Maury's New Elements of Geography for Primary and Intermediate Classes/Index


KEY.—Vowels: ā in lāte, ă in făt, â in câre, ä in fär, ȧ in lȧst, in fa̤ll, in wạs, in fina̯l, au in author; ē in , ĕ in mĕt, bĕrry, in ve̱il, ë in tërm, in novḙl; ī in fīne, ǐ in tǐn, ï in polïce; ō in nōte, ŏ in nŏt, ȯ in sȯn, ô in fôr, in do̤; ū in tūne, ŭ in nŭt, in rṳde (=), in fụll, ua = wa, ue = we; ȳ in , ў in hўmn. Consonants: ç in çent, maçhine, c in can; ġ in ġem, in ḡet; = ng; = z; th in thine; = gz. Italic letters are silent.

Ȧf-ghăn-ǐs-tän', 120
Af'rǐ-cȧ, 26, 123-130
ag'ri-cul-ture, 22, 42
air, 10
Al-ȧ-bä'mȧ, 55-57
Ȧ-lăs'kȧ, 31, 68, 69
Al-ĕx̱-ăn'drǐ-ȧ, 127
Al-ġē'rǐ-ȧ, 127
Al'le-ḡhe̱-ny, 55
Al-păc'ȧ, 90
Alps, 94
Ȧm'a-zŏn, 83
am'ber, 104
Ȧ-mĕr'ǐ-cȧ, 32
Ȧ-mṳr', 111
An'dēs̱, 82
Ȧn'i-mals, 20, 90
Ant-ärc'tic, 26, 27
Ap-pa-lā'chǐ-an, 80, 88
A-rā'bǐ-ȧ, 121
Arc'tic, 27
Ar-ġĕn-tï'nȧ, 90
Ăr-ǐ-zō'nȧ, 68-71
Ar'ka̯n-sa̤s, 55-59
Asia (ā'shǐ-ȧ), 26, 109-122
Ath'ĕns̱, 108
At-lăn'tȧ, 59
At-lăn'tic, 26, 27
At-lăn'tic coast plain, 31, 38, 52
At'la̯s, 123
Au-gus'tȧ, Ga., 59
Aus-trā'lǐ-a, 26, 131
Aus'trǐ-ȧ-Huṉ'gȧ-ry, 105
āv'ȧ-lănche, 94
ax'is 15
Bȧ-hï'ȧ, 98
Bȧl-kän', 108
Ba̤l'tǐ-mōre, Lord, 49; city, 53, 54
Bȧ-lṳ-chǐs-tän', 120
bamboo, 114
băn'yăn, 120
bā'sin, 15
bay, 13
beet, 62, 104
Bel-fȧst', 90
Bel'gǐ-ŭm, Bel'gǐ-an, 105
Bër'bërs̱, 127
Bër'lin, 104
Bid'de-ford (-fërd), 48
Bir'ming-ha̤m, Ala., 59; Eng., 98
Bō-khä'rȧ, 113
Bo-lǐv'ǐ-ȧ, 88
Bŏm-bay', 120
Bôr'nē-ō, 133
Bŏs'phō-rŭs, 108
Bôs'ton, 48
Brȧ-zǐl', 90, 92
Brit'ish Isles, 98-99
Brook'lўn, 54
Brŭs'sḙls̱, 105
Bụ'dȧ-pest, 106
Buenos Aires (bō'nŭs ā'rǐz), 93
Bŭf'fa-lo, 53, 54
Bụl-gā'rǐ-ȧ, 108
Bur'mȧ, 111, 119
Caī'rō, 127
Căl-cŭt'tȧ, 120
Căl-ǐ-fôr'nǐ-ȧ, 68, 71
camphor, 118
Căn'a-dȧ, 31, 73-75
canals, 64, 104
Can'çer, 19
Can-tŏn', 116
can'yȯns, 38
cape, 11
Cape of Good Hope, 130
Cape Town, 130
cap'i-tal, 23
căr'ȧ-văns, 129
