
The original 1869 edition's appendix included the Laws of Lacrosse adopted in 1868. The 1879 New Edition include the original Laws of Lacrosse as well as the revised and amended laws adopted in 1876. The New Edition also included the Constitution of the National Lacrosse Association of Canada.

649461Lacrosse: The National Game of Canada — AppendixWilliam George Beers



Revised and Adopted Sept. 25th and 26th, 1868, by the
National Lacrosse Association of Canada.

RULE I.—The Crosse.

Sec 1.—The Crosse may be of any length to suit the player; woven with cat-gut, which must not be bagged. ("Cat-gut" is intended to mean raw hide, gut or clock strings, not cord or soft leather.) The netting must be flat when the ball is not on it. In its widest part the crosse shall not exceed one foot. No string must be brought through any hole at the side of the tip of the turn. A leading string, resting upon the top of the stick, may be used, but must not be fastened, so as to form a pocket, lower down the stick than to the end of the length strings. The length strings must be woven to within two inches of their termination, so that the ball cannot catch in the meshes.

Sec. 2.—Players may change their crosse during a match.

RULE. II.—The Ball.

The Ball must be India rubber sponge, not less than eight and not more than nine inches in circumference. In matches,

it must be furnished by the challenged party.

RULE III.—The Goals.

The Goals may be placed at any distance from each other, and in any position agreeable to the captains of both sides. The top of the flag-poles must be six feet above the ground, including any top ornament, and six feet apart In matches they must be furnished by the challenged party.

RULE IV.—The Goal-Crease.

There shall be a line or crease, to be called the Goal-Crease, drawn in front of each goal, six feet from the flag-poles, within which no opponent must stand unless the ball has passed cover-point.

RULE V.—Umpires.

Sec. 1.—There must be two umpires at each goal, one for each side, who must stand behind the flags when the ball is near or nearing the goal. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the captains, they must not be members of either club engaged in a match; nor shall they be changed during a match except for reasons of illness or injury. They must be thoroughly acquainted with the game, and in every way competent to act. Before a match begins, they shall draw the players up in line, and see that the regulations respecting the crosse, spiked soles, &c., are complied with. They must also see that the regulations are adhered to respecting the ball, goal, goal-crease, &c., and, in deciding any of these points, shall take the opinion of the captains and the referee. They must know, before the commencement of a match, the number of games to be played. They shall have power to decide all disputes, subject to Rule VI., and to suspend, for any time during the match, any player infringing these laws; the game to go on during such suspension.

Sec. 2.—No umpire shall, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any bet upon the result of the match, No person shall be allowed to speak to the umpires, or in any way distract their attention, when the ball is near or nearing their goal.

Sec. 3.—When "foul" has been called, the umpires must leave their posts and cry "time," and from that time the ball must not be touched by either party, nor must the players move from the positions in which they happen to be at the moment, until the umpires have returned to their posts, and "play" is called. If a player should be in possession of the ball when the umpires leave their posts, he must drop it on the ground in front. If the ball enters the goal after the umpires have left their posts, it will not count. The jurisdiction of umpires shall not extend beyond the day of their appointment. They shall not decide in any manner involving the continuance of a match beyond the day on which it is played.

RULE VI.—Referee.

The umpires shall select a referee, to whom all disputed games and points, whereon they are a tie, may be left for decision, and who must be thoroughly acquainted with the game, and in every way competent to act. He shall take the evidence of the players particularly interested, the respective opinions of the differing umpires, and, if necessary, the opinions and offers of the captains, in cases where the discontinuance of the game is threatened. His decision shall be final. Any side rejecting his decision, by refusing to continue a match, shall be declared the losers. The referee must be on the ground at the commencement of and during the match but during play he shall not be between the two goals.

RULE VII.—Captains.

Captains, to superintend the play, may be appointed by each side, previous to the commencement of a match. They shall be members of the club by whom they are appointed, and of no other. They may or may not be players in a match: if not, they shall not carry a crosse, nor shall they be dressed in Lacrosse uniform. They shall select umpires, and toss up for choice of goal. They shall report any infringement of the laws during a match to the nearest umpires.

RULE VIII.—Names of Players.

The players of each side shall be designated as follows: "Goal-keeper," who defends the goal; "Point," first man out from goal; "Cover-point," in front of Point; "Centre," who faces; "Home," nearest opponent's goal. Others shall be termed "Fielders."


