Littell's Living Age/Volume 173/Issue 2243/Moradabad and the Jubilee

Littell's Living Age
Volume 173, Issue 2243 : Moradabad and the Jubilee

Originally published in Allahabad Pioneer.

220189Littell's Living AgeVolume 173, Issue 2243 : Moradabad and the Jubilee

Moradabad and the Jubilee — The people of Moradabad have determined on commemorating the jubilee of the queen-empress in a thoroughly practical and useful form — one in consonance with the noble movement now on foot for the amelioration of the sufferings of India’s women. At a cost of some twenty thousand rupees, contributed partly by private subscriptions and partly by municipal donations, the Jubilee Hospital for Females is to be erected on a suitable plot of ground, acquired for that purpose near to the Civil Hospital. The building is to be of a novel and picturesque design, and will contain eight special wards for purda-nashin women, besides accommodation for sixteen other female patients, quarters for female doctor, dispensing and store rooms. Mr. Spedding, the magistrate of Moradabad, is working hard to secure the buildings being constructed at the earliest possible date. “When this is done” — to use the words of Dr. Walker, inspector-general of civil hospitals — “and the female hospital is placed under the charge of a trained female practitioner, the Moradabad Hospital will be in advance of any other in these provinces.” In connection with the above movement, we may mention that Moradabad will have the honor of heading the list of jubilee card collections, the applications for cards having been first received from this district. A sum of over eight thousand rupees has already been collected on these cards, chiefly in small sums. If other districts will only follow the example of Moradabad, the success of the Dufferin Fund will be assured.