Letter from Jeremy Hunt to John Walter Jones acknowledging Jones' resignation as Chair of the S4C Authority

Letter from Jeremy Hunt to John Walter Jones acknowledging Jones' resignation as Chair of the S4C Authority (2010)
by Jeremy Hunt

Letter of December 7, 2010 from the Secretary for Culture, Jeremy Hunt, to the former Chair of S4C Authority, John Walter Jones, in response to his resignation letter.

1349458Letter from Jeremy Hunt to John Walter Jones acknowledging Jones' resignation as Chair of the S4C Authority2010Jeremy Hunt
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
Secretary of State
2-4 Cockspur Street
London SWlY 5DH

CMS 161041/asg

John Walter Jones

7 December 2010

image-alt=Dear John,

Thank you for your letter of 6 December informing me of your decision to retire as Chair of the Authority with immediate effect. I am sorry that you felt this was the only option to make progress at S4C.

I would like to thank you for your 6 years of dedicated service to the channel and the way you have approached your roles as both a member of the Authority and subsequently as Chair.

I have always maintained my position that Welsh Language television broadcasting is a vital part of the media sector and I would like to thank you for your significant contribution to it.

I agree with you that the best next step to ensure a strong and sustainable future for this public service broadcaster and its audience is to progress meaningful negotiations between S4C and the BBC.

I extend my best wishes for your future endeavours.

image-alt=Yours ever, Jeremy

Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport