Massacre of Glencoe (1824)/Welcome Royal Charlie

4257186Massacre of Glencoe — Welcome Royal CharlieAnonymous


Arouse! arouse! ilk kilted clan,
Let Highland hearts lead on the van,
Forward wi' her durk in hand,
To fight for royal Charlie.
Welcome Charlie, owre the main.
The Highland hills are a’ your ain,
Welcome to your ain again,
Welcome royal Charlie.

Auld Scotia’s sons ’mang Highland hills,
Can nobly brave the face o' ills;
For kindred fire ilk bosom fills,
At sight of royal Charlie.
Welcome Charlie, &c.

Her ancient Thistle wags hoe-pow.
And proudly waves o'er dale and knowe,
To hear the oath and sacred Vow—
"We'll live or die wi‘ Charlie!"
Welcome, Charlie, &c.

Rejoiced to think nae foreign weed.
Shall tranple on her hardy seed,
For weel she kens her soon will bleed,
Or fix his throne right fairly.
Welcome, Charlie, &c.

Amang the wilds o' Caledon,
Breathes there a base degenerate son,
Wha would not to his standard run,
And rally round Prince Charlie.
Welcome, Charlie. &c.

Then let the flowing quaich go round,
And boldly bid the pibroch sound,
Till every glen and rock resound
The name o’ royal Charlie.
Welcome. Charlie, &c.