Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 2002/Section II — Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted

1926716Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 2002 — Section II — Law Enforcement Officers AssaultedFederal Bureau of Investigation
Section II — Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted


Section II contains data pertaining to assaults on sworn city, county, and state law enforcement officers. The information is collected monthly from UCR Program participants who collect and submit data either through their state UCR Programs or directly to the FBI (non-Program states).

Law enforcement agencies report the number of assaults resulting in serious injury or instances in which a weapon was used that could have caused serious injury or death. Agencies record other assaults only if they involved more than verbal abuse or minor resistance to an arrest.

The UCR Program publishes in Section II data reported by those law enforcement agencies that contributed 12 months of officer assault data and the number of officers they employed for the reporting year. In 2002, 9,987 law enforcement agencies providing services to over 216 million inhabitants or 75.0 percent of the Nation's total population met that criteria. Table 2. 1 presents by population groups the number of reporting agencies, the population covered, and the number of officers employed by each of those agencies. Additionally, Tables 55, 57, and 61 present data by population groups.


In 2002, the 9,987 law enforcement agencies contributing publishable data reported that 58,066 law enforcement officers were assaulted in the line of duty. The rate of 12.0 assaults per 100 officers employed in 2002 was 1.6 percent lower than the 2001 rate of 12.2, and 10.4 percent below the 13.4 rate recorded in 1998. The 2002 rate was 18.9 percent lower than the 1993 rate of 14.8 assaults per 100 officers employed. (Based on Tables 54 and 59.)

By region, the rate of law enforcement officers assaulted was the highest in the South, the most populous region, which had 13.9 assaults for every 100 officers employed. Law enforcement agencies in the West had a rate of 10.9 assaults per 100 officers; agencies in the Midwest, a rate of 10.8 assaults; and those in the Northeast, a rate of 10.2 assaults per 100 officers. (See Table 54.)

By population group, the highest rate of assaults on law enforcement officers, 17.5 per 100 officers, occurred in cities with populations of 100,000 to 249,999 inhabitants. Among the Nation's cities, those with under 10,000 inhabitants had the lowest rate, 7.2 assaults per 100 officers. Law enforcement officers in suburban counties experienced an assault rate of 10.3 and agencies in rural counties had a rate of 5.9 assaults per 100 officers. (See Table 55.)


Over 28 percent (28.4) of all law enforcement officers assaulted in 2002 suffered personal injury. Among the Nation's four regions, law enforcement agencies in the Northeast experienced the highest percentage of officer assaults resulting in injury (33.0 percent of the 7,564 officers assaulted). Agencies in the Midwest had 29.8 percent of the 8,930 officer assaults result in injury. Of the 28,321 officers assaulted in the South, 27.7 percent of the officers were injured. In the West, 13,251 officers were assaulted, and 26.3 percent of those officers were injured. (Based on Table 54.)

Among the Nation's cities, law enforcement agencies in cities with populations of less than 10,000 inhabitants had the highest percentage of officers injured among those that were assaulted within their jurisdictions at 32.2 percent. Agencies in cities with populations of 250,000 and over had the lowest percentage at 25.4 percent. Agencies representing suburban counties had 28.9 percent of officers assaulted result in injuries, and rural counties had 29.6 percent of assaults on officers result in injuries. (Based on Table 55.)


Most assaults (14.9 percent) on law enforcement officers in 2002 occurred during the hours of midnight and 2 a.m. Similarly, over the last 10 years (1993-2002), the majority (15.9 percent) of assaults on law enforcement officers occurred within the same time frame. (Based on Table 56.)


Of the total number of assaults on law enforcement officers in 2002, 89.6 percent were cleared by arrest or exceptional means. By circumstance, the greatest number of clearances for assaults on law enforcement officers, 92.4 percent, was for disturbance calls (family quarrels, bar fights, person with firearm, etc.). The circumstance with the lowest percentage of clearances, 72.9 percent, was for officers assaulted in ambush situations. (See Table 57.)


In 2002, the majority (31.1 percent) of officers assaulted were responding to disturbance calls, which include family quarrels, bar fights, person with firearm, etc. Over 13 percent (13.4) of the officers were assaulted while maintaining custody of prisoners, 11.0 percent were assaulted during traffic pursuits or stops, and 9.8 percent were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances. Over 16 percent (16.3) of the officers assaulted were attempting other types of arrests. Officers assaulted by mentally deranged assailants and those investigating burglary, robbery, or civil disorder incidents accounted for 5.1 percent of officers assaulted. The smallest percentage of assaults on law enforcement officers—0.3—were ambush situations. Officers performing all other duties comprised 12.9 percent of the assaults. (See Table 58.)

