Medford Mail Tribune/1911/July 19/Miss Hobbs Spurns Votes for Women

Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1911
Miss Hobbs Spurns Votes for Women

Medford Mail Tribune

2639110Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1911 — Miss Hobbs Spurns Votes for Women


SALEM, Ore., July 19.—Although Governor West has spoken in favor of woman's suffrage, there is one member of his force who has committed lese majeste and has declared her opposition to the universal franchise. She is Miss Fern Hobbs, chief clerk to the government and she said today she hoped the time would never come when women were enabled to vote.

"I would just simply dread such a time," she said. "And wouldn't I look nice as a candidate for governor. No we women have troubles enough now without worrying over politics."