðe, 15. 4; asn. cūð, 15. 5; 63. 5; asf. cūðe, 33. 14; np. 15. 4: apm. cūðe, 4. 9; comp. nsm. cūðre, 17. 7, 20.
cūðlice, adv., certainly: sup. cūð1icost, 15. 2.
cweðan, sv. 5, say, speak: 1. sg. cwæðe, 4.20; 36.8; 62.10; 37.17; cweðe, 11. 3; cwæð, 55. 16; 65. 1; 2. sg. cwȳst, 23. 17; 35. 10; 52. 8; cwīst, 37. 16; cwēst, 15. 22; 3. sg. cwæð, 3. 11; 14. 11; 41. 10; 61. 35; 62. 2; 67. 30; 68. 6; 3. pl. cwæðað, 40.3; pret. 1. sg. cwǣde, 17.4; 62. 10; 2. sg. cwǣde, 42. 20; 3. sg. 50. 7; opt. 3. sg. cwæðe, 36.7; 3. pl. cwæðen, 47.5; 2. sg. cwēde, 48. 18; cwǣde, 62. 8; 52. 6 (MS. cwæðe); imp. cwæð, 15. 2; cweð, 23. 18; inf. 23. 15; 24. 20 (MS. cneðan); 63. 23, 26; cwæðan, 15.14; 37.6; 63.17.
cwide, m., saying, sentence, thought: ns. cwyde, 41. 9; np. cwidas, 70. 4; ap. cwydas, 65. 1.
cwuc, adj., alive, living: dsm. cwucum, 33. 6.
†cyldehād, m., childhood: ds. cyldehāde, 23. 9.
cyng, see king.
cynn, see kinn.
†cyssan, wv., kiss : inf. 42. 4.
cȳðan, wv., tell, announce: 1. sg. cȳðe, 53. 11.


dæg, m., day: ns. 9. 17; ds. dæge, 10. 10; 60. 7; 66. 8, 9; 67. 6; 68. 15; as. dæg, 9. 15; is. dæge, 26.16; 63.14; 68.28; dp. dagum, 63. 27; 66. 10; 69. 24.
†dæglanges, adv., during a day: 45. 22.
dǣl, m., part, share: gs. dǣles, 47.16; 53.9; ds. dǣle, 58.15; 66.34; as. dǣl, 10.16; 34.19, 20; 47.8; 52.16; 68.14; dēl, 66. 35; be ðām dēle (dǣle) þe, to the extent that: 1.4; 43.1; 68. 17; sume dǣle, to some extent, somewhat: 49. 6; be sumum dǣle, somewhat: 52. 3.
dafnian, wv., become: 3. sg. dafenað, 32. 16.
dēad, adj., dead: nsm. 50. 20; 51. 1, 2 (2), 3 (2).
dēadlic, adj., mortal: ns. 3. 4.
dēað, m., death: 40. 10; ds. dēaðe, 9. 6: 33. 13; as. dēað, 8. 5; 33. 15.
dēman, wv., judge: opt. 3. pl. dēman, 8. 15.
dēofol, m., devil: ds. dēofle, 12. 1.
†dēope, adv., deeply, thoroughly: 48.9.
dēoplic, adj., deep, profound: nsf. deoplicu (MS. depplicu), 51. 11.
dēor, n., wild animal: ap. 46. 11.
†dēorlice, adv., worthily: 4. 19.
dēorling, m., darling, favorite: np. dēorlinges, 65. 19; gp. dēorlinga, 69. 13; ac. dēorlingas, 65. 17.
derian, wv., injure: 3. sg. derað, 48. 21.
†disilice, adv., foolishly: 31. 25.
dōm, m., judgment: gs. dōmes, always in the expression, dōmes dæge, doomsday: 10. 10; 60. 7; 66.8,9; 67.6; 68.14; ds. dōme, 32. 19; ap. dōmas, 8. 15.
dōn, anv., do; make, cause: 1. sg. dō, 4. 20; 17. 12; 2. sg. dēst, 8. 6, 10; 25.7; 60.26; 61.3; 3. sg. dēð, 31. 24, 25; dǣð, 64. 15; 65. 6; 1. pl. dōð, 6.19; 3. pl. dōð, 8.21; 39. 15; dōn, 47. 7; pret. 1. sg. dyde, 1. 15; 1. pl. dydon, 8. 2, 11; opt. 1. sg. dō, 11.18; 62.19; dō, 12.15; 21.5 (MS. don); 3. sg. dō, 39.10; 48.14; pret. 2. sg. dyde, 40. 11; 3. sg. dide, 58. 24; dyde, 64. 15; 65. 6; imp. dō, 14.5; 27.17; 54. 3; 60. 20 (2); inf. 4.13; 8.16; 10.18; 15.7; 18.6; 21.3; 30.7,18; 34.9; 35.7; 42.12,17; 49.14; 55.12; 66.15; 68.1; ger. dōnne, 3.7; 16. 21; pr. p. dōndum, 10. 19, 20 (MS. dedum).
drihten, m., Lord; always used for God: ns. 11. 5; gs. drihtnes (drihnes), 69. 11; vs. drihten, 4.21; 5. 5, 11, 21; 6. 5, 8, 13; 7.12; 11.4,8,21; 22.19; 55.16 (2); 5.3 (MS. dridten); 6.7 (MS. driten).
dreccan, wv., torment: imp. drece, 48.7.
drinc, m., drink: ds. drince, 37. 7; as. drinc, 8. 14.
drīge, adj., dry: dsn. drīgum, 21. 24.
durran, swv., dare, presume: 1. sg. dear, 24.3; dæar, 19.20; der, 32. 23; opt. 3. sg. dyrre, 24. 20.
duru, f., door: ds. dura, 8. 12; as. dura, 12. 11.
†dwola, wm., error, heresy: as. dwolan, 8. 19.
dwolian, wv., err: 1. sg. dwolige, 13. 10; pret. 1. sg. dwealde, 13. 10.
dȳgel, adj., secret, hidden: ns. dȳhle, 66. 10; dȳgles, 70. 3; asf. dīgele, 4. 8 ; dȳgela, 4. 12 ; dpn. dīeglum, 18. 1.
dysig, adj., foolish: nsm. dysig 24. 12; 31. 20; 69. 34; nsm. dysi, 31. 18; ns. dysig, 34. 15; gpf. or n. dysigra, 64. 3.
dysig, n., folly: as. 11. 15.


ēa, f., river: np. 9. 23.
ēac, adv., also, moreover: 1. 21 (21 times); ǣac, 5. 4 (49 times); for ge . . . ēac (ǣac) see ge.
ēaca, win., increase: occurs only in the phrase, tō ēacan, in addition to: w. dat. 23.19; 27.17; tō ǣacan, 22. 12.
ēadig, adj., blessed: ds. wk. ēadegan (MS. eadegam), 14. 8.
†eadlēan, n., reward: as. 10. 19; edlēan, 8. 19.
ēadmēto, n., humility: ns. 22. 14.
ēadmōd, adj., humble: ns. 68. 21.
ēadmōdlice, adv., humbly: 46. 1.
ēage, wn., eye: ns. ēaga (MS. æge), 27.3; ds. ēagan, 26.8; 30.3; 66. 33; is. ǣagan, 26. 9; 31. 2, 6; ǣgan, 31. 3; np. ēagan, 21. 15, 19; 22.2 (MS. eagan); 27.18; 45.11; 48.5; ǣagan, 27.11; 44.26; 47.5; 66.27; 47.7 (MS. æagon); gp. ēagan, 35.4; dp. ēagum, 6.14; 18.12; 21.12,15, 17,24; 27.11; 31.22; 43.17; 66.21; ǣagan, 45.1; ǣagum, 47.10; ap. ēagan, 2.2; 11.14 (MS. eaghan); 22. 6, 11; 28. 3, 8, 9; 34.22; 35.4; 43.20; 45.5; ap. ēaga, 17. 21; ǣagan, 27. 6; 35.2; 43.24; 44.25,26; 45.3,7; 48.12,16; ip. ǣagum, 22.4; 31.16; 34.16.
ēala, interj., oh!: 12.24; 27.15; 55.2; 63.4.
eald, adj., old; wise: ns. wk. ealde, 37. 14; ealdan, 67. 5; sup. ns. wk. aldsta, 13. 16.
†ealdian, wv. , grow old: 3. pl. ealdiað (MS. ealdist), 10. 8.
eall, adj., all, every thing: gsm. æalles, 6.13; gsf. ealra, 1.21; dsm. æallum, 9. 16; asm. ealne, 1.6 (5 times); as. ælne, 56.7; asf. ealle, 8.9; æalle, 42.25; 58.25; asn. eall, 31.13; np. ealle, 6. 17 (12 times); æalle, 6. 8 (10 times); eall, 10. 6; ealla, 9. 14; eal, 9. 22; æall, 6. 9; æallu, 58.23; gp. ealra, 4.21 (8 times); æalra, 39. 17; 41. 18; ealre, 43. 21; dp. eallum, 43.7 (4 times); æallum, 8. 7 (4 times); ællum, 10. 22; ap. ealle, 25. 13 (4 times); æalle, 5. 6 (16 times); eall, 5. 18; alle (MS. ella), 4.4; æalla, 65.21; 69. 25.
eall, adj. pron., every thing: n. eall, 52. 11; æall, 6. 6; g. ealles, 3.2; 61.20; æalles, 13.2; d. eallum, 14. 15; a. eall, 4. 1 (13 times); 33. 20 (MS. elle); æall, 4.7 (11 times); i. ealle, 63.3; æalle, 34. 18.
eall, adv., entirely: 11.2; 22.19; 66.7; æall, 4.7; 50.9; æalla (?), 51.11; ealne (?), 67.7.
ealles, adv., otherwise, else: 19. 3; 35. 14; 41. 4; 60. 25; æalles, 5. 3; 15.10; 32.24; 39.1; 43. 4; 53. 8; 55. 12; 57. 1; 18. 51; ælles, 3. 18; 12.13; 59. 14,16; elles, 48.8.
eallunga, adv., entirely, fully, quite: 5.19; 6.21; 7.2; 10.2; 31.13, 18, 22; 37. 14; 39. 4; 41. 2; 62.27; 63.2; 66.34; ealunga, 14. 2; 31. 26; æallunga, 7. 11.
eardian, wv., dwell, live : inf. 1. 14, 16.
ēare, wn., ear: dp. ēarum, 6. 15; 18. 12.
†earfoðfere, adj., difficult to pass: asm. earfoðferne, 44. 7.
†earhlic, adj., base, shameful: earhlicere (MS. eirlicere), 17. 16.
earnian, wv., earn, merit: 3. sg. æarnað, 65. 27; pret. 2. sg. earnodest, 14. 13.
earnung, f., merit: ds. earnunge, 1.21.
earmlic, adj., wretched: dsf. earmlicre, 63. 4.
ēaðe, adj., easy: dpn. eðum (MS. eðnum), 69. 11.
ēaðe, adv., easily: 44. 11, 12; ǣð, 44. 11; comp. ēaðre, 21. 23; ǣð, 21.22; 39.18.
†ēaðness, f., ease, peacefulness : ds. ēaðnesse, 67. 15; ēðnesse, 44. 13.
ēce, adj., eternal, everlasting: nsm. ēce, 9. 3; ǣce, 25. 1; nsf. ēcu, 3. 5; gsn. ēces, 8. 13; npf. ēca, 53. 4; gpn. ǣcra (MS. hæcra), 64. 2; gpf. ēcra, 52. 16; ds. wk. ēcan, 2.3; 2.4(2); 1.18 (MS. hecan); ǣcan, 25. 17; as. wk. ēcan, 31. 24; gp. wk. ēcena, 2. 14.
ēcness, f., eternity: ds. ēcnesse, 9.10; 59.26; ǣcnesse, 59.13; æccnesse, 61. 33; as. ǣcnesse, 59. 25.
ednīwian , wv., renew: 3. sg.; ednīowað, 62. 30.
emne, adv., even, precisely: 9. 21.
ende, m., end, limit: ns. ende, 22. 9; 28.18; 29.8; ds. ænde, 59.15; as. ende, 29. 10, 11.
endebyrdlice, adv., in an orderly manner: 59. 10 (MS. endebyrlice); ændebyrdlice, 35. 19; sup. ændebyrdlicost, 35. 20.
endian, wv., finish: 3. pl. endiað, 54. 6; 64. 34; 70. 4: inf. ændian, 49. 10.
engel, m., angel: np. engelas, 52. 15; 58. 29; dp. engelum, 52. 19.
englisc, n., in phrase, on englisc, in English: ds. englisc (MS. englicst), 64. 25.
eom, see bēon.
eorðe, f., earth, world: ds. eorðan, 22. 7, 10; gs. eorðan, 34. 12, 19; ds. 68. 4, 8.
eorðlic, adj., of earth, temporal: nsf. eorðlic (MS. eordlic), 41. 13; asn. æorðlice (MS. æordlice), 12. 14; gp. eorðlicra, 31. 17.
esne, m., servant: ns. 60. 23.
ēðel, n., estate, home: ns. 11. 7.
ēðness, see ēaðness.


fæder, m., father: ns. feder, 6.2; 9. 11; 11. 5; 61. 9; 69. 28; fæder, 5.22; 9.4; 63.12; 69.29; vs. feder, 12.15; 13.9,16; np. fæderas, 60.8; federas, 61.33; gp. fædra, 65.13; fedra, 68.7; ap. fædras, 1. 20; fæderas, 2. 5.
fæger, adj., fair: gsn. fægeres, 36. 1; asm. fegerne, 1. 13; dpf. fegrum, 1. 11.
færeld, n., course, motion: ns. 17. 18; as. 20. 16, 19.
fǣrenga, adv., quickly, suddenly: 34. 11.
fæst, adj., firm, fixed: nsm. fæst, 28.18; fast, 22.9; nsf. fæst, 28.17; ns. fæste, 33.6; asm. festne, 28. 10.
fæstlice, adv., firmly, steadily: 59. 11.
fagnian, wv. w. gen., rejoice, be glad: 1. sg. fagnige, 35.9,15; 3. sg. fagnað, 31. 23; 3. pl. fageniað, 69. 10; imp. fagene, 47. 16.
fandian, wv., test, examine: 1. sg. fandige, 35.7.
faran, sv. 6, go, travel: 3. pl. farað, 61.35; 62.31; pret. 3. sg. fōr, 3.1; inf. 21.23; ger. farande, 21.24.
fēawe, adj., few: np. fēawa, 11.8; dpm. fēawum, 5. 9; 42. 10; dpn. 14. 17; apm. fǣawa, 4. 9; ipn. fēawum, 4. 19; fǣawum, 55. 14; 64.23.
fela, adj. (indecl.), many, much: 14. 22; fæla, 18. 10; feala, 31.7; 69.24; feola, 23.6.
fēond, m., fiend, adversary: ns. 13. 11; as. 7. 8; 69. 4, 6; dp. fēondum (MS. feodum), 12. 5.
feor, adv., far away: comp. fyer, 44.18.
†feorran, adv., from afar: 44. 5.
fēorða, num. adj., fourth: ns. fēorðe, 27.4,12; fēorðæ, 58.20; ds. wk. fēorðan, 59. 8.
fēower, num., four: 9. 19.
ferian, wv., move, go : 3. sg. ferð, 17.15.
†fetian, wv., bring near, fetch: opt. 3. sg. fetige, 1. 10.
fīf, num., five : 33. 18.
findan, sv. 3, find: 2. sg. findst, 65.9; 3. pl. findon, 12.18(2), 21(2); findan, 12.19,20; opt. 2. sg. finde, 3.15; 13.7; pret. 3. sg. funde, 43. 10; inf. 64. 4.
finger, m., finger: is. fingre, 67. 29.
†fird, f., camp, army: ds. 44.3.
†firlene, f., distance: ds. 66. 32 (MS. firle).
first, m., period of time: ds. firste, 30.22; as. first, 27.7; 30.11; fyrst, 2. 12.
fiscian, wv., fish: inf. 2. 10.
†firðran, wv., further, advance: opt. 1. sg. firðrige, 33. 2.
†flǣa, wm., flea: as. 16.7.
flēon, sv. 2, fly from: 3. sg. flȳgð, 6.20; pret. 1. sg. flēah, 12.1; 3. sg. fluge, 42.15; inf. 7.14; pr. p. flēonde, 12. 8.
flēslic, adj., fleshly: npn. flēsclicu, 16.8.
†flȳma, wm., fugitive: as. flȳman, 11. 21.
folc, n., folk, people: ds. folce, 61. 27, 31.
folgian, wv. w. dat., follow: 1. sg. folgige, 11.11; folige, 49.18; 3. sg. fylið, 7. 5; opt. 1. sg. folgyge, 24. 5; 2. sg. folgie, 23. 18, 19; inf. folgyen, 24.8; fulgan, 53. 21.
fōn, rv., seize, take up: 2. sg. fēhst, 26.4; 3. sg. fēht, 46.11; opt. 1. pl. fēngen, 58. 17; inf. 39. 1; 55.4.
for, prep. w. dat., for, because of: 5.2; 18.1; 22.3; 38.1,5,8,10; 39. 8, 12 (2), 14 (2); 40. 9; 42. 16, 21, 24, 25; 50. 18; 53. 18; 59. 24 (2); w. acc. 10. 3; for w. adj., 42. 18, etc.; for hwī, 17.5; 63.13; for hwig, 39, 10; for þat, 10. 5.
forberan, sv. 4, forbear: inf. 20. 5.
fordōn, anv., undo, destroy: inf. 5.15.
forealdian, wv., become old, decay: 3. pl. forealdiað, 10.8,12; foraldiað, 10. 4.
†foreþancful, adj., with forethought, prudent: asm. foreþancfulne, 14. 6.
†forewearde, adv., forward: 55.4.
forgyfan, sv. 5, give, grant; forgive: pret. 3. sg. forgeaf, 23. 19; opt. 3. sg. forgyfe, 55. 10; forgife, 2.15; imp. forgyf, 4.21; 12.20, 21; 55. 17; pr. p. forgyfendde, 7.9; pp. forgifen, 58. 30.
forgyldan, sv. 3, reward: opt. 3. sg. forgylde, 26. 10.
forgytan, sv. 5, forget: pret. 1. sg. forgeat, 62. 18; opt. 2. sg. forgyte, 4. 18; pp. forgetten, 62. 20; forgitan (MS. forhitan), 52. 5.
†forhātan, rv., renounce: pp. forhātan, 37. 4.
†forhēafdnes, f., abstinence: ns. 22. 16.
forlǣtan, rv., leave, leave off, forsake: 2. sg. forlǣst, 5.5; 8.10; forlēst, 13.4; 1. sg. forlēt, 33.4; 3. sg. forlēð, 6. 22; forlǣt, 7. 1; 21.21; forlēt, 62. 27; pret. 1. sg. forlǣt, 21. 17; opt. 1. sg. forlǣte, 13. 5; forlēte, 24.4; 2. sg. 46.2; 7.4; 3. pl. forlētan, 69.10; imp. forlǣt, 64.5; inf. 25.5; 33.8; 46.15; 49.1,12; 53.2; 66.5; forlētan, 13.5; forlǣten, 23.8; ger. forlētanne, 38.1; forlǣtanne, 49. 9; forlētende, 3. 7; pp. forlēten, 23. 4; forlǣten, 10. 21; 23.7.
forlēosan, sv. 2, lose: opt. pret. 2. sg. forlure, 33. 21; ger. forlēosenne, 43. 3; inf. 33. 19.
forlȳtel, adj., very little: nsf. forlȳtlu, 64. 20.
forma, adj., first : dsf. wk. forman, 54. 6; asm. wk. 63. 19, 31.
forsēon, sv. 5, despise: pret. 1. sg. forsāwe, 23. 12; pret. 1. pl. forsāwon, 8. 1; opt. 2. sg. forsēo, 46. 8; pret. 3. pl. forsāwen, 60. 11; inf. 35, 12.
forsērian, wv., wither: 3. pl. forsēriað (MS. forferiað), 10. 4.
forsōð, adv., truly: 46. 16 (MS. forseoð).
forðām, conj., therefore, because: 1. 8 (75 times).
forþāmþe, conj., because: 6. 19; 7. 9; 16. 12.
forðencan, wv., despair of: pret. 1. pl. forþōhton, 7. 15; inf. 30. 20.
†forðgefaran, sv. 6, depart, die: pp. forðgefarenan, 67. 21; forðgefaranan, 68. 12.
forðgewītan, sv. 1, pass before, die before : pp. forðgewitone, 68. 25.
forðī, conj., therefore, for the reason: 16.5,8,12; 59.15; 62. 13; 63.19,24; 69.30.
†forðian, wv., assist: inf. 35. 18.
forweorðan, sv. 3, perish, pass away: 1. sg. forweorðe (MS. forwurhþe), 13. 4; 3. sg. forwyrð, 62. 35; 1. pl. forwurðaþ, 7. 11; opt. 3. sg. forwirðe, 7. 3.
†forwyrcan, wv., condemn: pp. forweorht, 65. 17.
forwyrnan, wv., hold back, restrain: pret. 3. sg. forwyrnde, 41. 1; 2. sg. forwyrndest, 67. 31.
fram, prep. w. dat, from: 11. 15; 12. 1, 8, 9; 22.5; 25. 3(2), 4; 69. 14.
†frāsian, wv., ask: 1. sg. frāsige, 35.7.
fremde, adj., strange, foreign: ns. fremde, 7. 18, 21.
fremian, wv., perform: opt. 1. sg. fremme, 33. 3.
frēo, adj., free: comp. ns. frēora, 36. 11; 46. 13.
frēodōm, m., freedom: as. frēodōm, 67.22; 69.3; frīdōm, 10.17.
frēond, m., friend: as. 16.2,4,5; 68. 5; 69. 4; np. 16. 10; gp. frēonda, 16. 17; 33. 17; 67. 18, 24; 68. 16; dp. frēondum, 13. 19; 68. 18, 23, 24; 67. 26 (MS. freodum); ap. frēond, 33.12; 34.2,7; 38.6; 39.11; 60.25; 68.28.
frēondscype, m., friendship: gs. frēonscypes, 24.6,11; ds. frēondscype, 23.20; 39.14; as. 25.9.
frōfor, f., consolation: as. frōfre, 29.18; frōfran, 67.14.
fruma, wm., beginning: as. fruman, 59. 15.
fugol, m., bird, fowl: np. fugelas, 10.6; ap. 46.11.
†fuglian, wv., catch birds: inf. 2.10.
†fulclǣne, adj., very pure: nsf. 29. 12.
fulfremmian, wv., accomplish: opt. 1. pl. fulfremmen, 30. 11; pp. fulfremdne, 14.6; inf. 33.9; pp. fulfremed, 29. 12.
fulgān, anv., accomplish: pret. 1. sg. fulēode, 12. 1.
†fulice, adv., fully: 20. 3.
full, adj., full, complete: ns. ful, 9.10; asm. fulne, 64. 31; 67.22; 69. 3; asf. fulle, 28. 11; isn. 4. 19; npf. 59. 29.
full, adv., very, entirely: 24.9; ful, 28. 8; 59. 29; 26. 15 (MS. fol); full, 27. 18.
fultum, m., help, support: gs. fultumes, 30.6; ds. fultume, 30.7; 55. 6, 13; fultome, 9. 3; as. 4. 12; fultum, 39. 15; is. fultume, 2. 9; 39. 18.
fultumian, wv., help: 3. sg. fultmiað, 43. 2; opt. pret. 3. pl. fultmoden, 4. 10; imp. fultuma, 13. 24; inf. fultmian, 22. 2; 64. 28; pr. p. fultumiunde, 30. 8.
fundian, wv., aspire to: opt. 3. sg. fundige, 63. 20.
furðum, adv., even: 66. 14; w. gē, 10. 7; 16. 14; 60. 32; w. nē, 25. 18; 43. 17; 47. 9; 60. 7; 66. 24; 69. 26; furðan, 15. 17; 66. 26.
furður, adv., further: 45. 23.
fuul, adj., foul, filthy, asm. fuulne, 44.9.
fȳr, n., fire: as. 45. 9, 11.
†fyrmæst, adv., most: 53. 21.