RULE IX.—Miscellaneous.

Sec. 1.—Twelve players shall constitute a full field, and they must have been regular members of the club they represent, and no other, for at least thirty days prior to a match.

Sec. 2.—A match shall be decided by the winning of three games out of five, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Sec. 3.—Captains shall arrange, previous to a match, whether it is to be played out in one day, postponed at a stated hour, or in the event of rain, darkness, &c., or to be considered a draw under certain circumstances; and, if postponed, if it is to be resumed where left off.

Sec. 4.—If postponed and resumed where left off, there shall be no change of players on either side.

Sec. 5.—Either side may claim at least five minutes' rest, and not more than ten, between each game.

Sec. 6.—No Indian must play in a match for a white club, unless previously agreed upon.

Sec. 7.—After each game, the players must change sides

Sec. 8.—No change of players must be made after a match has commenced, except for reasons of accident or injury during the match. When a match has been agreed upon, and one side is deficient in the number of players, their opponents may either limit their own numbers to equalize the sides, or compel the other side to fill up the compliment.

RULE X.—Spiked Soles.

No player must wear spiked soles.

RULE XI.—Touching the Ball with the Hand.

The ball must not be touched with the hand, save in case of Rules XII. and XIII.

RULE XII.—Goal-Keeper.

Goal-keeper, while defending goal within the goal-crease, may pat away with his hand or block the ball in any manner.

RULE XIII.—Ball in an Inaccessible Place.

Should the ball lodge in any place inaccessible to the crosse, it may be taken out by the hand; and the party picking it up, must "face" with his nearest opponent.

RULE XIV.—Ball Out of Bounds.

Balls thrown out of bounds must be picked up with the hand, and "faced" for at the nearest spot within the bounds.

RULE XV.—Throwing the Crosse.

No player shall throw his crosse at a player or at the ball under any circumstances.

RULE XVI.—Accidental Game.

Should the ball be accidentally put through a goal by one of the players defending it, it is game for the side attacking that goal. Should it be put through a goal by any one not actually a player, it shall not count.

RULE XVII.—Balls Catching in the Netting.

Should the ball catch in the netting, the crosse must immediately be struck on the ground so as to dislodge it.

RULE XVIII.—Rough Play, &c.

No player shall hold another with his crosse, nor shall he grasp an opponent's stick with his hands, under his arms, or between his legs; nor shall any player hold his opponent's crosse with his crosse in any way to keep him from the ball until another player reaches it. No player shall deliberately strike or trip another, nor push with the hand; nor must any player jump at to shoulder an opponent, nor wrestle with the legs entwined so as to throw his opponent.

RULE XIX.—Threatening to Strike.

Any player raising his fist to strike another, shall be immediately ruled out of the match.

RULE XX.—Foul Play.

Sec. 1.—Any player considering himself purposely injured during play, must report to his captain, who must report to the umpires, who shall warn the player complained of.

Sec. 2.—In the event of persistent fouling, after cautioning by the umpires, the latter may declare the match lost by the side thus offending, or may remove the offending player or players, and compel the side to finish the match short-handed.

RULE XXI.—Interrupted Matches.

In the event of a match being interrupted by darkness or to any other cause considered right by the umpires, and one side having won two games—the other none—the side having won the two games shall be declared winners of the match. Should one side have won two games, and the other one, the match shall be considered drawn.

RULE XXII.—Amendments.

Any amendment or alteration proposed to be made in any part of these laws, shall be made only at the Annual Conventions of the National Association, and by a three-fourths vote of the members present.



Revised and adopted at the Re-orginization of the National
Lacrosse Association of Canada, Toronto, 4th May, 1876,
and amended at Montreal, August 3rd, 1877; Toronto,
June 7th, 1878; Montreal, June 6th, 1879.

RULE I.—The Crosse.

Sec. 1. The crosse may be of any length to suit the player; woven with cat-gut, which must not be bagged. ("Cat-gut" is intended to mean raw-hide, gut, or clock-strings; not cord or soft leather). The netting must be flat when the ball is not on it. In its widest part the crosse shall not exceed one foot. A string must be brought through a hole at the side of the tip of the turn, to prevent the point of the stick catching an opponent's crosse. A leading string resting upon the top of the stick may be used, but must not be fastened, so as to form a pocket, lower down the stick than the end of the length strings. The length strings must be woven to within two inches of their termination; so that the ball cannot catch in the meshes.

