Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 11/Lo, the days come, &c.


The appearance of our country is truly alarming. Every mail brings new accounts of mobs and riots; great fires, and other destructions, of life and property. Particulars are unnecessary. Repentance, deep repentance must take place in this nation, or the Lord will continue to scourge our once delightful country, and vex her exalted inhabitants with sore vexation. A land of liberty; a community of law; a region of light; a people that profess to be christian, must maintain the dignity they have assumed and proclaimed to the world, by righteous acts, or else they must fall and fester in their own infamy. As men, as citizens, as saints, let us hope for the best and prepare for the worst, ever mindful of the wise man's saying: "Virtue exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people." P.