Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 2/Number 3/Notices and extracts of letters


We the 70, hereby inform Hiram Strattan, that we have withdrawn our fellowship from him, until he returns to Kirtland and makes satisfaction.


Extract of a letter, dated, Kirtland, Dec. 6, 1835.

Dear brother:

Almost three years have passed away since I embraced the fulness of the gospel of Christ. During the above mentioned time, I have travelled probably not less than eight thousand miles, and can say of a truth, that I have been receiving additional evidences continually, that the work in which I have been engaged, is of the Lord. Since the first of December, I have seen the addition of about 130, to the church. Within a few months past I have baptized six, and in company with other elders fifteen more.

The churches in which I have labored, generally are increasing in numbers, faith, and righteousness.

Yours in the bond of the new covenant.



Kirtland, Dec. 12, 1835.

I embrace this opportunity to give you a brief account of my labors the past season. I left Kirtland the 8th of June, after a pleasant passage to Buffalo I went into Genessee county N.-Y. where I held a number of meetings and proclaimed the gospel without reserve. I then went to Freedom, was joined by elder Darwin Richardson, we tarried a little in Wayne county, in and near a place called Cruso Islands, in this place elders Grant and Stanley had been laboring and did magnify their calling; they sowed the seed, for it has sprang up and borne fruit.

We journeyed on eastward having neither purse nor scrip, and was fed and lodged by the kind inhabitants, who were patrons of the truth, unto whom we proclaimed the gospel, not only in public but in private: we were kindly treated by the people in Alphratha Montgomery county. Dr. Drake was solicitous to have another interview, but with us it was not convenient: we held a few meetings in the town of Pawlet, Vt. Here at the close of one of our meetings a Campbellite, after inter[r]ogating us, used the words of Aquila and Priscilla to Apollus, for said he, page 238I agree with you in most points, and if you will go home with me, I will instruct you more perfectly, we thanked him and accepted the offer: we spent a number of hours in debating, (and he acted the part of a gentleman,) but in the end he acknowledged that he was not able to instruct, as he had anticipated. We crossed the Green mountains at mount Tabor, visited the brethren at Andover, I parted with brother Richardson the last of July, in N. H. he went to his friends in Franconia, labored in that vicinity, and when I last saw him, he had baptized one. I continued preaching almost daily for three weeks in Vermont, and the south part of Grafton county, N. H. I baptized three in Enfield, and have reason to believe there are others that will embrace the new and everlasting covenant. Since the last of August, my labors have been in the north part of N. H. I held a few meetings in Whitefield, baptized three and visited a number of the branches of the Latter Day Saints in the east.

I have through the mercies of my heavenly Father, been permitted to return to my brethren and friends in Kirtland, having preached above forty times, baptized six and obtained four subscribers for the Messenger and Advocate. In the bonds of the new covenant I remain your brother.