Memoirs of a Huguenot Family/Interesting Family Meeting

Memoirs of a Huguenot Family (1853)
Fontaine, James, b. 1658; Maury, Ann, 1803-1876; Fontaine, John, b. 1693; Maury, James, 1718-1769
Interesting Family Meeting.
1952982Memoirs of a Huguenot Family — Interesting Family Meeting.1853Fontaine, James, b. 1658; Maury, Ann, 1803-1876; Fontaine, John, b. 1693; Maury, James, 1718-1769


The next interesting item of family history, which we are able to bring to light, is the fact, that, after our ancestors emigrated to Virginia, they were in the habit of meeting annually, to hold a solemn religious thanksgiving, in commemoration of their remarkable preservation, when attacked by French privateers, in the south of Ireland.

The following sermon was preached on one of these occasions, by the Rev. Peter Fontaine. It bears the date upon it, and also a pencil memorandum of the Psalms and Lessons which he had selected as appropriate to the services of the day.

1st June 1723.
I. LESSON. Exodus xiv.
II. LESSON. Ephesians vi., from v. 14 to the end.


Almighty and most glorious Lord God, who dost render ineffectual the most subtle devices and best concerted measures of wicked and haughty men, and didst as at this time with a high hand and lifted up arm deliver us from our inveterate enemies; and hast sundry times before and since exerted thy power in our favor; grant that we may always bear so grateful a sense of these thy mercies in our minds, as may engage us to embrace all opportunities of worshipping and glorifying and praising thee, with one mind and with one mouth, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who taught us, &c.