Types of Assignment

Of those officers assaulted in 2002, 80.6 percent were assigned to vehicle patrols (63.1 percent were assigned to 1-officer patrols, and 17.5 percent were assigned to 2-officer patrols). Of the total number of officers assaulted, 5.6 percent were on detective or special assignment, and 13.8 percent were performing other duties. Fellow officers were at the scene assisting 70.3 percent of the assaulted officers. (Based on Table 58.)


Nearly 81 percent (80.6) of assaults on law enforcement officers in 2002 were committed with personal weapons such as hands, fists, feet, etc. Of those officers assaulted with personal weapons, 29.8 percent suffered injuries. Assaults with firearms accounted for 3.3 percent of all assaults on law enforcement officers. When offenders used firearms, 12.2 percent of the officers assaulted suffered injuries. Knives and cutting instruments were used in 1.8 percent of assaults and resulted in injuries to officers in 17.1 percent of these cases. Other dangerous weapons, which were used in 14.3 percent of all assaults on officers, resulted in personal injuries to 25.7 percent of those officers. (See Tables 59.)

Table 2.1
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Population Covered and Number of Reporting Agencies by Population Group of Victim Officer's Agency, 2002
Population group Number of
Number of
Total 9,987 216,342,701 482,762
Group I (cities 250,000 and over) 63 39,787,874 95,337
Group II (cities 100,000 - 249,999) 142 21,673,985 40,118
Group III (cities 50,000 - 99,999) 329 22,761,452 39,956
Group IV (cities 25,000 - 49,999) 594 20,805,665 37,791
Group V (cities 10,000 - 24,999) 1,330 21,010,862 41,186
Group VI (cities under 10,000)[1] 5,244 17,556,356 59,675
Suburban counties[1] 668 50,088,923 128,219
Rural counties[1] 1,617 22,657,584 40,480
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Includes universities and colleges, state police agencies, and/or other agencies to which no population is attributed.

Table 54
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Region and Geographic Division, 2002
Area Total[1] Rate per
100 officers
Number of
Number of
Total 58,066 12.0 16,494 3.4 9,987 216,342,701 482,762
NORTHEAST 7,564 10.2 2,498 3.4 1,790 29,544,738 73,853
New England 1,754 10.9 596 3.7 424 7,226,097 16,111
Middle Atlantic 5,810 10.1 1,902 3.3 1,366 22,318,641 57,742
MIDWEST 8,930 10.8 2,658 3.2 2,798 41,763,937 82,934
East North Central 4,167 8.5 1,515 3.1 1,266 24,138,342 48,751
West North Central 4,763 13.9 1,143 3.3 1,532 17,625,595 34,183
SOUTH 28,321 13.9 7,850 3.8 3,945 88,095,750 204,172
South Atlantic 17,114 16.1 4,369 4.1 1,590 44,693,378 106,009
East South Central 3,213 10.8 992 3.4 775 12,291,204 28,939
West South Central 8,084 11.7 2,489 3.6 1,580 31,111,168 69,224
WEST 13,251 10.9 3,488 2.9 1,454 56,938,276 121,803
Mountain 4,537 13.6 993 3.0 642 16,552,694 33,430
Pacifc 8,714 9.9 2,495 2.8 812 40,385,582 88,373
  1. Regional and divisional totals do not include data for Illinois, Montana, Vermont, and West Virginia, which were not available for inclusion in this table.

Table 55
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Population group of Victim Officer's Agency, 2002
Population group Total Rate per
Rate per
Total 58,066 12.0 16,494 3.4
Group I (cities 250,000 and over) 16,111 16.9 4,092 4.3
Group II (cities 100,000 - 249,999) 7,040 17.5 2,230 5.6
Group III (cities 50,000 - 99,999) 6,279 15.7 1,676 4.2
Group IV (cities 25,000 - 49,999) 4,204 10.2 1,207 2.9
Group V (cities 10,000 - 24,999) 4,325 7.2 1,391 2.3
Suburban counties 13,214 10.3 3,819 3.0
Rural counties 2,391 5.9 708 1.7

Table 56
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Time of Day, Percent Distribution, 1993-2002
Time Total 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Total 574,990 62,933 64,967 57,762 46,608 52,149 60,673 55,971 58,398 57,463 58,066
Percent distribution[1] 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
12:01 - 2 88,501 10,170 10,164 9,008 7,251 7,971 8,986 8,426 8,960 8,924 8,641
15.9 16.2 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.3 14.8 15.1 15.3 15.5 14.9
2:01 - 4 56,815 6,756 6,488 5,672 4,582 5,013 5,858 5,371 5,708 5,771 5,596
10.2 10.7 10.0 9.8 9.8 9.6 9.7 9.6 9.8 10.0 9.6
4:01 - 6 21,896 2,489 2,577 2,194 1,750 1,894 2,240 2,020 2,254 2,224 2,254
3.9 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.9 3.9 3.9
6:01 - 8 13,339 1,294 1,475 1,241 915 1,072 1,505 1,331 1,427 1,514 1,565
2.2 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.7
8:01 - 10 20,960 1,951 2,191 1,899 1,601 1,846 2,355 2,060 2,311 2,304 2,442
3.4 3.1 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.9 3.7 4.0 4.0 4.2
10:01 - Noon 27,316 2,700 2,990 2,682 2,008 2,333 3,021 2,675 2,920 2,905 3,082
4.5 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.5 5.0 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.3
12:01 - 2 31,850 3,239 3,435 3,127 2,546 2,772 3,246 3,006 3,641 3,349 3,489
5.2 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.3 5.3 5.4 6.2 5.8 6.0
2:01 - 4 39,894 4,192 4,252 3,868 3,281 3,659 4,225 4,053 3,929 4,168 4,267
6.6 6.7 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.2 6.7 7.3 7.3
4:01 - 6 51,223 5,311 5,741 5,097 4,143 4,719 5,505 5,152 5,298 5,039 5,218
8.8 8.4 8.8 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.1 8.8 9.0
6:01 - 8 61,330 6,609 6,832 6,139 5,082 5,727 6,553 6,012 6,198 6,087 6,091
10.5 10.5 10.5 10.6 10.9 11.0 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.6 10.5
8:01 - 10 76,706 8,354 8,636 7,780 6,319 7,108 8,125 7,697 7,675 7,577 7,435
13.5 13.3 13.3 13.5 13.6 13.6 13.4 13.8 13.1 13.2 12.8
10:01 - Midnight 85,160 9,868 10,186 9,055 7,130 8,035 9,054 8,168 8,077 7,601 7,986
15.4 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.3 15.4 14.9 14.6 13.8 13.2 13.8

Table 57
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Circumstance at Scene of Incident and Percent Cleared[2] by Population Group, 2002
Circumstance Total Group
Total 58,066 16,111 7,040 6,279 4,502 4,204 4,325 13,214 2,391
Percent cleared 89.6 91.3 88.2 90.4 90.9 87.7 86.5 89.3 87.7
Disturbance calls (family quarrels, bar rights, person with firearm, etc.) 18,063 4,834 2,342 2,221 1,619 1,512 1,390 3,456 689
Percent cleared 92.4 93.9 90.2 91.5 93.1 89.7 88.9 94.1 93.6
Burglaries in progress/pursuing burglary suspects 820 235 104 91 61 76 67 172 14
Percent cleared 88.2 91.1 98.1 85.7 80.3 84.2 71.6 90.7 85.7
Robberies in progress/ pursuing robbery suspects 505 188 47 71 25 29 20 116 9
Percent cleared 88.7 88.3 95.7 90.1 84.0 79.3 80.0 91.4 77.8
Attempting other arrests 9,464 2,598 1,296 1,064 837 719 775 1,789 386
Percent cleared 90.3 93.0 83.7 89.7 93.2 87.6 88.4 91.9 90.9
Civil disorders (mass disobedience, riot, etc.) 656 112 98 81 64 52 71 146 32
Percent cleared 88.3 91.1 83.7 88.9 95.3 80.8 80.3 90.4 96.9
Handling, transporting, custody of prisoners 7,759 2,009 609 611 486 497 449 2,699 399
Percent cleared 89.0 95.3 90.0 93.6 93.8 91.3 89.8 81.4 90.5
Investigating suspicious persons/circumstances 5,702 2,086 759 703 382 372 378 873 149
Percent cleared 88.2 87.9 88.1 91.0 85.3 87.1 82.8 91.0 88.6
Ambush situations 199 77 17 23 9 13 18 29 13
Percent cleared 72.9 64.9 88.2 87.0 66.7 69.2 72.2 79.3 69.2
Mentally deranged assailants 982 289 131 111 74 66 96 183 32
Percent cleared 81.8 74.0 88.5 81.1 89.2 86.4 85.4 82.5 84.4
Traffic pursuits/stops 6,412 1,854 780 644 454 435 543 1,326 376
Percent cleared 88.0 89.3 86.4 88.7 88.1 85.5 85.8 88.5 87.2
Another 7,504 1,829 857 659 491 433 518 2,425 292
Percent cleared 86.7 87.8 88.7 88.6 85.1 81.8 81.7 89.4 66.8
  1. Due to rounding, the percentages may not add to 100.0.
  2. Offenses reported to the national UCR Program can be cleared either by arrest or exceptional means (when elements beyond law enforcement's control prevent the agency from placing formal charges against the offender).

