Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 2/Number 12/Conference minutes and obituaries

Note: Some headings and bracketed texts are editorial and not part of the original text.

191634Latter Day Saints' Messenger and AdvocateVolume 2, Number 12, Conference minutes and obituaries

Conference held at Newry, Mo.


A conference of elders and members of the church of Latter Day Saints was held in Newry, Oxford Co Mo. on the 12th, 13th, 14th, of August last, agreeable to prsvious [previous] notice by letters page 382missive to the different branches of the church represented.

Elders, Brigham Young & Lyman E. Johnson (two of the twelve) were present, Elder Johnson made some preliminary remarks, previous to the beginning of the conference; Elder Brigham Young was called to the chair and Daniel Bean was duly elected clerk. Meeting was then opened by singing. The throne of grace was addressed by elder Young. The elders present were then called on to express their faith and manner of touching the principles of the gospel, which was done to the satisfaction of the council. The priests and the deacons were then called upon each in their respective order, to give a relation of their faith and manner of teaching. There were six elders, five priests and one deacon present. The Book of Doctrine and covenants was received and acknowledged unanimously. The council then made appropriate remarks and adjourned one hour.

Council convened at 1 o'clock according to adjournment, Eld. Johnson opened by prayer.

Official members then proceeded to give a relation of such particulars concerning the branches they respectively represented as seemed agreeable to the mind of the Spirit.

Elder Bean represented 3 branches, (viz.) one of 26 members, Errol branch 17, and Newry branch 29, making 72.

Elder S. B. Stoddard, Farmington branch 33

Eld. R. M. Lord, Saco branch 52

Eld Jonathan Holmes, Bradford branch 12

Eld. James Snow, St. Johnsbury, Vt. branch 13

" do. do. Linden 10

" do. do. Charleston 14

" do. do. Irasburgh 11

" do. do. Jay 14

" do. do. Danville 12

" do. do. Lyman 14

Brother Fisher represented Dalton branch 20

Elder Young represented Boston & Rhode Island branches: the former 12 and the latter 9 21

Eld. L .E. Johnson represented a branch in Sackville, N. Brunswick 19 ___ 817

Brother Joshua Small was then recommenced, received unanimously and ordained to the office of an Elder.

It was decided by the council that Eld. James Snow should go to New Brunswick. Such instruction was then given by the council, as seemed to be wisdom. Two candidates came forward and after due examination, were baptized by elder Johnson. On the 2 following days (13 & 14) there was public preaching at Middleintervale meeting house, in Bethel. The congregation particularly on the sabbath, was large, solemn and attentive a good spirit appeared to prevail. The speakers faithfully warned the wicked, spoke comfortably, yet faithfully to the saints, and good, we trust, was done in the name of the Lord Jesus.



Conference held at Millsford, Ohio


A conference was held agreeable to notice on the 20th inst. at the house of Elder J Knapp in Millsford Ashtabula Co. Ohio, for the purpose of doing some business for the benefit of the church a number of elders and priests were present, after the meeting was opened by prayer, by a unanimous vote, Elder S. Phelps, was called to the chair, and G. Robison, chosen clerk. An address was delivered by President Phelps, before proceeding to business, the spirit of the lord was among us and we believe every secret was brought to light, the difficulty was amicably settled and satisfaction given to all present, there is a church in this place consisting of 32 members and we believe are now, in prosperous circumstances. Great praise is due Elder J. Knapp for his zeal for the cause of Christ, labouring by night & day, presiding over this church.



Millsford August 20, 1836.



Died, at Independence, Cuyahoga Co. Ohio August 9th 1836, sister CHLOE RUDD aged 78 years and 8 months. She had been a member of the church of Latter Day Saints, more than three years. She has "gone down to the grave in a good old age like a shock of corn fully ripe."

—Of a pulmonic affliction, in this town, on the 29th of August, brother page 383JABEZ CARTER, aged 86 years; he embraced the faith of the gospel through much opposition and persecution somewhat over three years since. This aged brother was born in Killingsworth in the State of Connecticut, where the early part of his life was spent; he emigrated from thence to Rutland co., town of Benson and state of Vermont, where the fulness of the gospel first saluted his ears; he, like a true child of God embraced it with all his heart, and often expressed his anxiety to come to this place before he died, saying that he should then be satisfied. Suffice it to say, that he came here in good health, walked our streets with a firm step, viewed the house of the Lord, & then felt to express his satisfaction as did old Simeon when he saw the Savior, "now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." He was taken suddenly and violently ill, lingered about 12 days and God called his happy spirit home.


Sic gloria mundi. When the world seems to be rising new around the aged saints, a generation flushed with hope and full of expectation and presses upon their rere, the companions of their youth are called abroad, or have already fallen a prey to the king of terrors; the recollections and reminiscences of by-gone days cease to entertain or amuse those who are bouyant [buoyant] with hope and anticipation. Therefore, God kindly calls away the aged from the society where they are becoming strangers and pilgrims. He removes them from the evils to come, and the bodies of the Saints shall rest in hope and, their happy spirits dwell in the paradise of God.

Died, In this town on the 29th of July, an infant son of Daniel Carter, aged one year and four months.