Korean Air Lines Flight 007 transcripts

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 transcripts (1983)
International Civil Aviation Organization
664724Korean Air Lines Flight 007 transcripts1983International Civil Aviation Organization


Time (UTC) Comment
1250:12 KAL007 requests and receives ATC clearance to Seoul[5]

KAL 007: "Uh clearance Korean 007, uh have information sierra Seoul at three one zero"

1250:18 Anchorage ATC: "Korean Air 007 heavy is cleared to Seoul via the Anchorage eight departure then as filed climb and maintain flight level 310; departure frequency 118.6, squawk 6072"
1250:34 KAL 007: "Korean 007 cleared to Seoul; Anchorage eight departure, climb and maintain 310; 1186 6072"
1250:43 Anchorage ATC: "Korean 007 heavy read back was correct"
1258:33 KAL 007: "Korean 007 ready for takeoff"
1258:36 ATC "Korean 007 heavy roger; departure frequency will be 118.3, same as tower; cleared for takeoff, runway 32.
1301:12 ATC "Korean 007 heavy, Anchorage departure. Radar contact - climb and maintain flight level 310. Turn left heading 220"
1301:22 KAL 007: "Roger 220 climb and maintain 310 roger"
1303:07 Pilot engaged autopilot on a heading of 220 degrees.[6]
1303:30 Estimated point that the pilot selected INS mode.[6]
1327:50 KAL flies beyond the range of Anchorage civilian radar coverage

"ATC: "Korean Air zero zero seven radar service is terminated. Contact Center 125.2 good morning"

1327:53 KAL 007: "KE007 two five two good morning"
1328:01 KAL 007 reports climbing to 31,000 feet (9,400 m): "Anchorage Center Korean Air 007, good morning. Now leaving 300 for 310"
1328:06 ATC: "Korean Air 007 roger, report Bethel"
1328:11 KAL 007: "Report Bethel roger"
1330 KAL 007 5.6 miles (9.0 km) off course at Cairn Mountain.[7]
1350 KAL 007 12.6 miles (20.3 km) off course at Bethel.[7]
1350:09 KAL 007 reports reaching Bethel: "Anchorage, Korean Air 007"
1350:12 ATC: "Korean Air 007, go ahead"
1350:14 KAL 007: "007 Bethel at 49, flight level 310. Estimate NABIE at 1430 219.0 minus 49295 diagonal 25" (But according to King Salmon military radar, KAL 007 is actually 12.6 nm off course)
1350:28 ATC: "Korean Air zero zero seven roger report NABIE to Anchorage on 1278"
1350:33 KAL 007: "1278 roger"
1350:42 ATC: "Go ahead"
1350:43 KAL 015, that had taken off 15 minutes after KAL 007 and is also flying on route Romeo 20, reports over VHF for KAL 007, which is too far off course to itself report over VHF, that KAL 007 has reached waypoint NABIE: "Korean Air 007 says NABIE one four three zero TJ"
1551 KAL 007 entered Soviet airspace over the Kamchatka Peninsula.
1745 KAL 007 re-entered international airspace over the Sea of Okhotsk.
1749 Capt. Solodkov: "Two pilots have just been sent up, command at the command post, we do not know what is happening just now, it's heading straight for our Island [Sakhalin], to Terpienie [Bay] somehow, this looks very suspicious to me, I don't think the enemy is stupid, can it be one of ours?"
1753 First documented order for shootdown.

General Anatoli Kornukov (Photo),[Notes 1] commander of Sokol Airbase on Sakhalin to the command post of General Valeri Kamenski, Commander of Air Defense Forces for the Far East Military District, "...simply destroy [it] even if it is over neutral waters? Are the orders to destroy it over neutral waters? Oh, well."[8]

1754:26 The Cockpit Voice Recorder records about the last half hour of an aircraft's flight continually playing over itself as the flight progresses. KAL 007's CVR tape (as well as the tape of the Flight Data Recorder) was stopped one minute and 44 seconds after missile detonation at 18:26:02, though the flight would continue for over 10 minutes more. Here is the beginning of the half hour taping of KAL 007's Flight Deck conversation:
1754:26 Flight Deck: "Have you had a long flight recently?"
1754:28 Flight Deck: "From time to time"
1754:30 Flight Deck: "Sounds good, as far as I know Chief Pilot Park has a long flight occasionally, but Chief Pilot Lee has..."
1800 Ground controllers are given orders on how to direct the jets to intercept the Korean airliner

Kornukov: "Bring him up, bring Osipovich in to the prescribed distance. You do not engage him to the target from the aft hemisphere, you do not engage him right on the tail, keep the angle of approach."