Sec. 2. No kind of metal, either in wire or sheet, nor screws or nails, to stretch strings, shall be allowed upon the crosse. Splices must be made either with string or gut.

Sec. 3. Players may change their crosse during a match.

RULE II.—The Ball.

The ball must be India rubber sponge, not less than eight, nor more than nine inches in circumference. In matches it must be furnished by the challenged party.

RULE III.—The Goals.

The goals must be at least 125 yards from each other, and in any position agreeable to the captains of both sides. The top of the flag-poles must be six feet above the ground including any top ornament, and six feet apart. In matches they must be furnished by the challenged party.

RULE IV.—The Goal Crease.

No attacking player must be within six feet of either of the flag-poles, unless the ball has passed cover-point's position on the field.

RULE V.—Umpires.

Sec. 1. There must be two Umpires at each goal who shall be disinterested parties, they shall stand behind the flags when the ball is near or nearing the goal. In the event of "game" being called, they shall decide whether or not the ball has fairly passed through the goal; and if there be a difference of opinion between them, it shall be settled as provided for by Rule vi. They must not be members of either club engaged in a match; nor shall they be changed during a match without the consent of both captains. They must see that the regulations are adhered to respecting the goal. They must know before the commencement of a match the number of games to be played.

Sec 2. No Umpire shall, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any bet upon the result of the match. No person shall be allowed to speak to the umpires, or in any way distract their attention, when the ball is near or nearing the goal.

Sec. 3. When "foul" has been called, by either Captain, the Referee or any Umpire shall cry "time," after which the ball must not be touched by either party, nor must the players move from the position in which they happen to be at the moment until the Referee has called "play." If a player should be in possession of the ball when "time" is called, he must drop it on the ground. If the ball enters goal after "time" has been called, it will not count. The jurisdiction of umpires shall not extend beyond the day of their appointment.

RULE VI.—Referee.

Sec. 1. The Referee shall be selected by the Captains; and, in the case of "Championship" matches, must be appointed at least one day before the match. No person shall be chosen to fill the position who is not thoroughly acquainted with the game, and in every way competent to act. In the event of the Field Captains failing to agree upon a Referee the day previous to match, it shall be the duty of the President of the National Lacrosse Association, or in his absence the Vice-President, upon being duly notified, to appoint a Referee, to act during the match, such Referee, however, not to be one of the number proposed by either of the competing clubs.

Sec. 2. Before the match begins, he shall draw the players up in lines, and see that the regulations respecting the ball, crosses, spiked soles, &c., are complied with. Disputed points, whereon the Umpires or Captains disagree, shall be left to his decision. He shall have the power to suspend at any time during the match any player infringing these laws, the game to go on during such suspension. In disputed games which are left to his decision, ho shall take the evidence of the players particularly interested, the respective opinions of the differing Umpires and, i f necessary, the opinions and proposals of the Captains in cases where the discontinuance of the game is threatened. He shall immediately call "time" when "foul" has been called by either Captain.

Sec. 3. The jurisdiction of the Referee shall not extend beyond the day for which he is appointed, and he shall not decide in any matter involving the continuance of a match beyond the day on which it is played. The Referee must be on the ground at the commencement of and during the match. At the commencement of each game, and after "fouls," "disputed games" and "balls out of bounds," he shall see that the ball is properly faced, and when both sides are ready shall call "play." He shall not express an opinion until he has taken the evidence on both sides. After taking the evidence, his decision in all cases must be final. Any side rejecting his decision by refusing to continue the match, shall be declared the losers.

Sec. 4. When game is claimed and disallowed, the Referee shall order the ball to be faced for, from where it is picked up, but in no case must it be closer to the goals than ten (10) yards in any direction.

RULE VII.—Captains.

Captains to superintend the play shall be appointed by each side previous to the commencement of a match. They shall be members of the club by whom they are appointed and no other. They may or may not be players in a match; if not, they shall not carry a crosse, nor shall they be dressed in Lacrosse uniform. They shall select Umpires and Referee, and toss for choice of goals, and they alone shall be entitled to call "foul" during a match. They shall report any any infringement of the laws during a match to the Referee.

RULE VIII.—Names of Players.

