Lines Written in the Album at Elbingerode, in the Hartz Forest

Versions of
Lines Written in the Album at Elbingerode, in the Hartz Forest (1799)
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"First published in the Morning Post for 17 September 1799; included in the Annual Anthology (1800). The lines were sent to Sara Fricker Coleridge in a letter of 23 April 1799 (L l: 504-5): 'At the inn they brought us an Album, or Stamm-Buch, requesting that we would write our names and something or other as a remembrance that we had been there. I wrote the following lines which I send to you, not that they possess a grain of merit as poetry, but because they contain a true account of my journey from the Brocken to Elbinr‘ode [Elbingerode].'" From The Complete Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1997), p.532, edited by William Keach (Penguin Books)

3262314Lines Written in the Album at Elbingerode, in the Hartz Forest1799Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Versions of Lines Written in the Album at Elbingerode, in the Hartz Forest include: