Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 12/Contents of the Messenger and Advocate. Vol. 1. No. 1.

Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate
Volume 1, Number 12, Contents of the Messenger and Advocate. Vol. 1. No. 1.
192403Latter Day Saints' Messenger and AdvocateVolume 1, Number 12, Contents of the Messenger and Advocate. Vol. 1. No. 1.

Contents of the

Messenger and Advocate.

Vol. 1. No. 1.

Address, 1
Foreign News, 2
Communication written by O. Cowdery, Pontiac, M. T. Oct. 20. 1834, 3
Communication from J. P. Gree, 7
Communication from W. A. Cowdery, Freedom, N. Y. Oct. 20, 1834 8
Communication from Eli Gilbert, Huntington, Ct. Sept. 23, 1834, 9
P. S. 10
Communication from Sylvester Smith, 10
An apology, for delay, 11
——— for not publishing the re-printed Star as soon as anticipated, 11
An invitation to read Mr. E. Gilbert's Letter, 11
Death of A. S. Gilbert, 11
Communication from Elder Z. Coltrin, Florida, Mo. Oct. 13, 1834, 11
A word to our patrons, &c. 11
Obtaining subscriptions, 11
Persons wis[h]ing to discontinue subscriptions; &c, 11
Complaints, &c. 11
Deaths, 12
----, remarks upon, 12
Extracts of the minutes of the High Council of the church of the Latter Day Saints, held in Kirtland, Sept. 24, 1834, 13
Remarks on the subject of the rise of the church, 13
First communication on the rise of the church of Christ, of Latter Day Saints, &c. 13
P. S. 16
Terms of Messenger and Advocate, 16
No. 2.
Milleneum, No. IX 17
Faith of the church, No. VIII, 19
The Gospel, No. II, 20
Communication from W. A. Cowdery, Fredom, Oct. 28, 1834, 21
P. S. Do. ---- 22
Communication from W. W. Phelps, Liberty, Mo, Oct. 20, 1834, 24
Communication from S. B. Stoddard, Saco, Me. Oct. 20, 1834, 24
Communication from D. W. Patten and W. Parrish, Paris, Ten. Oct. 11, 1834, 24
Communication from Elder John Murdock, Eugene, In, Oct. 11, 1834, and remarks by the Editor, 25
On signitures, &c. 25
Communication from O. Cowdery, to W. A. Cowdery, 26
Rise of the church, 27
No. 3.
Communication from W. W. Phelps, Liberty, Mo. Nov. 6, 1834, 33
Library of the Earl Spencer, &c. 34
Communication from W. A. Cowdery, Freedom, Nov. 28, 1834, 35
Faith of the church, No. IX, 35
The Gospel, No. III, 37
Millenium, No. X, 39
Communication from Joseph Smith jr. 40
Remarks, 41
An extract from the Message of the Governor of Mo. on the affairs of the Mob in July, 1833, 41
Conference notices, 41
Death, 41
Rise of the church, 41
Summary, 43
Close of another year, 46
No. 4.
Communication from w. W. Phelps, Liberty, Mo. Nov. 13, 1834, 49
Faith of the church, No. X, 51
Millenium, No. XI, 53
Gospel, No. IV, 54
Communication form Edward Partridge, INdependence, Mo. Aug. 31, 1833, 56
Communication from Ambrose Palmer, New Portage, O. January 28, 1835, 61
Conditions of re-printed Star, 62
Conference Notice, 62
Bishop Partridge's letter, 62
Deaths, 63
Summary of letters from Elders, &c. 63
No. 5.
Communication from W. W. Phelps, Liberty, Mo. Christmas, 1834, 65
Millenium, No. XII, 67
Faith of the church, No. XI, 68
Gospel, No. V, 71
Obituary, 74
Summary of letters, 75