gadorung, f., gathering, collection: ns. 55. 1.
gadrian, wv., collect: pret. 1. sg. (?) gaderode, 1. 1; imp. gadera, 14. 15.
gān, anv., go, walk: pret. 2. sg. ēodest, 15. 9.
gāst, m., spirit: ns. 9. 4, 11.
†gāstan, wv., fear: pr. p. gāstende, 3.1.
gāstlic, adj., spiritual: nsf. 41, 12; asn. gāstlice, 12.14; npf. 51.9; gpf. gāstlica, 31. 17.
gāstlice, adv., spiritually: 7. 8.
ge, conj., and: ge . . . ēac, boih . . . and; also: 1.18; 3.17; 24.6, 8, etc. ; ge . . . ǣac, 45. 21 ; ge ǣac, and also: 67. 11; ǣgðer ge . . . ge, both . . . and: 1. 14, etc.
gēa, adv., yea, yes: 18. 8 (8 times).
geāhsian, wv., ask: inf. 68. 28.
geandweard, adj., present, actual: ns. 63. 14.
geandwyrdan, wv., answer: pp. geandwyrd, 24. 9; pp. geandweard, 65.2.
gēar, n., year: as. 9. 18.
geara, adv., certainly: 15. 14; 62. 11; 64.7; geare, 20.20; 29.18; 62. 25, 26; gearu, 63. 9; comp. gearor, 26. 16; gearror (MS. gearnor), 48.1.
gearnian, wv., earn, deserve: pret. 3. sg. gearnod (MS. gearnoð), 67. 26; 3. pL. gearnodon, 60. 2.
gearnung, f., reward: ds. gearnunge, 8.20; gearnunga, 65.23.
gearu, adj., ready, prepared: ns. 11. 11 (MS. gearw).
gearwian, wv., prepare, become clothed, bloom(?): 2. sg. gearwast, 9. 1; 3. sg. gearwað, 10. 5.
gebed, n., prayer: as. 4. 17.
gebelgan, sv. 3, reflex., be provoked, be angry: imp. gebelg, 35. 6; gebelge, 35. 9.
geberan, sv. 4, bring forth: pret. 3. sg. gebǣr, 69. 29; pp. geboren, 63. 12.
gebētan, wv., amend, make reparation: inf. 55. 4.
gebīdan, sv. 1, await: inf. gebyddan, 45. 22.
gebiddan, sv. 5, pray, petition: pret. 1. sg. gebæd, 14.9; 20.3; opt. 2. sg. gebidde, 4. 14; pret. 2. sg. gebǣde, 14. 12; imp. gebyde, 4. 18; gebide, 55. 14; pp. gebedan, 4. 17; gebeden, 55. 19.
gebrīdian, wv., bridle, curb: pp. gebrīdlod (MS. gebridloð), 10. 16.
gebringan, sv. 3, bring: pret. 3. pl. gebrōhton, 12. 7; 21. 15 (MS. gebrodton); inf. 18. 5; pp. gebrōhtne, 32. 2; gebrōhte, 68.27.
gebyndan, sv. 3, bind: opt. 3. pl. gebynden, 46. 10.
†gebyrdlice, adv., congenial: 5. 13.
gebyrrian, wv., impers., happen, belong to: 3. sg. gebyrað, 33. 5; gebyreð, 34. 6; geberað, 46. 14; pret. 3. sg. gebyrede, 64. 5; inf. 47. 10.
†gecēlan, wv., cool: opt. pret. 3. sg. gecēlde, 67. 30.
geclǣnsian, wv., cleanse, purify: 2. sg. geclēnsast, 8. 7; imp. geclǣnsa, 14. 3; pp. geclǣnsode, 5. 20; geclǣnsod, 7. 3.
gecnāwan, rv., know, understand: inf. 23. 16, 17; 24. 4; 25. 14.
†gecweðan, sv. 5, say: pp. gecwæden, 19. 8.
gecyrran, wv., return, be converted: 3. sg. gecyrð, 6. 20, 22; opt. 2. sg. gecyrran, 14. 2; inf. 38.2.
†gedafenian, wv., impers., befit, behoove: 3. sg. gedafenað (MS. geðafenað), 32. 15.
gedǣlan, wv., part, separate, divide: opt. 3. pl. 66. 6; inf. 33. 11; gedēlan, 35. 19; pp. gedēled, 60. 6; gedēlde, 60. 12.
†gedāl, n., division, parting: ds. gedāle, 56. 13; 59.7; 64. 14; 65. 5.
gedōn, anv., do, cause, make: 1. sg. gedō, 56. 9; 60. 18; 3. sg. gedǣst, 7. 17; pret. 3. sg. gedydest, 8. 8; opt. 3. sg. gedō, 1.21; 2.1,13; imp. 13. 14; 14.4,6,7; 22.19; 60. 20; inf. 1. 16; pp. 14. 9; 55. 19.
gedrēfan, wv., disturb, trouble: pp. gedrēfed, 33. 10; gedrēfene, 34.1.
gedrēfedness, f., trouble, disturbance: ns. gedrēfnesse, 33.7; ds. gedrēfednesse, 29. 14; as. (?) 34. 13.
†gedripan, wv., drop: opt. pret. 3. sg. gedripte, 67. 29.
gedwælian, wv., w. gen., be in error: inf. 21. 11.
gedwola, wm., error, heresy: ds. gedwolan, 13. 9.
geearnian, wv., earn, deserve: opt. 3. sg. geearnige, 2. 13; inf. 5.1; 65. 13.
geēcan, wv., increase: imp. geīec, 12. 22; pp. geēced, 29. 7; geǣced, 66.7.
geendian, wv., end, complete: 3. pl. geendiað, 10. 11; pp. geendod, 65.1.
geēowian, wv., reveal: inf. 5. 19; geāwian, 42. 9.
†gefæstlice, adv., certainly, steadfastly: 32.9; 53.12.
gefagen, adj., glad, joyful: ns. 30.27; 64.8,9; comp. ns. gefegenra, 62. 16.
gefastnian, wv., fix, make firm: 3. sg. gefæstnað, 7.7; imp. gefastna, 22. 6 ; inf. 22. 17; pp. gefastnod (MS. gefastnoð), 22. 7; pp. 29.7.
gefēa, win., joy: as. gefēan, 67.14.
gefēra, win., comrade, colleague: dp. gefērum, 61. 2, 25.
gefērǣden, f., companionship: ds. gefērǣdenne, 39. 14; ap. gefērǣdena, 39. 2.
gefeðrian, wv., advance(?): opt. 3. sg. gefeðrige, 1. 11.
gefirn, adv., long ago: 35. 12; 54. 1.
gefōn, rv., seize, take, grasp: 3. pl. gefōð, 44. 27; opt. 3. pl.(?) gefōn, 46.10; inf. gefān, 60.15.
gefrēdan, wv., perceive, feed: inf. 42. 7, 13; 43. 14; geffreddan, 43. 13.
gefremman, wv., perform, do: inf. 54.1.
gefrēolsian, wv., set free: opt. 3. sg. gefrēolsige, 5. 2.
†gefrēon, wv., free: imp. gefrēo, 13. 14.
gefultumian, wv., help: opt. 3. sg. gefultmige, 64. 28; imp. gefultuma, 12. 17.
gegadrian, wv., collect: pret. 3. sg. gegadrad, 64. 11.
†geglōfan, wv., glove (the hands): pp. ipf. geglōfedum, 42. 11.
gegyrwan, wv., prepare, adorn: 3. sg. gegiereð, 59. 19; gegerað, 62.29; pp. gegyered, 10.20,21.
gehabban, wv., hold, preserve: 2. sg. gehæfst, 12. 5; inf. 35. 18.
gehāt, n., promise: as. gehāta, 30. 27.
gehātan, rv., call, promise: 2. sg. gehātst, 26. 11; gehǣtst (MS. gehæst), 47. 1; pret. 1. sg. gehēt, 31.5; 32.4 (MS. gehec); 3. sg. 10.19 (MS. gehec); 64.28,30; opt. pret. 2. sg. gehēte, 30. 27; 32.3; 55.3; inf. gehāten, 32.23; pp. 1.19; 2.4; gehātene, 2.19; gehāten, 64. 25; 67. 1, 6.
†gehāwian, wv., look at: 3. sg. gehāwað (MS. gegehawað), 27.7; 3. pl. gehāwian, 30. 5; inf. 11. 18; pp. gehāwad, 27.7.
gehealdan, rv., keep, hold: opt. 2. sg. gehealde, 13. 17; inf. gehealden, 4. 1; gehealdan, 13. 20; 35. 18; 37. 10; gehæaldan, 4. 4.
gehefegian, wv., weigh down, oppress: gehefegod, 63.22; 66.20.
†gehēlan, wv., restore: opt. 3. sg. gehēle, 48. 12; imp. gehǣl, 11. 14.
†gehēme, adj. (?), secret (?): ns. 32. 24.
gehwilc, adj. pron., whatever: ds. gehwilce, 2. 11.
gehycgan, wv., resolve: pret. 1. sg. gehogede, 35. 14.
gehȳran, wv., hear: 1. sg. gehȳre, 25.5; 36.12; 53.20; 56. 7; 58.3; 61.15,21; 64.9; gehīre, 33.16; 56. 1; 61. 1; gehēre, 64. 7, 11, 22; gehūre, 57. 10; 2. sg. gehȳrest, 8. 8; gehērst, 62.1; 3. sg. gehȳrð, 63. 14, 24; 1. pl. gehȳrað, 50. 6; pret. 1. sg. gehȳrde, 60. 35; gehērde, 62. 2; 38. 5 (MS. gehede); 2. sg. gehērdest, 60. 28; opt. pret. 3. pl. gehȳrdon, 60. 34; imp. gehȳre, 11. 4, 8 (2); gehīere, 11. 4; inf. 64.32; 68.11; gehēran, 62. 34; ger. gehȳranne, 59.31; pp. gehȳred, 59.32; 66.32.
gelācnian, wv., cure: inf. 48. 2; gelōcnian, 48. 3.
gelǣran, wv., teach, instruct: opt. gelǣre, 68.5; inf. 16.23 (MS. gelæram); pp. gsn. gelēredes, 36.2.
gelǣstan, wv., perform: 1. sg. gelǣste, 31. 4; inf. gelēstan, 32. 4.
gelēdan, wv., lead: 2. sg. gelēdest, 8.12.
gelēafa, wm., belief, faith, trust: ns. gelēafa, 55. 8, 11; 29. 3 (MS. gelēafan); gs. gelēafan, 29. 4; ds. 27.17; as. 28.10; 29.15; 41.5; dp. gelēafum, 8. 17.
gelendan, wv., depart: opt. 3. sg. gelænde, 51. 6.
geleornian, wv., learn: pret. 1. sg. geleornade, 21. 14; 2. sg. geleornodest, 21. 12; inf. geliornnian, 30. 22; ger. geleornianne, 22. 1; pp. gelæornod (MS. gelæornoð), 45. 10.
gelīc, adj., like, similar: gsm. gelīces, 15. 14; asm. gelīcne, 65. 25; as. gelīc, 65. 24; asn. 65. 21, 22; np. gelīce, 24.19; np. wk. gelīcan, 65. 24.
gelīc, n., likeness: gs. gelīces, 15. 17, 18. 19.
gelīce, adv., in like manner, alike: 17.12; 25.19; 44.11,12; 59.22, 23; 69. 6(2); sup. gelīcost, 47.4.
†gelimpfull, adj., convenient: comp. asm. wk. gelimpfulran, 2. 1.
gelȳfan, wv., w. gen., dat. or acc., believe: 1. sg. gelȳfe, 46. 20; 59. 11; 60.34; 61.20; 64.7; 66.6,9; 69.33; 1.21 (MS. gely); gelīfe, 18.8; 53.20; 59. 33; 66. 4; 2. sg. gelȳfst, 18. 6; 61. 1; gelīfest, 59. 1; 1. pl. gelȳfað, 18. 9; 3. pl. 68.9(2); gelȳfð, 29.18; pret. 3. sg. gelȳfde, 29. 5; opt. 1. sg. gelȳfe, 62. 10; 66. 17; gelīfe, 60.32; gelȳfæ(?), 11.18; pret. 1. pl. gelȳfdun, 55.7; 3. pl. gelȳfden, 60.4; imp. gelȳf, 46.16; 63. 33, 34, 35; [gelȳf], 53.12; gelēf, 63.32; gelȳfan, 68.8; inf. 55.6; 59.16; 62.8; gelīfan, 66. 16,35; 69.22; inf.(?) gelēafan, 32.7; ger. gelȳfanne, 59. 33.
gemang, n., midst; on gemang, with prepositional force, in the midst of: 29. 17.
†gemæhð, f., ambition: ns. 37. 14.
gemet, n., measure, limit: as. 15. 8,11; 48.23.
gemētan, wv., find; find out: 3. sg. gemēt, 7. 3; opt. 1. sg. gemēte, 13.13; 3. sg. gemētæ, 13.11; inf. 40. 10.
gemetgung, f., temperance: ns. 22. 14.
†gemetgyend, m., ruler, governor: vs. 11. 6.
gemetigan, wv., restrain, control: 3. sg. gemetgað, 59. 18; inf. 48. 22.
gemetlice, adv., fitly, moderately: 35. 17; 48. 19.
†gemind, n., memory, mind: ns. 4. 1; gs. gemyndes, 41. 2; ds. geminde, 3.19; as. 67. 18; gemynde, 68. 15.
†gemōd, adj., unanimous, agreed: apm.(?) gemōde, 34.3.
†gemolsnian, wv., decay, moulder, rot: pp. gemolsnod, 10. 12.
gemōt, n., assembly, council: as. 44.3.
†gemunan, wv., remember: 1. sg. gemun, 30. 26; 2. sg. gemynst, 59. 1; 3. sg. gemynð, 69. 18; 3. pl. gemunan, 69.8; opt.(?) 3. pl. 68.33; inf. 63.5; 66.14.
†gemylsian, wv., w. dat., have mercy, pardon: imp. gemylsa, 7. 9.
†gemyrran, wv., hinder, trouble: inf. 18. 5.
genēalēcan, wv., w. dat., draw near: 1. sg. genēalēce, 49. 9.
genōh, adv., enough, sufficiently: 12. 3 (28 times); genōg, 48. 11.
genu, adv., furthermore, still: 62. 31.
genyht, f., abundance (Lat. plenitudo): ds. genyhte, 9. 9.
gēo, adv., formerly: 8. 11; 12. 1.
geornan, wv., yearn, strive: 3. sg. giornð, 65. 27; opt. 2. sg. georne, 59. 34.
georne, adv., eagerly; well, accurately: 17.8; 47.17; 55.7; 60.9; 67. 8; sup. geornost, 27. 1; 53. 10.
geornlice, adv., earnestly: 26. 18 (MS. georlice); sup. geornlicost (MS. georlicost), 14. 1.
geornful, adj., desirous, eager: ns. 44.16; 63.11.
geortrīwian, wv., despair: inf. 43. 20.
gerād, n., condition: as. 42. 15 (MS. gerað).
gerād, adj., trained, skilful, suited: asm. gerādne, 3. 14.
†gerd, f., rod, beam(?): ip. gerdum, 1.11.
gereccan, wv., expound, explain: pp. gereaht, 41.16; 63.7; gereihte, 66. 12.
†gerestan, wv., rest: inf. 2. 10.
geriht, n., only in the phrase, on gerihte: straight ahead, direct: 22.5.
†gerihtreccan, wv., make clear, explain rightly: ger. gerihtreccenne, 26.7.
†gerihtwīsian, wv., justify: 2. sg. gerihtwīsast, 8. 8.
gerisenlice, adv., suitably, fitly: 25. 7; gerisenlic, 61. 3.
†gerȳd, adj., prepared: ns. 39. 5.
gesǣlð, f., happiness: ns. 6. 10; gs. gesǣlþe, 5. 23.
gescēadlice, adv., discreetly: 39. 3; 47. 3; gescǣadlice, 4. 22.
gescēadwīs, adj., reasonable, rational, wise: ns. 63. 17; asm. gescēadwīsne (MS. gesceawisne), 14. 5; ap. gescēadwīssa, 58. 28.
gescēadwīsnes, f., reason, mind: ns. 2.21; 14.10; 26.6; 27.9; gescǣadwīsnesse, 22. 12; gescēadwīsnis, 22. 15; gescēadwīsnes (MS. gescadwisnes), 28. 6; gescēadwīsnesse (MS. gescadwisnesse), 64. 10; gs. gescēadwīsnesse, 63. 33; as. gescēadwīsnesse, 39. 16; gescēadwīsnesse, 64. 1; ap. gescēadwisnesse, 7. 13; in MS., following forms omit the d: ns. gescēadwīsnesse, 16. 21; gs. gescēadwīsnesse, 16. 15; ds. 18. 4; as. 18.15; gp. 22.1; ap. 16.13.
gesceaft, f., creature, created thing: ns. 5. 12; 62. 34; gescaft, 63. 3; np. gesceaftas, 9. 12; 10. 14; gescæaftas, 10. 8; gesceafta, 9. 17; 63. 2; gescæfta, 9. 24; gp. gesceafta, 4. 21; 9. 1; 61. 14; 62. 26; 64. 3; ap. gesceaftas, 5. 5, 18; gesceafta, 5. 6; 52. 15; 59. 17; 62. 27, 29; gesceaftea, 58. 28; gescafta, 31. 17.
gescyppan, sv. 6, create, make, fashion: pret. 3. sg. gescōp, 2. 15; 63.31 (MS. gespcop); opt. pret. 2. sg. gescēope, 5. 18; 9. 12; pp. gesceapen, 10. 13; 59. 17; 63. 19 (MS. gesceape); gesceapene, 5. 13; gesceapena, 52. 14; 58. 28.
gescyldan, wv., shield: 3. sg. gescylt, 10. 22.
gesēcan, wv., seek: pp. gesōht, 12. 10.
gesecgan, wv., say, tell: inf. 64. 23; pp. gesēd, 66.2; gesǣd, 63.29.
†gesegen, f., tradition, saying: dp. gesegenum, 23. 10; ap. gesewenan, 60.14; ip. gesegenum, 69.28.
†gesēlig, adj., happy, blessed: nsn. 28.12; np. gesēlige, 6.10,11.
gesēon, sv. 5, see, behold: 1. sg. gesēo, 14.12; 17.21; 2.6.1,13,14; 29.10; 31.3; 33.23; 46.22; 48.17; gesēoh, 23.12; 26.14 (MS. geseon); 29. 11 (MS. ib.); 37. 6 (MS. ib.); 2. sg. gesyhst, 26. 7, 9; 3. sg. gesyhð, 27. 8; 28. 2, 12; 65. 17; gesihð, 63. 14, 24; gesyht, 29. 5; 1. pl. gesēoð, 31. 16; 35.1; 66.35; 67.1,12; 3. pl. 28.7; 44.21,22,23; 65.14,16, 19; 67.14,16,17; 69. 3, 6; 69. 5 (MS. gefeoð) ; pret. 1. sg. gesāwe, 69. 26, 30; gesēwe, 60. 35; geseah, 1. 7; 69. 20; 2. sg. gesāwe, 60. 30; opt. 1. sg. gesēo, 27.4; 30.25; 2. sg. 25.20; opt. pret. 2. sg. gesāwe, 60. 29; gesēawe, 19. 16; 3. sg. gesāwe, 60. 28; 3. pl. gesēwen, 60. 34; inf. 11. 15; 13. 15; 19.15; 21.19; 26.13,15,17; 27. 5,6; 28.9,12,19; 29.13; 30.4, 5; 31.2,5,13,22; 34.17; 43.15, 22,25; 45.2,15; 47.7,9,11,13; 66. 21, 22, 25,28, 29; 67.7(2); 68. 27; ger. gesēonne, 28. 1; 35. 6; 37. 1; 45. 5; pp. gesewe, 44. 24; gesewena, 59. 17; gesegen, 66. 12.
†gesingian, wv., sin: pret. 3. sg. gesingode, 62. 33.
†gesōme, adv.(?), peaceably: 5. 14.
†gestæðiness, f., constancy, steadfastness: ns. gestaðþines (MS. gestadþines), 22. 16; gs. gestæþinesse, 10. 16; ds. gestæðþinesse, 9.8.
gestrēon, n., procreation, begetting: ds. gestrēone, 36. 8.
gestrēonan, wv., gain, find out, get; beget: 1. sg. gestrȳne, 3. 19; opt. 2. sg. gestrēone, 3. 13; pret. 3. sg. gestrīende, 69. 29; pp. gestrȳned, 3. 16.
†gestyhtan, wv., decide, determine: pp. gestyohhod, 38. 1.
gesund, adj., sound, unhurt: nsn. 22. 8; ap. gesunde (MS. gefunde), 52. 14.
geswīcan, sv. 1, w. gen., abandon, leave off: inf. 68. 19.
geswinc, n., toil, labor, trouble: ns. 26. 1; ds. geswince, 7. 15; is. 29. 15.
getēcan, wv., teach, instruct, show: 2. sg. getēcst (MS. getestc), 13. 8; 3. sg. getǣcð (MS. getæcd), 5. 9; opt. 2. sg. getēce, 23. 2; pret. 3. sg. getēhte, 64. 30; imp. getǣc, 11.17; 12.17; 13.10; inf. 26.11; 31.1; 32.5; gætēcan, 19. 17; getēcen, 23. 3.
getēon, sv. 2, draw: inf. 27. 13.
†getēse, f., pleasure: ds. getǣsan, 68.2; gp. getēsa, 67.32.
†getilian, wv., gain: opt. 1. sg. getilige, 35. 17.
†getimbran, wv., build, erect: pp. getimbred, 2. 9.
getiohhian, wv., decide, think, decree : pp. getiohhod, 37. 5.
getrymman, wv., strengthen: pret. 2. sg. getrymedest, 8. 16.
†getwēo, wm., doubt: ds. getwēon, 21.4.
getwēon, wv., doubt: 1. sg. getwēoge, 59. 12.
geðafa, wv., consenting person: with bēon and gen. in sense of admit, consent: ns. geðafa, 32. 19; 42. 19, 20; 53.7, 14; 56. 8; 58. 27; 60.17; 62.15; geþafa, 33.22.
geðafian, wv., consent to, admit: 3. sg. geðafað, 53. 17.
†geðencan, wv., think, recollect, conceive; consider: 2. sg. geðencst, 35. 4, 5; 4. 2 (MS. geðengst); imp. geðenc, 23. 13; 44. 1; 67. 31; geðence, 31.5, 14; inf. geþencan, 21.18; 33.9; 47. 11.
†geþofta, wm., companion: ap. geþoftan, 60. 33.
geðolian, wv., endure: pret. 1. sg. geðolede, 12.2; geðolode, 41.7; 3. pl. geðolodon, 60. 12.
geþwǣre, adj., harmonious: apn. 5.14.
geþyld, n., patience, endurance: as. 7.14.
†geungewlitian, wv., become disfigured: 3. pl. geungewlitegað, 59. 20.
gewanian, wv., decrease, lessen: pp. gewanod, 29. 6.
geweald, n., strength, poiver: as. 55.7.
gewealden, participle as adj., powerful, mighty: ipm. gewealnum (gewealdnum?), 30. 12.
geweorðan, sv. 3, become, happen: 3. sg. gewyrð, 28.19; 46.20; 66. 11; 68.13; pret. 3. pl. geweordon, 69. 25; opt. 3. sg. geweorðe, 46.21; gewirðe, 46.22; pret. 3. sg. gewurde, 34. 11; inf. 5.3; 63.27; gewurðan, 63.15; (MS. gewurðam), 51. 4.
gewircan, wv., work, perform: pret. 2. sg. geworhtest, 5. 11; 5. 3 (MS. gewortest); geworhte (MS. gewordte), 5. 7; 3. sg. 11. 1; opt. 3. sg. gewirce, 2. 6.
gewislice, adv., certainly: gewislice, 41.3; 56.4; 57.10; 60.1; 64. 31; gewislic, 59. 35.
gewiss, n, certainty: gs. gewisses, 20.22.
gewiss, adj., certain: comp. as. wk. gewisran (MS. gewisram), 18. 6.
gewiss, adv., surely, crrtainly: 20.10; 27.2; 30.2.
gewita, wm., wise man: np. gewitan, 63. 35.
gewītan, sv. 1, depart, leave: 3. sg. gewīt, 62. 35; gewȳt, 25. 3; opt. 2. sg. gewīte, 63. 3; 3. sg. 25. 3; 51. 7; 52. 8; gewitte, 52. 10; 3. pl. gewītað, 63. 2; inf. 62. 27.
gewītu, n., punishment, torture: ds. gewīte, 68. 5.
†gewītendlic, adj., perishable, fleeting: nsf. gewītendlice, 3. 4.
gewitness, f., testimony: ds. gewitnesse, 66. 16; as. gewittnesse, 66. 15.
gewityg, adj., wise, intelligent: ns. 7.1.
gewitt, n., intellect, reason, wit, sense: ns. gewit, 64. 12, 17; 66. 7; ds. gewitte, 18. 11; 33. 17; 38. 7; 64. 13, 19; 65. 4; dp. gewitum, 18.20; ip. 18.18.
†gewlitian, wv., adorn, beautify: 3. sg. gewlitegað, 62. 29.
gewrit, n., writing: dp. gewritum, 66. 13.
gewrixle, n., vicissitude: as. 9. 18.
gewunian, wv., dwell, abide: 3. sg. gewunað (MS. gewunat), 6. 21.
gewurþian, wv., honor: 2. sg. gewurþugast, 8. 6.
†gifola, wm., bounteous giver: ns. 2. 13 (MS. gidfola).
giorness, f., zeal: as. giornesse, 58. 25.
gōd, adj., good: nsm. 12. 15; 13.9; nsf. 9. 13; good, 56. 11; ns. 26. 17; gsm. (?) goodra (MS. gooðra), 36. 2; gsn. gōdes, 64. 26; dsm. gōdum, 32. 2; gōdne, 3. 12; 44. 8; 12. 12; goodne, 59. 32; asn. gōd, 5. 8; ap.(?) gōde, 68. 29; gpm. goodra, 64.10; 36.2 (MS. gooðra); apm. gooda, 61. 4; apf. goode, 5. 19; gooda, 53. 3; apn. goode, 5. 19; substantively: np. gōdan, 65. 14; 67. 14, 16; goodan, 67. 21; 68. 11, 18; 69. 3; gooda, 68. 16; gp. gōdena, 65. 11; goodene, 68. 32; dp. goodum, 13. 1; 68. 17; comp. nsm. betere, 61. 9; asm. betran, 16. 20; 48. 18; asn. betere, 4. 14; 12.13,15; betre, 33.9; bætre, 57. 3; sup. ns. best, 13. 25; np. beste, 67. 13; nsm. wk. besta, 41. 13; betsta, 41. 18; etc.
gōd, n., good: n. 6. 11; good, 13.6; 41.9,17; 55.11; 58.8,12; 61.8; g. gōdes, 6.19; 8.20; 9.9; 10. 20; 69.9; goodes, 6.1; 9.10; 30. 15; d. goode, 68. 23; a. gōd, 16.15; 30.6; good, 3.6; 7.13; 8. 10 (2); 10. 18, 19, 21; 16. 15, 16; 58.11; 68.1.
God, m., God: n. God, 10. 17; 11. 4; 15.3,6; 17.7; 18.1; 24.3,20; 26. 10; 30. 13, 15, 17; 49. 16; 50. 5; 52.12,13; 55.6,9; 58.9,27; 61. 27,30; 63.19,31; 62.11 (MS. goð); g. Godes, 10.17; 15.14; 30.6; 59.12; 61.6,16; 62.4,26; 63.33; 64.26; 66.2; d. Gode, 4.15; 11.3; 15.16; 17.17. 18.3, 7; 22.4,6; 23.4; 24.18; 29.8; 30.24; 31.14; 33.17; 36.11; 38.6; 39.17; 49.20; 50.19; 53. 9,12,13; 66.18; 68. 21 (MS. goode); a. God, 3. 5; 14. 19; 15. 22; 17.1,10; 19.14,18; 26.8, 17; 28.1,9,12,19; 29.13; 31.2; 32.5; 36.6; 53.21; 58.15; 65. 16; 67.7,13; 58.13 (MS. goð); 15.15 (MS. good); i. Gode, 10. 20; v. God, 14.6; 22.19.
gōdness, f., goodness: ns. 12.24.
†godspell, n., gospel: ds. godspelle, 50.6; 61.35; 67.27.
†godþrimness, f., divine majesty, glory: vs. godþrimnesse (MS. goðþrimnesse), 9. 4.
gold, n., gold: as. 45. 8.
†graf, m., trench: ns. 39. 5.
†græs, n., grass: ns. 10. 3.
grēne, adj., green: np. grēnu, 10. 5.
†grīn, f., snare: is. grīne, 46. 11.
grōwan, rv., grow, increase: inf. 37. 15.
gyf, conj., 'if': 12. 3 (75 times); gif, 1.6 (5 times); gef, 12. 18.
gyfa, wm., giver, donor: as. gyfan, 24.5.
gyfan, sv. 5, give: 3. sg. gyfð, 25.9; 53.1,3; gefð (MS. gef), 52. 18; opt. 3. sg. gife, 30. 17.
gyfu, f., gift: as. gyfe, 24.5; gp. gyfa, 52.16; 53.1; ap. gifa, 53.2,4; gyfa, 58.30(2); 7.10 (MS. gytfa).
gyrwan, AW., prepare: 2. sg. gyrwast, 9. 2.
gȳtsung, f., avarice; desire: ns. 37. 14; 56. 11.
gȳt, adv., yet, still, besides: 1. 15 (13 times); gīt, 53. 6; gīet, 49. 7; 60. 7; 62. 10; 68. 4; gȳet, 49. 12; 59. 8; gēt, 59. 11; 60. 17; gēot, 34. 13.


