Achilles, The, of Zeno, 252.
Action, and pure knowledge, xvii; and pure memory, planes of, 210; and time, 23; necessary, 6; needs of, and bodies, 261; orientation of consciousness towards, 233; plane of, 130, 217; possible, 7; real and virtual, 310; reflex and voluntary, 81; the true point of departure, 67; useful, and pure knowledge, 262; virtual and real, 57.
Actual sensation and pure memory differ in kind, 179.
Adaptation, the general aim of life, 96.
Adler, 143.
Affection, 310; always localized, 61; and perception, difference between, 53; has, from the outset, some extensity, 61; impurity in perception, 60; its source, 57.
Affective states, vaguely localized, 52.
Amnesia, retrogressive, 224.
Amnesias, systematized, 222.
Aphasia, 231; cases of, 139; conception of, xv; diagrams of sensory, 156; sensory, 149; sensory, evidence from certain forms of, 139.
Aphasias, the true, 151.
Apraxia, 111.
Arrow, The, of Zeno, 252.
Association, not the primary fact, 215; of ideas, in what it consists, 103; of ideas, laws of, 212; of perceptions with memory, 106.
Associations, of similarity and contiguity, 212 ff.
Attention, and recognition, 119; a power of analysis, 124; compared to telegraph-clerk, 123; first, an adaptation of the body, 120; negatively, inhibition of movement, 120; perception and memory, relations of, 120 ff.; to life, xiv, 226; to life, conditioned by body, 225.
Atom, Faraday's theory of, 265; Kelvin's theory of, 265; modern theories of, 266; properties of, 263.
Automatic, the, and the voluntary, 145.
Automatism, no; wide range of, 99.
Babilée, 149 note.
Bain, 161.
Ballet, 144 note.
Becoming, instantaneous section of, 86.
Berkeley, and Descartes, ix; and 'mechanical philosophers,' ix; and the object, viii; on extensity, 284 ff.
Berlin, 101 note.
Blindness and deafness, psychic, 132; word, 132; psychic, 108, 111, 161; psychic, as a disturbance of motor habit, 115; psychic, two kinds of, 115; word, two kinds of, 133.
Bodies, distinct, and the needs of life, 261.
Body, a centre of action, 5, 178; a centre of perceptions, 43; and mind, relation of, 295; and soul, relation of, 234; an instrument of action, 299; an instrument of choice, 233; a moving boundary between future and past, 88; a moving, trajectory of, 246; a place of passage, 196; conditions attention to life, 225; consciousness of, is my present, 177; does not give rise to representation, 5; education of, 139; is that which fixes the mind, 226; known from within as well as from without, 1; provides for the exercise of choice, 5; receives and gives back movement, 5; structure of, 3; the living, its unique place, 1.
Bradley, 120 note.
Brain, and memory, relation between, 119; an instrument of analysis and of choice, 20; a telephonic exchange, 19; cannot beget representation, 81; concerned with motor reaction, 8; functions of the, 18; injuries to the, effect of, 231; lesions affect movements, not recollections, 88; lesions affect nascent or possible action, 120; lesions and recognition, attentive and inattentive, 132; lesions and the motor diagram, 143; not concerned with conscious perception, 8.
Brochard, 106 note.
Centre of representation, the body, 64.
Cerebral, localization, 131; mechanism, conditions memories, does not ensure their survival, 84; mechanism, links the past with action, 88; vibrations, cannot create images, 10; vibrations, contained in the material world, 10.
Change, and permanence, 260.
Character, a synthesis of past states, 188.
Chemistry, studies bodies rather than matter, 263.
Clerk-Maxwell, 263 note.
Colours, and rhythm of movement, 268.
Conceptualism and nominalism, criticism of, 202.
