Men-at-the-Bar/Aspinall, John Bridge

3326932Men-at-the-Bar — Aspinall, John BridgeJoseph Foster

Aspinall, John Bridge, Q.C, recorder of Liverpool since 1861, attorney-genl. county palatine of Durham 1872, a commissioner to inquire into election corrupt practices 1880, a student of the Middle Temple 6 Jan., 1838, called to the bar 19 Nov., 1841, Q.C. 6 July, 1864, bencher 23 Nov., 1864, treasurer 1868 (eldest son of Rev. James Aspinall, M.A,, of Liverpool); born 12 Dec, 1818; married 17 Jan., 1843, Bertha Wyatt, dau. of late John Audley Jee, Esq., of Liverpool, and has issue.

64, Queen's Gardens, W.; Goldsmith Buildings, Temple, E.C.