The players on each side shall bo designated as follows: "Goal-keeper," who defends the goal; "Point," first man out from goal; "Cover-point," in front of point; "Centre," who faces; "Home," nearest opponent's goal; others shall be termed "Fielders."


RULE IX.—Miscellaneous.

Sec. 1. Twelve players shall constitute a full field. They must be regular members in good standing of the Club they represent, and of no other, for at least thirty days before becoming eligible to play in a match for their Club. No member shall be allowed to change Clubs more than once during the season, except in bona fide change of residence.

Sec 2. The game must be started by the Referee facing the ball in the centre of the field between a player of each side; the ball shall be laid upon the ground between the sticks of the players facing, and when both sides are ready the Referee shall call play. The players facing shall have their left side toward the goal they are attacking.

Sec. 3. A match shall be decided by the winning of three games out of five, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Sec. 4. Captains shall arrange, previous to a match, whether it is to be played out in one day, postponed at a stated hour in the event of rain, darkness, &c., or to be considered a draw under certain circumstances; and, if postponed, if it is to be resumed where left off.

Sec 5. If postponed and resumed where left off there shall be no change of players on either side.

Sec. 6. Either side may claim at least five minutes rest, and not more than ten, between each game.

Sec. 7. No Indian shall play in a match for a white club unless previously agreed upon.

Sec. 8. After each game players must change goals.

Sec. 9. No change of players must be made after a match has commenced, except for reasons of accident or injury during the game.

Sec. 10. Should any player be injured during a match and compelled to leave the field the opposite side shall drop a man to equalize the teams.

Sec. 11. When a match has been agreed upon, and one side is deficient in the number of players, their opponents may either limit their own numbers to equalize the sides, or compel the other side to fill up the complement.

RULE X—Spiked Soles.

No player must wear spiked soles or boots, and any player attempting to evade this law, shall be immediately ruled out of the match.

RULE XI.—Touching Ball with the Hand.

The ball must not be touched with the hand, save in cases of Rules xii. and xiii.

RULE XII.—Goal-Keeper.

The Goal-keeper, while defending goal within the goal-crease, may pat away with his hand, or block the ball in any manner with his crosse or body.

RULE XIII.—Ball in an Inaccessible Place.

Should the ball lodge in any place inaccessible to the crosse, it may he taken out with the hand; and the party picking it up must "face" with his nearest opponent.

RULE XIV.—Ball out of Bounds.

Balls thrown out of bounds must be "faced" for at the nearest spot within the bounds, and all the players shall remain in their places until the ball is faced. The Referee shall see that this is properly done, and when both sides are ready shall call play. The "bounds" must he distinctly settled by the Captains before the commencement of the match.

RULE XV.—Throwing the Crosse.

No player shall throw his crosse at a player or at the ball under any circumstances.

RULE XVI.—Accidental Game.

Should the ball be accidentally put through a goal by one of the players defending it, it is game for the side attacking that goal. Should it be put through a goal by any one not actually a player, it shall not count.

RULE XVII.—Ball Catching in Netting.

Should the ball catch in the netting, the crosse must immediately be struck on the ground to dislodge it.

RULE XVIII.—Rough Play, &c.

No player shall grasp an opponent's stick with his hands, hold with his arms, or between his legs; nor shall any player hold his opponent's crosse with his crosse in any way to keep him from the ball until another player reaches it. No player, with his crosse or otherwise, shall hold, deliberately strike, or trip another, nor push with the hand; nor must any player jump at to shoulder an opponent from behind while running for or before reaching the ball; nor wrestle with the legs entwined, so as to throw an opponent.

RULE XIX.—Threatening to Strike.

Any player deliberately striking another, or raising his hand to strike, shall be immediately ruled out of the match.

RULE XX.—Deliberate Charging.

No player shall charge into another after he has thrown the ball

RULE XXI.—Crosse Check.

The check commonly known as the "square" or "crosse" check, which consists of one player charging into another with both hands on the crosse, so as to make the stick meet the body of his opponent, is strictly forbidden.

RULE XXII.—Interfering.

No player shall interfere in any way with another who is in pursuit of an opponent in possession of the ball.

RULE XXIII.—Foul Play.

Sec. 1. Any player considering himself purposely injured during play, must report to his Captain, who must report to the Referee, who shall wain the player complained of.

Sec. 2. In the event of persistent fouling, after being cautioned by the Referee, the latter may declare the match lost by the side thus offending, or may remove the offending player or players, and compel the side to finish the match short-handed.