Consciousness, actual, deals with useful, rejects the superfluous, 188; and matter, 276 ff.; and the inner history of things, 276; chief office of, 182; different planes of, 318 ff.; double movement in, 216; illusion in regard to, 182; its office in perception, 69; its part in affection, 2; not the synonym of existence, 181; of another tension than ours, 275; orientation of, towards action, 233; rhythm of, 272; the fringe of, 97; the note of the present, 181.
Contiguity and similarity, associations of, 212 ff.
Continuity, universal, and science, 260.
Cowles, 228 note.
Dawn, of human experience, 241.
Deafness, and blindness, psychic, 132; and blindness, word, 132; psychic, does not hinder hearing, 161; word, two kinds of, 133; word, with retention of acoustic memory, 142.
Diagram, the motor, and brain lesions, 143.
Diagrams, of sensory aphasia, 156.
Dichotomy, The, of Zeno, 251.
Direction, sense of, 115.
Dissociation, is primary, 215.
Dodds, 111 note.
Dogmatism and empiricism, ignore duration, 242.
Drawing, methods of, 116.
Dreamer, the, 198.
Dreams, memory in, 200.
Drugs, toxic, effect of, 228.
Dunan, 286 note.
Duration, 243; our own, and quality, 271; tension of, determines the measure of liberty, 279; tensions of 275.
Duval, 200 note.
Dynamists and mechanists, xvi.
Dyslexie, 101 note.
Ear, the mental, 166.
Egger, 200 note.
Eleatics, paradoxes of, 253.
Epiphenomenalism, x.
Epiphenomenon, and recollection, 104.
Equilibrium, intellectual, how upset, 225.
Existence, capital problem of, 189; conditions implied in, 189; implies conscious apprehension and regular connexion, 190; outside of consciousness, 183; real though unperceived, in time and in space, 185.
Exner, and empty time, 272.
Extended, the, and the inextended, 325.
Extension, 326; and artificial space, 244; concrete, not bound up with inert space, 244; idea of, 237.
Extensity, and inextension, 235; concrete, and homogeneous space, 278; concrete, not within space, 289; perceived, space conceived, 245; perception of and sight, 286; visual and tactile, 65.
Exteriority, notion of, 42.
Fouillée, 112 note.
Freedom and necessity, 279, 325 ff., 330 ff.; degrees of, 296; two opposing points of view concerning, 243.
Freud, 157 note.
Future, no grasp of without outlook over past, 69.
General idea, essence of the, 210.
Generality, 202.
Genus, general idea of, 209.
Goldscheider, 125.
Granville, Mortimer, 101 note.
Graves, 153 note.
Habit-memory, 90; acts, not represents, the past, 93; advantageous, 94; comparatively rare, 94; inhibits spontaneous memory, 97; sets up a machine, 95.
Hamilton, 121 note.
Heterogeneity, qualitative, 76.
Höffding, 107 note.
Human experience, dawn of, 241.
Idea, and sound, in speech, 154.
Ideas, association of, laws of the, 212.
Ideas, general, 201, 321; always in movement, 210; first experienced, then represented, 208; the essence of, 210.
Idealism, and materialism, 236; and realism, vii; and realism, have a common postulate, 17, 283; English, 282, 287, 289; makes science an accident, 16; the reef on which it is wrecked, 301.
Idealist, the, starts from perception, 14.
Idealists and realists, xvi.
Image, a privileged, 64; formed in the object, 35; none without an object, 38; present and representing, 28; representation and thing, vii; visual or auditory, 99.
Image-centre, a kind of keyboard, 165.
Image-centres, 132.
Images, and the body, 1; belong to two systems, 12; never any thing but things, 159; not created by cerebral vibrations, 10; preserved for use, 70; recognition of, 86; the delimiting and fixing of, 233.
Imagination, is not memory, 173.
Indetermination, of the will, 35; requires preservation of images perceived, 69; the true principle, 21.
Inextended, the, and the extended, 325.
Inextension, and extensity, 235.
Intellectual equilibrium, how upset, 225.
Intellectual process, two radically distinct conceptions of, 127.
Interpretation, general problem of, 145.