habban, anv., have, hold: 1. sg. hæbbe, 12. 10; 34. 19; 35. 13; 55.19(2); 59.32; 60.33; 66.12; habbe, 14. 9; 26. 2; 37. 4, 5; 48. 8, 13, 16; hæfst, 5. 13; 24. 9, 11, 15; 32. 2; 34. 13, 14, 18; 46.18; 58.16; 60.24; 66.11,32; 3.16 (MS. hæft); hefst, 27.13; 60. 21, 24; 61. 4; 65. 1 (MS. heft); heafst, 23. 5, 6, 7; hæafst, 34. 7; hæfst, 58. 25; 66. 32; 3. sg. hefð, 1. 19; 35. 1; 60. 23, 24; 65.23; hæfð, 2.9; 7.5; 16.4,5, 6; 28.11; 29.18; 45.4,5; 52. 13; 58.30; 59.17; 65.24; heft, 27,6; hæft, 28.3; 52. 14; 65. 28; hæfð, 16.20; heaft, 27. 8; hefð (MS. hef), 28. 11; 1. pl. habbað, 6. 17; 66. 5; 10. 22 (MS. habbat); 6. 16 (MS. abbað); 1. du. habbe, 41. 16; 3. pl. habbað, 10. 15; 16. 10, 13; 33. 10; 44. 6, 7, 8, 9; 65.24; 67.21; 68.7,15; 69.1, 3; hæbbað, 35. 2; 59. 21; 68. 30; 16. 10 (MS. habbat); habban, 65. 21; pret. 1. sg. hæfde, 19. 1; 21. 16; 33. 4; 35. 13; 62. 19; 2. sg. hæfdest, 4. 8; 34. 2; hefdest, 63. 6; 67. 32; 3. sg. hæfde, 69. 18; 67. 26 (MS. hæftde); hefde, 68. 1; 3. pl. hæfdon, 60. 13; 69. 9 (MS. hædon); opt. 2. sg. hæbbe, 3. 12; 4.17; 23.4; 52.5; 53.7; 63.29; habbe, 35. 4; habbæ, 47. 16; 3. sg. hæbbe, 1. 9; 36. 3; 45. 11; 69. 15; hebbe, 28. 10; habbe, 48. 15; 69. 13; habbe (?), 36. 9; 3. pl. hæbben, 65.25; pret. 2. sg. hæafde, 38.1; 3. sg. hæfde, 58. 27; 3. pi. hefden, 61. 23; hæfden, 69. 1; hæfdan, 61. 24; hefden, 67. 18 (MS. hefde); inf. 13.2; 14.13; 24.6,7,10; 28.9; 36. 10; 37. 9; 39. 2; 40. 4; hæbban, 55. 12; ger. habbenne, 36.8; 46. 19; habbæne, 27. 12; hæbbenne, 36. 12; hæbbene, 36. 7; Negative: 1. sg. nebbe, 4. 11, etc.; næbbe, 12. 13, etc.; 2. sg. næfst, 32, 2, etc.; nafst, 34. 1; 3. sg. næfð, 34. 21; 3. pl. nabbað, 65. 22, etc.; opt. 2. sg. næbbe, 3. 14, etc.; 3. sg. 43. 20; 3. pl. næbben, 8. 19, etc.
hæard, adj., hard, difficult: asm. hæardne, 42. 18.
†hǣlend, m., savior: ns. 4. 15.
hāl, adj., hale, whole, hearty, safe: ns. 4. 7; nsf. hāl, 30. 3; asm. hālne, 13. 17; 34. 6; 53. 12; hǣalne, 13.20; asn. hāl, 28.3(2); 34.21; npm. hāle, 32.13; 48.6; npn. 27. 18; apn. hāle, 28. 8, 10; 43. 20; 45.3,5; hāla, 48. 12, 16; hāl, 35. 4; comp. ns. hālre, 45. 2; np. hālren, 44. 27; sup. dpn. hālestum, 47. 9.
hālig, adj., holy: npf. hālga, 59. 29; gpm. hāligra, 68. 7; dpm. hālgum (as noun), 63. 34; dpf. hālgan, 62. 13; hǣlgum, 66. 13; apm. hālie, 1. 20; wk. nsm. hāliga, 9. 4; hālgan, 9. 11; wk. npm. 60.8; hālige, 61.33; wk. apm. hālgan, 2. 5.
halsian, wv., beseech: 1. sg. halsie, 11.20; halsige, 13.12; 49.4.
hām, m., home, dwelling: ds. hāme, 1. 18; 2. 3; hām, 1. 8; np. hāma, 44.18; ap. 2.15.
hām, adv., homewards: 1. 5, 6.
hand, f., hand: ip. handum, 42. 12; 43. 14 (not in MS.).
hātan, rv., call, name; bid: 2. sg. hǣtst, 49.1; 52.12; hātað, 20.12; 64.25,34; 70.5.
hatian, wv., hate: 1. sg. hatige, 16. 14 (2); 2. sg. hetst (MS. hest), 22. 11; ger. hatianne, 16. 17.
hāwian, wv. w. gen., look at, gaze on: 3. sg. hāwað, 27. 6; 3. pl. hāwiað, 28. 7; pret. 3. sg. hāwode, 27.4; opt. hāwie, 22.3; 3. sg. hāwie, 30. 24; 3. pl. hāwien, 30. 4; opt. or imp. hāwie, 45. 11; opt(?) hāwige, 49. 8; inf. 29.1; 45.6.
†hāwung, f., looking, gazing: ns. 27.10; 28.6.
hē, pron., he: ns. 1. 9, etc.; gs. his (hys), 1. 11, etc.; ds. him (hym), 1. 10, etc.; as. hine (hyne), 1. 6, etc.; for pl. see hī.
hēa, adv., high: 48. 9.
hēah, adj., high: wk. nsf. hēa, 31. 14; hēah, 34. 17; comp. wk. npm. hēaran (MS. hearam), 61. 18; hēran, 61. 24; sup. wk. nsm. hēhsta, 58. 10; hēhstan, 6. 7; nsn. hēhste, 6. 11; 41. 8, 17; 58. 8, 11; hēhstæn, 13. 6; nsf. hēhste, 6. 10; hēhsta, 62. 25; hēhsten, 6. 5; gsn. hēhstan, 5. 23 (2); gsf. 5. 23; 6. 1; dsf. 9.7,8,9; asn. hēhste, 58. 11.
healdan, rv., hold, keep: 3. pl. healdað, 29. 17; imp. heald, 25. 23; inf. 3. 13, 17; 22. 18; haldan, 53. 10; ger. healdenne, 4. 2; haldænne, 35. 17.
healic, adj., high, exalted: comp. wk. dp. healicran, 17. 14.
heall, f., hall: ds. healle, 44. 19.
hēanlic, adj., lowly, humble: comp. wk. dp. hēanlicran, 17. 14.
hefig, adj., heavy, grievous: nsn. 40. 9; 26, 1 (MS. hefgi); asn. 25, 27; apn. hefige, 25. 26.
hefiness, f., heaviness, sorrow: ds. hefenesse, 29. 14; as. hefinesse, 26.3.
†hēhfæder, m., patriarch: dp. hēhfederum, 61. 26.
hēl, f., health; salvation: gs. hǣle, 34. 19; ds. hēle, 37. 10; as. 4. 16; 32.14; 33.18; hǣle, 34.2; vs. 11.7.
helan, sv. 4, conceal, hide: imp. hel, 53. 7; inf. 67. 10.
hell, f., hell: ds. helle, 65. 21; 67. 25.
†help, f., help, aid: ds. helpe, 68, 24.
helpan, sv. 3. w. dat., help, aid: 3. pl. helpað, 68. 16.
hēo, pron., she: n. and a. 3. 4, etc.; g. and d. hyre, 36. 5, etc.; for pl. see hī.
heofenlic, adj., divine : asn. heofenlice, 12. 14.
heofon, f., heaven: ns. (?) heofene, 9. 14; dp. heofenum, 65. 22, 26.
heofonrīce, n., kingdom of heaven: as. (?) 8. 1.
heonan, adv., hence, from here: 47. 10.
heorde, m., shepherd, guardian: as. heorde, 3. 12.
hēr, adv., here: 2. 16; 8.21; 54.6; 55.1; 68.26; 69.18; hǣr, 23.12; 45.22; 63.24; 64.20,34; 65.27; 68.6; 70.4.
herfest, m., autumn, harvest-time: ns. 9. 19.
herian, wv., praise: 2. sg. herast, 36. 5; opt. 2. sg. hære, 49. 18.
hēs, f., behest, command: is. hēse, 9. 13, 14.
hī, pl. pron., they: n. and a. 16. 8; hȳ, 10. 3; g. heora, 9. 14; d. him 31. 11, etc.
hīgian, wv., strive, hasten: imp. hīga, 47. 17.
hit, pron., it: n. and a. 3. 9; hyt, 3. 10, etc.; g. his (hys); d. him (hym); for pl. see hī.
†hlǣder, f., ladder: ds. hlǣdre, 45. 17.
†hlāf, m., bread: as. hlāf, 8. 13.
hlāford, m., lord, master, ruler: ns. hlāford, 25.10; 60.27; gs. hlāfordes, 2. 8, 13; 23. 14; 24. 11; 25. 11; 44. 20; 61. 10, 13(?); ds. hlāforde, 8.11; 44.10; 60.26; 61. 1, 21; 62. 22; 69. 16; as. hlāford, 25. 2; 60. 21, 23; np. hlāfordas, 61. 24; ap. hlāfordes, 61. 18.
hlistan, wv., listen: ger. hlistenne, 32. 16.
hohgian, wv., think about, purpose, resolve: 1. sg. hohgie, 35. 19; pret. 1. sg. hohgode, 35. 12; hohggode, 36. 10.
hrēoh, adj., rough, stormy: sup. nsf. hrēohost, 30. 1.
†hrine, m., sense of touch: is. 6. 15.
†hrīnung, f., touch: ds. hrīnunge (MS. hyrinunge), 18. 13.
hū, adv., how : 2. 20, etc.; often w. ne as hū ne hæfð, 16. 4: does he not have?
huntigan, wv., hunt: inf. 2. 10.
hūru, adv., at least, certainly, even: 2.17; 30.11; 35.1; 43.1; 2.2 (MS. hure); hūre, 40. 10.
hūs, n., house: 1. 13; vs. 11. 7.
hwā, pron., who: n. 16. 23, etc.; hwat, 25. 2, etc.; g. hwæs, 13. 22, etc.; d. hwām, 3. 18, etc.; i. hwī, 19. 13, etc., hwig, 39. 10.
hwǣr, adv., where: 51. 8, etc.; hwǣrhwugu, anywhere: 51. 10.
hwæthwugu, pron., something: 1. 7, etc.
hwæðer, adj. pron., which of two, whether: 3.3, etc.; hweðer, 3.8, etc.
hwanon, adv., whence: 51. 7.
hwenne, interrog., when: 46.20.
hwerfian, wv., return: 3. sg. hweorfð, 9. 13; hwerfiað, 9. 20; 3. pl. 9. 23; hweorfiað, 9. 24.
hwīl, f., space of time: as. hwīle, 12. 4, etc.; whīle, 1. 17; dp. hwīlum, 2. 9, etc.; ðā hwīle þe, conj., while: 1. 17, etc.
hwilc, pron., which, of what kind: 3. 6, etc.; hwylc, 5. 12, etc.
hwyrft, m., turning: as. 21. 8.
hylf, m., handle, shaft: ap. hylfa, 1.2.
hȳred, m., household, court: gs. hȳredes, 8. 9; ds. hȳrede, 44. 16.


