London 'prentice, or, The wanton mistress/Welcome, welcome brother debtor

Dated from external evidence.

3281738London 'prentice, or, The wanton mistress — Welcome, welcome brother debtor


Welcome, welcome, brother debtor,
to this poor, but merry place,
Where no bailiff, dun, nor setter,
dare to shew his frightful face:
But, kind Sir, as you’re a stranger,
down your garnish you must lay,
Or your coat will be in danger;
you must either strip or pay.

Ne’er repine at your confinement,
from your children or your wife;
Wisdom lies in true resignment,
through the various scenes of life.
Scorn to shew the least resentment,
though beneath the frowns of fate;
Knaves and beggars find contentment,
fears and cares attend the great.

Though our creditors are spiteful,
and retain our bodies here,
Use will make a goal delightful,
since there's nothing else to fear:
Every island's but a prison,
strongly guarded by the sea;
Kings and princes for that reason,
pris'ners are as well as we.

Pray, what made great Alexander
weep at his unfriendly fate?
'Twas because he could not wander
beyond the world's prison gate.
For the world is also bounded,
by the heav'ns and stars above;
Why should we then be confounded,
since there's nothing free but love.