Intuition, actual and remembered, 70; and contact with the real, 241; pure, gives an undivided continuity, 239.
Janet, Paul, 286 note.
Kant, 289 note; and diversity of phenomena, 244; and speculative reason, 241; and the impersonal understanding, 306; on space and time, 281.
Kantian criticism, ix.
Kelvin, and the atom, 265.
Keyboard, the internal, 165.
Külpe, 125.
Lange, 122 note.
Lehmann, 105 note.
Leibniz, on Descartes, 255.
Leibnizian monads, 31.
Lépine, 200 note.
Lesions, brain and the motor diagram, 143.
Liberty, measure of determined by tension of duration, 279.
Light, red, 272.
Living matter, progress of, 67.
Localization, cerebral, 131.
Lotze, 50.
Luciani, 162 note.
Magnan, 157 note.
Man of impulse, 198.
Marcé, 141 note.
Materialism and idealism, 236.
Materialism and spiritualism, 13.
Materiality, begets oblivion, 232.
Matter, an aggregate of images, vii; and common sense, vii; and consciousness, 276 ff.; and perception, vii, 76; and perception, differ only in degree, 78; and perception, kinship of, 292; and spirit, reciprocal action of, 325; and spirit, transition between, 295; an ever renewed present, 178; artificial division of, 259; coincides with pure perception, 81; considered before dissociation into existence and appearance, viii; definition of, 8; existence and essence of, xvi; has no occult power, 78, 81; in concrete perception, 237; living, progress of, 332; metaphysic of, 295; not the substratum of a knowledge, 82; philosophers' conception of, vii; philosophical theory of, 262 ff.; philosophy of, 80; the vehicle of an action, 82.
Maury, 200 note.
'Mechanical philosophers' and Berkeley, ix.
Mechanism of speech, 139.
Mechanists and dynamists, xvi.
Memories, conditioned by cerebral mechanism, 84; supposed destruction of, 160; where stored. Fallacy involved, 191.
Memory, actualized in an image differs from pure memory, 181; and brain, 86; and brain, relation between, 119; and perception point to action, 302; a principle independent of matter, 81; a privileged problem, xii, 83; auditory, of words, 147; bodily and true, their relation, 197; capital importance of problem of, 80; circles of, 127; contraction of, 129; different planes of, 129; empirical study of, 83; expansion of, 128; function of, in relation to things, 279; gives subjective character to perception, 80; habit, recalls similarity, 201; habit, inhibits spontaneous memory, 97; how it becomes actual, 162; independent, an appeal to, 90; in dreams, 200; intersection of mind and matter, xii; is spirit, 313; its apparent oneness with the body, 82; its part in perception, 70; its twofold operation, 80; loss of, 149; mixed forms of, 103; needs motor aid to become actual, 152; not a manifestation of matter, 313; not an emanation of matter, 237; not destroyed by brain lesions, 132; of a sensation is not a nascent sensation, 174; of words, localization of denied, xv; perception and attention, relations of, 120 ff.; phenomena of, 81; primary function of, 303; psychological mechanism of, 82; psychology of, 295; pure, and action, planes of, 210; pure, and the memory-image, 170; pure, detached from life, 179; pure, differs in kind from actual sensation, 179; pure, inextensive and powerless, 180; pure, interests no part of the body, 179; pure, its reference to spirit, 78; representative, 94 ff.; reverberation, in consciousness, of indetermination, 70; spontaneous, in children and savages, 198; spontaneous, its exaltation and inhibition, 98; spontaneous, recalls differences, 201; subjective side of knowledge, 25; supplanting perception, 24; the condensing power of, 76; the two forms of, 89 ff.; to be sought apart from motor adaptation, 119; true, records every moment of duration, 94; two forms, support each other, 98; two kinds of, 195; visual, 108.
Memory-image, and habit memory, their coalescence, 103; and motor habit, distinct in kind, 103; and pure memory, 170.
