Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 7/Minutes of conference at Freedom N.Y.

Freedom, April 3, 1835.

Brethren members of the Church of Latter Day Saints met in conference agreeably to previous appointment.

1st. Order being restored, brother Sidney Rigdon was called to the chair, and W. A. Cowdery was chosen Secretary.

2d. Opened conference by a few preliminary remarks from the chair, and a concert of prayer by the Elders present.

3d. Itinerant Elders gave a short relation of their travels and success in delivering the testimony of Jesus, the great head of the Church.

4th. Heard an address and instructions from the chair relative to the government, progress and prospects of the Church.

5th. Adjourned till to-morrow, 10 o'clock, A. M.

Saturday, April 4th, met agreeably to adjournment, and the conference was opened by prayer by the Chairman.

Proceeded 1st. to business. Heard reports from the different churches represented.

2d. The church, in Westfield, Chautauque county, is not represented, but from a source of information entitled to our entire credence, we learn that the members are the same as represented at the last conference. And the church in Laoni in the same county in point of numbers, is the same as at last conference, with the exception of one member removed.

The church in Orangeville and Java, Genesee county, now numbers but fourteen; three having been excluded since last conference. Represented by Elder Otis Shumway, Delegate.—The church in Burns, Allegany county, now numbers twenty three members, raised up and established almost wholly by the instrumentality of Elder A. J. Squires. It is represented as being in good standing—A. J. Squires, Elder. The church in Portage Allegany county, raised principally by brother Squires consists of twenty six members represented by Wm. Marks, priest.

|| The church in Rushford, Allegany county, organized and established March 23d, 1835, consists of twenty-six members represented by Elder A. J. Squires, who has been the instrument in the hands of the Lord in establishing it.

|| In Kortright, Delaware county, there are eight members, two of them Elders, represented by John Lawson, Elder.

|| In Tompkins, Delaware County, there are eight members, two of them Elders, represented by Eleazar Willes, Elder.

|| A new church has been recently raised up by the instrumentality of Elders Gould and Babcock in Woodhull, in Steuben co. consisting of six members, represented by J. Gould, Elder.

The church in Grove, Allegany co. consists of eighteen members, two of whom have been added since last conference, reported by J. Gould, Elder.

The church in Avon and Genesee, Livingston county, consists of twenty-three members, one having removed, and two been excluded since last conference, Reuben Hadlock, Elder and Delegate.

The number of brethren in Munson, Monroe county and Lima, Livingston county, is eight in good standing, reported by R. Hadlock, Elder.

The church in Perrysburgh, Cattaraugus county, consists of forty members in good standing, reported by Freeman Nickerson, Elder.

|| Brother Nickerson also reports two members that have not been numbered with any church, one residing in Dayton Cattaraugus county, and one in Collins, Erie county.

The church of Freedom consists of 70 reported by H. Hyde, priest.

3d. After receiving the above reports, there was a call from the chair, on all Elders and Delegates present who had matters of difficulty to adjust in their respective churches, to present them for the consideration of this conference.

Whereupon, brother Reuben Hadlock, presented a charge against Chester L. Heath, an Elder in the Avon and Genesee church for breach of covenant and not observing the word of wisdom.

4th. Moved by Elder J. Murdock, that C. L. Heath be expelled from the church. The motion was duly seconded. The evidence heard, and the question page 102distinctly put and carried without a dissenting voice, that the said C. L. Heath be expelled.

5th. Moved and seconded that the Elders now present have their licenses renewed and signed by the moderator and clerk of this conference.

6th. Resolved, That this conference adjourn sine die.

P. S. This character || is set opposite the returns of such churches or branches, as have not before been represented in any conference.

W. A. COWDERY, Sec'ary.