Kozlov [Fighter Control, Sokol airbase]: "Roger, executing."

Kornukov: "Don't forget, it [the target] has cannons in the rear there"

Kozlov: "Roger, executing."

Kornukov: "But faster, for the fighter, rather, the target is entering the zone above the one-hundred-kilometers waters [identification zone]."

Kozlov: "Wilco"

1804–05 KAL 007, off course, and KAL 015, on course, compare wind velocity and direction. KAL 015 is encountering tailwinds while KAL 007 is encountering headwinds

KAL 015: "Um Um We are now having an unexpected strong tailwind. How much do you get there? How much and which direction?"

KAL 007: "206. Ask him how many knots?..."

KAL 007: "Ah! You got so much! We still got headwind. Headwind 215 degrees, 15 knots."

KAL 015: "Is it so? But according to flight plan wind direction 360, 15 knots approximately."

KAL 007: "Well, it may be like this."

1805:53 Maj. Osipovich, callsign "805", in his Su-15 intercepted KAL 007: "On heading 240"
1805:56 Osipovich: "Am observing."
1808 Kozlov (Combat Controller Sokol Airbase): "He has the target in sight."

Kornukov: "He can see it? How many jet trails are coming from it?"

Kozlov: "Say again."

Kornukov: "How many jet trails are there, if there are four jet trails, then it's an RC-135"

1811:30–39 KAL 007 Flight Crew: "I have heard that there is currency exchange at your airport." "In the airport currency exchange? What kind of money?" "Dollar to Korean money." "That's in the domestic building too, domestic building too."
1811 Air Controller Titovnin: "Can you see the target, 805?"
1811 Osipovich: "I see both visually and on the screen".
1811 Lt. Col. Titovnin: "Roger, report lock-on".[9]
1812 Kornukov: "Gerasimenko!"

Lt. Col. Gerasimenko (41st fighter Regiment Command Post): "Yes"

Kornukov: "Well, what, don't you understand? I said bring [him] up to a range of 4 kilometers, 4–5 kilometers, identify the target. You understand that weapons are going to have to be used now and you are holding [him] at a range of 10. Give the pilot [his] orders."

1812 Radar at Wakkanai picked up KAL 007 for the first time.[10]
1813:05 Osipovich: "I see it. I am locked onto the target."
1813 General Kornukov: "Chaika" (Call sign for Far East Military District Air Defence Forces).

Titovnin: "Yes, sir. He sees [it] on the radar screen, He sees [it] on the screen, He has locked on, he is locked on, he is locked on."

18:13:26 Osipovich: "The target isn't responding to the call."
1813 Titovnin: "805, Is the target's heading 240?"
1813:35 Osipovich: "Affirmative. The target's heading is 240 degrees."
1813 Titovnin: "Roger, arm your weapons"
1813 Osipovich: "Turned on"
1814 Gen Kornukov to Gen. Kamenski: "Comrade General, Kamenski, Good morning. I am reporting the situation. Target 60-65 is over Terpenie Bay [East Coast of Sakhalin] tracking 240, 30 kilometers from the State Border. The fighter from Sokol is 6 kilometers away. Locked on, orders were given to arm weapons. The target is not responding to identify. He cannot identify it visually because it is still dark, but he is still locked on."

Gen. Kamenski: "We must find out, maybe it is some civilian craft or God knows who."

Kornukov: "What civilian? [It] has flown over Kamchatka! It [came] from the ocean without identification. I am giving the order to attack if it crosses the State border."

1814:59 KAL 007 contacted Tokyo air traffic control requesting permission to climb to FL 350 [35,000 feet].[11]
1814:59 KAL 007: "Tokyo Radio Korean Air zero zero seven"
1815 Titovnin: "Maistrenko Comrade Colonel, that is, Titovnin."

Col. Maistrenko (Operations Duty Officer, Combat Control Center): "Yes".

Titovnin: "The commander has given orders that if the border is violated—destroy [the target]."

Maistrenko: "...May [be] a passenger [aircraft]. All necessary steps must be taken to identify it."