Memory-images, and recognition, 92; and the normal consciousness, 96; recognition by, 118; utility determines retention of, 97.
Mental and physical, the, not mere duplicates, 300.
Mental functions, utilitarian character of, xvii.
Mental hearing, 149.
Mental life, tones of, 221.
Mental states, unconscious, 183.
Metaphysical problems, empirical solution of, 83.
Metaphysics and psychology, relation of, xv.
Mill, J. S., and possible sensation, 306.
Mnemonics, 101.
Moeli, 157 note.
Moment, the present, how constituted, 178.
More, Henry, and Descartes, 255.
Moreau de Tours, 228 note.
Motor aphasia, does not involve word deafness, 138.
Motor apparatus, in course of construction, 112.
Movement, absolutely indivisible, 246 ff.; and its trajectory, 250 ff.; as a change of quality, 258; can only produce movement, 119; essence of, 291; real, akin to consciousness, 267; real, and apparent, 258; real, for the physicist, 254; real, quality rather than quantity, 267; real, the transference of a state, 267; relative, for the mathematician, 254; rhythm of, and colours, 268; rhythm of, and sounds, 269.
Movements, consolidated, difficulty in modifying their order, 112; indivisibles, occupying duration, 268; in space and qualities in consciousness, 267; of imitation, 124; prepare the choice among memory-images, 113; real, not merely change of position, 256.
Moving body, 246 ff.
Münck, 107 note.
Münsterberg, 125.
Negative hallucinations, 151.
Nerves, section of, 7.
Nervous system, 3, 17, 227; a conductor, 40; channel for the transmission of movements, 81; constructed in view of action, 21.
Newton, 257 note.
Nominalism and conceptualism, criticism of, 202 ff.
Object, the, and common sense, viii.
Objects and facts are carved out of reality, 239.
Oblivion and materiality, 232.
Oppenheim, 99 note.
Order of representation, necessary or contingent, 187.
Orientation of consciousness, towards action, 233.
Parallelism, x.
Past, an idea, 74; and present, differ in more than degree, 175; essentially virtual, 173; that which acts no longer, 74; has ceased to be useful, 193; how stored up, 87; survival of, 193; survives in two forms, 87.
Past states, synthesized in character, 188.
Pathology, evidence from, 133.
Perception, always full of memory images, 170; always occupies some duration, 25; and affection, difference between, 53; and matter, vii; and matter, kinship of, 292; and memory, difference between, 71; and memory, differ in kind, 75; and memory-image, not things but a progress, 162; and memory, interpenetrate, 71; and memory point to action, 302; and space, 23; a question addressed to motor activity, 42; attention and memory, relations of, 120 ff.; attentive, a reflexion, 124; centres of, 160; directed towards action, 21; displays virtual action, 8; distinct, brought about by two opposite currents, 163; gives us 'things-in-themselves,' 303; impersonal, 25; less objective in fact than in theory, 70; limitation of, 34; means indeterminate action, 22; mixed character of, 270; never without affection, 59; of invidual objects, not primary, 205; of matter, definition of, 8; of matter, discontinuous, 47; of things, of utilitarian origin, 206, primary, a discernment of the useful, 206; pure, 26, 64; pure, an intuition of reality, 84; pure, a system of nascent acts, 74; pure, its reference to matter, 77; pure, lowest degree of mind, 297; pure, theory of, 69; reflective, is a circuit, 126; subjectivity of, 75; varies with cerebral vibrations, 12.
Perceptive fibres, centrifugal, 125.
Permanence and change, 260.
Personality, dilatation of, xiv; diseases of, 229; division of, 229; present undivided in perception, 215.
Philosophy, the method of, 239.
Photography, mental, and subconsciousness, 101.
Phrases and words, 148.
Physical and mental, the, not mere duplicates, 300.
Physical exercise, how learnt, 136.
Presence and representation, 27.