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Communication from the Brookville, Ia. Enquirer, 77
Rise of the church, 77
No. of students, &c. 80
Terms of school, Kirtland, Feb. 27, 1835, 80
No. 6.
Communication from W. W. Phelps, Liberty, Mo. Feb. 6, 1835, 81
Faith of the church, No. XII, 83
Millenium, No. XIII, 84
Gospel, No. VI, 87
Communication from Elder O. Pratt, Cincinnati, O. Febuary 16, 1835, 89
P. S. 89
Conference notices, Kirtland, March 8, 1835, 90
------------------ recalled, 90
Request to T. B. Marsh and O. Pratt, 90
Remarks on delusions, &c. 90
Communication from Elder S. Carter; and remarks by the Editor, 93
Reception of Peopl's and Parley's Magazine, 95
Water drinkers, &c. 95
Rise of the church, 95
Spring months, 96
No. 7.
Communication from W. W. Phelps, Liberty, Mo. Febuary 21, 1835, 97
Communication from W. A. Cowdery, Freedom, March 10, 1835, 97
Communication from M. C. Nicerson, Perrysburgh, N. Y. January 30, 1835, 99
Minutes of a conference, held at Freedom, N. Y. April 3, 1835, 101
Communication from W. E. M'Lellin, Huntsburgh, O. April 16, 1835, 102
Communication from D. Evans, Perry, April 19, 1835, 103
Extract of conference minutes Kirtland, O. April 27, 1835, 103
Summary of Letters, 103
Trouble in the West, 104
Inquisition in the United States; and remarks, on the same, 107
Read the Constitution of the U.S.A. 107
Request of Hirum Smith and Jared Carter, 107
Rise of the church, 108
Invitations to attend conference at New Portage, Ohio, 112
No. 8.
Communication form W. A. Cowdery, Freedom, March 17, 1835, 113
Communication from W. W. Phelps, Kirtland, May 19, 1835, 114
conference minutes of the traveling high counsel, Westfield, May 12, 1835, 115
Millenium, No. XIV, 116
Gospel, No. VII, 118
Address to the patrons of the Mes. and Adv. 120
Call for arrearages, &c. 122
Deaths, 122
Remarks on Theological lectures, 122
Lecture V. 122
------- VI, 124
Faith of church, 126
Conference at New Portage, Ohio, 128
No. 9.
Communication form W. W. Phelps, Kirtland, Ohio, June 1, 1835, 129
P. S. 131
Gospel, No. VIII, 131
Faith of the church, No. XIII, 133
Communication form W. Parish and W. Woodruff, Paris, Ten. May 16, 1835, 135
Address, 135
To the Saints scattered abroad, 137
Recommend of Bishop Partridge, 138
Communication from Elder O. Pratt, Freedom, N. Y. May 18, 1835, 139
Selected from the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, with remarks, &c. 140
Communication from D. Evans, Columbiana co. Ohio, May 24, 1835. 141
Communication from H. Gree, Clinton co. Ill. May 15, 1835, 142
Communication from Elder J. Blakeslee, Ellisburgh, N. Y. May 18, 1835, 142
Conference minutes held at New Portage Ohio, 142
John's definition of love, 144
Hymn, Adam-ondi-Ahman, 144
Sabbath Hymn, 144
Deaths, 144
No. 10.
Communication from W. W. Phelps, Kirtland, Ohio, July, 1835, 145
The house of God, 147
Slanderous, &c. 148
Is the end near, 149
Remarks on Mr. Bradley's discourse, 150
Conference minutes of the travelling high council held at Freedom, N. Y. and remarks, 153
Conference at New Portage, by request, 153
Lecture on children, 154
Apology for abridging letters, 155
Pimy Foot's request, 155
Rise of the church, 155
Morning Hymn, 159
Extracts of letters from Elders abroad, 160
Letters must be post paid, 160
Sacrament Hymn, 160
No. 11.
General Assembly, 161
Faith of the Church, No. XIV, 161
Lo the days come, &c, 166
Letters from the Elders abroad, 166
Time, 168
Prayer, 168
Doctrine and Covenants, 170
Persecution, 170
-------------- form the beginning of the fourth century to the death of Galerius, 171
Withdrawing fellowship form Ph. H. Young, 176
Delay of this Number, 176
Obituary, 176
Praise ye the Lord, 176
Evening Hymn, 176
No. 12.
Communication from W. W. Phelps, 177
------------- from J. Smith jr. to J. Whitmer, 179
Ancient order of things by Elder S. Rigdon, 182
Communication from Elder L. Jackman and C. Baldwin, Clear Creek, Illinois, 185
Communication form Elder G. M. Hinkle, 186
Extract of Conference minutes, Kirtland, Ohio, 186
Extract of minutes of Conference held at Black River, New York, 186
Cleanliness, 187
On the gathering of Israel, 188
To the Elders abroad, 191
Death, 191
Return of the twelve, 191
Extract of W. Woodruff's letter, 191