2280313Landon in The Literary Gazette 1826[Untitled] - Oh it is long since we have met!1826Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Literary Gazette, 20th May, 1826, Page 315


Oh it is long since we have met!
    And longer it will be,
Ere I will cross the waters wild,
    And all for love of thee.

It is not that I hope to find
    A fairer face than thine—
However fair in other eyes.
    None will seem fair in mine.

It is not that I hope to find
    Another love for me—
It is to say farewell to love
    To say farewell to thee.

I will go forth in the wide world,
    And in the tumult there,
I may drown, though I may not cure,
    My spirit's secret care.

Now for the battle and the storm—
    And when this may not be,
Then for the red-wine cup that crowns
    The midnight revelry.

And if in future years a cloud
    Shade my now brightening name,
'Tis the strife of a wounded heart—
    And on thee be the blame!

For thou hast turn'd to bitterness
    Thoughts that in love had birth;
There is no truth in that or thee—
    There is no truth on earth !

I am too proud to sigh or kneel
    At any woman's shrine:—
But 'tis beneath the lofty hill
    That sweeps the lava mine.

I have past through a weary life—
    Found it harsh, base, untrue;
But linger'd yet one angel hope—
    The hope that dwelt with you.

And I have lived to find that hope,
    Like other hopes, was vain;
And love and hope henceforth are things
    I cannot feel again.

Oh it is long since last we met!
    And longer it will be—
For never will I cross the waves
    Again for love of thee!L. E. L.