c, pron., I: 1.2, etc.; yc, 11. 11.}}

īeowan, wv., reveal, show; look upon: 3. sg. ēowað, 42. 10; pret. 1. pl. īeowedon, 7.21; īuwedon, 7.19; opt. ēowie, 47.18; inf. ēowian, 42. 10; ēawian, 48. 13.
inera, adj. (comp. of inne), inner: wk. ipn. inran, 18. 19; 19. 14.
ingeþanc, n., mind, intellect: ds. ingeþance, 18.4,15; 19.1; 21. 20; as. 18.21; is. 2.19; 19.3; 21. 13, 15.
innan, adv., from within: 3. 9.
†insegel, n., seal (Lat. insigillum): ns. 23. 14.
†instepe, adv., immediately: 62. 31.
inwordlice, adv., inwardly; thoroughly: 34. 15; sup. inweardlicost, 55. 14.


†kigcel, m., cudgel(?): as. kigclas, 1.1.
king, m., king: ns. Kyng, 61. 13; kining, 70.4; gs. kinges, 65.19; 68. 27 (MS. kincges); cynges, 44. 2,18; as. 65.17; kyng, 61.13; gp. kynninga, 59. 20; kynga (MS. kcynga), 61. 14.
kinn, n., race, kin: gs. kinnes, 68. 20; kynnes, 61. 10; cynnes, 69. 27.


lā, interj., oh, ah: 4. 3; 13. 9; 34. 11; 46.1; 48.7; 49.12; 51.4.
†lādtēow, m., guide: as. (?) lādtēwes (MS. laðtewes), 45. 4.
lǣas, n., falsehood: ns. 41. 15.
lǣca, win., leech, physician: ns. 48.1.
lǣce, m., leech, physician: ns. 48, 12.
lǣcedōm, m., medicine, medical treatment: ip. lǣcedōmum, 48.3.
lǣdan, wv., lead, guide: opt. 2. sg. lǣde, 49. 5; imp. lǣd, 49. 18.
†lǣn, f., lease: ds. lǣne, 2. 8; lǣnan(?), 2. 11 (adj.?).
lǣne, adj., temporary: nsn. 24.16; asm. lǣnan, 25. 2; np. lēne, 7. 18; wk. gpn. (?) lǣnena, 2. 14; wk. dpn. lǣnan, 1. 17.
lǣr, f., teaching, advice: as. lǣre, 53.20; ip. lārum, 65. 13.
lǣran, wv., teach, instruct; advise: lǣre, 1. 8; 55. 13; lēre, 61. 18; lǣrst, 4.20; 22.19; 42. 18 (MS. lætst); lērst, 8.9, 10, 15; 13.8; 30.26; 32.1; 3. pl. lǣrað, 21. 3; pret. 2. sg. lǣrdest, 7.20; 8.1,2; 54.2; 55.19; 8.3 (MS. lærdesd); lērdest, 7.18; 14. 9, 10; 3. sg. lǣrde, 1. 15; opt. lǣre, 43.19; 45.7; lēre, 12.17; 13.22; imp. lǣr, 54.2; inf. 39.22; ger. lērenne (MS. lerrenne), 32. 16.
lǣs, adv., less: 35.1; 36.17; 37.2; lēs, 35. 13; lǣsse, 16. 18; 59. 8; lēasan, 30. 22.
lǣs, conj., lest: (þī or þē) w. opt., 4.17; lǣst, 49. 1; w. ind. lēs, 15. 10; lǣste, 31.23.
lǣssa, adj., less: dsf. lǣssan, 44. 13.
lǣstan, wv., do, perform: opt. 3. sg. lǣste, 32. 24.
lǣtan, rv., let, allow; leave: 3. sg. lǣt, 67. 10; imp. 14. 2 (MS. læd); inf. 43.16; lētan, 32.19.
land, n., land: ds. lande, 2. 12; 21. 21, 24; 28. 18; as. land, 45. 21.
lang, adj., long: ns. lang, 10.7; asm. langne, 44. 7; længne (MS. lægne), 44. 6.
lange, adv., long, long time: lange, 12.3,6; 13.20; 49.6; 55.2; 57, 2; 69.32; lang, 52. 17; 59.30; comp. leng, 12.4; læng, 36.17.
lārēow, m., teacher: as. lārēwas, 45.4.
†lāðian, wv., hate: inf. 48. 4.
lēaf, n., leaf: ns. 10. 3.
†lēan, sv. 6., blame, censure: lēa, 61. 17.
lencten, m., springtime: ns. 9. 19.
lēof, adj., pleasing, agreeable: comp. ns. lēofre, 18. 8.
lēogan, sv. 2, lie: 1. sg. lēoga, 24. 2; inf. 24. 2.
lēoht, n., light, brightness, brilliance: ns. 6.12; gs. lēohtes, 6. 2; 44.27; 47.8; ds. lēohte, 31.15; 35.3; 49.9; 49,6 (MS. lohte); as. lēoht, 9. 15; 35. 5; 37. 1; is. lēohte (MS. leothte), 44. 21.
lēoht, adj., light, bright: asm. lēohtne, 9. 15.
leornian, wv., learn, study, read: pret. 1. sg. leornode, 41. 2, 7; 2. sg. leornodest, 20. 13; leornedost, 20.16; 21.7; leornodest (MS. leorndes), 64. 27; leorneodest (MS. leorneodes), 20.12; imp. leorna, 65. 8; leorniæn (!), 68.8.
†leornung, f., learning, study: ds. leornunga, 41. 1.
lettan, wv., hinder, impede: 3. pl. lettað, 40. 6.
līc, n., body: as. 42. 4, 12; 43. 13.
līcan, wv., impers., please: 3. sg. līcað, 61. 15; pret. 3. sg. līcode, 1. 16; opt. 3. sg. līcie, 47. 1; 54.4.
līchama, wm., body: ns. 66. 6; līchaman, 41. 12; 66. 27; līchama (MS. lichaman), 10. 12; gs. līchaman, 4. 15; 31. 3; 34. 14; 37.10; 41.14; 44.25,26; 59.6; 63. 21; 64. 14; 65. 4; 67. 3; līchoman, 40. 7; lȳchoman, 56. 13; līcuman, 26.9; 27.11; 29. 14; lȳcuman, 31. 5; ds. līchaman, 34. 8; 41. 12; 49. 2,3; 66.19; 67. 32; lȳchaman, 60. 6; līcuman, 29. 13; lȳcuman, 13. 23; as. līchaman, 48. 21; līcuman, 16. 10; lȳcuman, 8.4; 13.17; np. līchaman, 10. 8, 11.
līchamlic, adj., corporeal, bodily, material: npn. lȳchamlican, 66. 27; np. līchamlice, 51. 9; ipn. līcumlicum, 31. 16; līchamlicum, 31. 21.
līchamlice, adv., corporeally, bodily, in the flesh: 6. 14; 7. 8; 19. 15.
līcwyrðe, adj., acceptable: ns. 13. 24 (MS. licworðe).
lim, n., limb, member: as. 42. 9.
†līne, wf., line: ns. 20. 20; lȳne, 21. 9; ds. līnan, 20. 17; as. līnan, 21.6.
līðe, adj., mild, soothing: ipm. līðum, 48. 3.
lōcian, wv., see, look; take heed: 3. pl. lōciað, 44.22; opt. 3. sg. lōchige, 31.12; 45.8; lōcie, 45. 10; lōcige, 45. 13; imp. lōca, 17. 9; inf. 43. 21 (2); 45. 19; 45. 9 (?); lōcigan, 34. 22.
†lōhsceaft, m., bar(?), bolt(?): ap. lōhsceaftas, 1. 2.
lufian, wv., love: 1. sg. lufige, 11. 10; 12. 14; 13.12,19; 15. 20; 16. 3(2), 8, 12, 13, 17, 18; 19.11; 25.17; 33.12; 39.14; 42.24,25; 35. 15; 43. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; 2. sg. lufast, 16.2,5,6,7; 25. 1,6,12; 27. 13; 33. 19; 40. 3; 42. 6; 58. 3 (2), 5 (2), 7; lufæst, 33. 16; lufað, 5. 16; 7.4; 13.19; 19.11; 25.27; 28.16; 42.3; 44.14; 58.12,13, 15(2); 3. pl. lufiað, 5.17,18; 40. 2; pret. 2. sg. lufadæst, 33.20; lufodest, 38. 6; 42. 14; 3. sg. lufode, 42. 22,23; lufede, 42.22; 43. 11; 3. pl. lefdon, 67. 19; opt. lufige, 25.8; 39. 11 (2), 12; 61.17,18; lufiæ, 15.22; 3. sg. lufige, 42.1; 58.13,14(2); 3. pl. lufigen, 69. 7; pret. 1. sg. lufede, 23. 12; 3. sg. lufode, 42. 21; 43. 9; inf. 5. 17; 15.18; 19.9; 23.9; 25. 13; 42. 15; 19. 10 (MS. lufia); ger. lufianne, 16.16; 39.9; pr. p. lufiende, 14.7; 28.16; lufiendas (as noun), 42. 2.
lufu, f., love: ns. 28. 15; 29.3; 43. 12; 7. 7 (MS. luuu); lufe, 29. 11; 36.13; lufa, 29.6; gs. lufu, 29.8; ds. lufe, 42.16; as. 12.22; 27. 17; 28.11; 29.16; 42.16; dp. lufum, 38. 4, 5, 8, 10; 39. 8(2).
lust, m., pleasure, desire, lust: ns. 36. 14, 16; ap. lusta, 23. 4, 7.
lustlice, adv., gladly: 11. 18.
lybban, wv., live, be, exist: 2. sg. lifast (MS. lufast), 59.3; 57.11 (MS. ib.); leofest, 58.18; lifað, 64.10; lifað (MS. lufað), 6. 22; 61. 11 (MS. ib.); 1. pl. lyfað, 18. 10; lybbað, 10. 9; 44. 19, 20; 3. pl. 6.9(2); pret. 1. sg. lyfde, 58. 1; opt. libbe, 56. 3(2); lybban, 43. 24; 44. 17; 56. 7, 10; 57. 6, 8, 9, 14; libban, 58. 6 (2); pr. p. libbendu, 3. 5; lybbende, 10.13; 56.12; 59.27.
lȳf, n., life: ns. 33. 18 (2); 38. 3; 50.7; 64.17,19; līf, 6.9; gs. lȳfes, 5.22,23; 8.13,14; 12.22; 25.18; 58.2; 60.1; ds. lȳfe, 9. 2; 25.17; 43.23; 58.24; 64.21; 67.23; 70.3; līfe, 33. 13; 43. 18; 59.25; 60.3,14; 62. 1; as. lȳf, 9.1; 25.10; 60.12; līf, 28.12; vs. lȳf, 11. 8; dp. lȳfum, 13. 25.
lȳhtan, wv., make light, reflect: 3. pl. lȳhtað, 31. 9, 10.
lystan, wv., impers. w. dat. of person and gen. of thing, please: 3. sg. lyst, 2.8; 14.22; 34.9; 36. 15, 17; 37.3,4,5; 42.4,6; 50.1; lyste, 1.6; 14.22; 36.1; 46.16,21; 47.2; 59.33; 64.12; lystæ, 52. 4; 3. pl. (?) lyst, 67. 22; opt. 3. sg. lyste, 39. 1.
lȳtel, indecl. noun, little: as. lītel, 25. 15.
lȳtel, adj., little: ds. lȳtlum, 30.22; as. lȳtel, 66. 17.
lȳtel, adv., little: 41.4; lȳtle, 26. 15; 52.6; lȳtlum (dat, of lȳtel, adj.), 45.16(2); 58.14.