Titovnin: "Identification measures are being taken, but the pilot cannot see. It's dark. Even now it's still dark."

Maistrenko: "Well, okay. The task is correct. If there are no lights—it cannot be a passenger [aircraft]."

1815:03 Tokyo radio: "Korean Air zero zero seven Tokyo"
1815:07 KAL 007: "Korean Air zero zero seven requesting climb three five zero"
1815:13 Tokyo radio: "Requesting three five zero?"
1815:15 KAL 007: "That is affirmative now maintain at three three zero Korean Air zero zero seven"
1815:19 Tokyo radio: "Roger stand by call you back"
1815:21 KAL 007: "Roger"
1815:21 Flight deck: "Oh my God! This radio is very bad"
1815:52 [Audible morse transmission starts]
1817:44 KAL 007: "Korean Air zero zero seven Selcal"
1820:11 Toyko radio: "Korean Air zero zero seven. Clearance Tokyo ATC clears Korean Air zero zero seven climb and maintain flight level 350"[11]
1820:21 KAL 007: "Ah roger Korean Air 007 climb and maintain at 350 leaving 330 at this time."
1820:28 Tokyo radio: "Tokyo roger."
1821:35 Osipovich: "Yes, I'm approaching the target. I'm going in closer."
1821:35 Osipovich: "The target's (strobe) light is blinking. I have already approached the target to a distance of about 2 kilometers."
1821:40 Osipovich: "The target is at 10,000 metres (33,000 ft)."
1821:55 Osipovich: "What are instructions?"
1822:02 KAL 007 decreased speed as it climbed, causing the pursuing fighter to draw abeam of it.

Osipovich: "The target is decreasing speed."

1822:17 Osipovich: "I am going around it. I'm already moving in front of the target."
1822:17 Titovnin: "Increase speed, 805" [call sign of Osipovich's Sukhoi].
1822:23 Osipovich: "I have increased speed."
1822:23 Titovnin: "Has the target increased speed, yes?"
1822:29 Osipovich: "No, it is decreasing speed."
1822:29 Titovnin: "805, open fire on target."
1822:42 Osipovich: "It should have been earlier. How can I chase it? I'm already abeam of the target."
1822:42 Titovnin: "Roger, if possible, take up a position for attack."
1822:55 Osipovich: "Now I have to fall back a bit from the target."
1821–22 Kornukov: "Gerasimenko, cut the horseplay at the command post, what is that noise there? I repeat the combat task: fire missiles, fire on target 60-65."

Gerasimenko: "Wilco"

Kornukov: "Comply and get Tarasov here. Take control of the Mig-23 from Smirnykh, call sign 163, call sign 163, he is behind the target at the moment. Destroy the target!"

Gerasimenko: "Task received. Destroy target 60-65 with missile fire, accept control of fighter from Smirnykh"

Kornukov: "Carry out the task, destroy [it]!"

1822:55 Gen. Kornukov: "Oh, [‍expletives] how long does it take him to get into attack position, he is already getting out into neutral waters? Engage afterburner immediately. Bring in the MiG 23 as well... While you are wasting time it will fly right out."[12]

Titovnin: "805, try to destroy the target with cannons."

1822:56 The Boeing reports reaching its newly assigned altitude

KAL 007: "Tokyo Radio Korean Air 007 reaching level three five zero."[11]

1823:37 Osipovich: "I am dropping back. Now I will try a rocket."
1823:37 Titovnin: "Roger."
1823:49 MiG 23 (163): "Twelve kilometers to the target. I see both [the Soviet interceptor piloted by Osipovich and KAL 007]."
18:23:37 Titovnin: "805, approach target and destroy target."
1824:22 Osipovich: "Roger, I am in lock-on."
1824:22 Titovnin: "805, are you closing on the target?"
1825:11 Osipovich: "I am closing on the target, am in lock-on. Distance to target is 8 kilometers."
1825:11 Titovnin: "Afterburner. AFTERBURNER, 805!"
1825:16 Osipovich: "I have already switched it on."
1825:16 Titovnin: "Launch!"
1825:46 Osipovich: "Z.G." (The infrared sensor package on the tip or head of a heat-seeking missile is known as the seeker head. When the target is visible to the infra-red seeker (З Г – Захват Головка) , a growling sound known as the “missile tone” is fed to the pilot’s headset)
1826:02 Cockpit: [Sound of explosion?]
1826:06 Captain: "What's happened?"
1826:08 Co-pilot: "What?"
1826:10 Captain: "Retard throttles."
1826:11 Co-Pilot: "Engines normal."
1826:14 Captain: "Landing gear."
1826:15 Cockpit: [Sound of cabin altitude warning]
1826:17 Captain: "Landing gear."
1826:18 Cockpit: [Sound of altitude deviation warning]
1826:20 Osipovich: "I have executed the launch."
1826 Kornukov: "Well, what do you hear there?"

