Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 2/Number 7/From our elders abroad


Elder Caleb Baldwin writes from Clear Creek Ill. March 14th 1836. After giving a succinct account of his travels from this place, he says the Lord is pouring out his spirit in an astonishing manner, to use his expression the power of God has been displayed here in the eyes of all people to their great astonishment . It appeared to attend their preaching and manifest itself not only in giving his servants a message to deliver to the people, adapted to their wants, but in a good degree accompanying it, with the influence of his holy spirit. Truth we know is mighty and will prevail when that is urged in plainness and honest simplicity satan's dominions always quail under its influence. Elder Baldwin sums up his communication by saying, that the Lord had blessed him and his companion in travel in a wonderful manner since they were in Kirtland last. That they had held thirty three meetings and baptized in all since they left home 26. We say to our brethren in that region, go on, be faithful and the blessings of heaven shall attend you.

Elder Daniel Stevens writes from Killingworth Ct. under date of April 11th 1836, stating that many are favorably disposed in that region, and that a fellow-laborer in the vineyard page 304would be very acceptable. We mention this fact for the reason that, as our Elders are travelling in almost all directions the present season, the the eyes of some of them may catch this article and be induced to unite their strength with that of br. Stevens in the land of steady habits.

Elder Libbeus T. Coons write from Coneaught, Crawford Co. Penn. under date of April 25, 1836, in substance as follows, I left Kirtland on the 12th and arrived in this place on the 19th have labored diligently, and the Lord has blessed me attending the word spoken in his name with his spirit and power. Elder Coons had baptised three at the date of his last, and adds that many listen with attention to the word when it is preached, thereby indicating to us, that prejudice, is given way before the light of reason and truth.

Elder John Knapp writes from Milford, Ashtabula co. Ohio, stating that the Lord was pouring out his spirit in that place, that Elder Samuel Phelps had recently visited them and during his stay baptized five, and since Elder Phelps left he had baptized four more. He further adds that more are convinced of the truth and the present prospect flattering.

To our elders one and all we have to say, be circumspect in all your deportment, be watchful and prayerful, and the God of heaven shall be with you and crown your labors with abundant success. You may always rest assured that you have the prayers and good wishes of your brethren in this place, for your prosperity in the cause of our Redeemer. We trust therefore that you will see your duty and the advancement of the Redeemers kingdom inseparably connected and feel the importance of being diligent in business, fervent in spirit serving the Lord.

Kirtland, March 26.


I take this opertunity [opportunity] to inform you of a short mission, I have recently taken to the west.—Having been invited by some of the most respectable citizens of Newburgh Cuyahoga Co. O. to visit them, and set forth the gospel of Jesus our mediator, in its original simplicity and purity. And also to visit a small branch of the church in Bedford, which was established by Elder B. H. Groves and myself, (the forepart of last winter,) numbering twenty one.

Accordingly I left Kirtland, to visit the before mentioned place, trusting in God for help, who has said: "The laborer is worthy of his hire." I arrived at the Village of Newburgh on the 8th inst. And found that the Methodists had been holding a protracted meeting for seven or eight days in succession. I found it was to continue until next Sunday. I delivered a discourse at 10 o'clock the next day; and concluded to leave the place until they got through with their meeting.—I left an appointment for the next monday evening; and went to visit the before mentioned town. I found the disciples rejoicing in the new and everlasting covenant, and growing in the knowledge of the truth. I preached 5 times and added one more to their number, and many invitations to preach in the adjacent counties, but my time being limited, I was obliged to return to Newburgh. I was informed that the Methodists had closed the meeting some two or three days sooner in consequence of not having hearers. I was informed that notwithstanding their meeting held for near two weeks, there was but two added to their number.

I attended to my appointment on the evening of the 14th: I preached to a large and respectable congregation, and they gave great attention. I preached twice afterwards in the vicinity, God blessed my labors, I baptized 9 whom I left rejoicing in the Lord, and others reading their bibles, to see if these things were so.

The inhabitants of Newburgh, are intelligent and genteel, and I hope the Lord will bless and save as many of them as will comply with the conditions of salvation.