Librarians as Wikipedians: From Library History to “Librarianship and Human Rights”

St. Paul, Minnesota, USA: Progressive Librarians Guild, St. Catherine University, MLIS Program, pages 1–12

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Summer 2014

Librarians as Wikipedians: From Library History to “Librarianship and Human Rights”

Authors: Kathleen de la Peña McCook

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia built collaboratively using wiki software, is the most visited reference site on the web. Only 270 librarians identify as Wikipedians of 21,431,799 Wikipedians with named accounts. This needs to change. Understanding Wikipedia is essential to teaching information literacy and editing Wikipedia is essential to foster successful information-seeking behavior. Librarians who become skilled Wikipedians will maintain the centrality of librarianship to knowledge management in the 21st century—especially through active participation in crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is the online participation model that makes use of the collective intelligence of online communities for specific purposes in this case creating and editing articles for Wikipedia.

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McCook, Kathleen de la Peña, "Librarians as Wikipedians: From Library History to “Librarianship and Human Rights”" (2014). School of Information Faculty Publications. Paper 316.

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Kathleen de la Peña McCook

Librarians as Wikipedians
From Library History to
“Librarianship and Human Rights”

Wikipedia: Need for Librarians as Contributors

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia built collaboratively using wiki software, is the most visited reference site on the web.[1] Only 270 librarians identify as Wikipedians[2] of 21,431,799 Wikipedians with named accounts.[3] This needs to change. Understanding Wikipedia is essential to teaching information literacy and editing Wikipedia is essential to foster successful information-seeking behavior. Librarians who become skilled Wikipedians will maintain the centrality of librarianship to knowledge management in the 21st century—especially through active participation in crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is the online participation model that makes use of the collective intelligence of online communities for specific purposes[4] in this case creating and editing articles for Wikipedia.

I began my career as a librarian in pre-digital times when the Guide to Reference Books was called Winchell. As a young librarian I conscientiously reviewed new editions of reference resources and annotated my copy of Winchell until the next edition was released—a rather big event in the librarian calendars of the last century. Since 2000 the Guide has only been published online.[5] Yet the special expertise of librarians honed by our deep understanding

English edition of Wikipedia-number of articles

English edition of Wikipedia-number of articles[6]

of the reference books annotated in Winchell (later Sheehy, then Balay, now Kieft) and honored in yearly reviews[7] may give us false confidence that our expertise is widely understood and appreciated. In the 21st century these skills make little difference unless we connect them to the world’s largest and most used reference tool—Wikipedia.

Academic bias against Wikipedia was discussed in 2007 at Inside Higher Education as Middlebury college history professors banned its use, although the columnist points out that an analysis of the accuracy of Wikipedia for The Journal of American History found that in many entries, Wikipedia was as accurate or more accurate than more traditional encyclopedias.[8] Now seven years old, the 161 comments attached to the column illuminate librarian and faculty opinions heavily critical of Wikipedia as a source.

In a 2010 study of Wikipedia use in higher education Head and Eisenberg point out: “Far more students, than not, used Wikipedia….Reasons for using Wikipedia were diverse: Wikipedia provided students with a summary about a topic, the meaning of related terms, and also got students started on their research and offered a usable interface.“[9] As our students are increasingly digital natives,[10] we can expect them to be more open to crowdsourced technologies like Wikipedia.

The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education developed by the Association of College and Research Libraries is in the revision process at the time of this writing (May 2014). It defines information literacy:

Information literacy combines a repertoire of abilities, practices, and dispositions focused on expanding one’s understanding of the information ecosystem, with the proficiencies of finding, using and analyzing information, scholarship, and data to answer questions, develop new ones, and create new knowledge, through ethical participation in communities of learning and scholarship.[11]

This definition of information literacy certainly provides a rationale for using Wikipedia, but The Framework indicates no strong recognition of the growing importance of Wikipedia as a source. This is a missed opportunity. Again, Wikipedia is the most used reference resource in the world.

“Wikipedia and Knowledge Management:” the Courses

During 2013-2014 I developed a new course, “Wikipedia and Knowledge Management,” and reorganized two other courses, “History of Books and Libraries,” and “Librarians and Human Rights” with large portions of assignments to be done in Wikipedia. I decided that students could apply critical thinking skills to enhance articles in Wikipedia and at the same time work to increase the amount of information about libraries and librarianship at the site. Since my classes are 60 percent women it also seemed to me that teaching more women to edit in Wikipedia would be a way I could help in a small way to address the gender gap among Wikipedia editors.[12] I live by the question asked by Eleanor Roosevelt, ‘Where do human rights begin? In small places, close to home, so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination.’[13] A class is a good small place.