Căr-ǐb-bē'an, 80
Cascade Mts., 30, 70
Căs'pǐ-an, 112
Cau-cā'sian (-sha̯n), 24
Cau'ca-sus, 112
Cĕl'ḙ-bēs̱, 133
Central A-mĕr'ǐ-cȧ, 79, 80
y-lŏn', 119, 120
chain, 12
chan'nel, 13
Chărles̱'ton, 59
Chat-ta-noo'gȧ, 59
Chǐ-ca̤'gō, 63, 64
Chï'le̱, 90
Chī'nȧ, 113-114
Chī-nēse', 113, 114, 118
Chrǐs-tï-ä'nǐ-ä, 100
Çin-çin-nă'tǐ, 63, 64
civ-ǐl-ǐ-zā'tion, 23-24
Clēve'la̯nd, 64
cli'mate, 17
clouds, 13
coast, 11, 18
coastal plain, 11, 31, 88
coffee, 79, 85
Cŏ-lōm'bï-ā, 92
Cŏl-ō-rā'dō, 68, 71
Cō-lŭm'bǐ-ȧ, District of, 43
Cō-lŭm'bus, 32; city, 65
commerce, 22, 42, 64
cȯm'pa̤ss, 5
Coṉ'gress, 43
Cŏn-nĕct'ǐ-cut, 44, 45
Con-stăn-tǐ-nō'ple, 106
con'tǐ-nḙnt, 10, 11, 26, 27
Cō-pḙn-hā'ḡḙn, 105
cor'al, 133
Cork, 107
corn, 63
cotton, 56
crā'ter, 12
Cū'bȧ, 81
Dăl'lȧs, 57
Dȧ-măs'cus, 122
Dăn'ūbe, 95
dates, 127
Dĕl'ȧ-wâre, 49, 52; Bay, 33
Den'mark, 105
Den'ver, 71
des̱'ert, 11
Dḙs Moines', 65
De-troit', 64
diamonds, 88, 130
dipper, 5
di-rec'tion, 4
di-vide', 31
Dub'lin, 99
Dụ-lṳth', 65
Dutch, 104
dyke, 104
earth: size and shape, 9; rotation, 15; revolution, 16
earth'quakes, 83, 93
east, 4
East In'dǐes̱, 133
Ec-uȧ-dōr', 92
Ed'in-burgh (-bŭr-ō), 99
eider-down, 76
E'ġўpt, 125
em'pire, 23
England (ǐṉ'gla̯nd), 98
e-quā'tor, 17
Erie Canal, 54
Es'kǐ-mōs̱, 77
Eū'rȯpe, 26, 94-108
Ev'er-ĕst, 109
fac'to-ries, 46
Fall River, 48
farming, 22, 44
Fez, 127
Fez-zän', 127
fisheries, 76
flax, 104
Flŏr'ḙnçe, 107
Flŏr'ǐ-dȧ, 55-57
flour, 64
forests, 56
Frȧnçe, 105
Fṳ'jǐ-yä'mȧ, 118
furs, 75, 113
Găl'vĕs-ton, 59
Găn'ġēs̱, 120
Ġeôr'ġǐ-ȧ, 55-59
Ġër'mȧ-ny, 104
eȳ'sër, 76
glā'cier (-shër), 94
Glăs'gow (-kō), 99
Gloucester (glos'ter), 48
Go'bï, 113
gold, 68
gov'ern-ment, 23
Grand Rapids, 65
Great Bā'sin, 39
Great Brit'ain, 98, 99
Great Central Plain, 31, 38
Great Lakes, 31, 89, 64
Great Salt Lake, 69
Greeçe, 107
Green'la̯nd, 31, 76
uǐ-ä'nȧ, 92
Guǐn'ēa, 130
gulf, 13
Hāḡue, 104
i'tï, 80
Hăl'ǐ-fax, 75
Hăm'burg, 104
harbor, 13
Hăr'rǐs-burg, 42
Hart'ford (-fërd), 48
Hȧ-văn'ȧ, 81
Hā'ver-hill, 48
Hă-waǐ'ian (-ya̯n), 133
Hecla, Mt., 77
hëm'ǐ-sphēre, 25
hemp, 62
hill, 11
Hǐ-mä'lā-yȧ, 109
Hin'dṳs̱, 119, 120
hogs, 63
Hŏl'la̯nd, 104
Hōl'yōke, 48
Hō-nō-lṳ'lṳ, 134
horses, 63
Hoūs'tȯn, 59
Hŭd'sȯn, B., Henry, 49; R., 52
Huṉ'gȧ-ry, 106
ǐçe'berg, 76
e'la̯nd, 31, 76
I'dȧ-hō, 68-71
Il-lǐ-nois', 61-65
Ïn'dǐ-ȧ, 119, 120
In-dǐ-ăn'ȧ, 61-65
In-dǐ-a̯n-ăp'o-lis, 65
In'dǐ-an O., 26, 27
In'dǐ-ȧns̱, 24, 68
In'do-Chi'nȧ, 119
I'ō-wȧ, 61-65
Ire'land, 99
iron, 53
ir-ri-ga'tion, 70
Is'la̯nd, 11
isth'mus, 11
It'ȧ-ly, 107
Ja-māi'cȧ, 81
Jȧ-păn', 118
Jä'vȧ, 113
Jër's̱eў City, 53
Jē-rṳ'sȧ-lĕm, 122
Kăn's̱a̯s, 61-65
Kăn's̱a̯s City, 63, 65
Ken-tuck'y, 61-65
Kim'ber-ley, 130
Kings'ton, 81
Kŏṉ'go, 123; state, 129
Kō-rē'ȧ, 118
Lab-rȧ-dôr', 76
Lap-la̯nd, 102
lacquer, 118
lat'i-tude, 134
Law'rḙnçe, 48
lĕv'ee, 55
Lew'is-ton, 48
Lī-bē'rǐ-ȧ, 133
Lī'mȧ, 93
Lis̱'bon, 107
Lǐv'er-pool, 98
llă'mȧ, 90
llā'nōs̱, 84
Lȯn'dȯn, 98
lon'gi-tude, 134
Lŏs Aṉ'ḡĕl-ĕs, 71
Lo̤u-ī-s̱ǐ-ä'nȧ, 55-59
Lo̤u'ǐs-ville, 64
w'ĕll, 48
lumbering, 45, 58, 70, 75
Lўnn, 48
Lȳ'ȯns, 105
Măd-ȧ-găs'cȧr, 130
Mȧ-drăs', 120
Mȧ-drǐd', 107
Mȧ-ġĕl'la̯n, 72
Maguey, 78
ine, 45
Ma-lay' penin., 114, 122
Ma-lays̱', 24
Mammoth Cave, 62
Man'ches-ter, Eng., 99
Man'ches-ter, N.H., 48
Man-chṳ'rǐ-ȧ, 118
Man-ǐ-tō-bä', 73
manufacturing, 42, 46
maps, 8
maple sugar, 45
Mä-rȧ-caǐ'bō, 93
Mar-se̱illes̱', 105
Ma'rў-land (mĕr'-), 49-54
Măs-sȧ-chū'setts, 44, 45
mä-te̱, 85
Mayflower, 44
Mec'cȧ, 121
Mel'bourne, 131
Mem'phis, 57

metals, 21
Mex'ǐ-cō, 77, 79; city, 79
Mǐçh'ǐ-gan, 61–65
Mil-wau'kee, 66
minerals, 21
mining, 42
Mǐn-nĕ-ăp'o-lis, 66
Mǐn-nē-sō'ta, 61–65
Mǐs-sǐs-sǐp'pī, 55-59; R., 31, 39
Mǐs-sǐs-sǐp'pī Valley, 39
Mǐs-so̯u'rī, 61–65
Mitch'ḙll, Mt., 55
Mō-bīle', 59
mŏn'arch-ў, 23
Mŏn-gō'lī-a, 118
Mŏn-gō'lī-anṣ, 24, 113, 118
Mŏn-tä'ná, 68–71
Mŏn-te-ne'gro, 108
