4480020Latter-Day Psalms — MenWilliam Olaf Stapledon


Behold the sons of men, who sin, whose hearts are divine!
In selfishness they heap up misery upon one another; yet for love they die.
They are blown hither and thither like the dead leaves; yet for love they are steadfast.
They trample on their kindred for a little bread; yet for a vision they forget themselves.
Scatter gold among them, and they fall upon one another in lust. Show them God, and behold them sons of God.
I went into the city to be with men, and to learn their hearts.
I met them in the streets and in the public places, and the Spirit greeted me through their eyes, even from behind their hardness
of heart.
I was with them in their homes, and their hearts opened to me like roses, so that I am filled with the fragrance that is in men's hearts.