Gerasimenko: "He has launched."

Kornukov: "I did not understand."

Gerasimenko: "He has launched."

Kornukov: "He has launched, follow the target, follow the target, withdraw yours from the attack and bring the MiG-23 in there."

1826:21 Cockpit: [Sound of autopilot disconnect warning]
1826:22 Captain: "Altitude is going up. Altitude is going up. Speed brake is coming out." [Flight Data Recorder will show that speed brake had not deployed.]
1826:22 Major Osipovich mistakenly (as subsequent Soviet real-time military telecommunications show) reports the Boeing is destroyed.

Osipovich: "The target is destroyed."[11]

1826:22 Titovnin: "Break off attack to the right, heading 360."
1826:26 Co-Pilot: "What? What?"
1826:27 Osipovich: "I am breaking off attack."
1826:27 Cockpit: [Unintelligible]
1826:29 Captain: "Check it out."
1826:33 Captain: "I am not able to drop altitude."
1826:33 MiG-23: "What are (my) instructions?"
1826:32 Public Address: *In Flight Broadcast Notification Sound*
1826:34 Public Address: "Attention emergency descent."
1826:38 Public Address: "Attention emergency descent."
1826:38 Crew: "Altitude is going up."
1826:40 Crew: "This is not working. This is not working."
1826:41 Crew: "Manually."
1826:42 Crew: "Cannot do manually."
1826:42 Public Address: "Attention emergency descent."
1826:43 Cockpit: [Sound of the autopilot disconnect warning] ICAO graphing of Digital Flight Data Recorder tapes will show that autopilot has now been disengaged and manual control begun. KAL 007 now begins descent phase of arc.
1826:45 Co-Pilot: "Engines are normal sir."[13]
1826:46 Public Address: "Put out your cigarette. This is an emergency descent."
1826:47 MiG-23: "My wing tanks have lit up. The fuel remainder differs by 600 litres for now."
1826:48 Cockpit: [Unintelligible]
1826:49 Public Address: "Put out your cigarette. This is an emergency descent." (Korean)
1826:50 Captain: "Is it power compression?"
1826:51 Flight Engineer: "Is that right?"
1826:52 Public Address: "Put out your cigarette, this is an emergency descent." (Japanese)
1826:52 Flight Engineer: "All of both."
1826:53 Osipovich: "Fuel remainder 1,600"
1826:54 Captain: "Is that right?"
1826:55 Public Address: "Put the mask over your nose and mouth and adjust the headband." (English)
1826:57 Co-Pilot: "Tokyo radio Korean Air 007."
1826 Soviet commanders become aware that target is not destroyed.

Lt. Col Novoseltsky: "Well, what is happening, what is the matter, who guided him in, he locked on, why didn't he shoot it down?"[14]

1827:01 Public Address: "Put the mask over your nose and mouth and adjust the headband."
1827:01 Osipovich: "I am executing. What is the distance to the airfield?"
1827:02 Tokyo radio: "Korean Air 007, Tokyo."
1827:04 "Accentuated breathing during the transmission indicated that an oxygen mask was being worn"[15]

Co-Pilot: "Roger, Korean Air 007...ah, we are experiencing..."