mǣg, m., kinsman: ap. māga, 68. 16.
mǣnan, wv., mean, signify: pret. 3. sg. mǣnde, 61. 34.
mǣð, f., measure, degree, kind: ds. mǣðe, 31.9,24; 32.17; is. mēþe, 55.9.
†maga, adj., able, strong: ns. 1. 9.
magan, swv., be able; avail: 1. sg. mæg, 19. 17; 22. 20; 23.5,8; 25.15; 30.19(2); 33.9(2); 34. 5; 35.20; 39.1.18; 43.26; 46. 16; 49.18; 50.4; 53.10,21; 57. 2; 59.15; 64.23; 66.15; 69.25; meg, 13.3; 26.5; meant, 40. 1; 43. 18; 3.15 (MS. mehat); myht, 31.13; 37.15; 66.22,25; miht, 47.11; 62.34; myhte (MS. myh), 47.14; 3. sg. mæg, 1.16; 5.13,14,17; 19. 3; 21. 10; 29. 13; 30. 14, 21; 31. 12, 23; 43. 21, 22(2), 26; 44.16; 45.2,6; 47.9; 48. 2 (2); 66. 27; 68. 3; 60. 5 (MS. mæga); meg, 59. 13; 1. pl. magon, 6. 14; 7. 13; 15. 7; 66. 20. 29, 33; 68. 11; 1. du. magon, 47. 6; 3. pl. magon, 8.17; 35.2; 39.6; 40.3; 47. 9; 60. 15; 61. 19; 66. 28; 68. 17, 22, 27, 29, 30; pret. 1. sg. meihte, 1. 5, 7; mahte, 21. 19; 22. 20; mæhte, 20.4; 2. sg. myhtst, 31, 5; myhtast (MS. mythtas), 16. 23; mihtest, 32. 11; 3. sg. meuhtest, 20. 14; meahte, 2. 23; mihte, 5. 4(2); 1. pl. meohton, 64.31; 3. pl. meahton, 60.16; opt. 1. sg. mage, 2. 3; 11. 14, 16; 14.3; 23.1(2); 35.17; 37. 10; 40.10; 46.3; 54.1; 55.18; 59. 25; 62. 13; 66. 13, 14; mæge, 1. 14; 11. 18; 15.3,14; 18.6, 21; 19.7; 26.13; 27.1; 29.1; 33. 10; 39. 19; magæ, 24. 7; 49. 13; 2. sg. mage, 4. 6, 16; 23. 17; 42.11; 46.8; 47.12; 49.5; mæge, 18. 14; 23. 15, 16; 24. 10; 30. 21; 52. 1; mægæ, 23. 16; magæ, 47. 16; 3. sg. mage, 1. 12; 4.1,4; 31.21; 33.2; 34.22; 43. 24; 63. 22; mæge, 19. 4; 21. 22; 30. 7; magen, 62. 6; 66. 8; l.du. 49.11; 3. pl. 30.5; 47.10; 67.6; pret. 1. sg. myhte, 23.3; 49. 7; 63. 5; 26. 17 (MS. mythte); mihte, 31. 1; 2. sg. myhte, 60. 2; 62. 8; mæht, 46. 15; mahte, 62. 23; 3. sg. meahte, 64. 4; 67. 18 (?); mæhte, 16. 23; mahte (MS. matte), 18.5.
man, m., man, person: ns. man, 20.25; 21.10; 24.12; 27.5; 31. 18,20; 34.21; 43.9,20,24; 45. 3; 50. 20; 51.2,3; 65.16,20; 69.5,13,34; mann, 44.2; gs. mannes, 63. 30; ds. men, 39. 10; 41.8,18; 43.6,8; 47.19; 57.3; 69. 22; mæn, 42. 8; as. man, 11. 1; 63. 19, 31; np. men, 8. 6; 16. 9,12; 44.20; 65.25; 67.5; 69. 20, 31; gp. manna, 4. 12; 8. 19; 10.7,17; 11. 2; 37.11; 42.3; 52.15,19; 58.29; 60.4,10,14; 62.33; dp. mannum, 5.10; 42. 10; 53. 3; 62. 24; ap. men, 4. 9; 8.14; 35.18.
man, indef. pron., one, people, they: ns. man, 6.12; 7.3,4; 17.13}. 19.3,8; 20. 8(2), 10, 18; 25.27; 27.4; 29.4; 30.6,14,16,24; 45. 7; 46. 11; 2. 6 (MS. m); 4. 4 (MS. me on); gs. mannes, 4. 3; as. man, 2.8; 21.20.
manian, wv., admonish, warn: 2. sg. manast, 7. 12; 3. sg. mannað, 6. 3; manað, 49. 17.
manig, adj., many; many a, much: nsm. manig, 60. 23; 41. 5; mani, 44. 1; asm. manigne, 1. 9, 12; 60. 24; asn. manig, 1.12; monige, 69. 15; mani, 69. 15; np. manige, 60. 2; mænege, 60. 4; npf. manige, 28. 7; manega, 52. 17; dpn. manegum, 62. 22; dp. 59. 24; apm. manege, 1. 20; 60. 32; manige, 44. 5; apf. manega, 66. 12; mænega, 53. 3; apn. manega (MS. mare ga), 59. 16; ap. manige, 23. 4; ipf. manegum, 62. 7.
manigfeald, adj., many, numerous: npf. manigfealde, 25. 26.
mannisc, adj ., human: ds. manniscum, 27. 10.
mēd, f., reward, meed: as. mēde, 60. 13.
medeme, adj., worthy, proper, perfect: ap. medeme, 52. 14; medemu, 5.11.
†menian, wv., proceed, direct one's self: opt. 3. sg. menige, 1. 9.
metan, sv. 5., compare: 2. sg. metest (MS. mest), 17. 10; metst, 61. 8.
mete, m., meat, food: ds. 37. 3, 6; gp. metta, 37. 4.
mettrimness, f., weakness, infirmity: np. mettrimnysse, 40. 7; ap. mettrimnesse, 40. 8.
†mettrum, adj., weak, sick: comp. ns. mettrumra, 49. 2.
micel, adj., much, many: nsm. 26. 10; asf. micle, 29. 18; 68. 15; 36. 3 (MS. milcle); asn. micel, 12. 2; mycle, 35.5; isn. miclum, 29. 15; apn. micla, 59. 16; apf. mycela, 7.10; comp. n. mā, 62.13; g. māran, 28. 5; dsf. 44. 12, 13; 47. 17; a. mā, 1. 11; 14.21; 36.15; 37.6,9; māre, 17.13; 20.2; 65. 28; māran, 3.17; māren, 37.11; 66. 1 (2); māran (MS. maram), 50. 2; sup. ns. mǣst, 14. 16 (2); nsn. mǣste, 41. 9; mēst, 55. 15; asm. mǣstne, 39. 15; 59. 21; a. mǣstan, 68. 14; ap. mēst, 60. 12.
micle, adv., much, very much: micle, 21.18; 31.14; 37.11; 43. 11; 62. 16; 67.4; 69.17; mycle (MS. myclce), 41. 6; micle (MS. milcle), 64. 32; mycle, 25. 8; 37. 9; mycele, 16. 19; micel, 58. 19; miclum, 29. 7; 58. 12,13; 66.7; myclum, 47, 18; comp. mā, 16. 18, 19; 25. 8; 36.5; 37.1; 47. 2; 48. 16; 59. 25; 66.13,21; 68.19,30; māre, 21. 18; 31.14; 44.27; 45.2; 46.6; 57.1; 60.13; 65.12,15,18,20; 67.4; 68.1,31,33; māran, 30. 23; 32.20; 35.16; sup. mǣst, 39. 17.
mid, prep., with, together with; by means of: w. dat. 1. 5, 11, 14, etc.; myd, w. instr., 30. 12, etc.
mid, adv., therewith : 1. 2; myd, 30. 14, etc.
middangeard, m., world, earth: ns. 66. 31; gs. middangeardes, 6. 13; myddangeardes, 59.21; ds. middangearde, 9. 17; myddangearde, 43. 9.
midde, f., middle: gs. middes, 20. 17.
mihtig, adj., mighty, retentive: ns. 4.1.
mildheortness, f., mercy, pity: ns. mildheortnes (MS. mildheornes), 22. 15; ds. mildheortnesse, 5. 2.
milts, f., mercy, favor: as. miltse, 2.13.
mīn, pos. pron., my, mine: n. 3. 10, etc.; g. mīnes, 2. 2; d. mīnum, 3. 19, etc.
†mislic, adj., various, divers; apn. mislicu, 3. 2; mislicum (adv. ?), 53.3.
mōd, n., mind, intellect; heart: ns. 2.21; 3.1,3; 27.2; 29.17; 64. 10,11; 66.19; gs. mōdes, 2.2; 4. 15; 22. 4, 6,11,18; 26.6,8; 28.9; 29.17; 31.2; 34.14; 44. 25; 45.1,15; 47.13; 48.5; 64. 26; 66. 20, 33; 2. 20 (MS. modis); ds. mōde, 2.21; 5. 21; 8. 4; 16. 13; 27.10; 33.1,6; 34.1,8; 37. 14; 39. 5; 47. 5; 49. 2, 3; as. mōd, 46. 10; 48. 21; 63. 10; 48. 15 (MS. moð).
mōdor, f., mother: ns. 69.28,29.
mōna, wm., moon: ns. 9. 15; ns. (?) monnan, 17. 20; gs. mōnan, 17. 18; ds. 17. 15; 18. 7; 45. 12; as. 19.16; 66.29.
morgen, m., to-morrow: ds. 17. 16 morgen, 45. 23.
mōtan, swv., be able, be allowed: 1. sg. mōte, 13.15; 3. sg. mōt, 68. 1; pret. 2. sg. mōst, 56. 10; 3. pl. mōston, 10.18; opt. 2. sg. mōte, 46.11; 2.9; 70.2; mōten, 67.6; pret. 3. sg. (?) mōsten, 67. 17.
†mund, f., remembrance: as. munde, 67. 24.
†murge, adv., merrily, happily: 1.13.
mūs, f., mouse: dp. mȳs, 16.7.
†mydlinga, adv., to a moderate extent: 58. 14.
†mydwyrhta, wm., co-worker: ns. 30. 14.
myht, f., power: ip. myhtum (MS. mythtum), 30. 17.
†mynegian, wv., remind: 2. sg. mynegast, 31. 4.
†myrran, wv., disturb, hinder: 3. pl. myrrað, 40. 6.
myst, m., mist, dimness: as. 43. 17.


nā, adv., not: 17. 4 (16 times); nō, 69. 25.
nabban, see under habban.
nacod, adj., naked, nude: asm. nacode, 42. 7; nacodne, 47. 13.
nǣdre, f., adder: dp. nǣdran (MS. nædram), 36. 17.
nǣfre, adv., never: 12. 10 (29 times); nēfre, 5. 8 (4 times).
nāhwǣr, adv., nowhere, not at all: 34. 12 (MS. nawar); nāwer, 61. 7,29; 66.28.
nān, adj., no, none: ns. 2. 6, etc.; gs. nānes, 4.3, etc.; ds. nānum, 7. 15, etc.; as. nānne, 3. 14, etc.; nāne, 30. 7, etc.; nān, 4. 11, etc.; np. nāne, 68. 29; gp. nānre, 27. 18; dp. nānum, 5. 20; ap. nāne, 5. 5, etc.
†nānig, adj., no: asf. nānege, 67. 24.
nānwiht, pron., nothing: 4. 14, etc.; nānwit, 21. 1; nānewiuht, 66. 4.
nāwiht, pron., nothing, nought: n. and a. 15. 16, etc.; nāht, 5. 10, etc.; nāhte (MS. nacwte), 7. 11; d. nāhte, 5. 6, etc.; nāwuihte, 62.28; a. nāht, 5.11; nāwiht (MS. nawh), 32.18; nāwt, 8.2; nāwit, 20.24; nāwyht, 30.14; nāwuht, 59. 12.
nāþer, conj., neither: often with nē, 1. 5, etc.; nāwþer, 34. 19, etc.; 33. 8 (MS. nawaþer).
ne, adv., not: 1. 6, etc.
nē, conj., neither: often with nāþer, 1. 5, etc.
nēah, adj., near, nigh, close: comp. np. nēar (MS. mær), 44. 17.
nēah, adv., near, nearly; lately: 59.29; 61.29; 66.28(2); nāh, 49. 4; comp. nǣar, 49. 6; nēar, 53. 15, 16; 66. 29; in expression nēar and nēar, nearer and nearer: 45. 17; sup. nīehst, 65. 3.
nearo, adj., narrow, strait: asm. nearone, 44. 9.
†nēhsta, wm., neighbor: as. nēhstan, 19.9.
nēde, adv., of necessity; w. sceal, needs must: 35. 7; 37. 9, 12; 69. 22; nǣde, 66.15; nīde, 24.1; 25.4.
nemnan, wv., name, mention: 1. sg. nemne, 17. 13; pret. 3. sg. nemde, 64. 33.
nēod, f., need, necessity, obligation: ns. 14. 16; 55. 15; ds. nēode, 9. 6.
†nēodbehǣfe, adj., necessary: np. 30.2.
nese, adv., no: nese, 17. 12, 20; 67. 30; nes, 16.9; nese, næse, 68.7; nese, la nese, no, oh no: 4.3; 46. 1; 51. 4; 60. 31; næse, la nese, 49. 12.
niman, sv.4, take: pret. nāmon, 6.17.
nīwan, adv., recently, lately: 35. 23.
notian, wv., enjoy: imp. nota, 47. 15.
nū, adv., now: 1. 15, etc.
nyht, f., night: gs. nihte, 47.6; as. nyht, 9. 15, 18.
†nȳten, n., animal, beast: np. nȳtenu, 10. 6, 10; 16. 8, 11.
nytt, f., use, utility: gs. nyttes, 13. 18.
nytt, adj., profitable: np. nytte, 40. 5; comp. asf. nyttran, 16. 21.
†nyttian, wv., enjoy, use, profit by: w. gen., 3. pl. nyttiað, 44. 23; w. acc., inf. 43. 25.
nytwyrðe, adj., useful, profitable: ns. 2. 16 (MS. nytwyrde); as. 43.1.


†ōden, f., threshing-floor: ds. ōdene, 44.19.
of, prep. w. dat., of, from, concerning: 13. 9, etc.
ofer, prep., over, above: w. acc. 58.8; ofor, 10.23; w. dat. 3. 16, etc.
ofercuman, sv. 5, overcome, subdue: 1. pl. ofercumað, 7. 8; 8. 18; pp. ofercumme, 34. 18.
†ofergemet, n., excess: as. 17. 9 (MS. ofergemeð).
ofergiotolness, f., forgetfulness: is. ofergiotolnesse, 63. 4.
ofermǣto, f., pride: as. 11. 15.
†ofermette, adj., immoderate: nsm. ofermetta, 38. 2; ofermytta, 38. 2.
†oferstǣlan, wv., convince: 2. sg. oferstǣlest, 62. 16; pret. 1. sg. oferstǣlde, 62.17; pp. oferstēled, 62. 15.
oferswīðan, wv., conquer: 2. sg. oferswīðdest, 8. 5.
oferwinnan, wv., overcome, subdue: inf. 14. 2.
ofmunan, swv., remember: opt. pret. 1. sg. ofmunde, 62. 20.
ofsittan, sv. 5, beset, oppress: pp. ofseten, 63. 4.
oft, adv., often: 3. 1; 17. 13; 69. 5 (MS. ofð); comp. oftor, 61. 30.
oftēon, sv. 2, deprive: pret. 3. sg. oftēah, 41. 1.
on, prep., on, upon, in: w. dat. 1. 7, etc.; w. acc. 16. 15, etc.
on, adv., into: 12. 7.
†onbrerdnes, f., inspiration: ns. 25. 17.
onbrirdan, inspire, incite: opt. 3. sg. onbrirde, 30. 9.
ondrēdan, wv., fear, dread: 1. sg. ondrēde, 33. 11, 13, 14; 40. 8; 43.3; 46.9; 62.18; 64.17; ondrǣde, 20. 24; 2. sg. ondrēdest, 20.21; 25.6; 33.19 (MS. ib.); (MS. ondrest); pret. 3. sg. ondrǣd. 67. 26; opt. pret. 2. sg. ondrēde, 33. 21.
onfindan, sv. 3, learn, find out: pp. onfundne, 14. 7.
onfōn, rv., receive, take: imp. onfōh, 12. 7; inf. onfōn, 42. 11.
ongēan, prep. w. acc., against: 31. 10; 34.22; 45. 10.
ongēan, adv., back, again: 31. 9, 12; 42. 12.
†ongelīhtan, wv., enlighten: opt. 3. sg. ongelīhte, 2. 2.
onginnan, sv. 3, begin, attempt: 1. sg. ongynne, 46.5; 3. sg. onginð, 55. 1; 3. pl. onginnað, 10. 6; opt. 2. sg. ongynne, 55. 13; 3. sg. onginne, 30. 16; inf. ongynnan, 34. 12; 45.16.
†ongierwan, wv., divest of, strip: 3. sg. ongiereð, 59.20.
ongytan, sv. 5, understand, comprehend: 1. sg. ongyte, 16.20; 32. 17, 18 (2); 39. 4; 42. 5; 43. 1; 48. 9, 23; 49. 3; 58. 4, 7; ongæate, 41.3; 2. sg. ongytst, 34.5,7; 51.5; ongitst, 16.22; 50.19; ongytst (MS. ongyst), 46.13; 60. 17 (MS. ib.); 3. sg. ongyt, 11.2 (2); 28. 14; ongit, 6. 12; ongæt, 68. 21; 3. pl. ongēaton, 60. 3; ongǣaton, 19. 19; ongyotað, 69. 6; ongytað (MS. ongytat), 11. 9; opt. 2. sg. ongyte, 25.21; 32.5, 14; 35. 8; 53. 6; ongeate, 60. 19; ongytæ, 19. 18; 3. sg. ongyte, 31. 26; 42.1; ongytæ, 18.15; ongeatan, 7.18,20; inf. 2.23; 6.14; 11.16; 14.14,19; 17.1; 18.14; 19.14; 20.15; 22.20; 23.15; 25.14,15; 31.18,22,23; 32.6; 46.4; 49.13; 53. 18; 57. 3; 58. 16; 60. 15; ongitan, 42. 7; 47.16; 55.18; 60.5; ger. ongytænne, 31.25; ongyttanne, 39. 16; 41.4; pp. ongyten, 21.16; 58.25; ongitten, 53.6; ongitan, 28. 14.
onhagian, wv., impers., be fitting, please, become: opt. 3. sg. onhagige, 2. 16; onhagie, 4. 13; onhagað, 26.7; 46.5; 65. 10.
†onhwærfedness, f. ; change: ds. onhwærfednesse, 9. 5.
†onlīcness, f., similitude, image: ds. anlīcnesse, 9. 16; 11. 1.
†onlōcian, wv., look on, look at: 1. pl. onlōciað, 31. 22; opt. 1. sg onlōcige, 26. 16.
onlȳhtan, wv., illuminate: w. gen. 3. sg. onlȳht, 31. 7; w. acc. 3. sg. onlēoht, 44. 25; onlīht, 44. 25.
†onriht, adv., rightly: 13. 8.
onscynian, wv., shun, avoid: 3. pl. onscyniað, 45. 11; onscuniað, 47, 8; inf. onscunian (MS. onscinian), 47.6.
onsendan, wv., send: imp. onsend, 68.3.
†ontimber, n., material: as. 2. 6.
†onweald, n., power: ds. onwealde 55.9.
openlice, adv., openly, clearly: 5. 20; 42.9; 64.24; 67.7; comp. openlicor, 46.3; 64.32.
ormōd, adj., hopeless: ns. 49. 4.
oð, prep. w. acc., until: 27. 6.
oð, conj. w. opt., until: 3. 15; 59. 9; w. ind., 35. 22.
ōðer, adj. pron., second, other: ns. 3.8; 57.6, etc.; gs. ōðres, 4.8, etc.; ds. oððer, 10. 1; as. ōðerne, 5. 15, etc.; np. ōðre, 10. 3, etc.; gp. ōðera, 4. 11, etc.; dp. ōðrum, 5. 20, etc.; ap. oððere, 17. 15.
oððe, conj., or: 2.22, etc.; 46.11; (MS. of ðe), oððe . . . oððe, either ... or, 9. 5, 6, etc.