RULE XXIV.—Interrupted Matches.

In the event of a match being interrupted by darkness or any other cause considered right by the Umpires, and one side having won two games—the other none—the side having won the two games shall be declared winners of the match. Should one side have won two games, and the other one, the match shall be considered drawn. This does not apply where special arrangements have been made by the Captains, as in Rule ix, Sec. 3.

RULE XXV.—"Claiming Games."

When "game" is claimed by the side attacking a goal, the Referee or either Umpire shall immediately call "time," and then proceed to give their decision. Until their decision has been given no game can be taken. The players shall keep their places, nor shall they leave them (unless the game be decided as won) until the game has again been started by the Referee.

RULE XXVI.—Settlement of Disputes.

In the settlement of any dispute, whether by the Umpires or Referee, it must be distinctly understood that the Captains, with one player to be selected by them, have the right to speak on behalf of their respective clubs; and any pro-position or facts that any player may wish brought before the Referee must come through the Captains or the player selected by them.

RULE XXVII.—Flag Pole Down.

In the event of a flag pole being knocked down during a match, and the ball put through what would be the goal if the flag pole were standing, it shall count game for the attacking side.

RULE XXVIII.—Challenges.

Sec. 1. All challenges must be sent by post, registered addressed to the Secretary of the Club intended to be challenged.

Sec. 2. Any club receiving a challenge from another club, shall, within one week after its receipt, notify the challenging club of the time and place at which they are prepared to play. The place named shall be at either of their pieces of residence, or some intermediate place; and the time mentioned shall be within three weeks from the reception of the challenge.

Sec. 3. On the day selected, if one Club only put in an appearance, it shall be entitled to claim a victory by default. If its opponents refuse to fulfil their engagement, or do not appear upon the ground at the specified time, the club complying with the terms agreed upon shall be declared the winners of the match.

Sec. 4. If at the time of the reception of a challenge a club has on hand any other regular challenge undisposed of, the time for its acceptance shall be extended within a period not exceeding six weeks; and if it should have more than one regular challenge undisposed of, then within a period not exceeding an additional three weeks for every such challenge. Challenges shall not lapse with the end of the season, but shall continue in force until played off. Challenges so carried over shall date from the 10th of May of the new season into which they have been carried.

Sec. 5. A club must accept challenges in the order of their reception. Challenges can not be sent earlier than the tenth of May nor later than the ninth of October, inclusive, and no match shall be played earlier than the 24th of May, unless mutually agreed upon. The season shall be from the 24th of May to the 31st October inclusive.

RULE XXIX.—Championship Rule.

Preamble.—In order to create a greater interest in our national game, the National Lacrosse Association of Canada invites all clubs to compete for the Championships, for which purpose the Association offers a senior championship pennant, and a junior championship pennant, the winning clubs to hold the same under the annexed rules, and also subject to the rules of the game. The holders of these pennants to be recognized as the Senior and Junior Champions of Canada.

Sec. 1. The Club holding the "Championship" can not be compelled to play any club competing therefor, more than twice in any one year, and an intervening space of two months must elapse between such matches.

Sec. 2. In the event of the holders losing the "Championship," their Secretary shall, within one week furnish to the Secretary of the winning club, copies, certified by their President, of all challenges for the "Championship" at the time undisposed of, and at the same time give up the champion pennant to the winning Club.

Sec. 3. The club winning the "Championship" shall take up these undisposed challenges, and treat them as their own, in accordance with and subject to Rule xxviii (Challenges).

Sec. 4. Should the Champion Club be challenged by a club belonging to another city or part of the Dominion, half of the net proceeds received from such match shall go towards defraying travelling and hotel expenses only, of the visiting team and its Captain.

Sec. 5. Should half the net proceeds amount to more than the actual expenses of the visiting team, they shall receive their expenses only—the balance belonging to the Champion Club.

Sec. 6. A statement, signed by the President and Secretary of the Champion Club, given to the competing club, shall be evidence of the amount of net proceeds taken at such match.

Sec. 7. Any Club holding either of the Championships, shall furnish security for the sum of $200 to the satisfaction of the President and Sec-Treasurer of this Association, that the Champion Pennant will be given up to the winning club upon the adjudication of the game by the Referee, or as provided by Sec. 2 of this Rule.