1827:05 Osipovich: "Roger"
1827:08 Public Address: "Put the mask over your nose and mouth and adjust the headband."
1827:08 MiG-23: "What heading?"
1827:09 Flight Engineer: "All compression."
1827:10 Captain: "Rapid decompression. Descend to one zero thousand."
1827:15 Public Address: "Attention emergency descent."
1827:20 ICAO graphing of Digital Flight Data Recorder tapes now show that after a descent phase and a 10 second "nose-up", KAL 007 is now leveled out at pre-missile detonation altitude of 35,000 ft., forward acceleration is now back to pre-missile detonation rate of zero acceleration, and air speed has returned to pre-detonation velocity. Yaw (oscillations), begun at the time of missile detonation, continue decreasingly until the end of the minute 44 second portion of CVR tape
1827:20 Flight Engineer: "Now...we have to set this."
1827:21 Tokyo radio: "Korean Air 007, radio check on one zero zero four eight."
1827:23 Public Address: "Attention emergency descent."
1827:23 Flight Engineer: "Speed."
1827:26 Flight Engineer: "Stand by. Stand by. Stand by. Stand by. Set."
1827:27 Public Address: "Put out your cigarette. This is an emergency descent."
1827:29 MiG-23: "I'm executing left to a heading of 180. (Altitude) 7,500 metres (24,600 ft)"
1827:30 Public Address: "Put out your cigarette. This is an emergency descent."
1827:33 Public Address: "Put out your cigarette this is an emergency descent."
1827:38 Public Address: "Put the mask over your nose and mouth and adjust the headband."
1827:43 Public Address: "Put the mask over your nose and mouth and adjust..."
1827:46 End of CVR recording
1827:53 MiG-23: "Heading 150, Roger."
1827 Kornukov: "Did Osipovich see the missiles explode? Hello?"

Gerasimenko: "He fired two missiles."

Kornukov: "Ask him, ask him yourself, get on channel three and ask Osipovich did he or did he not see the explosions?"

Gerasimenko: "Right away."

Gerasimenko" "805, did you launch one missile or both?"[16]

1828:05 Osipovich: "I launched both."
1828:08 Tokyo radio – KAL 007: (Selcal 007)
1828:20 MiG-23: "Roger, heading 150, 7,500."
1828:26 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: (Selcal 007)
1828:29 MiG-23: "Executing heading 210"
1828:35 MiG-23: "I executed."
1828:40 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: (Selcal 007)
1828:51 MiG-23: "Roger heading 210, 8,000 metres (26,000 ft)"
1828 Lt. Col. Gerasimenko: "The target turned to the north."

Gen. Kornukov: "The target turned to the north?"

Gerasimenko: "Affirmative."

Kornukov: "Bring the [MiG] 23 in to destroy it!"[17]

1828:52 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: Korean Air zero zero seven Tokyo
1829:12 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: Korean Air zero zero seven Tokyo
1829 Gen. Kornukov: "Well, I understand, I do not understand the result, why is the target flying? Missiles were fired. Why is the target flying? [obscenities] Well, what is happening?"[18]

"Well, I am asking, give the order to the Controller, what is wrong with you there? Have you lost your tongues?"

Gerasimenko: "I gave the order to the Chief of Staff, the Chief of Staff to the Controller, and the Controller is giving the order to..."

Kornukov (1830): "Well how long does it take for this information to get through, well, what, [you] cannot ask the results of firing the missiles, where, what, did [he] not understand or what?"[18]

1829:13 The Soviet pilots unsuccessfully tried to locate the wreckage of KAL 007[19]
1829:13 MiG-23 pilot says of their target: "No, I don't see it."[19]
1829:20 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: (Selcal 007)
1829:21 MiG-23 "Executing heading 360."
1829:50 MiG-23 "Roger, taking a heading of 360."
1830:00 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: (Selcal 007)
1830 KAL 007 was last seen by radar at Wakkanai at a height of 5,000 meters (16,424 ft)[20]
1830–34/35 KAL 007 will continue at altitude level 5,000 meters for almost 5 minutes until over Moneron Island.
1830:42 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: (Selcal)
1831:04–28 Tokyo radio-KAL 015: Roger. Would you attempt to contact Korean Air zero zero seven Korean Air zero zero seven and, er....relay his position please?

KAL 015: Roger Stand by

KAL 015-KAL 007: Zero zero seven,

KAL 015-KAL 007: Zero zero seven,

KAL 015-KAL 007: Zero zero seven Korean Air zero zero zero one five"

1832–33 Kornukov: "Altitude, what is the altitude of our fighter and the altitude of the target?...Quickly, the altitude of the target and the altitude of the fighter!...Why don't you say anything?... Gerasimenko!"

Gerasimenko: "I am asking..."

Kornukov: "Hurry up, guys, that's a real target. Hello, [call sign] Mastak, Mastak, Mastak, Mastak, Mastak, Mastak, Mastak, Mastak, Mastak."