racu, f., exposition, discourse: ns. 26.7.
rǣd, m., advice, counsel: as. 13.24; 48. 18 (MS. reð).
†rǣdfast, adj., wise: ns. 61.9.
†rǣdlic, adj., expedient, reasonable: comp. ns. rǣdlicre, 33. 4.
†ræðe, adv., soon, quickly: 52. 5; raðe, 30. 20; comp. raðor, 17. 5, 12.
recan, wv., care, reck: pret. rōhte, 58. 1 (2).
reccan, wv., expound, explain; rule, direct: 2. sg. recst, 9.18; 59.10; pret. rehte, 32.10; 63.9; pret. 2. sg. reahhest, 20. 10; reahte, 3. 1; 3. sg. ræahte, 41. 7.
recelēas, adj., careless: np. recelēase, 40.2.
†rēdan, wv., decree, determine; read, explain: 2. sg. rēdst, 9. 18; pp. rēden, 50. 6.
†rēne, m., mystery, dark saying: dp. rēnum, 69. 11.
rest, f., rest, repose: ds. reste, 2.4.
rīce, n., kingdom, authority: ds. 6. 18; [rīce], 6. 18; 14. 8.
rīce, adj., great, powerful: nsm. 69. 4, 13.
†rīclic, adj., sumptuous: nsn. 38. 3.
rīcsian, wv., reign, govern: 2. sg. rīcsast, 7.17; 11.13; inf. 59.23.
rīdan, sv. 1, ride: 3. sg. rīt, 30. 1.
riht, n., right, equity, truth: gs. rihtes (?), 64. 29 ; ds. rihte, 68. 22.
riht, adj., right, proper, correct: asm. rihtne, 2.3; 30.18; 44.7, 10; rihte, 28.10; asn. riht, 6.9; apm. riht, 8. 15; comp. ns. rihtra, 23.18; rihtre, 39.8.
rihte, adv., right, rightly, directly: rihte, 13.7; 16.22; 22.3,4; 24. 14; 25.7; 26.4; 34.5; 39.3; 46. 17; 58.16,25; 61.3,10; 62.15; 24.9 (MS. rithte); riht, 4.22; 24.2; 50.8.
rihtlic, adj., right, just: comp. ns. rihtlicre (MS. rihlicre), 33. 3.
†rihton, used only in phrase on rihton, right: 37. 13.
rihtwīs, adj., righteous, just: asm. rihtwīsne, 14. 6; wk. asm. rihtwīsan, 52.1; np. 62. 1; 69.7.
rihtwīsness, f., righteousness: ns. rihtwīsnes, 22. 15; 52. 17; gs. rihtwīsnesse (MS. rihtwisne), 65. 28; as. rihtwȳsnesse, 8. 9; rihtwīsnesse, 8. 15.
†rihtwyrðe, adj., just, worthy, righteous: sup. ns. rihtwyrðost, 13. 25.
†rīman, wv., enumerate, count: ger. rīmanne, 52. 17; rīmande, 59. 30.
rine, n., course: ap. rina, 9. 14.
†rīpan, sv. 1, ripen : 3. pl. rīpað, 10.5.
rodor, m., heaven, firmament: gs. rodores, 21. 8; 20. 15 (MS. roðores).


sǣ, f., sea: ns. 30. 1; ds. sǣ, 21. 20; 22.8; sē, 2.11; as. sǣ, 45.20; sē, 9. 23.
†sǣclif, n., cliff, promontory: ds. sæclife (MS. sæclifle), 45. 18.
†sægen, n., saying, statement: ds. segene, 60. 30; 62.3; dp. (?) sægena, 60. 5; sæcgena, 62. 5.
sam, correl. conj., sam . . . sam, whether ... or: 24.1; 25.4.
sār, n., suffering, pain : ns. 40. 9; 41.4.
sāwel, f., soul, spirit: ns. 3.4; 15. 3; 41.12; 64.9; sāwl, 9.13; 10. 13; 60.5; 63.30; 66.6; sāwle, 28.7; 67.2; sāule, 29.12; gs. sāwle, 27.3,18; 30.3; 41.13; 57.1; 59. 7, 25, 29; 60. 16; 64. 14; 65. 5; sāule, 28. 6; ds. sāwle, 49. 20; 63. 35; sāule, 41. 11; as. sāwle, 16. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6; sāule, 14. 20; 15. 20; np. sāwla, 8. 19; 53. 6; 63. 32; sāula, 58. 29; sāuwela, 52.15; gp. sāwla, 60. 10; 61. 33; sāwlen (?), 61. 31; dp. sāulum, 39. 17; 53. 1; 10. 17 (MS. sealum); sāwlum, 62. 24.
†sceacan, sv. 6, flee, depart: pret. 1. sg. scōc (MS. seoc), 12. 9.
†scēadwīsnes, f., reason: ns. 3. 10.
†sceamfest, adj., modest: gsn.sceamfestes, 36. 1.
sceamian, wv., impers., be ashamed, blush: 3. sg. sceamað, 20. 25; 48. 10; 60. 18; 62. 14; opt. 3. sg. scamige, 49.8; 60.20.
sceamu, f., shame, dishonor: ds. sceame, 12. 7.
sceapen, see scypend.
†scearpe, adv., keenly, sharply: scearpe, 44. 22; sup. scerpest, 43. 21; scearpost, 43. 21.
scēawian, wv., observe, show(?): imp. scēawa, 3. 14.
scēawunga, f., seeing, observing: as. 21. 17.
†sceotan, sv. 2, shoot, rush: 3. pl. scēotað, 66. 23.
†scēðþe, f., skiff: is. 21. 23.
scort, adj., short: asm. scortne, 44. 8; scordne, 44. 9; comp. as. scyrtran, 49. 5; wk. 49. 11.
scyldig, adj., guilty: nsm. wk. scyldiga, 65. 16.
scȳma, wm., brightness, effulgence: as. scȳnan, 45. 12; is. scȳman, 66.22; scīman, 31.8.
scȳnan, sv. 1, shine: 3. sg. scȳnð, 31.7,9,11; scȳnað, 66, 23; opt. 3. sg. scīne, 31. 11; pr. p. scȳnunde, 31. 15.
sculan, anv., be obliged, must, ought, shall: 1. sg. sceal, 4.13; 12. 16; 17. 16; 24. 1; 30. 19; 32. 19; 35.7; 37.11,12; 35.18 (MS. scel); sceol, 37.9; scel, 28.9; scal, 30. 16; scall, 66. 16; 2. sg. scealt, 22.17; 25.4,5; 27.3,8; 30. 20; 32. 14; 43. 16; 48. 4; 64. 24; sceolt, 65. 7; scalt, 32. 12; 47. 12; 3. sg. sceal, 43. 19; 45. 15; 61.12,13; 63.16,27,28; 65.20; sceol, 68. 22 ; 1. pl. scelon, 55. 12; scylon, 28. 13; sceolon, 59. 8; sculon, 60.14; sceolun, 66.35; scylon, 13. 9; pret. 1. sg. sceolde, 11. 17; 12. 5; 15. 12; 35. 12; scolde, 23. 3; 36. 10; 2. sg. sceoldest, 15. 8; scoldest, 34. 16; opt. 1. sg. scyle, 19. 10; 33. 11; 49. 14; scile, 12.11; 33.7; 2. sg. scyle, 33.19; 3. sg. sceole, 19.8; sceal, 22. 18; scyle, 30.25; 3. pl. scylen, 22.2; scolen, 42. 2; pret. 1. sg. sceolde, 29. 1; 39.7; scolde, 43.14.
scyld, m., shield: ns. 66.32.
scyp, n., ship: ns. 21.20; 22.7,18; 29.16,20; gs. scypes, 29.20; scipes, 22.4; ds. scype, 22.5,10; 28.18; as. scyp, 21.21.
scypend, m., creator: ns. 4.21; 61. 14; vs. sceapen, 11. 5.
se, demonst. adj. (n. þæt; f. sēo), the, that: nsm. 1.16, etc.; nsn. þæt, 2. 21, etc.; nfs. sēo, 6. 10, etc.; gsm. and n. þæs, 1. 8, etc.; þes, 51. 9, etc.; dsm. and n. þām, 1.4, etc.; g. and dsf. þǣre, 2.7, etc.; dsf. þāre, 2. 4, etc.; þēre, 2. 11, etc.; asm. þone, 2. 12, etc.; þane, 1. 6, etc.; asn. þæt, 4. 17, etc.; þat (MS. þad), 7.14; asf. þā, 1. 17, etc.; is. þī, 4. 17, etc.; ðē, 15. 10, etc.; np. þā, 10. 11, etc.; gp. þāra, 1. 2, etc.; dp. þām, 14. 15, etc.; ap. þā, 1. 4, etc.; sē, as pers. pron., 1. 15, etc.
sēarian, wv., wither: inf. 10. 6.
sēcan, wv., seek, search for, follow after: 1. sg. sēce, 11. 11; 2. sg. sēcst, 35. 10; 48. 9; 3. sg. sēcð, 7.2; 13.7; 27.12; sǣcð, 7.4; sēhð, 13.7; 1. du. sēcað, 55.9; pret. 2. sg. sōhtest, 15. 10; 1. du. sōhten, 42. 1; opt. 3. sg. sēce, 44.2; imp. sēc, 3. 15; 63. 8; sǣc, 15.1; inf. 13.8(2); 40.10; 64. 3, 24; 65. 7.
secgan, wv., say, tell: 1. sg. secge, 14. 19; 17.13; 42.24; 48.16; 52.9; segge, 43.15; 2. sg. segst, 20. 23; 21. 6; 33.22; 61.20; sagest, 23. 11; segest, 50. 8; sægest, 58.10; segð, 60. 27, 28, 32; 64. 1, 2; 3. pl. secgað, 60. 33; pret. 1. sg. sǣde, 26. 18; 43.13; 65.7; sēde, 25.25; sǣdest, 19. 15; 48. 11; sēdest, 37.17; 38.6; 61.5; 63.7; sēde, 61. 30; 62. 12; 67. 27; sǣde, 69. 31 ; 1. pl. sǣdon, 58. 29; 3. pl. sǣdon, 20. 22, 25; 61. 32, 33; 69. 20, 31, 32; 62. 7 (MS. sæð don); sēdon, 62. 5; 69. 21; opt. 2. sg. secge, 15. 16; opt. (?) 1. pl. secgen, 49.10; pret. 2. sg. sēde, 62.21; 3. sg. sǣdæ, 16. 23; imp. sege, 14.18; 15.2; 19.17; 42.13; 46. 2; 53. 8; 56. 11; secge, 54. 3, 5; seige, 14. 12; inf. 17. 4; 19. 20; 23. 6; 24. 1, 3; 26. 5; 46. 16; 50.5; 59.11; seggan, 21.3.
sēftlic, adj., luxurious: nsn. 38. 3.
selcūð, adj., rarely known, strange: apn. 3. 2.
seldon, adv., rarely, seldom: 42. 8.
sellan, wv., give, grant: 2. sg. sillest, 8. 13; silst, 8. 18; pret. 2. sg. sealest, 7. 5; sealdest, 7. 7, 10,14; 8.18; sealdeste, 7.12; 3. sg. sealde, 10.17; 52.16; imp. sile, 11.16; 12.18; 14.5.
sēl, adj., blessed, happy: sup. wk. nsn. sēoleste, 63. 2; nsf. sēleste, 62. 25.
sendan, wv., send, dispatch: opt. 3. sg. sencle, 67. 28.
sēoc, adj., sick: wk. nsm. sēoca, 48.1.
seofian, wv., sigh, lament: inf. 47. 12; 48.4.
seolfor, n., silver: as. 45. 9.
settan, wv., build: inf. 1. 13.
simle, adv., always, continually 5.15; 8. 10 (2); 9. 1,6, 10; 10. 13; 13.22,24; 64.11; in MS. fol. are smile: 30.7,8; 31.15; 37.1; 53. 15; 55.16, 17; 56.10; 59.2 (2), 3; 63.18 (MS. smmle).
singan, sv. 3, narrate, say, sing(?): pret. 1. sg. sang, 14. 14; opt. pret. 2. sg. sunge, 14. 16.
†sinn, f., sin: gp. sinna, 7. 6; 47. 15; synna, 6. 3; dp. sinnum, 8. 15; synnum, 8. 7.
sittan, sv. 5, sit, abide: inf. 3. 16.
†slēp, m., sleep, death: ds. slēpe, 6. 3; 7. 6.
smēagean, wv., think on, examine, scrutinize: imp. smǣa, 64. 26; inf. smēigan, 53. 10; pr. p. smeagende, 3. 1.
smēaung, f., reflection, investigation: ns. 28. 6; ds. smēaunge, 2.20.
†smec, m., sense of taste: is. smecce, 6.15.
smelt, adj., calm: asn. smelte, 30. 2.
†smēðe, adj., smooth: asm. smēðne, 44. 10.
†smicer, adj., fair, beauteous: asm. smicerne, 1. 12; apn. smicere, 5.7.
sōfte, adv., softly, comfortably: 1. 14; comp. sōftor, 1. 16.
sōna, adv., at once, soon: 14.19 53. 11.
sōð, n., truth: as. sōð, 24. 3; gp. sōðes, 50. 4.
sōð, adj., true: ns. 6.6(2); 9.3; 11.3; 18.16; 40.8; 41.10; 50. 9,14,16,17; 51. 3; 52. 11; 57. 13; 61. 20; 62. 11; gsn. sōþes, 5. 22.
sōð, adv., truly: 48. 11.
sōðfæst, adj., true, just, trustworthy: nsm. 51. 3 (MS. seoðfæst); npm. sōðfeste, 69. 31; wk. nsm. sōðfasta, 52. 8, 10.
sōðfestness, f., truth: ns. sōðfæstnesse, 6. 5; sōðfestnesse (MS. soðfesnesse), 50. 9; sōðfestnes, 50. 16; 51. 7; 50. 7 (MS. soðfasnes); 50. 15; sōðfestness, 52. 7; gs. sōðfestnesse, 5. 22; ds. sōðfestnesse, 50. 5, 17; 50. 4 (MS. soðfesnesse); as. sōðfestnesse, 50. 2; sōðfæstnesse, 64. 32; sōðfestnes, 52. 12.
sōðlice, adv., truly: 6.22; 11.10; 32. 1; comp. sōðlicor, 61. 31; sup. sōðliost, 3. 10; 20. 8.
†spec, f., saying, statement: ds. spece, 26. 4.
†specan, sv. 5, speak, say: pret. 3. sg. spec, 61. 27; 1. pl. spēcon, 45.14; opt. 1. sg. specce, 20.5; 2. sg. spece, 23. 13.
spēd, f., wealth, riches: as. spēde, 36. 3; vs. spēd, 11. 6; np. spēda, 8.3.
spel, n., story, account: ns. 60.31; as. spel, 60. 27.
sprecan, sv. 5, speak: 1. pl. sprecað, 10. 14; pret. 3. sg. sprec, 61. 30; 1. pl. sprēcon, 28.17; pret. 1. du. 18. 18; 24. 19; 65. 8; 3. pl. sprēcon, 62. 5; opt. 2. sg. sprece, 46. 2; 47. 4; opt. 2. sg. (?) sprece, 61. 12; pret. 2. sg. sprece, 29. 3.
spurian, wv., search after, pursue: 2. sg. spurast, 39. 21; 49. 16; pret. 1. du. spyredon, 69. 33; opt. 3. sg. spurige, 30. 24; 41. 19; pret. 3. sg. spirede, 43. 10; 1. du. spyredon, 55. 3; spureden (?), 45. 23; imp. spura, 15. 1; inf. 39. 18,20; 45.22; 59.8.
standan, sv. 6, stand: opt. pret. 3. sg. stōde, 64. 15; inf. 21. 22.
†stǣl, n., place, position: ds. stǣle, 64.15; stāle, 27.10.
†stælwyrðe, adj., serviceable: npf. stælwyrða, 53. 5.
†stæpmēlum, adv., by degrees, step by step: 45. 17.
†stæreblind, adj., stone-blind: np. 44.23; ns. 43.26.
†stede, m., position, steadfastness: as. 20. 19.
†stenc, m., sense of smell: ds. stencce, 18. 12.
steorra, wm., star: ap. steorran, 45. 12.
stīgan, sv. 1, mount, ascend, rise: opt. 3. sg. stīge, 45. 17; inf. 45. 16.
stīoran, wv., govern: 3. sg. stīorð, 59. 18.
†stīð, adj., severe, bitter: ipm. stīðum, 48. 3.
†stīward, m., steward: ns. 24. 5.
†stōclīf, n., dwelling-place, abiding-place: ds. stōclīfe, 1. 17; 2. 14(?).
stōw, f., place, retreat: as. stōwe, 4. 12; 4. 8 (MS. stoge).
†streng, m., cord: ns. 22. 9; as. streng, 22. 17.
strange, adv., violently, severely: comp. strengre, 41. 6 (2).
†strengð, f., strength, ability: as. strengðe, 37. 10.
strȳnan, wv., acquire: inf. 3. 17.
†stuþansceaft, f., stud-shaft: as. stuþansceaftas, 1. 1, 10.
sum, adj., pron., some, a certain (one): nsn. 3. 8; gsm. sumes, 68. 27; dsf. sumere(!), 15.13; asm. sumne, 10. 15; 49. 5; 52. 16; 65. 17; 69.5, 13; as. sum, 33.19; asf. sume, 45. 17; asn. sumu, 45. 18; is. sume, 49. 5; np. sume, 9. 24; 16.18(2); 44.5,7,8,9, 11(2), 12, 13 (3), 17 (2), 18 (2), 19 (2), 22(2), 23; dp. sumum, 18. 1; 39.12; 40.4; 52.3; 69.22; sumum, 30. 12.
sumor, m., summer: ns. sumer, 9. 19; ap. sumeras, 1. 14.
sunu, m., son: ns. 9. 11; suna, 9. 4; sunu, 61. 5, 6, 16; gs. sunu, 62. 4; suna, 6. 2; sunu, 63. 33; as. 61. 17.
sunne, f., sun: ns. 9. 15; 26. 16; 31.9,11,15; gs. sunne, 20.19; sunnan, 44.27; 47.8; 66.22; ds. sunnan, 31. 6; 43. 25; 44.21,24; 45. 3, 14; as. sunnan, 26. 9, 14 (2); 31.3,11,16,24; 34. 17; 43.22; 45. 6, 10, 12; 47. 6, 11; ap. sunnan, 31.21; 34.22; 45.4.
swā, adv., so: 1.21, etc.
swā-swā, correl. conj., just so: 1. 15, etc.
swæðer, pron., whichever: as. 10. 18; 65.23 (MS. swæder).
swec, m., sense of smell: ds. swece, 18. 13; is. swece, 6. 15.
†sweltan, sv. 3, die: 3. sg. swelt, 6. 21; 3. pl. sweltað, 59. 23.
sweotol, adj., evident, clear: ns. 60. 10; 64. 6; comp. ap. sweotoloran, 62. 21.
sweotole, adv., distinctly, clearly: 2.23; 17.1; 18. 14; 26. 8; 41. 16; 60. 7; 66. 2, 19, 25; swetole, 63. 29; sweotele, 31. 2; sweotolo, 60. 15; swotele, 44. 22; swotole, 26. 11, 17; swotolo, 26. 15; swætele, 63. 6; swytole, 25. 21; comp. sweotolor, 26. 13; 46. 13; 49.13; 60.3; swetolor, 46. 3.
sweotolice, adv., clearly: comp. swætolocor, 23. 2.
swilc, pron., such: gs. swelces, 10. 7; dsn. swilcum, 4. 12; as. swelcne (MS. swlcne), 31. 18; swilcne (MS. swilne), 66. 30; asn. swilc, 2. 6; gp. swilcra, 52. 16; swilca, 53. 1; dp. swilcum, 59. 24 (2); ap. swilce, 6. 16; swylce, 6. 16; swilcan, 53. 2; ip. swilcum, 34. 16.
swincan, sv. 3, toil, trive: 1. sg. swince, 26. 2; 3. sg. swincð, 65. 27.
swīðlice, adv., greatly, exceedingly: 69. 10.
†swugian, wv., be silent, be quiet: imp. swuga, 48. 7; 48. 7 (MS. suwuga).
swylce, adv., as, like as: 6. 16, 17; swilce, 19. 14; 45. 17; swilc, 31. 19; swīðe swilice, every much: 25. 6; swylce swylt, just as: 31. 13; swilcne, 47. 13(2).
swīðe, adv., strongly, much: 5. 19, etc.; comp. swīðor, 14. 23, etc.; 16. 18, etc.; sup. swīðost, 13. 3, etc.; swīðust, 3. 2, etc.
swīðlice, adv., strongly: 15.19.
sylf, pron., self, same: often with ic, etc.: ns. silf, 12. 13, etc.; self (MS. selfð), 47. 17; ds. sylfum, 13. 18, etc.; silfum (MS. silluum), 32. 21; 60. 22 (MS. siluum); as. sylfe, 19. 10, etc.; silfne, 11. 2, etc.; 19. 8 (MS. silfene); sælf, 66.12; gp. silfra, 65.12; dp. silfum, 27. 12.
siððan, adv. and conj., since, after, afterwards: 21. 21, etc.; (MS. syððām) 10. 11, etc.; sīððan, 2. 8, etc.; (MS. siððam) 10. 13, etc.