Sec. 8. Upon the Pennant being surrendered to the winning club, the President and Secretary-Treasurer of this Association shall return or cancel the security given by the losing club.

Sec. 9. No club shall be entitled to hold both Championships, or play for the Senior Championship while holding the Junior Championship.

Sec 10. City Clubs competing for the Junior Championship, shall not have upon their teams any players over 21 years of age. Other than city or Indian clubs, shall be allowed to have players of any age upon their teams.

Sec. 11. Indian Clubs shall be allowed to compete for these Championships, under the Rules of this Association; but in that case they will be debarred from the privilege of playing for money, given them in Article xi of the Constitution.

RULE XXX.—Amendments.

Any amendment or alteration proposed to be made in any part of these laws, shall be made only at the Annual Conventions of the National Association, and by a three-fourths vote of the members present.





Revised and adopted at the Conventions held at Toronto,
May 4th, 1876; Montreal, August 3rd, 1877;
Toronto, June 7th, 1878.


The name of this organization shall be "The National Lacrosse Association of Canada."


Its object shall be to improve, foster, and perpetuate the Game of Lacrosse as the National Game of Canada, and to promote the cultivation of kindly feelings among the members of Lacrosse Clubs.


Sec. 1.—Its officers shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Council of ten, to be elected annually by ballot; who shall be entitled to vote the same as delegates by virtue of their office. They shall hold office until their successors are appointed.

Sec. 2.—A Minute-Secretary may be appointed, temporarily, at each Convention.

Sec. 3.—The Association may elect a permanent Honorary President, by unanimous vote, who shall have all the privileges of a member.

Sec. 4.—Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices mentioned may be filled at any meeting of the Association, regularly organized, or by a majority vote of the board of officers.

Sec. 5.—All officers shall be ex-officio members of the Council.


Sec. 1.—The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Council, with the usual privileges of the office. He shall have a vote in the election of officers and the admission of new clubs, and the casting vote in a tie. He shall call extra meetings whenever he shall deem it necessary, and special meetings whenever requested to do so by six clubs—three in Ontario and three in Quebec. The said clubs to state their reasons for wishing such meeting.

Sec. 2.—The Vice-President shall perform the duties of President during his absence or indisposition.

Sec. 3.—The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Association and the Council; a register of Clubs in the Association, with their names, date of organization, number of members, days and places of playing, names of office-bearers, and address of the Secretary. He shall conduct all correspondence of the Association and the Council, keep a record of the decisions of the latter, on points of appeal, complaint, &c. He shall notify all officers and clubs of their election, issue all notices of meetings, and annually report to the Association. He shall receive and hold all the funds of the Association, and disburse the same. He shall keep a correct account of moneys received and disbursed by him, and shall report at the annual meeting.

Sec. 4.—The Council shall deliberate and decide upon all business submitted to them, and generally manage the Association; shall meet previous to the annual meeting, seven members to form a quorum. The Secretary of the Association shall be Secretary of the Council. The Council may report through the Secretary.


Sec. 1.—The Association shall be composed of delegates from the several Lacrosse Clubs in Canada, which has been duly admitted to representation, or which may be admitted in the manner, hereafter provided. Each club shall be entitled to two delegates, and each delegate shall have one vote.

Sec. 2.—Delegates must be members of good standing in the club they represent, and no other.

Sec 3.—No delegate shall be admitted to the Convention unless he shall have filed with the Secretary a certificate of his election, signed by the President and Secretary of the club he represents.


Sec. 1.—Clubs belonging to the Association must be composed exclusively of amateurs. Any club desiring to be represented in this Association, shall present to the Secretary, at least thirty days previous to the annual meeting of the Association, a written official application, signed by its President and Secretary, giving the name and date of organization of their club, number of members, days and places of playing, names of officers and delegates, and address of Secretary. The Secretary shall then record the name of the applying club on a temporary roll, and after the said club has paid its dues to the Treasurer, it shall be entitled to challenge and be challenged by clubs in the Association until the annual meeting. At the annual meeting the Secretary shall then submit the names, etc., of the applying clubs to the Committee on nominations. Said Committee shall thereupon ascertain the condition, character, and standing of such club, and behaviour at matches, and report the same with the said application and their opinion thereon, and a ballot shall thereon be had at such annual meeting upon the admission of such club—when, if two-thirds of the delegates present vote in favour thereof, such club shall be declared duly entitled to representation in this Association, and may immediately sit and vote. If the said club is not elected, the dues paid to the Treasurer are to be refunded, and its name erased from off the temporary roll. Any informality or irregularity in the form or substance of the application may be waived by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the annual meeting.