Present, at once sensation and movement, 177; definition of, 193; ideal, 176; ideo-motor, 74; is consciousness of the body, 177; is sensori-motor, 177; materiality of our life, 177; real, 176; that which is acting, 74; unique for each moment, 177.
Present moment, how constituted, 178.
Progress of the idea, 154.
Psychasthenic disease, how explained, xv.
Psychic blindness, 108, 111; and deafness, 132; as a disturbance of motor habits, 115; does not hinder seeing, 161; two kinds of, 115.
Psychology and metaphysics, relation of, xv.
Pupin, 200 note.
Pure memory and the memory-image, 170.
Qualities, in consciousness, and movements in space, 267; of different orders, share in extensity, 282.
Quality, and our own duration, 271; and quantity, 235, 325; sensible, and space, 282; suggests something other than sensation, 271.
Rabier, 106 note.
Ravaisson, 232 note.
Reaction, immediate and delayed, 22.
Realist, the, starts from the universe, 14.
Recognition, and attention, 119; animal, 93; attentive, 118; attentive, a circuit, 145; automatic, 118; basis of, a motor phenomenon, 110; bodily, 109; by memory-images, 118; commonly acted before it is thought, 113; diseases of, 115; erroneous theories of, 107; essential process of, not centripetal but centrifugal, 168; how constituted, 87; in general, 105; intellectual, 145; of images, 86; of words, 133; process of, 316.
Recollection, spontaneous, perfect from the outset, 95.
Recollections, disappearance of, 149.
'Region of images,' 165.
Relativity of knowledge, 241.
Repetition, addressed to the intelligence of the body, 137.
Representation, at first impersonal, 43; image and thing, vii; less than existence, 27; measure of possible action, 30; of the universe, 4; of things, reflected by freedom, 29; unconscious, 183; use of word, 3 note.
Rhythm, of our consciousness, 272.
Rieger, 149 note.
Robertson, 99 note.
Romberg, 141.
Rouillard, 201 note.
Schumann, 100 note.
Schwartz, 51 note.
Self, the normal, 212.
Sense, good, 198.
Sensori-motor system, 225.
Sérieux, 142 note.
Shaw, 161 note.
Sight, and the perception of extensity, 286.
Similarity and contiguity, associations of, 212 ff.
Skwortzoff, 157 note.
Smith, W. G., 100 note.
Sounds, and rhythm of movement, 269.
Soury, 162.
Space, abstract, 273; and sensible quality, 282; and time, homogeneous, not properties of things, 280; artificial, and extension, 244; conceived, extensity perceived, 245; homogeneous, a diagram, 293; homogeneous, and concrete extensity, 278; homogeneous and the new hypothesis, 308; the symbol of fixity, 289; the symbol of infinite divisibility, 289.
Spamer, 141 note.
Specific energy of the nerves, 49.
Speculation, influenced by habits formed in action, xvii.
Spencer, 161 note.
Stadium, The, of Zeno, 252.
Starr, Allen, 111 note.
Stricker, 144.
Subject and object, their distinction and union, 77.
Suggestions, with point de repère, 151.
Survival, of the past, 193.
Symbols, mathematical, express only distances, not real movement, 255.
Thing, image, and representation, vii.
Things, and their environment, 278.
Time, homogeneous, an idol of language, 274.
Tones, of mental life, 221.
Toxic drugs, effect of, 228.
Trajectory, of a moving body, 246.
Valentin, 149 note.
Van der Waals, 263 note.
Verbal images, discontinuous, 159.
Verbs, why retained longest, in aphasia, 152.
Veridical hallucinations, 73.
Vertebrates, nervous system in, 17,
Virtual image and virtual sensation, 169.
Visual image, 99.
Voisin, 141.
Voluntary, the, and the automatic, 145.
Vortex rings, 265.
Wilbrand, 108.
World, material, not part of the brain, 4.
Wysman, 157 note.
Zeno, paradoxes of, 250 ff.
'Zones of indétermination,' 32.