In this article I provide a summary of the work done by students enrolled in these classes at the University of South Florida, School of Information, a program accredited by the American Library Association.[14] Students were extraordinarily creative and without limits as they went through tutorials and became proficient at editing.[15] The outcome of the classes was that enrolled students are now creative contributors, skilled editors, and managers of content in Wikipedia. They are both librarians AND Wikipedians.

To demonstrate the scope of work I provide examples from the three classes. These examples are intended to demonstrate the range of scholarship and creativity that graduate students accomplished as editors. Clearly, these are examples of solid work on which others can build and expand. Crowdsourcing by librarians is a strategy for extending our contributions to knowledge and especially to topics relating to books and libraries.

“Wikipedia and Knowledge Management” Course Overview
“Wikipedia and Knowledge Management” Course Overview

LIS Course: “Wikipedia and Knowledge Management.”

A geographical, sociological and chronological overview of knowledge management beginning with the printed encyclopedia. How Wikipedia came about and how a virtual army of volunteers crowd-sourced a user-built encyclopedia of over 4 million articles. Class activities will include editing, writing and organizing knowledge to be included in Wikipedia.[16]

Biographical contributions

Out of the gate one student added a new entry on The Librarian (Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s painting).

The Librarian (Giuseppe Arcimboldo)
The Librarian (Giuseppe Arcimboldo)

The Librarian (Giuseppe Arcimboldo)

Another student observed: “Wikipedia’s list of librarians was looking male dominated and Eurocentric so I added some notable female and international librarians. While I was glad to see that so many had Wikipedia pages, I thought it was important they be included in an overall view.” By including a few examples of this student’s work taken from the “history” tab of each page we can see how this was accomplished (see endnote 17).[17]

For the human rights class a new entry was written for Clara Breed, a librarian in San Diego, California, remembered chiefly for her support for Japanese American children during World War II. This entry was featured in the 2/28/14 DYK section[18] and had over 8,137 visits in between time of creation and March, 2014. It was one of the top visited pages in March 2014. The user page of petercannon[19] is a resource to review this process. Additionally, here is a screen shot:

here is a screen shot:>
here is a screen shot:>

Below is a list of over 40 biographies added during the three classes. Those with a + symbol were new entries. Others were extant entries that were expanded and edited. Because Wikipedia is not in alphabetical order but is an openly searchable database I have listed biographies the way they appear on their Wikipedia pages. Some students included new images with their reports and a few examples are provided. Some wrote biographies of librarians whose careers had a focus on human rights. Some looked to the history of the discipline to add notable librarians and book people.

Ainsworth Rand Spofford Hâfiz Osman
Alice S. Tyler Hedwig Anuar
Alois Senefelder +Helen Marot
Ana Rosa Núñez Henrietta M. Smith
Anne Jarvis James Logan
+Beatrice Winser +Jane Walker Burleson
Charles Ammi Cutter José Toribio Medina
+Clara Breed +Joseph Henry Reason
Clara Whitehill Hunt +Josephus Nelson Larned
Caroline Hewins Justin Winsor
Eliza Atkins Gleason +Juliette Hampton Morgan
Eliza Farnham Li Dazhao
+Emily Wheelock Reed Louise Noëlle Malclès
+Francis R. St. John +Maria Chavez-Hernandez
+Fred C. Cole +Maria Luisa Monteiro da Cunha
Garth Williams Marianne Scott

Helen Marot was a Progressive librarian and Labor Movement activist

Helen Marot was a Progressive librarian and Labor Movement activist

Melvil Dewey Samuel Gompers
+Patricia Swift Blalock +Shen Zhurong
+Olinta Ariosa Morales +Tony Pizzo
+Randolph Greenfield Adams Thomas Bray
S. R. Ranganathan William Frederick Poole
Sadie Peterson Delaney +Winarti Partaningrat

Winarti Partaningrat. Indonesian leader in the creation of a special library networking system

Winarti Partaningrat. Indonesian leader in the creation of a special library networking system

100 of the Most Important 20th Century Leaders in the United States

And, as a tour de force, one student (already a well-established Wikipedian—the legendary Gamaliel)[20] decided to edit and update entries for librarians listed in American Libraries as “100 of the Most Important Leaders We Had in the 20th Century.”[21] He went through the list and looked for basic things to improve: categories, citations, redirects, dates of birth/death, etc. For most leaders listed below additions and edits were made to improve and enhance their entry.

