Latin for beginners (1911)/Part II/Lesson LX

3131809Latin for beginners (1911) — Lesson LXBenjamin Leonard D'Ooge



338. A number of verbs are passive in form but active in meaning; as, hortor, I encourage ; vereor, I fear. Such verbs are called deponent because they have laid aside (dē-pōnere, to lay aside) the active forms.

a. Besides having all the forms of the passive, deponent verbs have also the future active infinitive and a few other active forms which will be noted later. (See §§375, 403. b.)

339. The principal parts of deponents are of course passive in form, as,

Cofij. I hortor, hortari, hortatus sum, encourage Conj. II vereor, vereri, veritus sum,/mr Conj. Ill {a) sequor, sequi, secutus sum, follow {b) patior, pati, passus sum, suffer^ allow Conj. IV partior, partiri, partitus sum, share^ divide

Learn the synopses of these verbs. (See § 493.) Patior is conjugated like the passive of capiō (§ 492).



The prepositions with the accusative that occur most frequently are

ad, to ante, before intra, within apud, among ob, on account of (quam ob rem, circum, around wherefore^ therefore) contra, against^ contrary to per, through^ by means of extra, outside of post, after, behind in, into., in, against, upon propter, on account of because of inter, between, among trans, across, over

a. Most of these you have had before. Review the old ones and learn the new ones. Review the list of prepositions governing the ablative, § 209.



First learn the special vocabulary, p. 298.


  1. Trcs ex legatis, contra Caesaris opiniCnem, iter facere per hostium finis verebantur.
  2. Quis eos hortatus est? Imperator eos hortatus-est et iis persuadere conatus est, sed non potuit.
  3. Quid li<;at6s pertemiit? Aut timor hostium, qui undique premebant, aut longitud5 viae eOs pertemiit.
  4. Tamen omnes fere Caesarem multo magis quam hostis veriti sunt.
  5. Fortissimae gentes Galliae ex Germanis oriebantur.
  6. Quam ob rem tam fortes erant? Quia nee inum nee alia quae virtu tern delent ad se portari patiebantur.
  7. Caesar ex mercatoribus de insula Britannia quaesivit, sed nihil cogn6scere potuit.
  8. Itaque ipse statuit hanc terram petere, et media fere aestate cum multis navibus longis profectus est.
  9. Magna celeritate iter confecit et in opportunissimo loco egressus est.
  10. Barban summis viribus eum ab insula prohibere conati sunt.
  11. Ille autem barbaros multa milia passuum insecutus est; tamen sine equitatu eos consequi non potuit.


  1. Contrary to our expectation, the enemy fled and the cavalry followed close after them.
  2. From all parts of the multitude the shouts arose of those who were being wounded.
  3. Caesar did not allow the cavalry to pursue too far.*
  4. The cavalry set out at the first hour and was returning * to camp at the fourth hour.
  5. Around the Roman camp was a rampart twelve feet high.
  6. Caesar will delay three days because of the grain supply.
  7. Nearly all the lieutenants feared the enemy and attempted to delay the march.
  • Comparative of longi. 2 yvill this be a deponent or an active form ?

Seventh Review, Lessons LIII-LX, §§ 524-526

