Mediaeval Hymns and Sequences/Jam pulsa cedunt nubila
Jam pulsa cedunt nubila.
The cloud of night is past away:
Mary, rejoice, rejoice, to-day! Alleluia.
He That abhorred not thy womb
Hath risen victorious from the tomb. Alleluia.
The dart of death is knapped in twain:
At Jesu's feet death's self lies slain. Alleluia.
In consolation our annoy,
Our sorrow hath his end in joy. Alleluia.
The Face with spitting marred so late
Is glorious now as Heav'n's own gate. Alleluia.
Graved in His Hands and Feet, the Wounds
Are rivers whence all Grace abounds. Alleluia.
Thy transverse arms, O Cross, are now
The sceptre whereto all things bow. Alleluia.