Letters of John Huss Written During His Exile and Imprisonment/Letter 14, To John of Chlum

For other English-language translations of this work, see Letter of Jan Hus to John of Chlum (Gracious lord, please get me a Bible).



[[[Author:Jan Hus|Huss]] desires to have several things in his prison to beguile the time, and fortify himself by the perusal of the Holy Scriptures.]

My good Seignior, endeavour to obtain a Bible for me, and send it by this excellent man;[2] and if Peter, your secretary, has any ink, let him give me some, with a few pens and an inkstand.

I have no news of my Polish servant, nor of Master Cardinal; I have learned only that your noblemen are here with the Emperor; wherefore, I conjure you to entreat his Majesty in my favour, and in the name of Almighty God, who has so generously bestowed his gifts upon him, and on account of the justice and truth which ought to be made manifest for the honour of God and the advancement of his Church; beseech his Majesty to deliver me from my chains, that I may be enabled to dispose of myself, and appear before a public assembly. Learn that I have been very ill, and have been obliged to take remedies, but that I am now better. Salute, I pray you, the Bohemian noblemen who are at the King’s court.

Written in prison, and by the well-known hand of Peter our secretary.[3]

  1. Hist. et Monum. Johan. Huss, Epist. Iiii.
  2. Huss transmits, without doubt, this message by one of the keepers, whom he praises in another letter.
  3. Peter Maldoniewitz.