tācn , n., proof: ap. tācnu, 63. 8; ip. tācnum, 62. 7.
tācnian, wv., indicate: 3. sg. tācnað, 20. 20.
tǣcan, wv., show, point; demonstrate, teach: 2. sg. tǣcst, 30. 18; 2. sg. tǣst, 19.13; pret. 2. sg. tēhtest, 29. 1; 66. 14; 3. sg. tēhte, 20.18; opt. 2. sg. tǣce, 19. 16; imp. tǣc, 12. 11; inf. 15. 12; tēcan, 43. 26.
talian, wv., count: 1. sg. talige, 39.6.
†tēfrung, f., picture, painting: is. tēfrunge, 20. 15.
tēon, sv. 2, draw: 3. sg. tīht, 49. 15.
†tihtan, wv., incite: opt. 3. sg. tihte, 30. 9.
tilian, wv. w. gen., cultivate, use: inf. 2. 11.
tīma, wm., time: dp. tīmum, 25. 16; 42.9.
timbrian, wv., build, construct: opt. pret. 3. sg. timbrode, 69.24; timbrede, 69. 26; inf. 1. 13.
†tintreg, n., torment: dp. tintregum, 69. 25.
tiohhian, wv., determine, resolve: 2. sg. tiohhast, 36. 12.
tō, prep. w. dat., to, towards: 1. 2, etc.; w. ger. 2. 22, etc.
tōcnāwan, rv., recognize: inf. 52. 1.
tōcuman, sv. 4, come to; obtain: inf. 12. 11; ger. tōcumanne, 42. 23.
tōdēlenness, f., separation: ds. tōdēlennesse, 9. 5.
tōgædere, adv., together: 17.13; 61.8; tōgeadere, 17. 10.
†tōgeenan, wv., return: inf. 38. 5.
†tōgewonod, adj., accustomed: ns. 23.9.
tōhopa, wm., hope: ns. 7. 6 (MS. toopa); 29. 3; ds. tōhopan, 27. 18; 32.2; as. 12.22 (MS. toopan); 28.10; 29.15; vs. tōhopa (MS. toopa), 11. 6.
†tōhopian, wv., hope: 2. sg. tōhopedest (MS. toopedest), 27. 14; opt. 1. sg. tōhopie, 27.15; pret. 3. sg. tōhopede, 29. 6.
tōl, n., tool, instrument: gp. tōla, 1.2; ip. tōlum, 30. 12.
tō-morgen, adv., to-morrow: 17. 15.
tōscēadan, rv., distinguish: inf. 7.13.
†tōsēcan, wv., find out: inf. 7. 13 (MS. tosedan).
†tōðæce, m., tooth-ache: ns. 41. 6; tōðæcce, 41. 1.
tōweard, adj., coming; future: dsn. wk. tōweardan, 67. 23; dsf. 68. 31; as. tōwæard, 30. 2.
trēow, n., tree: ds. trēowo, 1.7; np. trēowen, 10.4; trēowu, 10.9; dp. trēowum, 10. 3; ap. trēowa, 1. 4.
trēow, f., truth, faith: ap. trēowa, 12. 18, 19 (MS. twreowa); 61. 4.
trēowan, wv., trust, believe: 2. sg. trēowast, 60. 22.
†trēowð, f., truth, faith: np. trēowða, 7. 5; ap. 18. 22.
†trimð, f., strength: as. trimðe, 49.3.
trum, adj., sound, vigorous: asm. trumme, 34. 7.
trūwian, wv., trust: 1. sg. trūige, 69. 28; 18. 16 (MS. truwig); 2. sg. trūwast, 60.25; 61.21,24; opt. 2. sg. trūwie, 18. 11; trūige, 60. 26.
trymian, wv., strengthen: 2. sg. trymest, 8. 16.
†tūn, m., town: ds. tūne, 44.2; as. tūn, 1. 13.
tunge, wf, tongue: as. tungan, 67. 29.
tungol, m., star, constellation: ds. tungle, 17. 18; np. tunglai(!), 9. 22; gp. tungla, 20. 16, 18.
twā, num., two: 2. 18; n. 50. 10 (2); g. twīgera, 69.22; d. twām, 28. 13; 41.11; 65.2; a. twā, 32.4; 34.14; 52.14; 55.17.
twelf, num., twelve: 20. 18.
twēo, wm., doubt: ns. 51. 10; 63. 32; twēh, (bēo twēh for betweh?) 20. 10; ds. twēon, 23. 6; 41. 18; 56.2; 59.2; 64.30; 67.1; as. 64.5.
†twēon, wv., often impers., doubt: 1. sg. twēoge, 59. 26; twǣoge, 59. 26; 2. sg. twēost, 59. 28; 62. 4; twǣost, 58.26; pret. 1 sg. twēode, 62. 14; 2. sg. twēodast, 62. 3; 3. pl. twēodon (MS. tweode), 60. 11; opt. 1. sg. twēoge, 59. 12; 3. sg. 54. 5; 60. 30; inf. twēogan, 59. 24.
†twēonian, wv., doubt: 3. sg. twēonað, 53. 11; opt. 3. sg. twēonige, 20. 23; pret. 3. sg. twēonode, 22. 2.
twēonung, f., doubt: ns. 26. 2; dp. twēonunga, 18. 5; twǣonunga, 20. 22; 2. 20; ap. twēounga.
twēoung, see twēonung.
tȳd, f., season: ds. tȳde, 46. 17; gp. tȳda, 9. 18.

Ð. Þ.

ðā, adv. and conj., then, when: 3. 7, etc.
†þaccian, wv., stroke, caress: inf. 42.4.
ðǣr, adv., there: 1.13, etc.; þār, 1. 10, etc.; þēr, 27. 5, etc.
ðæt, conj., that: 1. 9, etc.; þat, 1. 11, etc.
þanc, m., thanks: ns. þanc, 26. 11; 49. 17; Gode þanc, thanks be to God: 50.19; 53.9; as. 17.4.
þancian, wv. w. gen. of thing, thank: inf. 17. 3.
ðanon, adv., thence: 17. 19; 39. 6; 26. 12 (MS. ðonum); þanan, 10.21.
ðe, rel. pron., which, who: 1. 4, etc.; ðe . . . ðe, whether ... or.
þēah, conj., though, yet: 2. 6, etc.
þearf, f., need, requirement: ns. ðearf, 22.3; 29.4; 46.7; ðerf, 30.6; þerf, 14.17; ds. þearfe, 53.18; as. 35.10; dp. þearfa, 37. 11.
þearfa, wm., beggar: as. þearfan, 67. 28.
ðēaw, m., disposition; (in plur.) morals, virtues: gp. þēawa, 36. 2; ap. þǣawas, 6. 17.
þēawian, wv., serve, minister to: inf. 36.7; ger. þāwianne, 36.11.
ðegn, m. , vassal , disciple: np. ðegnes, 61. 26; þegnas, 62. 2; gp. þegna, 62. 3; þegena, 62. 5; ap. ðegnas, 61. 23.
ðencan, wv., think, reflect: 1. sg. þence, 33. 6; pret. 1. sg. þōhte, 21. 17; þōhte, 42.23; imp. þenc, 26. 18.
ðēostor, n., darkness: ds. þīstrum, 35. 3; dp. þēostrum (MS. þeoðrum), 47. 15; ap. þēostru, 47. 6; ðēostra, 49.8.
ðēowa, wm., servant, bondman: ns. 53.15; as. þēawa, 11.8; 12.8; dp. þēawum, 16. 14.
þēowdōm, m., servitude: ds. þēowdōme, 8.21; 12.2.
ðēowian, wv., w. dat. serve: 1. pl. þēawiað, 7.17; 3. pl. ðēowiað, 9. 12; pret. 1. sg. þēowede, 12.4; inf. 8. 11; ger. þēowianne, 11. 11.
þes, adj., this: (f. ðēos, n. þis); n. and a. 59. 1, etc.; g. þises, 59. 1, etc.; d. þisum, 1. 17, etc.
ðī, conj., therefore: 43. 19, etc.
þider, adv., thither, whither: 2. 17; 11.17; 58.17; þeder, 4A. 4, 11, 18.
ðille, see willan.
þīn, pos. pron., thine: 12. 24, etc.
þincan, wv., impers. w. dat., seem, appear: 3. sg. þincð, 4. 6; 18. 11; 19.4; 20.7,9; 21.4,22,23; 24, 4; 25.27; 26.1; 31.17; 33.3; 35.3; 36.6; 49.14; 55. 8; 59. 30; 61.7; 65.18; 66.31; 65.20; 69. 23, 34; 41. 14 (MS. þingð); ðincð, 12.3(2); 34. 4; 35.8; 47,7; 49. 19; 50.10,14; 52. 17; 63. 29; 33.23 (MS. ðingð); þincð (MS. þing), 33.3; 58.8; ðincð (MS. ðing), 47. 3, 4; ðincð (MS. ðinc), 33. 1; 50. 10; 60.29; 3. pl. þincað, 25.26; pret. þūhte, 17.3; 19.21; 20.1,3,5; 21.18; 24.15; 26. 17; 61. 22; 41. 4 (MS. þuthte); 41. 9 (MS. þeuhte); pret. 3. pl. þūhton, 20. 2; opt. 3. sg. þince, 10.15; 14.16; 19.18,21; 20.7; 23. 18; 45. 22; 50. 8; 65. 12; þynce, 21.24; ðince, 35.3; 44.3; 61. 5; 65. 15; pret. 3. sg. þūhte, 15.8.
ðing, n., thing: ns. ðing, 46.22; þing, 3. 8; 18. 4; 33. 2, 13; 41. 14; 49. 15; gs. ðinges, 32. 22; þinges, 4.9; 13.13; 29. 10; 38. 5; 42. 21; 64. 8; 67. 4; as. ðing, 67.12; 43. 1, 4; 58. 20; þing, 15. 4, 15; 16. 6; 42.22; 42.23,2; 66.21; np. 31. 8,3; 10.23; 33.10; 58.21; gp. ðinga, 39.7; 43.5; 58.5; þinga 27.11; 29.2; 31.7; 33. 18; 54. 5; 64. 2; dp. ðingum, 40. 5, 9; 41. 11; 42. 25; 58. 4; þingum, 18. 1; 22. 3; 37. 17; 38. 1; 39. 13; 41. 10; 53. 1; 59. 4; 60. 22; 69. 11; þing, 43. 8; ap. ðing 32. 4; 57. 10; 57. 13 (2); 58. 8; þing, 3. 2; 11.10; 14.1; 31.6; 38.7; 38.9; 42.14; 43.2; for ðingum, for the sake of: 42. 21; the following MS. forms are found: ns. þincg, 51. 10; gs. ðincges, 39. 8; np. þinc, 30. 2; np. þincg, 56, 4; np. ðincð, 78. 10; 50. 11; gp. þincga, 69. 24; dp. þincgum, 28.13; 36.4; ap. ðincg, 55. 17; þincg, 25. 14; 40. 2; 57.7.
þolian, wv., bear, suffer: pret. 1. sg. þolede, 12. 3; þolade, 12. 4.
ðonne, adv. and conj., then, when; than: 43. 21; 35. 23 (MS. þene).
†þoðor, m., ball, globe: gs. þoþores, 20. 17; ds. þoðere, 20. 13; 2167; as. þoðer, 21. 8.
þrēatian, wv., treaten, rebuke: 2. sg. þrēatast, 8. 14.
þrēo, num., three: 29.16; 33.10; n. ðrēo, 30. 2; 58. 21; g. þrēora, 27. 11; 29. 2; 58. 4; d. ðrīm, 40. 9; þrīm, 30.5; 58.4; þrīom, 28. 1; þrēom, 59. 4; a. ðrēo, 57.13; 59.9; ðrēo, 31.6; 57.7, 9,13.
†ðrēotan, sv. 2, vex, harass: opt. 2. sg. ðrēote, 46. 2.
ðridde, num. adj., third: 31. 7; ðridde, 34. 14; 40. 11; 57. 6; þridde, 30. 4; a. ðriddan, 27. 17.
†ðrīnness, f., trinity: ds. ðrīnnesse, 59. 14.
ðū, pron., thou, you: 1. 12, etc.
ðurfan, swv. , need, be required, must: 1. sg. þearf, 13.2; ðerf, 13.22; þearf, 28.4; þærf, 45.4; þurfon, 66.5; 3. pl. 53.2; ðurfon, 58.30; pret. 1. sg. ðorfte (MS. ðorte), 20. 6; opt. 1. sg. ðurfe, 29, 2.
þurh, prep. v. acc. through; by means of: 1. 19 þurh, 1. 20; 4. 16, etc.
þurhwunian, wv., continue: 3 sq. þurhwunað, 7, 1.
þurst, m., thirst: as. 67. 30.
ðus, adv., thus.
†þwēr, adj., agreeable: np. þwēre, 34.3.
þyllic, adj., pron. such, like: apn. þyllicra, 62. 6; ip. þillicum, 62. 1. )
†ðystlice, adv., (ðuslice), similarly: 47.7.


†unǣmtigian, wv., deprive of leisure: opt. 3. sg. unǣmtige, 36. 4.
†unāfandod, adj., unproved: gsm. unāfanddes, 32. 7.
†unālīfedlice, adv., unlawfully: 46.9.
†unālȳfed, adj., unallowed, unlawful: gs.(?). unālȳfdes, 8, 2.
unāwendenlic, adj., unchangeable: nsm. 55. 16.
†unblīðe, adj. sad, unhappy: comp. nc. unblīðre, 69. 19.
uncūð, adj., unknown, uncertain: ns. 17.21; 23.9; 26.12; 49.7; asf. uncūðe, 33. 14.
undēadlic, adj., immortal: ns. 52. 13; 56. 6; npf. undēadlice, 53. 7; 63.32.
†undēadlicness, f., immortality: ds. undēadlicnesse, 60. 9, 16; 61. 34; 61. 31 (MS. undeaðlicnesse); undēadlycnesse, 59. 29.
under, prep. w. dat, under: 10. 23; 11. 11; 44. 21.
underfōn, rv., receive, take: pret. 2. sg. undefēhst, 39. 8; 3. pl. underfēngon (MS. underfungon), 12.9; opt. 2. sg. underfō, 11.21; inf. 38. 9, 10.
understandan, sv. 2, understand: 2. sg. understentst, 24. 14; 26. 5; opt. pret. 1. sg. understōde, 20. 3.
underþīeddan, wv. subject: 1. pl. 8. 4; pp. underþāed, 9. 13.
unēð, adv., with difficulty: 44. 11; untēðe, 61. 7; unǣðe, 44. 23.
ungelīc, adj., unlike: ns. 13. 1.
ungelimp, n., misfortune: ds. ungelimpe, 7. 16; np. ungelimp, 29. 19; gp. ungelympa, 49. 1; ap. ungelimp, 69. 15, 18.
†ungelȳfæde, wm., infidel: np. ungelȳfædan, 8. 17.
ungelȳfedlic, adj., incredible: nsn. 60. 31.
†ungelygen, adj., true, faithful: apf. ungelygena, 66. 14.
ungemetlic, adj., excessive: dsf. ungemetlicum, 34. 15.
ungemetlice, adv., immoderately: 13. 13; 25. 12; 35. 16; 38. 3; 42. 14; 46. 9; 48. 21.
†ungerian, wv., divest: 3. sg. ungerað, 62. 30.
ungesǣlþ), f., sorrow: np. ungesǣlþa, 29. 19.
ungestæðþig, adj., unstable: np. ungestæðþie, 10. 15.
†ungetǣslice, adv., unsteadily: sup. ungetǣslicost, 29. 20.
ungeþwǣr, adj., discordant: np. (?). 10. 15 (MS. ungehwære).
†ungewlitig, adj., unadorned: np. ungewligige (MS. ungewligige), 31. 10.
ungewlitigian, wv., divest of adornments: 3. sg. ungewliteað, 62. 29.
unhāl, adj., weak, unsound, sick: ns. 4.6; apn. unhāle, 35.2(2), 43.24; 45.7.
†unhǣle, f., sickness: ns. unhēle, 41.14; unhǣlu, gs. 34.20.
†unlǣde, adj., wretched: asm. 69.34.
†unlēas, adj., trust-worthy, true: npm. unlēase, 63. 34; comp. nsm. unlēasera, 61. 6; gpm. unlēasra, 60. 4; apm. unlēaseran, 61. 23.
unmedeme, adj., unworthy: g. unmedemes, 5. 11.
unmiht, f., weakness: ds. unmihte, 9.6.
†unmōdig, adj., humble: asm. unmōdigne, 14. 5.
unnan, swv., grant: 1. sg. an, 43. 6; pret. 1. sg. ūðe, 43. 8.
unnit, f ., vanity: gs. unnittes, 13. 18.
†unrīce, adj., poor, not powerful: comp. asm. unrīcran, 60. 23.
unrōt, adj., sad: ns. unrōt, 34. 4; 48. 20; asm. unrōtne, 33. 23.
unrōtnes, f., sorrow, sadness: ns. 48. 20; as. unrōtnesse, 48. 8, 19, 23; 49. 1; dp. (?). unrotnesse, 34. 15.
unrōtsian, wv., be grieved: pret. 1. pl. unrōtsodon, 8. 2; opt. 3. sg. unrōtsige (MS. unrohsige), 31. 21.
unryht, adj., unjust: dsm. unryhtum, 8. 11; asf. unrihtan, 64.5.
unrihtlice, adv., unjustly: 13. 13 (MS. unrihlice).
unrihtwīs, adj., unrighteous: asm. wk. unrihtwīsan, 52.2; np. wk. unrihtwīsan, 61. 35.
†unsōðfæst, adj., trust-worthy, reliable: comp. npm. unsōðfæstran, 69. 20.
†untōslegen, pp. as adj., unbroken: nsn. 22. 8.
†untrumness , f., sickness: ns. untrimnesse, 41. 9; as. untrumnesse, 33. 13.
†untȳnan, wv., open: 2. sg. untȳnst, 8. 13; imp. untyn, 11. 14; 12. 10.
†unþēod (for underþēod?), adj., subject, obedient: ns. 36. 3.
†unweorðlic, adj., unworthy, mean: sup. apn. unweorð1icostan, 62. 28.
†unwlitig, adj., unsightly: nsn. wk. unwlitige, 5. 15.
†unwyllum, adv., unwillingly: 69. 14.
uppe, adv., up, above: fol. by on, upon: 45. 18, 19.
ūtan, adv., from without: 3. 9.
ūte, adv., out, abroad: 22. 7.
ūtlād, f., drawing out: ds. ūtlāde (MS. lade), 2. 7.
uton, hortatory word w. inf., let us: 45. 22; 49. 10, 12; 55,4,5 (w. gen.), 6; 64. 27.
uttera, adj., outer, external: dsn. wk. uttram (!), 18. 11; dpn. uttram, 18.20; 19.13,17; dpf. wk. uttran, 63. 10; ipn. uttram, 18. 18.
ūðwita, m., philosopher: ap. ūðwitan, 20. 21.


wā, interj., alas; wā lā wā, oh, alas: 42. 18.
wāc, adj., weak, mean: comp. dsf. wācran, 66. 16; sup. np. wācistan, 63.2.
†wacian, wv., watch, awake: opt. 1. pl. wacian, 7. 12.
wǣn, m., wain, wagon: as. wǣn, 3. 16; ap. wǣnas, 1. 11.
wærscype, m., prudence: ns. 22. 14.
wāh, m., wall: as. 1. 12; wōh, 45. 8.
wana, wm., want, lack: ns. 9.9; 28.4; 51. 12; 67.9.
wanian, wv., lessen, wane: pret. 3. sg. wanide, 58. 24; wamde, 64. 14; wanode, 64. 16; 65. 5; pret. 3. pl. wanodon, 8. 3.
warað, n., land: as. 45. 20.
wealdan, rv. w. gen. or dat., rule, govern; 2. sg. wealst, 6. 13; wildest, 9. 16; 3. sg. wealt, 59. 20; wilt, 2. 14, 15.
wealdand, m., lord, ruler: ns. wealdend, 61. 14.
wearðscype, m., dignity, glory: as. 68. 32 (MS. wearscype).
weaxan, wv., grow, increase, wax: 3. pl. wexað, 10. 5; opt. pret. 3. sg. wēoxe, 64. 14; 64. 16; 65. 5.
weder, n., weather: as. wedere, 30.2.
weg, m., way, road: ns. weig, 50. 7; ds. wege, 8. 12; 13. 2; wæge, 1. 17; as. weig, 2. 1, 3; 44. 4, 6; wæg, 49. 5, 11; 13. 11; weg 30.18; wege, 14.3; ap. wegas, 44.5; on wæg, away: 62.34; ealne weig, always: 3. 16; 62. 16; 64. 1; æalne wæg, 56. 7.
wel, adv., well: 10. 19, etc.
wela, wm., riches: ns. wela, 38. 2; gs. welan, 24. 6; 35. 11; ds. 37. 7; 23. 19 (MS. welam); as. 24. 8 (MS. willan).
welig, adj., rich: nsm. wk. wilega, 2. 13; as noun, ns. welega, 67. 25; 68. 2; ds. welegan, 68. 20.
†welwilnesn, f., benevolence, kindness: ns. 22.16; ds. welwylnesse, 48. 14.
wemness, f., defilement: gs. wemnesse, 36. 14.
wēnan, wv., suppose, believe, ween: 1. sg. wēne, 3. 10; 18. 2; 23. 10 ; 24. 12; 31. 20; 41. 3; 44. 4; 49. 15; 63. 16; 63. 23, 24, 19; 2. sg. wēnst, 24. 18; 48. 6; 67. 21, 23; wǣnst, 63.1; wēnð, 20.8; pret. wēnde, 20.6; 24.17; 48. 10, 11; opt. 2. sg. wene, 24. 10; 50. 20; 51. 6; 3. sg. wene, 24. 13; 47.19; inf. 62,23; 65.21; ger. wēnanne, 65. 25.
wendan, wv., turn: 3. pl. wendað, 16. 15; inf. wændan, 18. 2.
weorc, n., work, labor: ns. 41. 19; ds. weorce, 4. 13; worce, 34. 9; gp. weorca, 1. 3.
weorðan, sv. 3, become, happen; go: 3. sg. wyrð, 45. 19; 1. pl. weorðað, 67. 2; weorðan (MS. weorðam), 7. 11; 3. pl. weorðað, 62.31; opt. weorðe, 63. 1; 66.7; pret. 1. sg. 21.2; 3. sg. wurde, 50. 20; 51. 1; 3. pl. wurden, 60. 12; weorðen (MS. weorðe), 62. 28; inf. 45. 18; 5. 6 (MS. weorðam).
weorðe, adj., worthy: ns. weorðe, 47. 18; wurðe, 5. 1; wyrðe, 47. 19; asm. wyrðne, 13. 14; 14. 8; comp. ns. werðer, 4. 18.
weorðfulice, adv., honorably: comp. weorðfulicor, 10. 10.
weoruld, f., world: gs. weorlde, 46. 8, 13, 21; weurlde, 47. 10; wurlde, 29. 19; worlde, 23. 4; worulde, 29.10; weirulde, 47,2; ds. weorulde, 1.18; 13.23; 64. 16,18,31; 65. 14; 66. 34; 67. 2, 5; 67.19; 68. 13; 69.1; 68.25; 69. 2, 8, 9, 12, 13; 70.1; weorlde, 58. 23; 60. 13; 67.25; worulde, 8. 20; 14. 4; 25. 10; wurlde, 23. 7; 53. 5; 58. 12; worlde, 31. 19; 31.27; weurulde, 63.25; wurlda, 53. 4; most often in the phrase, on þisse weorulde, in this (earthly) life; as. weorulde, 68. 3, 15; weorlde, 42. 25; wurlde, 67. 17.
weoruldwela, wm., worldly riches: ns. weoruldwela 7. 19.
†weter, n., water: gs. weteris, 67. 29.
wīf, n., wife: gs. wīfes, 36. 1; as. wīf, 36. 12; 42. 13; wȳf, 36. 7.
willa, wm., will: ns. 43. 12; gs. willan, 25.22; ds. 53.13; 43.8; wyllan, 36. 4; as. willan, 12. 2,12; 16.20,21; 23.16,17,18; 24. 8; 69. 11; dp. willum, 36. 2; willam, 34. 9.
willan, anv., wish, desire, will, be willing: 1. sg. wille, 3. 18; 21. 2; 27.1; 37.6; 38.10; 39. 22; 53. 9; wylle, 24. 1; wyle, 40. 4; wilt, 42. 13; 43. 15; 50. 5; 64. 24; 3. sg. wile, 42. 10; 48. 13; wille, 28. 9; wyle, 42.8; 59.23; wylle, 45. 18; 48. 15; wele, 45. 15; 3. pl. willað, 61. 19 (2); 68. 29; wyllan, 39. 22; pret. 1. sg. wolde, 14. 19; 15.5,15,18; 17.4,8,20; 18.3; 19.5; 20.9; 21.6; 22.20; 24. 4,9,14; 25.13,15; 26.15; 32. 4,6,8; 36.10,13; 37.13; 38.8; 42. 1; 50. 8, 20; 51. 5; 52.3; 56.13; 57.14(3); 58.16; pret. 1. sg. 65. 11; wold, 14. 20; pret. 1. sg. woldo, 14. 4; 2. sg. woldest, 14.13; 14.21; 15.12; 17.3,10; 18.14,17; 19.14; 19.15; 31.1; 32.6,7; 34.3; 38.8; 42.16(2); 48.23; 49.20; 56.1,7; 57.5(2), 6(2), 7, 8(2), 9(2), 12; 58. 6 (2), 7; 58.19,20,21; 59. 4; 63. 9; 64.22; 68.2; 3. sg. wolde, 27. 5,6,13; 43.14; 64.3,28; 68.19; pret. 1. pl. woldon, 66. 8, 19; 3. pl. 10. 18; opt. 2. sg. wille, 11.14; 21.3; willæ, 24.2; 13.20 (MS. wil); 3. sg. 5.12; 17.21; 25. 4; 26. 12; 34. 10; 46. 17; wylle, 46.5; 49.18; 3. sg. wile, 30. 10; 36. 7; wille, 38. 5; 1. pl. willen, 30. 10; pret. 1. sg., wolde, 34.12; 3. pl. wolden, 30.4; pp. wilende, 11.20; negative: 1. sg. nelle, 13.5; 2. sg. nelt, 5.19; nealt, 13. 5; 3. sg. nile, 67.9; 70.1; 1. du. nelle, 47.5; 3. pl. nellað, 39. 20, etc.; pret. 2. sg. noldest, 42.7; pret. 3. pl. noldon (MS. nolde), 65. 12; opt. 1. sg. nelle, 24.1; 2. sg. 25. 5; pret, 2. sg. nolde, 38. 2; 3. sg. 42. 15.
†willen, adj., desirous: ns. 63.11.
wilnian, wv. w. gen., wish, desire; supplicate, entreat: 1. sg. wilnige, 13.2,14; 17.9; 36.6; 37. 1,8, 12; 41. 3; 48.12; wilnie, 11. 12; wilnege, 13. 1; willnige, 40. 11; 2. sg. wilnast, 4. 16; 30. 21; 32.20; 35.6,21; 46. 7, 12, 14, 18(2); 50. 2(2); 56. 5; 60. 2; 3. sg. wilnað, 31. 24, 26; 44. 15; 64.2; wilnat, 31.18; wilniað, 67.4; 67. 11,12; 3. pl. 28. 8; wilnað, 29. 14; pret. 1. sg. wilnode, 18. 21; 35. 22; 49.6,8; 57. 2; 55. 18; 2. sg. wilnodest, 34.16; wylnodest, 15.10; wilnode, 2.22; 64.29; wylnode, 42. 17; opt. 1. sg. wilnigie, 32. 22; wilnie, 27. 16; 66. 18 (MS. wilnian); 2. sg. wilnige, 25. 20; 35.11; 43.19; 63.15,17, 26; 64. 4; imp. wilna, 4. 15; 53.13; 55.15; inf. 70,2.
windan, sv. 3, wind, plait (a wall as with wickerwork): inf. 1. 12.
†winsum, adj., pleasing, winsome: nsf. , winsum, 51. 11; sup. ip. winsumestum, 59. 19.
†winsumness, f., beauty, winsomeness: ns. wynsumnes, 64.20; ds. winsumnesse, 62. 32.
winter, n., winter; in pl., years, denoting duration of time: ns. winter, 9.20; gp. wintra, 35.13; ap. wintras, 1. 14.
wīs, adj., wise, learned; ns. wīs, 21.1; 21.2; 50.11; wȳs, 7.2; nsm. wīs, 20.25; 50. 18(2), 20; np. wȳse, 6.8(2); ipm. wīsum, 5.9; comp. nsm. wīsra, 61.5; apm. wīsram, 61. 23; sup. vsm. wk. wīsesta, 13. 16; npm. wīssestan, 67. 5.
†wīscan, wv., wish: inf. 70. 2.
wīsdōm, m., wisdom, knowledge: ns. 41. 17, 13; 44. 25; 45. 3; 50.11; 51.1,6; 52.16; ns. wȳsdōm, 6.7; 22.14; 41.8; 45.14; 58. 10; gs. wīsdōmes, 5. 22; 14. 7; 47.15; 65.28; 66.5; 67.9; wȳsdōmes, 42. 2; ds. wīsdōme, 43. 2,7; 44.1,15; 46.4,14; 66.2; wȳsdōme, 41. 19; 50. 18; as. wīsdōm, 11, 16; 39. 16; 42. 6, 19, 24; 43.4,15; 47.12,17; 58.7, 13,15; 64.31; 65.25; wȳsdōm, 12.20; 12.21; wīsdōme, 48. 17.
wīse, wf., manner, way, wise: ds. wīsan, 2.11; 9.23; 18.1; 43.4; as. 9.24; 32.11; 49.5 (masc?); wyssan, 10. 1; gp. wīsan, 37. 2.
witan, swv., know, understand: wōt, 15.12; 17,14; 19.9, 11; 20. 20; 21. 1, 10; 23. 8; 30. 18; 35.10; 39. 17; 41. 5; 43. 11; 53. 9; 64. 7; 26. 15 (MS. woð); wāt, 13.4; 46.12; 52.9; 2. sg. wōst, 17.17; 20.12,16,18; 42.2; 56. 9(2); 57. 11(2); 58.18; wāst, 13.21; 25.2; 46.17; 57.10,12; 58.17,18,19; 59.2; 59.3,4,7, 9; 62. 26; 3. sg. wot, 17. 13; 24.2; 29.19; 30.1; 47.17; 48. 1,12; 48.13; wāt, 51.13; 29.5 (MS. wað); 1. pl. witon, 18.9; 30. 14; 66. 30; 67. 11; 3. pl. 67. 22; 68. 12, 14; 69. 1; wytan, 5. 17; pret. wiste, 15. 18; 18.9; 19.1; 62.18; wisse, 52.6; 57. 1; wysse, 52. 7; 2. sg. wistest (MS. wistes), 62. 25; 3. sg. wiste, 63. 21; 63. 23; 3. pl. wiston, 20. 1,2; wisson, 60. 9; opt. 1. sg. wite, 13. 21; 18. 3; 21.4 (2); 69. 23; 2. sg. 15. 2; 21. 6, 8; 59. 9; 3. sg. 20. 8; 57.3; 63. 13, 24; opt. pret. 2. sg. wisse, 56. 2; 59. 6; 3. sg. wiste, 20. 11; imp. 27. 2; inf. 14. 14, 20, 21; 15. 8; 18. 3; 19. 3. 4; 21. 6; 24. 14; 27. 3, 8; 32.6,7,8,11, 12, 14; 36. 13; 37. 13; 38. 8; 49. 19; 50. 4, 8, 20; 51. 5, 12; 52.4; 56.13; 63.9(2); 63.22; 64. 12, 22; 64. 24; 64.31; 66. 8(2); 40. 12 (w. acc. subject, mē); ger. witanne, 2. 22; 14. 23; 32.20; 39.16; witanne, 46. 18; 50.3; 51.12; 56.5; 57.2; 59. 33,35; 63.11,18,20,26; 67.4, 11,12; wittanne, 46. 7; 63.15; ger. witande, 14. 17; negative: nāt, 3.8, etc.; 32.8 (MS. nað); 2. sg. nāst, 15. 7; 17.00; 1. pl. nyton, 18.10; 3. pl. nyton, 5,17; niton, 68.14; opt. 2. sg. nyte, 15. 17, etc.; 3. sg. nyte, 57.4; pret. nyste, 34. 11; 58.2.
wīte, n., punishment, torment: ns. 65. 12; ds. wīte, 67. 16; as. wite, 65.19,21; 65.23; 68.31; 69.15, 13; np. 65. 18; ap. wītu, 12. 4; 62. 1; 65. 15; 67. 26; wīta, 60. 12.
†wītega, wm., prophet: dp. wītgum, 61. 26; ap. wītgan, 61. 31.
†wītegian, wv., prophesy: pret. 3. sg. witegode, 29. 11.
wið, prep. w. acc., against, with: 35, 6, etc.
wiðcweðan, sv. 5, gainsay, oppose: 1. sg. wiðcweðe, 21. 5.
wiðerweard, adj., rebellious: 5.12; gs. wiðerweardes, 53. 16; 53. 17.
†wiðsprecan, sv. 5, converse with: 3. sg. wiðsprecð, 26. 6; opt. 3. sg. wiðsprece, 27. 9.
wlite, m., appearance, aspect: ds. wlite, 62. 32; ip. wlitum, 59. 19.
wlitig, adj., beautiful, comely: ns. 6. 12; as. 5. 16; sup. apf. wlitegostan, 1. 4.
wlitigian, wv., beautify, adorn: 3. sg. wlitigað, 5. 15.
wōd, adj., foolish: ns. 24. 20.
wōh, adj., crooked: asm. wōne, 44. 9.
wolcen, n., cloud: ns. wolcne, 66. 24; np. wolcnan, 66. 22.
wōp, m., weeping, lamentation: as. 48. 19, 23.
word, n., word: gp. weorda, 62. 6; ip. wordum, 4. 19, 17; weordum, 55.14; 64.23.
worldelust, m., worldly lust, pleasure: np. worldelustas, 39.4; dp. worldlusta, 37. 8.
†worldhlāford, m., secular lord: gs. worldhlāfordes, 25. 9; as. worldhlaford 61. 11; np. wurldhlāfordes, 61. 23.
wrēcsīð, m., exile, banishment: ds. wrēcsīðe, 69. 16, 19.
wrēgan, wv., accuse: 3. sg. wrēhð, 6.3.
†wrixlian, wv., change, reciprocate: 3. sg. wrixlað, 9. 20; 3. pl. wrixliað, 9. 17; 62. 30; wrixleað,9.24; wrixlað, 9. 22.
wudu, m., wood, forest: ns. 1. 16; ds. 1. 10; as. wude, 1. 6.
wuldor, n., glory, honor, dignity: ds. wuldre, 67.15; as. wuldor, 65.22; 66.1; 65.11.
wundor, n., wonder, marvel, miracle: ns. 2. 6; 7. 16. 32. 10; 34. 4, 21; ap. wundru, 11. 15.
wundorlice, adv., wonderfully: 32. 1; 59. 17.
wundrian, wv., wonder: 1. sg. wundrige, 23. 13; 25. 8; 52. 5; 59. 34; 62. 23; wondrie, 15. 16; ger. wundrienne, 12. 24.
wunian, wv., dwell, abide, live; 2. sg. wunast, 9.7,10; 55.17; inf. 5. 4; 44. 17; ger. wunienne, 11. 12; pr. p. wyniende, 14. 8.
wurð1ice, adv., worthily: comp. wurðlicor, 10. 9.
†wyll, m., fountain: ds. wylle, 8. 14.
wyrcan, wv., perform, make, work: 3. sg. wyrcað, 26.2; pret. 2. sg. worhtest, 5. 8, 9 ; 3. sg. worhte, 2. 18; opt. 3. sg. wyrce, 30. 10; 30. 15; inf. 1. 4; 30. 15; wircan, 1. 2; pp. wyrcende, 11. 20; wyrcendum, 30. 13.
wyrt, f., herb, plant: np. wyrtan, 10.4.
wyrttruma, wm., root: np. wyrttruman, 39, 6.
wyrtwalian, wv., uproot: pp. wyrtwalod, 37. 15.
wyrðian, wv., honor: inf. 61. 11.
wyrðscipe, m., honor, glory: ns. wyrðscipe, 38. 3; gs. wæorðscipes (MS. wæordscipes), 35. 21; ds. wyrðscype, 37. 7; as. wearðscype (MS. wearscype), 68. 32; is. wyrðscipe, 11. 6.


ȳdel, adj., idle: ns. 30.16.
yfel, n., evil, wickedness: ns. yfel, 5. 10; 41. 9; gs. yfeles, 8.20; 68. 19; 69. 9; ds. yfele, 5.19; 10.19; as. yfel 3.7; 5. 8; 7. 14; 10.18,19; 16.15,17; 68.1; ip. yfullum, 10. 22.
yfel, adj., evil, wicked: nsm. wk., yfela, 67. 25; asm. yfelne, 44. 6; np. yfelan, 65.16; 67. 15; 68.12, 22,31; dpm. yflum, 68. 18.
ylca, pron. adj., same: ns. ylca, 41.10; ylce, 19. 12; ds. ylcan, 9. 23; 45. 23; 46. 17; 62. 32; 69.16; 20.16 (MS. ylcam); 34.9; ilcan, 1. 10; 34. 8; as. ylcan, 9.24; ylce, 49. 19; 52.9; np. ylcan, 10. 1; dp. 41. 10; ilcum, 12.5; ap. ylcan, 65.13; 67.26.
ylce, adv., likewise, the same: 45. 13; ylce swā, just as: 67. 16.
ymbe, prep. w. acc., about, concerning: 2.21; 3.2,5; 21.6,7, 8; 58.26; 61.33; 62.3; 62. 4(2); ymb, 46. 3; 59. 11, 28; imbe, 61. 34; embe, 29. 11.
ymbe, adv., about, concerning: 23.11; 45. 14; 62. 14; ymb. 65. 8; 69. 21; embe, adv. 29. 2; 61. 12; æmbe, 18. 18; 20. 5.
ymbehwirft, m., revolution: as. 20. 15.
†yrfe, n., heritage: as. 2. 12.
yrmð, f., distress, misery: gp. yrmða, 48. 23.
ȳd, f., wave: dp. ȳðum (MS. ydum), 22.8; gp. ȳða, 29.17.