1833:05 KAL 015-Tokyo radio: Tokyo this is Korean Air 015
1833/34 KAL 007 was seen by Soviet radar at 5,000 meters at initial stage of spiral descent over Moneron Island.

Lt. Col. Gerasimenko: "Altitude of target is 5,000."

General Kornukov: "5,000 already?"

Gerasimenko: "Affirmative, turning left, right, apparently it is descending."[21]

1833:08–1835:06 Tokyo radio-KAL 015: Korean Air zero one five go ahead

KAL 015-Tokyo radio: Unable to contact Korean Air zero zero seven

Tokyo radio-KAL 015: "Ah would you use VHF please or VHF over."

KAL 015-Tokyo radio: Ah roger

KAL 015-KAL 007: Korean Air zero zero seven zero one five, Korean Air zero zero seven zero one five

KAL 015-Tokyo radio: Tokyo Korean Air zero one five unable to contact

18:34 Kornukov: "Destroy it, use the 23 to destroy it, I said!"
1834 Gerasimenko: "Roger, destroy it."
1834 Kornukov: "Well, where is the fighter, how far from the target?"
1834 Gerasimenko: "Comrade General, they cannot see the target."
1834 Kornukov: "They cannot see the target?"
1835 KAL 007 has now been tracked by Soviet radar as descended below 5,000 meters in its spiral over Moneron Island.[22]
1835:54 Callsign 121: "No, I don't see it"
1836 Kornukov: "...you know the range, where the target is. It is over Moneron..."[23]
1838:37 MiG-23: "I don't see anything in this area. I just looked."
1838 Titovnin: "They lost the target, Comrade Colonel, in the area of Moneron."
1838 Novoseltsky: "In the area of Moneron?"
1838 Titovnin: "The pilots do not see it, neither the one nor the other. The radio forces have reported...that after the launch, the target entered a right turn over Moneron."
1838 Novoseltsky: "Uh-huh."
1838 Titovnin: "Descending. And lost over Moneron"
1838 KAL 007 disappeared from radar (approximately 12 minutes after the initial attack)[20] Soviet radar personnel stationed at Komsomolsk-na-Amure on the Siberian maritime reported KAL 007 disappearing from radar screen at 1,000 ft (300 m) altitude because of radar's inability to track below that altitude.
1838:37 The first Soviet pilot reiterates: "I don't see anything in this area. I just looked."

With fuel running low the Soviet jets return to their base without sighting the remains of their target.[19]

1839 Novoseltsky: "So, the task. They say it has violated the State border again, now?"

Titovnin: "Well, it is in the area of Moneron, of course, over our territory."

Novoseltsky: "Get it, Get it! Go ahead, bring in the MiG 23."

Titovnin: "Roger. The MiG 23 is in the area. It is descending to 5,000. The orders have been given: destroy upon detection."

1840:11 MiG-23: "I'm not able to determine the cloud base. The clouds are below me and I'm at 2,000 metres (6,600 ft)."
1841 Kornukov: Well, what [is happening] there. Has the [MiG] 23 reported anything, does he see [it] or not? Bring him down to 4,000. Have him look visually and on the radar sight.
1841:17 Tokyo radio-KAL 007: (Selcal 007)
1841:55 Last attempt of Tokyo radio to make contact

Tokyo radio-KAL 007: Korean Air zero zero seven Korean Air zero zero seven this is Tokyo Radio if you read me re...request radio check Tokyo requests radio check one two seven decimal six one two seven decimal six

1845 Unidentified speakers: "Say again", "I cannot hear you clearly now", "He gave the order, hello, hello, hello", "Yes, yes", "Ivan Moiseevich gave the order. Tretyak", "Roger, roger", "Weapons were used at his orders." [General Ivan Moiseevich Tretyak, Commander of the Far East Military District[Notes 2]]
1847 On order of Lt. Col. Novoseltsky, Acting Commander of 41st Fighter wing at Smirnykh Air Base, KGB Border Guard boats ordered and rescue helicopters dispatched from Khomutovo military/civilian air base in southern Sakhalin.[24]

Novoseltsky: "Prepare whatever helicopters there are. Rescue helicopters."

Titovnin: "Rescue?"