Mŏn-tē-vǐd'ē-ō, 93
Mŏnt-rē-ḁl', 75
Mō-rŏc'cō, 127
Mŏs'cōw, 102
moun'taīn, 11, 12
mouth, 14
Mō-za̯m-bique' (-be'k'), 130
Nā'pleṣ, 107
Năsh'ville, 69
Ne-brăs'ká, 61–65
ne'groes, 24, 123
th'er-la̯ndṣ, 104
Nĕ-vä'dá, 68–71
New'ark (-ĕrk), 53
New'ca̯s-tle, 99
New Bed'ford (-fĕrd), 48
New England, 44
New'foǔnd-la̯nd, 75, 76
New Guǐn'ēa, 133
New Hamp'shǐre, 44, 45
New Hā'ven, 48
New Jēr'ṣeў, 52
New Mex'ǐ-cō, 68–71
New Or'le-a̯nṣ, 57
New'pōrt, 48
New York, 49, 52; city, 53, 54
New Zēa'la̯nd, 131
Ní-ăg'á-rá, 39
Nǐ-cá-rä'guá, L., 68
Ní'ger, 123
Níle, 123
Nizhni (nyĕz'nyĕ) Nôv'-gō-rod (-rōt), 100
Nor'folk (-fḁk), 53
north, 4
North Á-merǐ-cá, 20, 30–37
North Căr-ō-lǐ'ná, 55–59
North Dá-kō'tá, 61–65
Nor'way, 100
Nō'vá Scō'tia (-shǐ-á), 73
ō'á-sis, 11
occupations, 21, 22
ō-cean (-sha̯n), 26–27
O-ce-ăn'ī-a, 133
O-dĕs'sá, 100
O-hī'o, 61–65
Ōk-lá-hō'má, 56–59
olives, 105
O'ma-hḁ, 63, 66
Or'ē-gŏn, 68–71
O-rǐ-nō'cō, 83
ostriches, 130
Ot'tá-wá, 73
Pá-cif'ic, 27
Pá-cif'ic Highlands, 30, 39
palm, 84
pam'páṣ, 84
Pan-á-mä', 80
Pá-rä', 93
Pä-rá-guaȳ', 85
Păr'ǐs, 105
passes, 94
Păt-a-go'nī-á, 92
Păt'er-son, 53
Paw-tuck'et, 48
pearls, 79
Pē-kǐn', 116
pen-in'sū-la, 11
Penn, 49
Penn-syl-vā'nī-á, 52
Pe-ō'rī-á, 65
Pĕr'sia (-shá), 121
Pĕ-rṵ', 88, 92
pe-tro'le-um, 63, 63, 112
Phil-á-dĕl'phī-á, 49, 53, 54
Phil'īp-pǐne, 133
Píēd'mŏnt Belt, 38
Pitts'burg, 53
Pǐ-zār'rō, 92
plain, 11
plans, 7
plants, 18–19
plá-teau' (-tō'), 11
Plym'oūth, 44
pole, 17
Pŏrt'land, Me., 48; Ore., 71
Pŏr'tō Rī'cō, 81
Pŏr'tū-ga̯l, 106
Pō-tō'ma̯c, 62
prāi'rīe, 11, 61
Prŏv'i-dḙnce, 48
Quē-bĕc', 75
quicksilver, 70
qui'nine, 86
races, 24
Rḁ'leǐgh, 65
ranches, 57
range, 12
rein'deer, 102
re-lǐ'gion, 23
re-pub'lic, 23
Rhíne, 95
Rhōde Is'la̯nd, 44, 45
rice, 68, 118
Rich'mónd, 54
ridge, 12
Rī'o de Já-nei'rō (zhá-), 93
Rī'o de lä Plä'tá, 83
rivers, 14
Rŏch'es-ter, 53
Rocky Mts., 30, 38
Rōme, 107
Ro̯u-mā'nī-á, 108
Russia (rǔsh'á), 100, 102, 112
Săc-rá-mĕn'tō, 71
Sá-hā'rá, 127
St. Au'gǔs-tǐne, 55
St. Law'rḙnçe, 31
St. Lo̯u'ǐs (or -īs), 64
St. Paul, 65
St. Pē'terṣ-burg, 102
salt, 53, 106, 129
Salt Lake, 69
sandalwood, 119
Săn Frăn-çǐs'cō, 71
Săn Frăn-çǐs'cō Bay, 71
Sän-tī-ä'gō, 93
Sän-tī-ä'gō de Cu'ba, 81
Sän'tos (-tosh), 93
Sär-dīn'ī-a, 107
Săs-kătch'e-wạn, 73
Sá-văn'náh, 55, 58, 59
Scăn-dǐ-nă'vī-an, 87, 97
Scot'la̯nd, 99
sea, 9, 13
seaports, 14
sea'ṣonṣ, 16
Sē-ăt'tle, 71
selvas, 84
Sḙ-o̯ul', 117
Sĕr'vī-a, 108
Shăng-hä'ī, 116
Sī-ăm', 119
S-ǐbē'rī-a, 113
Sǐç'ǐ-ly, 107
Sī-ēr'ra Mä'dre, 30
Sī-ēr'ra Nē-vä'dá, 30, 39, 70
silk, 95, 105, 107
silver, 42, 79, 88
soil, 21
sound, 13
source, 14
South A-mĕr'ī-cá, 26, 82–93
South Căr-ō-lī'ná, 55-59
South Dá-kō'tá, 61–65
Spāin, Span'ish, 32, 55, 106, 107
sponges, 122
spring, 14
state 23
Stŏck'hōlm, 100
strait, 13
Sṵ-dān', 129
Sụ-ĕz' Canal, 127
sugar cane, 42, 68, 81
sugar beet, 104
Sụ-mä'trá, 133
Swē'dḙn, 100
Swit'zer-la̯nd, 106
Sўd'ney, 131
Tá-cō'má, 71
tap-i-o'ca, 85
tea, 114, 118
teak, 119
Tĕn-nĕs-see', 56–59
tĕr'ri-to-ry, 43
Tĕx'a̯s, 55–59
Thames (tĕmz), 98
tobacco, 63
Tō'kyo (-ke-ō), 119
Tō-lē'dō, 65
Tō-pĕ'ka, 65
Tō-rŏn'tō, 75
trans-por-ta'tion, 42
Trăns-väal', 130
Trip'o-lī, 127
Troy, 63
Tu'nis, 127
Tṵr-kes-tän', 120
Tur'key, 108, 121
United States, 31, 38–72
U'rṵ-guaȳ', 90
Ū'täh, 68–71
val'ley, 12
Văl-pá-raǐ'sō, 93
Vĕn-ĕ-zuē'la, 90
Vĕn'ǐçe, 107
Ve'rá Cruz (crṵs), 79
Vĕr-mŏnt 44, 45
Vĕ-sū'vǐ-ǔs, 12
Vī-ĕn'ná, 106
Vir-gǐn'ī-á, 49–54
vol-cā'no, 12, 79, 82
Vŏl'gá, 95
Wāleṣ. 99
Wạsh'ing-ton, 43; city, 43; state, 68–71
Wḁ'ter-bur-y (-bĕr-), 48
watershed, 13, 31
West In'diēṣ, 80
West Vir-ģǐn'ī-a, 49–54
whale, 76
wheat, 62
Wheel'ing, 63
Wil'ming-ton, Del., 53; N.C., 58
wine, 70, 104, 105
Wis-con'sin, 61-65
wool, 104
Wȳ-ō'ming, 68–71
Yel'lōw-stōne Park, 69
Yō'kō-hä'mä, 119
Yō-sĕm'ī-tē, 69
Zám-be'zī (or -ze), 123
Zān-zǐ-bär', 180
zones, 17