Table 58
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Circumstance at Scene of Incident by Type of Assignment, Percent Distribution, 2002
Circumstance Total 2-Officer
Special assignment
Alone Assisted Alone Assisted Alone Assisted
Total 58,066 10,142 13,645 22,998 1,142 2,113 2,453 5,573
Percent of total assignments[1] 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Disturbance calls (family quarrels, bar fights, person with firearm, etc.) 18,063 3,468 4,005 8,851 197 285 349 908
Percent of total assignments 31.1 34.2 29.4 38.5 17.3 13.5 14.2 16.3
Burglaries in progress/ pursuing burglary suspects 820 141 167 406 25 16 21 44
Percent of total assignments 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.8 2.2 0.8 0.9 0.8
Robberies in progress/pursuing robbery suspects 505 127 103 181 16 27 25 26
Percent of total assignments 0.9 1.3 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.5
Attempting other arrests 9,464 1,687 2,171 3,809 211 578 323 685
Percent of total assignments 16.3 16.6 15.9 16.6 18.5 27.4 13.2 12.3
Civil disorders (mass disobedience, riot, etc.) 656 90 122 238 21 41 29 115
Percent of total assignments 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.8 1.9 1.2 2.1
Handling, transporting, custody of prisoners 7,759 810 1,311 2,197 173 275 719 2,274
Percent of total assignments 13.4 8.0 9.6 9.6 15.1 13.0 29.3 40.8
Investigating suspicious persons/circumstances 5,702 1,397 1,442 1,833 134 346 205 345
Percent of total assignments 9.8 13.8 10.6 8.0 11.7 16.4 8.4 6.2
Ambush situations 199 43 63 25 4 12 18 34
Percent of total assignments 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.6
Mentally deranged assailants 982 180 180 485 15 29 27 66
Percent of total assignments 1.7 1.8 1.3 2.1 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.2
Traffic pursuits/stops 6,412 1,216 1,985 2,711 97 140 73 190
Percent of total assignments 11.0 12.0 14.5 11.8 8.5 6.6 3.0 3.4
All other 7,504 983 2,096 2,262 249 364 664 686
Percent of total assignments 12.9 9.7 15.4 9.8 21.8 17.2 27.1 15.9
  1. Due to rounding, the percentages may not add to 100.0.

Table 59
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Number of Assaults and Percent Injured by Type of Weapon, 1993-2002
  Total[1] Firearm Knife
or cutting
Number of
Number of
1993 Total assaults 62,933 3,880 1,486 7,155 50,412 8,814 197,550,998 424,054
Percent injured 36.3 27.7 31.6 36.2 37.1
1994 Total assaults 64,967 3,174 1,510 7,197 53,086 10,246 215,500,906 469,426
Percent injured 35.8 26.6 29.3 36.7 36.4
1995 Total assaults 57,762 2,354 1,356 6,414 47,638 8,503 191,759,197 428,379
Percent injured 30.1 19.3 23.9 31.1 30.7
1996 Total assaults 46,608 1,878 871 5,069 38,790 7,803 165,263,526 371,964
Percent injured 32.1 24.8 30.7 39.4 31.5
1997 Total assaults 52,149 2,110 971 5,800 43,268 8,120 184,824,864 411,015
Percent injured 30.4 23.1 25.4 32.1 30.6
1998 Total assaults 60,673 2,126 1,098 7,415 50,034 8,153 193,098,427 452,361
Percent injured 30.7 20.7 23.7 30.2 31.3
1999 Total assaults 55,971 1,772 999 7,560 45,640 9,832 207,124,112 462,782
Percent injured 28.0 11.9 17.5 27.1 29.0
2000 Total assaults 58,398 1,749 1,015 8,132 47,502 8,940 204,598,589 452,531
Percent injured 28.1 11.4 15.2 26.9 29.2
2001 Total assaults 57,463 1,841 1,168 8,233 46,221 9,773 213,645,308 471,096
Percent injured 28.3 10.3 15.3 26.1 29.7
2002 Total assaults 58,066 1,889 1,056 8,326 46,795 9,987 216,342,701 482,762
Percent injured 28.4 12.2 25.7 29.8
  1. Assault figures published in prior years' editions of Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted have been updated in this table.

Table 60
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Region, Geographic Division, and State by Type of Weapon, 2002
Area Total Firearm Knife or
Number of
Number of
Total 58,066 1,889 1,056 8,326 46,795 9,987 216,342,701 482,762
Percent distribution 100.0 3.3 1.8 14.3 80.6
NORTHEAST 7,564 212 108 1,090 6,154 1,790 29,544,738 73.853
New England 1,754 24 31 316 1,383 424 7,226,097 16,111
Connecticut 507 6 8 75 418 96 2,871,712 6,540
Maine 259 2 3 23 231 132 1,291,128 1,861
Massachusetts 337 4 12 38 283 47 1,223,374 3,852
New Hampshire 219 1 2 56 160 106 776.326 1,373
Rhode Island 432 11 6 124 291 43 1,063,557 2,485
Middle Atlantic 5,810 188 77 774 4.771 1,366 22,318,641 57,742
New Jersey 2,999 39 44 460 2.456 480 8,315.740 21,581
New York 443 3 7 35 398 251 6,075,367 17,869
Pennsylvania 2,368 146 26 279 1,917 635 7,927,534 18,292
MIDWEST 8,930 230 181 960 7.559 2,798 41,763.937 82,934
East North Central 4,167 113 70 417 3.567 1,266 24,138,342 48,751
Indiana 1,214 33 13 68 1,100 169 4,639,092 7,746
Michigan 1,504 58 44 218 1,184 575 9,856,504 20,793
Ohio 874 11 6 87 770 231 5,130,275 9.779
Wisconsin 575 11 7 44 513 291 4,512,471 10,433
West North Central 4,763 117 111 543 3,992 1,532 17,625,595 34,183
Iowa 561 11 23 96 431 229 2,914,512 4,429
Kansas 1,245 21 22 93 1,109 298 2,576.967 6.514
Minnesota 81 3 5 9 64 283 4,176,303 6,697
Missouri 2,592 77 52 311 2,152 504 5,497,696 11,948
Nebraska 180 5 5 27 143 137 1,604,508 3,227
North Dakota 68 0 0 5 63 67 568.709 925
South Dakota 36 0 4 2 30 14 286,900 443
SOUTH 28,321 965 514 4.436 22,406 3,945 88,095,750 204,172
South Atlantic 17,114 466 283 2,790 13,575 1,590 44,693,378 106,009
Delaware 419 6 5 90 318 50 806,717 2,205
District of Columbia[2] 17 0 1 4 12 2 0 368
Florida 8,628 192 151 1,441 6,844 396 16,186,485 39,127
Georgia 1,068 66 22 133 847 325 6,657,492 16.530
Maryland 3,096 59 44 416 2.577 118 4,503,859 11,755
North Carolina 2,092 83 29 244 1,736 338 7,167,448 16,650
South Carolina 490 27 8 72 383 100 2,136,892 4,845 Virginia 1,304 33 23 390 858 261 7,234,485 14,529
West Virginia[1]
East South Central 3,123 172 89 712 2,150 775 12,291,204 28,939
Alabama 370 13 11 54 292 224 3,586,846 7,787
Kentucky 327 14 11 37 265 17 1,289,107 2,418
Mississippi 290 13 4 48 225 99 1,629,539 3,562
Tennessee 2,136 132 63 573 1,368 435 5,785,712 15,172
West South Central 8,084 327 142 934 6,681 1,580 31,111,168 69,224
Arkansas 295 20 11 70 194 174 2,423,110 4,706
Louisiana 1,884 31 13 88 1,752 154 3,607,093 13,739
Oklahoma 843 44 14 132 653 301 3,493,714 6,305
Texas 5,062 232 104 644 4,082 951 21,587,251 44,474
WEST 13,251 482 253 1,840 10,676 1,454 56,938,276 121,803
Mountain 4,537 204 102 692 3,539 642 16,552,694 33,430
Arizona 2,164 112 51 318 1,683 84 5,143,638 10,451
Colorado 845 35 23 147 640 177 4,132,248 9,378
Idaho 191 6 6 31 148 113 1,309,851 2,355
Nevada 452 15 4 48 385 29 1,787,535 3,255
New Mexico 571 27 15 125 404 66 1,398,142 2,797
Utah 240 8 2 16 214 11 2,393,988 4,144
Wyoming 74 1 1 7 65 62 487,292 1,050
Pacific 8,714 278 151 1,148 7,137 812 40,385,582 88,373
Alaska 115 7 6 19 83 30 598,264 1,058
California 6,893 230 115 936 5,612 456 30,390,046 72,948
Hawaii 223 8 7 26 182 3 1,092,127 2,414
Oregon 354 4 6 40 304 98 2,396,207 3,423
Washington 1,129 29 17 127 956 225 5,908,938 8,530
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Data for Illinois, Montana, Vermont, and West Virginia were not available for inclusion in this table.
  2. The figure represents the number of assaults on officers reported by the Metro Transit Police and the National Zoological Park.

Table 61
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Population Group of Victim Officer's Agency by Type of Weapon, 2002
Population group Total Firearm Knife or cutting instrument Other dangerous weapon Personal weapons
Total 58,066 1,889 1,056 8,326 46,795
Percent distribution 100.0 3.3 1.8 14.3 80.6
Group I (cities 250,000 and over) 16,111 748 262 2,210 12,891
Group II (cities 100,000 - 249,999) 7,040 177 129 1,100 5,634
Group III (cities 50,000 - 99,999) 6,279 140 110 870 5,159
Group IV (cities 25,000 - 49,999) 4,502 119 114 663 3,606
Group V (cities 10,000 - 24,999) 4,204 114 76 627 3,387
Group VI (cities under 10,000) 4,325 121 101 590 3,513
Suburban counties 13,214 362 205 1,829 10,818
Rural counties 2,391 108 59 437 1,787

Table 62
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Circumstance at Scene of Incident by Type of Weapon, Percent Distribution,[1] 2002
Circumstance Total Firearm Knife or
Total 58,066 1,889 1,056 8,326 46,795
Percent distribution 100.0 3.3 1.8 14.3 80.6
Disturbance calls (family quarrels, bar fights, person with firearm, etc.) 18,063 554 486 1,766 15,257
Percent Distribution 100.0 3.1 2.7 9.8 84.5
Burglaries in progress/pursuing burglary suspects 820 33 14 193 580
Percent distribution 100.0 4.0 1.7 23.5 70.7
Robberies in progress/ pursuing robbery suspects 505 111 11 100 283
Percent distribution 100.0 22.0 2.2 19.8 56.0
Attempting other arrests 9,464 207 117 1,109 8,031
Percent distribution 100.0 2.2 1.2 11.7 84.9
Civil disorders (mass disobedience, riot, etc.) 656 10 2 90 554
Percent distribution 100.0 1.5 0.3 13.7 84.5
Handling, transporting, custody of prisoners 7,759 26 55 616 7,062
Percent distribution 100.0 0.3 0.7 7.9 91.0
Investigating suspicious persons/circumstances 5,702 289 100 911 4,402
Percent distribution 100.0 5.1 1.8 16.0 77.2
Ambush situations 199 53 6 42 98
Percent distribution 100.0 26.6 3.0 21.1 49.2
Mentally deranged assailants 982 68 87 127 700
Percent distribution 100.0 6.9 8.9 12.9 71.3
Traffic pursuits/stops 6,412 271 50 2,222 3,869
Percent distribution 100.0 4.2 0.8 34.7 60.3
All other 7,504 267 128 1,150 5,959
Percent distribution 100.0 3.6 1.7 15.3 79.4
  1. Due to rounding, the percentages may not add to 100.0.