Mary Eileen Ahern Emerson Greenaway
Alexander Allain James Christian Meinich Hanson
(intellectual freedom advocate) Adelaide R. Hasse
May Hill Arbuthnot Frances E. Henne
Lester E. Asheim Caroline M. Hewins
Hugh Atkinson Carleton B. Joeckel
Augusta Baker Virginia Lacy Jones
William J. Barrow Frederick Paul Keppel
Mildred Leona Batchelder (Carnegie Foundation)
John Shaw Billings Harry Miller Lydenberg
William Warner Bishop Stephen McCarthy
Henry Bliss Archibald MacLeish
Sarah Bogle Margaret Mann
Richard Rogers Bowker Charles Martel
William Howard Brett Allie Beth Martin
Pierce Butler Frederic G. Melcher (bookman)
Andrew Carnegie (not a librarian) Keyes D. Metcalf
Leon Carnovsky Carl H. Milam
Verner Warren Clapp Sydney B. Mitchell
David Horace Clift William Andrew Moffett
Fred C. Cole Foster E. Mohrhardt
George Watson Cole Anne Carroll Moore
Robert B. Croneberger Bessie Boehm Moore
Arthur Curley (trustee leader)
John Cotton Dana Everett T. Moore
Sadie Peterson Delaney Isabel Gilbert Mudge
Melvil Dewey Isabel Gilbert Mudge
William S. Dix L. 0uincy Mumford
Robert B. Downs Ralph Munn
Paul Dunkin Paul Peter Evans
Linda Eastman Effie Louise Power
Margaret A. Edwards Herbert Putnam
Charles Evans Joseph Henry Reason
Luther Evans Ernest C. Richardson
Virginia Proctor Powell Florence Arthur Fremont Rider
Henry Clay Folger (book collector) Frank Bradway Rogers
Herman H. Fussler Charlemae Rollins
Loleta Fyan Francis R. St. John
Mary Gaver Frances Clarke Sayers
Rudolph H. Gjelsness Marvin Scilken
Fred Glazer Margaret C. Scoggin
Margaret Hayes Grazier Minnie Earl Sears

Katharine Sharp Robert G. Vosper
Ralph Shaw Douglas Waples
Jesse H. Shera Joseph L. Wheeler
Louis Shores Edward C. Williams
Frances Lander Spain Charles C. Williamson
Forrest Spaulding Halsey William Wilson
Mortimer Taube Louis Round Wilson
Maurice Tauber Constance M. Winchell
Ralph Ulveling Donald Goddard Wing[22]
George Burwell Utley

To get an idea of the kinds of changes made to these entries by Gamaliel a few examples are provided in the endnotes [23]

Library Associations

Library associations are not well represented in Wikipedia and adding and editing them could be a major focus for librarians who become Wikipedians.[24] So much work to support intellectual freedom and outreach takes place in librarian associations that is documented haphazardly on websites of various degrees of currency. There is much support for students by hundreds of librarians in their associations raising funds for scholarships or awards that encourage research: The Progressive Librarian Guild’s Braverman Award, for example.[25] Having Wikipedia entries for library associations enhances the visibility of library and information work. Students added new entries and expanded extant ones. The list of library associations on which class members worked to update links is a starting point for additional article creation and editing.[26]

American Association of Law Libraries
+Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries
Association of Research Libraries
Bibliographical Society of America
+Florida Library Association
+Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (American Library Association)
Library Association of Ireland
Southeastern Library Association
+Tampa Bay Library Consortium
+Virginia Library Association
Young Adult Library Services Association

Library Updates or New Entries (+) United States

Another group of entries on which students worked were devoted to a variety of U.S. libraries and related topics. Once again those proceeded by a + were new to Wikipedia. Other topics were expanded.

The classes felt that general library information was lacking for many locations and students were especially conscientious adding photographs, location data and history for many libraries. Wikipedia entries on Florida counties were inconsistent in the inclusion of library system information. Student Dgiguere89 did as stunning amount of work adding library information to county entries. A few examples indicate the scope of her work.[27] Though Florida libraries were the majority of the entries, some in other states were included.

African-American Research Library and Cultural Center, Broward County, Florida

African-American Research Library and

Cultural Center, Broward County, Florida

Anton Brees Carillon Library (FL)

+Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History (GA)
Boca Raton Public Library (FL)
Bradenton Carnegie Library (FL)
Carnegie Library
Broward County. African-American Research Library and Cultural Center (FL)
+Diaz Ayala Cuban and Latin American Popular Music Collection (DAC) at Florida International University Libraries
Digital Public Library of America
Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington (Virginia)
Grace Church Complex (Massapequa, New York). DeLancey Floyd-Jones Free Library
Jones Free Library
Hernando County Library System (FL)
+Howard-Tilton Memorial Library (Tulane University, New Orleans)
+James Weldon Johnson Community Library, a historic African American library in St. Petersburg (FL)
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art. Sarasota (FL). Library
+John F. Germany Public Library. Tampa (FL)
Library of Virginia
Louisville Free Public Library, Western Colored Branch
+Manatee County Historical Records Library (FL)
Miami-Dade Public Library System
Mirror Lake Library (FL)
National Book Festival
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
New York Society Library
+New Port Richey Public Library (FL)
Pasco County Library Cooperative (FL)
Palm Beach County Library System (FL)
Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
Ocala Carnegie Library (FL)
Pennsylvania State Archives
Pinellas County. Libraries (FL)
Polk County Historical & Genealogical Library. Old Bartow Courthouse (FL)
St. Johns County (FL)
Tampa Free Library
Virginia Beach Public Library System

Libraries Outside of United States

A great deal of work was done adding information to national library entries. However, one class member, Brooksky, who tried to add information about the National Library of Pakistan was unable to do so. The individual watching the site—“Smsarmad” used the ruse of copyright violation to delete information that was added. Having reviewed the work I know it was not copied and was information that had been documented with notes from secondary sources. When Brooksky met Smsarmad’s demands the changes were still deleted. Inexplicably the higher authority agreed that the sources should be deleted. I could only surmise that individuals who become conversant in the Wikipedia community on certain topic have created levels of authority that can overturn well intentioned and accurate information on rare occasions. To overturn this would take much more editing focus than was available to this class. We did not have difficulties with any other national library. It is likely best to be aware that this sort of activity can go on, can be discouraging, but is not typical. It would be a leap to suggest that there is a cultural bias against women editing the National Library of Pakistan site, but it could be an aspect of the “Malala effect.”[28] Interested readers may want to review the “Talk” pages for this library to see how issues might be contested.[29]

Listed below are national library entries that were edited by students in the classes.

Albania Costa Rica
Algeria Democratic Republic of Congo
Angola Ethiopia
Azerbaijan Germany
Belarus Iran
Botswana Norway
Brazil Portugal
Burkina Faso South Africa
Burundi Turkey
Cambodia Ukraine
Cape Verde Uruguay

And a few additional non-U.S. entries demonstrate the range of library and manuscript entries that can be expanded.

List of libraries in the ancient world
Cotton library
Dresden Codex
+Gazi Husrev-beg Library
Herzog August Library
Library of Ashurbanipal
Library of Celsus
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Human Rights and Librarianship

Human rights topics or libraries with a focus on human rights such as the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History were added. Librarians with a notable commitment to human rights are listed

