Letter to the Sub Inspector of Police Roma Street

Letter to the Sub Inspector of Police Roma Street (1917)
3709834Letter to the Sub Inspector of Police Roma Street1917

C-O-P-Y. Ref. No9578/17

Brisbane District,

Roma Street Station.

3rd December, 1917.

Relative to the Police on duty at the Government Printing Office, Time,and and names of the men on each Relief.


I beg to report in compliance with the Inspector's Memo dated 30/11/17 attached herewith, that acting under instructions the undermentioned Non Commissioned Officers and men were posted for duty at the Government Printing Office, George & William Streets, City, from 2.p.m. 27/11/17 to 11.15am 29/11/17.

27/11/17. 2p.m. to 10.p.m.
Acting Sergeant Howard.
Constables May, Bevan, Flynn.
Acting Sergeant Todd.
Constables Horan, Morris & Horn.

27/11/17. 10.pm to 6.am.
Acting Sergeant McCoy.
Constable Taylor, Anders & Bannon.
Acting Sergeant Claire.
Constable McLean, Hogan & Corrigan.

28/11/17. 6.am to 2.pm.

Acting Sergeant Howard.
Constables May, Bevan & Flynn.
Acting Sergeant Todd.
Constables Horan Morris & Casey.

28/11/17. 2.pm to 10.pm.

Acting Sergeant Zillman.
Constables Etherson, McCreath & Sobbie.
Sergeant Gowran.
Constables Kreutzer, Quinn & McKenna, J.

28/11/17. 10.pm to 6 am.

Acting Sergeant McCoy.
Constables Taylors, Anders & Bannon.
Acting Sergeant Claire.
Constable Johnstone,A. Hogan & Corrigan.

29/11/17/ 6.am to 11.15. am.

Acting Sergeant Zillman.
Constables Rivett, McCreath & Sobbie.
Sergeant Gowran.
Constables Kreutzer, Quinn,M.J. & McKenna,J.

Signed Jno M. Brown
Sergeant No 247

The Sub Inspector of Police,