Sec. 2.—No club shall be represented in this Association until it has paid its subscription and agreed to the existing Constitution of the Association and the Laws of Lacrosse.

Sec. 3.—No club whose members average under sixteen years of age shall be admitted.


The annual subscription shall be three dollars for each club in the Association, payable before the first of June. The Council shall have the privilege of levying a special assessment to defray actual expenses, if necessary.


Sec. 1.—At every convention meeting one or more matches shall be played, if possible, the proceeds of which shall go to the treasury of the Association.

Sec. 2.—All expenses of advertising, hall, ground, &c. attendant on the convention meeting, shall be defrayed by the Association.

Sec. 3.—The travelling and hotel expenses of the President and Secretary-Treasurer of this Association attendant upon the convention meetings, shall be defrayed by the Association.


Sec. 1.—The Association shall have jurisdiction overall clubs on its roll. It shall see that the Laws of Lacrosse are strictly obeyed. Any one of its office-bearers shall have power to report infractions of the rules to the Association.

Sec. 2.—The Association shall form a central body, to which all questions as to points of play, club management &c., may be referred.


All matters of appeal, complaint, &c., shall be made to the Secretary in writing, with both sides of the question fully stated. The appellant shall send a copy of his appeal to the party against whose decision or opinion he appeals. The Secretary shall mail a copy of this to every member of the Council, who shall individually decide upon the case, and return his statement and decision. The Secretary shall then allow twenty-one days to elapse from the date of mailing, and then shall enter on the records a summary of the question, and the decision, specifying the names of the members and their decision. The decision shall be published, and shall be a precedent from which there is no appeal, except by a unanimous vote of the council, or a four-fifths vote of the Association.


No Club in the Association shall play for a money challenge except with the Indians. Any club playing for money (except as aforesaid) shall be suspended from membership in the Association.


Sec. 1.—The Council may suspend or expel a club for notorious and continued foul play or unfair conduct, individually or collectively; negligence to pay assessments; or for any persistent infringement of the laws of the game or the rules of the Association.

Sec. 2.—Any Club so suspended or expelled may be readmitted by making an ample official apology, and promising future compliance.

Sec. 3.—Any club failing to pay its dues before the 1st of July, shall be fined five dollars; and no delegate shall be entitled to sit and vote until his club's dues are paid.

Sec. 4.—Any club expelled can only be re-admitted by a special vote and resolution of the Council.

Sec. 5.—Clubs outside of the Association shall not be recognized nor need their challenges be accepted by clubs in the Association.


Clubs must make their annual returns to the Secretary, and pay their dues to the Treasurer, by the 1st June, and not later than 1st July, in every year.


No Club which shall admit, or retain a person a member thereof, who has been censured or punished by this Association for foul play or other reprehensible conduct, or who shall be henceforth convicted under the laws of the country of a criminal charge, shall be entitled to continue a member of this Association, or be admitted to membership thereof; and no new club shall be admitted a member therein which has among its members any one who has been convicted of such action; no club in this Association shall play a match with any such club, under penalty of forfeiture of membership of such Association. No club shall be admitted to membership in this Association unless it adopts in its club constitution the sentiments or words contained in this article.


Within one week after the election of officers at the Annual Meeting, the President elect shall appoint a Committee of seven delegates, who shall hold office until their successors are appointed, (five to make a quorum), who shall constitute a Committee on Nominations.


Sec. 1.—The Association shall hold its Convention annually, on the first Friday in June alternately in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec; the place of meeting to be decided at the close of each convention. The hours of meeting to be decided by the Council.

Sec. 2.—Clubs shall be notified of the time and place of meeting, at least four weeks previously.


Sec. 1.—The delegates from all clubs represented in this Association must annually sign the Constitution, or the resolution continuing in force. Clubs neglecting to do so must send an official request to the Secretary, to be entered on the roll, signed by the Club President and Secretary.

Sec. 2.—No alterations or amendment shall he made in any part of this Constituion, except by two months' notice, and by a three-fourths vote at a convention where two thirds of the clubs on the Association roll are represented.

Sec. 3.—Twenty delegates shall form a quorum at Annual Convention.