  1. Alexa. accessed May 20, 2014; List of most popular websites. accessed May 25, 2014.
  2. Wikipedian Librarians. Accessed May 19, 2014. Category:Wikipedian_librarians
  3. Wikipedians. (dynamically updated with the magic word: NUMBEROFUSERS).
  4. Brabham, Daren C. 2013. Crowdsourcing. The MIT Press, 2013.
  5. Robert H. Kieft, “When Reference Works Are Not Books: The New Edition of the Guide to Reference Books,” RUSQ 41, no. 4 (2002): 330–34.
  6. History of Wikipedia. note-Grand20-1 . Accessed May 23, 2014. See also List of Wikipedias. . Accessed May 23, 2014.
  7. Gregory, Patricia (2013). “Outstanding Reference Sources.” Reference & User Services Quarterly 52, no. 4: 342.
  8. Scott Jaschik, 2007. “A Stand against Wikipedia,” Inside Higher Ed (January 26, 2007) Accessed May 22, 2014.
  9. Alison J. Head and Michael B. Eisenberg, “How today’s college students use Wikipedia for course-related research.” First Monday v. 15 March 2010.
  10. Emanuel, J. (2013). Digital Native Librarians, Technology Skills, and Their Relationship with Technology. Information Technology & Libraries, 32(3), 20-33.
  11. First part of the draft Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as linked from the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information literacy for Higher education. Accessed May 20, 2014.
  12. Adeline Koh. “Join the Global Women Write In #GWWI on Wikipedia Tomorrow!” The Chronicle of Higher Education. March 17, 2014. Accessed May 27, 2014; Ed Yong, “Edit-a-thon gets women scientists into Wikipedia: Royal Society hosts event to redress online encyclopaedia’s gender imbalance.” Nature October 22, 2012. Accessed May 27, 2014.
  13. Roosevelt, Eleanor, and Allida Mae Black. 2010. The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers. The human rights years, 1945-1948. Charlottesville (Va.): University of Virginia Press.
  14. University of South Florida, School of Information. Accessed May 25, 2014.
  15. Editing Tutorial Accessed May 25, 2014/. Wikipedia: Starting an article Accessed May 25, 2014.
  16. Kathleen de la Peña McCook. Course description for “Wikipedia and Knowledge Management” taught Fall semester, 2013 at University of South Florida, School of Information. Accessed May 27, 2014.
  17. The history tab allows readers to view the editors of the article and the changes that have been made. Listed here are a few of the changes made to include women and librarians from a more diverse set of backgrounds to the “list of librarians.”
    User:Mcgowanlianna Accessed May 26, 2014.
    18:04, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) List of librarians (Margaret Scoggin) (current)
    18:01, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+27) . . List of librarians (Frances Clarke Sayers)
    17:54, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+24) . . List of librarians (Effie Louise Power)
    17:53, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+25) . . List of librarians (Mary Wright Plummer)
    17:49, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+23) . . List of librarians (Allie Beth Martin)
    17:48, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+92) . . List of librarians (Virginia Lacy Jones)
    17:40, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+21) . . List of librarians (Helen Haines)
    17:39, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+25) . . List of librarians (Virginia Gaver)
    17:37, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+89) . . List of librarians (El Sayed Mahmoud El Sheniti)
    17:33, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+23) . . List of librarians (Theresa Elmendorf)
    17:31, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+30) . . List of librarians (Karl Dziatzko)
    17:23, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+55) . . List of librarians (Shen Zhurong)
    17:21, 6 November 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+26) . . List of librarians (Eliza Atkins Gleason)
  18. Category: Passed DYK nominations from February 2014. Accessed May 25, 2014.
  19. User:Petercannon Accessed May 26, 2014.
  20. User:Gamaliel Accessed May 23, 2014.
  21. 100 of the most important leaders we had in the 20th century. (1999). American Libraries, 30(11), 38.
  22. 100 of the most important leaders we had in the 20th century. (1999). American Libraries, 30(11), 38.
  23. User:Gamaliel Accessed May 27, 2014.
    The history tab allows readers to view the editors of the article and the changes that have been made. Listed here are a few of the changes made from the list of 100 library leaders of the 20th century.
    (del/undel) 13:49, 26 September 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+201) . . Frederick Paul Keppel (corrected dob/d, added to intro with citation) Carleton Joeckel (←Redirected page to Carleton B. Joeckel) (current)
    (del/undel) 15:49, 23 September 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+16) . . Herman H. Fussler (corrected and cited dob in intro) (current) [rollback: 3 edits]
    (del/undel) 14:16, 23 September 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . m Linda Eastman (→ Early life and career) (current) [rollback: 3 edits] (Tag: VisualEditor)
    (del/undel) 13:44, 23 September 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+85) . . Leon Carnovsky (+Category:University of Missouri alumni; +Category:University of Chicago alumni using HotCat) (current) [rollback: 2 edits]
    (del/undel) 13:08, 23 September 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+44) . . Augusta Braxton Baker (added Category:New York Public Library people using HotCat) (current) [rollback: 2 edits] (del/undel) 19:28, 1 October 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+101) . . Bessie Boehm Moore (→ Early life and education: Arkansas State Teachers College)
    (del/undel) 17:53, 30 September 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+31) . . N Allie Martin (←Redirected page to Allie Beth Martin) (current)
    (del/undel) 17:48, 7 October 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+167) . . Marvin H. Scilken (+Category:People from the Bronx; +Category:Bronx High School of Science; +Category:University of Colorado at Boulder alumni; +Category:Pratt Institute alumni using HotCat)
  24. Look for example at “List of Library Associations specific to American states” Only 15 state library associations have Wikipedia entries as of May 27, 2014. Accessed May 27, 2014
  25. Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize. Accessed May 27, 2014.
  26. List of library associations. Accessed May 27, 2014.
  27. Dgiguere89.. Accessed May 26, 2014.
    18:23, 31 October 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+1,170) . . Hamilton County, Florida (added information about the library)
    18:12, 31 October 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+425) . . Taylor County, Florida (added information about the library) (current)
    18:10, 31 October 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+400) . . Gilchrist County, Florida (added information about the library) (current)
    18:08, 31 October 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+428) . . Lafayette County, Florida (added information about the library) (current)
    18:05, 31 October 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+243) . . Dixie County, Florida (added information about the regional library system) (current)
  28. Yousafzai, Malala, and Christina Lamb. 2013. I am Malala: the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban. Little, Brown, & Company, 2013. See also “Because I am a Girl—the Malala Effect.” Accessed May 29, 2014.
  29. Talk:National Library of Pakistan. Accessed May 26, 2014.