Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 3/Number 6/About to Do It



An agent writes us that he was "about getting" some subscribers, but in the mean time an agent for another paper visited the place, and got them all away. How many failures are there in this world, of things which were about to be done. The merchant was about to go to his store but the customer has come and made his purchase elsewhere. The farmer was about to mend his fence but the cattle have got in and destroyed his corn. The house was about to be insured but in the mean time it took fire and burnt up. The debter [debtor] was about to discharge his honest dues, but in the mean time he suffars [suffers] his money slip away for some other use. The head of a family was about to attend family worship but the proper hour had passed, and the call of a friend, or pressure of business, has laid it aside for the present. The good man was about to make a donation for benevolent purposes, but he died suddenly. The sinner was about to repent, but sudden death prevented. page 474