Novoseltsky: "Yes. And there will probably be a task set for the area where the target was lost."

Titovnin: "Roger. Is this to be done through your SAR? Assign the task through your CHAIKA ["Far East Military District Air Defense Forces" call sign], Comrade, Colonel, Khomutovo does not come under us and neither does Novoalexandrovsk. We have nothing here."

Novoseltsky: "Very well"

Titovnin: "Novoalexandrovsk must be brought to readiness and Khomutovo. The border guards and KGB are at Khomutovo."[25]

1853 Kornukov: "What [happened] was it not destroyed?"
1853 Osipovich: "The target disappeared, but it was somehow descending slowly...either it was put out of action or it was damaged, it disappeared in the area of Moneron, no one can see it at the moment. Well, it looks as if it was put out of action."
1853 Kornukov: "Roger, good, we'll sort it out."
1853 Osipovich: "Uh-huh, Roger"
1855 Any civilian ships near Moneron sent to Moneron itself on order of Deputy Commander of Far East Military District (under Gen. Tretyak), Gen. Strogov.[26]

Strogov: "You s......., I'll lock you up in the guard house. Why don't you pick up the phone?"

Titovnin: "Comrade General, everyone was busy here."

Strogov: "You have nothing there to be busy with, busy. What kind of nonsense is that? So where is Kornukov?"

Titovnin: "Kornukov is here."

Strogov: "Put him on the phone."

Titovnin: "One moment. He is reporting to Kamenski [Commander, Far East Military District Air Defense Forces], Comrade General."

Strogov: "So what you need to do now. Contact these (...expletives), these sailors, these what do you (...expletives)?"

Titovnin: "Border Guards?"

Strogov: "Huh?"

Titovnin: "Border Guards?"

Strogov: "Well, the civilian sailors."

Titovnin: "Understood"

Strogov: "The border guards. What ships do we now have near Moneron Island, if they are civilians, send [them] there immediately."

Titovnin: "Understood, Comrade General."[27]

1856 Japanese Search and Rescue ordered begun

"At 18:56 hours, thirty minutes after KE 007's estimated time over NOKKA and after repeated attempts to re-establish communication had failed, Tokyo ACC [Air Control Center] notified several ATS [Air Traffic Service] units and military units via direct-speech links, of its inability to establish radio contact with KE 007, and requested them to conduct a communication search."[28]


  1. "Photos of Kornukov". Airliners.net. Retrieved 2010-04-05. 
  2. "Photo of Tretyak". Airliners.net. Retrieved 2010-04-05. 


  1. Ball, pp. 42–46
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 ICAO, '93
  3. Johnson, p. 117
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 ICAO, '83
  5. "Statement by Walter F. Luffsey, Associate Administrator for Aviation Standards, Before the House Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation and Weather Concerning Navigation Systems". 1983-09-19. Retrieved 2009-02-11. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Degani, 2001
  7. 7.0 7.1 Johnson, p. 9
  8. ICAO '93, Information Paper No.1, p. 101
  9. ICAO '93, Transcript of Communications, p. 62
  10. Johnson, p. 25
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 ICAO Report, Appendix D, page D-3
  12. ICAO '93, Information Paper 1., p. 130
  13. "CVR transcript Korean Air Flight 007 - 31 AUG 1983". Aviation Safety Network. 2004-10-16. Retrieved 2009-01-22. 
  14. ICAO ;93, Information paper No. 1, p. 88
  15. ICAO '93, p. 35
  16. ICAO '93. Information Pages 1. pp. 132–133
  17. ICAO'93, Information Paper No. 1. p. 132,
  18. 18.0 18.1 ICAO '93, Information Paper No. 1., p. 133
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 ICAO Report, Appendix D, pp. D-3 and D-4
  20. 20.0 20.1 Secretary of State George Shultz, press briefing on the morning of September 1, 1983
  21. ICAO '93, Information Paper No. 1, p. 156
  22. ICAO '93, p. 53, para. 2.15.8
  23. ICAO, 1993, Information Paper No. 1, p. 136.
  24. ICAO '93, Information Paper 1, p. 93
  25. ICAO'93, Information Paper 1., p. 93
  26. ICAO, '93, Information Paper No. 1., pp. 95–96
  27. ICAO '93, Information Paper 1., pp. 95–96
  28. ICAO '93, sect. 1.11.1, p. 16




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